Still, Wait For Me

Chapter 105: Xu Family Fireworks (Part 2)


After the Xu family's first wave of fireworks.

No matter how people in the county town talked about it, the Xu family still drank to their heart's content. Because others might think that this is the climax, but Dad Xu and Xu Tingsheng knew that the surprise and joy that the Xu family would bring to Libei this night was far from that.

Father Xu, Uncle Rong and several other old folks huddled together, drank wine, and recalled the years when they set up a factory together when they were young. There were laughter and tears.

"I said, do you still have that broken hatchet?" Dad Xu asked Uncle Rong while drinking.

"What a broken hatchet, that's a powerful sword." Uncle Rong was drunk, and retorted with a laugh.

"You... can you still afford it? Can you still scare people?" Dad Xu asked.

"Whenever you need it, I can afford it and be scared." Uncle Rong replied.

At this point, Dad Xu fell silent.

This is the friendship of the older generation. The brothers who came from that era worked hard together to start a business, support their families, and fight side by side to have a bite to eat, and shoulder all the difficulties together.

Uncle Rong drank a glass of wine with Dad Xu, tilted his head and said, "Old Xu, I didn't accept you back then, and I still don't accept it now... You, you have a good life and a good son."

Dad Xu laughed and said, "Then why are you dissatisfied? Come, Ting Sheng, come over and toast your Uncle Rong."

In fact, Xu Tingsheng had an excuse to drive this night, so he didn't drink much. But for Uncle Rong's cup, he must respect him. That day, Uncle Rong was wearing rags for work and carrying an old hatchet, but he stood in front of him like a mountain.

He is just the most simple farmer, as he himself said, he can't even speak Mandarin well, but he knows what giri is.

"Uncle Rong, Tingsheng respects you." Xu Tingsheng said.

"Okay, uncle drank this glass of wine to his heart's content." Uncle Rong said.

While Xu Tingsheng was drinking with Uncle Rong, Dad Xu was toasting around, and when he came to Uncle Zhao, Dad Xu said with some emotion: "The child told me about everything, Brother Zhao, thank you, I have caused you to be laughed at." These days... feel ashamed."

Uncle Zhao, who had been called Zhao Fool for several days, also laughed and said, "What is that? Look how good it is now. Don't talk about it, it's all in the wine."

After paying respects to Uncle Rong, Xu Tingsheng took the initiative to find Li Xiu with a cup. Father Xu saw it and came over together. The Xu family father and son toasted the biggest hero of Huanbu together.

However, no matter how good the atmosphere at the scene is, many people in the crowd are still worried. Even though the Xu family has temporarily passed the crisis, their grievances with the Huang family have already been settled. In the days to come, the Xu family may It's going to be tough.

There are many people who hold the same idea, at the scene, in the village, and in Libei County.

"The Xu family's fireworks are set off, are they clearly demonstrating against the Huang family?"

"How courageous. That's the Huang family. No matter how fast the Xu family gets up, no matter how tough they are, they will still suffer."

"I heard that Xu's house has more than a dozen tables, and now there are still two or three tables empty. Do you dare to go?"

"Me?... I won't join in the fun. The Huang family said earlier that the Xu family would not be able to celebrate the New Year, and the Xu family boy said that his father must go home to celebrate the New Year. Now that his father has come out, this drink... It is clear that it is for the New Year. Slapping the Huang family in the face... It's so busy, it's not easy to join in."

In any case, the people who are not optimistic about the Xu family still account for the majority. After all, the Huang family's accumulated prestige for so many years is there.

Some people who had previously gloated at other people's misfortune, although they were a little depressed because of the news of Xu's father, they spared no effort to tell others about the crisis of the Xu family, "The future of the Xu family will not be better."

Such disputes continued until about eleven o'clock, when the wind began to change.

As several military vehicles quietly left Libei in the dark, the news that the day was sealed off began to spread gradually—the Huang's house in Libei was down.

When this shocking news is chewed over and over, accept it. When people were guessing the reason for the sudden fall of the Huang family, they naturally thought of the Xu family who had recently confronted the Huang family.

"Did the Xu family move the Huang family down?"

"There's no reason, the Xu family didn't come to this level, did they?"

"Then tell me, who else could it be if it wasn't the Xu family?"

How did the Xu family do it, and why did they do it? Nobody knows. However, the Huang family, which had dominated Libei for more than ten years, really fell like this.

Another question is, the Xu family was suddenly attacked by the Huang family, and Xu Jianliang has been inside all these days. Even if the Xu family has the power, how did they do it

Some people who had met Xu Tingsheng and knew Xu Tingsheng began to speak: "Don't you know? On the night of the Xu family's accident, the son of the Xu family came back."


