Still, Wait For Me

Chapter 116: Don't get used to thinking nicely


Fu Cheng said: "Xu Tingsheng, I want to go back to Libei, I'm going to kill people."

Xu Tingsheng said, "Okay, I'll accompany you."

Among the four of them, Song Ni stayed in Jiannan City, and Xu Tingsheng arranged for her to stay in a hotel outside the hospital. In this way, on the one hand, it is convenient to know Fang Yunyao's condition at any time, and on the other hand, it can also help Fang Yunyao's parents when they need it.

Fu Cheng, Huang Yaming, and Xu Tingsheng drove back to Libei overnight.

The car was speeding in the night, and the car was silent all the way. Some people don't want to speak, and some people want to speak but don't know what to say.

Xu Tingsheng focused on driving the car. Of course, he couldn't really ask Fu Cheng to kill people. Unless he was in a desperate situation, Xu Tingsheng would never touch the law's warning line, and he would not solve the problem in such an extreme way.

Unless there are special circumstances, it is always the most incompetent and ignorant to kill people and fight for their lives when things happen.

But at that time, Xu Tingsheng did not deny or persuade Fu Cheng. Because under the circumstances at that time, after seeing Fang Yunyao who was unconscious on the hospital bed, Fu Cheng's emotions were almost out of control, and Xu Tingsheng knew that nothing he said would be of any use.

But in the actual situation, Fu Cheng was not at the point of rushing forward with a knife, so there was no need for Xu Tingsheng to force him to be rational and calm in that situation.

Reasonable things, sometimes not necessarily reasonable.

When many people "persuade" or say "persuade" others, they always make a mistake. They feel that they have to give the other party the most calm and rational analysis, and that as long as they say the right truth, the other party should listen to it. Then accept it, do it... they completely ignore the state the other person is in at the time.

In fact, sometimes, when people are in certain emotions, they can't listen to anything, no matter how correct your reasoning is.

This is like someone who has just experienced the pain of losing his wife, and his relatives and aunts come to persuade him, saying that the child is still young, and you have to find another mother for the child. Makes sense, right? right. But saying this at this time is fucking sick.

Give the person in pain time and space.

When the car arrived in Libei, Xu Tingsheng didn't let Fu Cheng and Huang Yaming go home, he parked the car at the intersection into the city, and gave them a cigarette each.

After finishing one cigarette, Xu Tingsheng gave out two more.

Then, he asked Fu Cheng: "Can you calm down a little? If possible, let's do something."

"What can we do?" Fu Cheng said. After the three-hour drive, Fu Cheng's mood was slightly calmer than before.

"There are a lot of things that can be done, such as asking the people inside the police to find out what they currently know, such as seeing if they can collect the alibi of Zhang Junming's mother, for example... Although it was class time and Teacher Fang went through the back door of the school, but With so many people in a school, there may not be no witnesses at the scene."

Speaking of this, Xu Tingsheng kind of missed the era after the establishment of the "Skynet Surveillance System". If the incident happened ten years later and there were video surveillance all over the city, things would not have such twists and turns.

"Isn't this what the police should be doing?" Huang Yaming said.

"Then let's go and see if they are doing it and how they are doing," Xu Tingsheng said, "Compared with Zhang Junming's background and Mr. Fang, in Libei, who is more likely to be favored?"

"Zhang Junming is from Libei and works in an institution. His classmates, relatives, friends, and colleagues are definitely not comparable to Mr. Fang, a young teacher from other places. You mean, there may be tricks in it?" Huang Yaming said .

"There shouldn't be a big problem, otherwise the Zhang family wouldn't have asked his mother to turn herself in, but... we can't rule out that someone will just push the boat along and neglect further investigation." Xu Tingsheng said.

"Then what should we do?" Fu Cheng asked anxiously, "I want him to die."

Xu Tingsheng threw the cigarette butt out of the window, and said in a deep voice, "So let's find out the situation first, if it's really like that. Then... let's change the background contrast and make the matter into Zhang Junming, my family and you Family confrontation... In Libei, I don't think there are many people who can withstand the pressure from our two families."

After the fall of the Huang family, Libei's officialdom is undergoing a major reshuffle. Many of the new positions are people who were at odds with the Huang family or who were suppressed. Most of these people have a good impression of the Xu family. The energy shown by the Xu family in the process of moving the Huang family down, coupled with Xu's father's deliberate management, the Xu family today is no longer comparable to what it used to be.

As for Fu Cheng, Dad Fu is the deputy director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. If he is willing to move, he will definitely have a lot of resources in his hands.

This kind of thinking logic was learned by Xu Tingsheng during his association with Fang Yuqing. After the Xu family's matter was resolved years ago, Xu Tingsheng had an open and honest conversation with Fang Yuqing.

At that time, Fang Yuqing, who had already understood the whole process of the matter, said directly to Xu Tingsheng: "Your way of thinking is wrong."

What's wrong? Fang Yuqing explained that after Xu Tingsheng suffered setbacks in the Huang family, he should try to expand the conflict. Even if he used some tricks, he should try to transform the conflict between the Xu family and the Huang family into the Huang family and the Fang family, at least to reconcile with each other. Because of the contradictions of those people from the Fang family who came forward to say hello. It caused them to go all out to deal with the Huang family.

"Even if you cheat me, you should do it. What's more, you can tell me the truth, we will cheat others together, including my old man." Fang Yuqing also said such a sentence at the time.

"Tricking you?" Xu Tingsheng asked back then.

"Yes, cheat me, make me angry at that Huang family, and then I will try to provoke the anger of those who helped to say hello. You know, this matter will not really cause me much question."

"I can not do it."

"Then you learn. Remember, you can be a good person and an honest person, but don't get used to the way of thinking of a good person and an honest person, especially don't get used to the way of thinking of a weak person. Sometimes, evil people need more evil people to grind them, When dealing with villains, when you can use tricks, don't follow the rules, when you can use power to suppress people, then use power to suppress people."

This conversation touched Xu Tingsheng a lot. Fang Yuqing said, remember, you can be a good person and an honest person, but you must not get used to the way of thinking of a good or honest person, especially the way of thinking of a weak person.

In his previous life, Xu Tingsheng was largely a good person, an honest person, at least an ordinary person with no evil intentions. Compared with many people, he should be regarded as a weak person.

Therefore, Xu Tingsheng got used to that way of thinking. For example, after he suffered setbacks at Huang's family, he felt that he could no longer embarrass Fang Yuqing, so he called Fang Yuqing and told him that the matter had been resolved.

The power that could have pushed the matter to a final solution was voluntarily given up by him.

This way of thinking can make a person kind and sincere, but it can also make people incompetent at certain times. Especially when facing evil people, this way of thinking will only make you restrained everywhere, and you will suffer a crushing defeat.

Xu Tingsheng didn't want himself to change too much, but what he had to deal with now was a person like Zhang Junming, a person who could do such a cruel thing to Fang Yunyao for no reason, and a person who could let his mother take the blame for him.

Xu Tingsheng felt that he really should change his way of thinking. If the matter can be resolved in the most fair and reasonable way, then of course it would be the best. If not, then use force to overwhelm others.

Sometimes, fair and reasonable results actually need to be obtained through unfair and unreasonable processes. this is the truth.

Fu Cheng thought about Xu Tingsheng's words for a while, and said, "Then I have to find a way to find Zhang Junming first."

Xu Tingsheng understood what he meant. So Xu Tingsheng said, "Okay."