Still, Wait For Me

Chapter 119: Fu Cheng's kneeling figure


Zhang Junming was forced to leave the hospital and enter the detention center before his injuries were fully healed.

On Xu Tingsheng's side, he never received the expected phone call. He was sitting in the office of the vice principal Lou, waiting, and soon, the second class in the morning would be over.

Next, it's time for exercises between classes.

Xu Tingsheng once boarded the command platform of Libei Middle School during the exercise time between classes, and was criticized and educated as a negative example. Soon, he will stand up for the second time.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the students of the three grades, as well as the teacher, lined up on the playground.

After the flag-raising ceremony, the school leader who was on duty last week did not appear on the command platform as scheduled, but another person came up. Most of the people at the scene knew this person.

His name is Xu Tingsheng. He is a legend of Libei Middle School.

"My name is Xu Tingsheng. I'm your senior. I'm here today to ask you something." Xu Tingsheng bowed to the audience.

Everyone knew what he was talking about. Many days ago, he had posted notices on bulletin boards all over the school and left his mobile phone number. Many people are willing to help him, but they can't help.

So people in the crowd began to shout:

"Whoever saw it, stand up!"

"What are you afraid of? Can I have a sense of justice?"


Xu Tingsheng waited for a while, then continued:

"Perhaps you all know what I'm about to talk about. I also know that some of you must have witnessed that scene.

What happened was Teacher Fang, who was my history teacher for three years. Maybe she didn't teach most of you directly, but she is also your teacher!

What kind of person she is, I think as her students, we should all be very clear, no matter how the rumors slander her, we all know her simplicity, kindness and hard work.

She is still lying on the hospital bed, unconscious, maybe you can imagine, our Teacher Fang, she is struggling painfully in the endless darkness at this time.

And the person who hurt her is still at large because of lack of evidence. "

There were even louder discussions under the commander's platform, especially the students in Fang Yunyao's classes, many of whom cried to tears, including Xu Tingsheng's younger sister, Xu Qiuyi.

Xu Qiuyi knew Fang Yunyao before he entered school. That day Fang Yunyao got drunk at Xu's house and slept with Xu Qiuyi. Later, Fang Yunyao became Xu Qiuyi's teacher, and the two got along with each other for a long time, and their relationship was deep.

She and the classmates around her cried into a ball.

However, that person still did not stand up.

"Help us, help Teacher Fang." Xu Tingsheng said, "I don't know why you refuse to stand up. Maybe many of us are used to being indifferent and being indifferent. understand."

Xu Tingsheng has experienced the era when the old man fell to the ground and no one dared to help him, and he knows that this society is missing some things, such as being brave and righteous, such as morality.

Feeling helpless, Xu Tingsheng continued:

"It's also possible that you are a person who is used to working quietly and silently. The case involving human life is too big, which makes you afraid, afraid, and dare not get involved in it. I can understand it too.

Let me give you a guarantee, okay? I guarantee that your information will not be exposed and you will not be harmed in any way. Maybe you will think why I say this, believe me, I really can. I am Xu Tingsheng from the Xu family.

Help me, you can call me privately after today... From then on, you are Xu Tingsheng's friend and the Xu family's friend. "

In Libei, Xu Tingsheng is qualified to speak like this. He is usually not used to showing off like this, but now, in order for that person to stand up with peace of mind, he has to speak like this and show off.

Xu Tingsheng didn't know how to continue. He was good at speech and expression, but in this matter, he could not say much.

Another figure walked towards the command platform.

It was Fu Cheng, who had been in the detention center for so many days, and now he was disheveled and listless.

"Zhang Junming didn't dare to continue biting me. My dad bailed me out temporarily. But he still has to stay and cooperate with the investigation." Fu Cheng walked to Xu Tingsheng's side and continued, "Give me the microphone, and I'll talk about it."

Fu Cheng picked up the microphone, and many people under the commander's platform recognized him.

This time, the whispers were much quieter, but the opinions were much more complicated, because to be exact, the relationship between Xu Tingsheng and Fang Yunyao's incident was actually far less important than that of Fu Cheng.

Recently, in Libei Middle School, and even throughout Libei, there was a rumor circulating about Fu Cheng and Fang Yunyao.