"It seems to be called Xu Tingsheng."

"Oh, I've heard of it. It seems that he got the first prize or something. But, didn't he just graduate from high school a year ago? He's still a kid? How old is he?"

"Should be 20 after the Chinese New Year. Brat? You haven't seen the day when Xu's family was pressed for debt by hundreds of people. If you saw it, you would know what that kid was like. He was alone, light and delicate. Hundreds of people live in the venue. Who dares to treat him as a brat?"

"The Xu family, Hu father, Hu son! It seems that Libei is really about to change."

At this moment, the people at the Xu family's family banquet also began to get news. Many people who thought they knew the Xu family well enough began to wonder how much energy the Xu family had hidden that they didn't know.

How did this pair of father and son who were laughing and toasting everywhere do it

Those who had already sat on the table of Xu's family began to rejoice at their own wisdom. Those who originally planned to come but were held back by their own mother-in-law were angry with their mother-in-law, and those who hesitated were angry with themselves.

As for Li Xiu and other members of the Xu family who have always stood firm, they finally knew how wise their original decision was. The Xu family's big boat will go forward bravely, ride the wind and waves, and they are on board.

When the hour hand reached 12 o'clock, the fireworks display in Libei County reached its climax. Countless people opened their windows and walked out of their homes to enjoy the fireworks exploding in the sky.

In the Xu family, there are twice as many fireworks on the grain drying field as before.

"It's ordered." Xu Tingsheng said.

"boom". Half of the sky is shining, and the fireworks all over the city can't suppress the fireworks of the Xu family.

Everyone couldn't help but look sideways, that corner was reflected as bright as day, and the incomparably gorgeous sky seemed to announce to everyone: Libei, the sky has changed, the Xu family has really stood up.

Xu Tingsheng had a hard time convincing Dad Xu about the two grand fireworks that burned money. The purpose of the fireworks is to celebrate, to celebrate Dad Xu's safe return home for the New Year, and to celebrate the strong rise of the Xu family in just half a year.

But the more important purpose is deterrence.

Regarding the fall of the Huang family, Xu Tingsheng did not intend to cover it up. He just wanted to let everyone know that it was done by the Xu family. Stronger, otherwise, don't make the Xu family's idea.

Xu's family needs to focus. Xu's father said a word to Xu Tingsheng after experiencing this incident: Originally, I thought it would be fine not to go to the grasslands. giant.

Xu Tingsheng needs to focus, he has his own plans and goals, and he needs someone to accompany and protect.

Therefore, Xu Tingsheng designed this deterrent, he wanted to suppress possible future troubles in the bud to the greatest extent possible.


People who originally sympathized with the Xu family, or those who were bullied by the Huang family, rejoiced at this scene.

And those who had gloated at other people's misfortune, or offended the Xu family, began to feel depressed and anxious.

In a certain corner of Libei, a woman was thinking: If only I got in the car at that time... how wonderful it would be.

Xu Tingsheng's first trip was Li Xiu's family, and the second trip was Huang Yaming, Fu Cheng, and Song Ni. Obviously both Fu Cheng's family and Huang Yaming's family were closer than Song Ni's, but the two insisted that Xu Tingsheng send Song Ni off first.

Xu Tingsheng thought that they were going to ask him about the Huang family, so he waited obediently after Song Ni got off the car. He had already thought about how to lie about it.

However, they didn't ask, Fu Cheng took out a sack from his bag and said, "Go, put the Huanggui sack on."

So that's what they were thinking.

The Huang family.

The meal that had been prepared at noon on the table remained untouched, and Huang Gui's mother sat slumped on her seat, not moving. The police officers had come several times, and she already knew what happened.

In fact, she always knew that this day would come sooner or later, but she never thought that it would be on such a day.

As for Huang Gui, he hasn't come back since he went out at noon. She knows that he can't count on a son who has been fooling around outside even in his thirties.

Huang Gui received the news very late, because he was afraid of being disturbed by his wife, so he always turned off his mobile phone when playing outside. Therefore, those who followed him had to know about this earlier.

It wasn't until the last person found an excuse to leave that Huang Gui realized that something was wrong. These people who were extremely respectful to him on weekdays suddenly avoided him like a plague god.

Turning on the phone, countless missed calls and text messages let him know what happened to Libei and what happened to the Huang family.

Huang Gui was walking home alone, staggering a little, because he was drunk, but also because of the panic in his heart. For him, the sky suddenly collapsed.

Xu's Audi stopped beside him.

Fu Cheng and Huang Yaming were about to get out of the car with sacks and sticks, but Xu Tingsheng stopped them. "It's unnecessary." Xu Tingsheng said.

"People from the Xu family?" Huang Gui looked at the car, looked at the people, and said, "You guys, what do you want to do?"

Xu Tingsheng rolled down the car window and smiled, "Don't worry, I won't move you. But since we happened to meet, I want to ask you, do you still want to take a good look at me now? Do you want to know how you are not as good as me? "

Huang Gui lowered his head and remained silent.

The Audi car started, and when the car had gone a little further, Huang Gui plucked up the courage to yell, "Xu Tingsheng, I will take revenge, and I will not let you go."

The sound was not loud, but the people in the car still heard it. Huang Yaming and Fu Cheng told Xu Tingsheng to turn around. Xu Tingsheng shook his head and said with a smile:

"Forget it, he's not that material. He's already ruined himself. Not only is he incompetent, but he also has no courage. Without the group of dog legs around him, he doesn't even dare to speak loudly.

It's a pity that there is such a powerful father, but he can't raise a decent son. "

"Fuck, do you still sympathize with him?" Huang Yaming said unwillingly.

"I don't think I can sympathize with him," Xu Tingsheng said. "There are countless people in Libei County who want to trouble him, and people who hate him much more than us. Can he have half of them left?" It's hard to say about life. So, we don't have to bother with that."

"But, I haven't breathed out yet, I'm panicking... Did I prepare this sack for nothing?" Fu Cheng said depressingly.

In the distance, a figure dangled on the sidewalk. Chen Yulun had just finished setting off the fireworks at the flood control dam with his girlfriend, and was accompanied by Mei. Chen Yulun's accumulated depression due to the sudden turn over of Xu's family was relieved a lot, and he was humming a song and walking on the way home.

In the Audi car, the three looked at each other and smiled.

"Or just him, he's idle anyway." Fu Cheng said, "This kid jumped up again recently, telling people about your family everywhere, and even called Song Ni, talking a lot Strange words."

"I warned him through others not to disturb Song Ni, and he even clamored to see if we dare to touch him." Huang Yaming added on the side.

"It doesn't matter if you laugh at me, but because of what he did to Song Ni back then, because he didn't know how to live or die and dared to call Song Ni... Well, let's not make any excuses, in fact, we just saw him Want to beat him up, right?..." Xu Tingsheng said with a smile.

Huang Yaming and Fu Cheng nodded sincerely.

"Then... let's go." Xu Tingsheng said.

The sound of a car braking suddenly sounded behind him. Before Chen Yulun could turn his head, a sack covered his head. Then, it was fists and kicks that covered the face.

On a good New Year's Eve, Chen Yulun, a top student at Jianhai University, got a meal on the street in the middle of the night for no reason.

Now, who can I ask for reasoning

After seeing Huang Yaming and Fu Cheng off, Xu Tingsheng returned home. The adults were already asleep. The cousins and cousins in the lobby were playing cards around the brazier under the leadership of his younger sister Xu Qiuyi to watch the year.

The charcoal fire in the brazier is red and crackling from time to time. The year at this time is far warmer than sending a red envelope on WeChat thousands of miles away in the future.

Keeping the old age is keeping the years, and it is even more happiness.

Xu Tingsheng also decided to keep this age. While sitting on the sidelines watching his younger brothers and sisters play cards, he thought about his life in the past half a year after his rebirth, all the things he had experienced...

Xu family, well,

dear, well,

good friend

… then everything is fine.

What about yourself? What about the expectation in my heart

The phone rang, and Xu Tingsheng picked it up.

"Uncle liar, are you asleep?"

"No, why haven't you slept yet?"

"My cousin and cousin and I are watching the year for grandpa. They are playing mahjong. If I am bored, I will call you. Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year, why don't you call?"

"I've lost all my New Year's money."

"Uh, aren't you amazing?"

"How do you know I'm good? I just learned it."

"Oh, I was just guessing."

"Actually, I'm still very good. It's just that I didn't do well in the final exam. The lucky money is just a little bit, so I won't lose."

"Did you fail the exam?"

"Uncle, why are you so excited? I'm so pitiful. My mother said that I must find a tutor for me next semester."


"Uncle liar, why do you seem to be smiling?"

"Ah... no."

Keeping the old age is keeping the years, and it is even more happiness.

Happiness turned out to be so simple, after Xu Tingsheng answered the phone, he felt very happy.