According to the rumors, the relationship between Fu Cheng and Fang Yunyao was described as very unbearable. The relationship between teachers and students is unethical. Fang Yunyao clings to the powerful and has a relationship with her own students. Zhang Junming...

Rumors are so terrible that many people can hardly tell the truth from the fake. At this moment, the actor of the rumors stood on the commanding platform.

Fu Cheng picked up the microphone and said the first sentence: "I am Fu Cheng. Three years ago, I came to Libei Middle School to study in the first year of high school. Since then, I have fallen in love with my teacher. Her name is Fang Yunyao."

To everyone's surprise, Fu Cheng admitted his feelings for Fang Yunyao so frankly, without even covering it up.

There was a huge noise from the command platform, mixed voices, exclamations, and even booing... There had never been such a thing, a student stood on the command platform and said that he fell in love with his teacher.

The leaders of the Political and Educational Department looked a little ugly, and wanted to step forward to stop Fu Cheng from continuing, but was stopped by Vice Principal Lou. "Let him go on talking," Vice Principal Lou said.

Fu Cheng continued: "She is a teacher and I am a student, I know that such a relationship is unrealistic.

So, for three years, I just listened to her lectures quietly, and I didn't even say a word to her except for being asked by her, or I met on the road and said hello.

Until the night of graduation, I got drunk and uttered the words that had been hidden in my heart for three years, and she regarded them as drunken words spoken by an ignorant child.

Later, it was the ball game, some classmates and teachers may have watched it, that day... "

Fu Cheng talked about that game, and many people thought of that day. On that day, the man on the podium scored a goal. On that day, Fu Cheng yelled and confessed frantically under the stands, which touched many people, but no one I know who he is confessing to.

That was the last unsolved case that Fu Cheng left to Libei Middle School.

Now the mystery is revealed. The person the boy fell in love with was his teacher. Precisely because of this, he didn't dare and couldn't speak out directly, he could only shout his confession in front of the entire stands.

Then someone remembered that Fang Yunyao was indeed sitting in that corner of the stand at that time. It's just that at that time, she was not included in the countless guesses about the heroine, and no one dared to think about her.

Now, Fu Cheng took the initiative to admit it.

What about gossip? Are the rumors true? This is a question many people ask.

"I know there are a lot of rumors about me and Teacher Fang." Fu Cheng continued, "Let me tell you..."

Fu Cheng explained the events from the night of graduation, one by one, in detail.

When it came to secretly photographing Zhang Junming, Fu Cheng took out the photos of Zhang Junming beating his mother and scattered them down the stage.

"When I did that, I really just hoped that Teacher Fang would marry a good man. And this man, you have seen it, how could I stand by and watch her jump into the fire pit?"

Fu Cheng talked about the time he and Zhang Junming fought downstairs in the teaching staff dormitory, and also talked about the night he spent in the corridor of the teaching staff dormitory.

"This is the rumored beating and sleeping in the faculty dormitory. At that time, I just wanted to protect Teacher Fang."

He continued to talk, even the last sentence Fang Yunyao gave him: "Come tell me after you graduate from senior year." He didn't even hide it.

There was some silence.

"I got an agreement about time. Maybe in the future, I will have a real chance to confess. This is all between us. For me, this is enough to make me feel extremely lucky and happy.

But now, she is lying on the hospital bed... I regret it, I know I was wrong, I shouldn't fall in love with her.

No, I can't help falling in love with her. It's just that I shouldn't say it, and I shouldn't disturb her life. Because she is a teacher and I am a student, this is destined not to be recognized. All I have brought her is harm.

Just like the rumors you've heard.

If I could do it all over again, I would definitely not open my mouth to say those words again, and I would not bother her again. If I could choose again, I would definitely choose to leave silently after three years of silence. "

Having said that, Fu Cheng was silent, then suddenly fell to his knees, his knees hitting the ground straight.

"Now, please, help me."

Fu Cheng knelt there and stopped talking. There was a lot of discussion in the audience, he knelt there, the class bell rang, he knelt there...

Unless you are filial, or courteous, or grateful... Kneeling represents a man's submission, it is weak, it is incompetent... But Fu Cheng's kneeling figure is a man's unwavering responsibility.

Yes, at this moment, he who chose to kneel on the ground is no longer a boy, but a man.

Maybe ten minutes, maybe longer.

"Fuck, fuck you, I really can't stand you... We saw it, let's go, I will testify for you."