Still, Wait For Me

Chapter 15: Use one to change your years and stay forever


From April 14th to April 16th, Xu Tingsheng took 3 days off.

It is actually very easy to ask for leave during this special period. You just need to go to the infirmary, cover your forehead and say that you are a little dizzy. The school doctor will immediately step out for more than ten meters, and then ask you to take a thermometer to measure your temperature.

Of course, you can't really have a fever, so let alone asking for leave, you will be locked up first.

"It's not burned." Xu Tingsheng said.

The school doctor breathed a sigh of relief.

"But I feel like I'm going to burn." Xu Tingsheng said.

Then the school doctor "takes and asks for anything", and she doesn't care if you have a fever or not, as long as you don't have a fever at school.

On April 15th, Xu Tingsheng certainly did not remember it wrongly.

But will there be some deviation in this world because this butterfly flaps its wings

Xu Tingsheng couldn't be sure, so he decided to wait a few more days.

On April 14th, Xu Tingsheng followed Dad Xu for a whole day, and he went wherever Dad Xu went. Of course, Dad was never allowed to approach the mountain. In his previous life, Dad Xu had an accident on the mountain.

Xu's father was frightened by being followed.

Xu Tingsheng could only say that he had a nightmare, dreaming that his father had an accident, so he was very worried.

It's a pity that Dad Xu doesn't believe this.

On April 15th, Xu Tingsheng pretended to be sick. He pretended to be sick for a whole day, not even daring to blink. Xu's father stayed by his side for a whole day, holding Xu Tingsheng's hand and massaging his mouth and palm.

Perhaps, everyone's memory has such a pair of rough but warm and powerful hands, which help you toddler, support you to grow, and support you to fly.

Xu Tingsheng lost these hands before, this time, he must not let the nightmare happen again.

From early morning to late at night, Xu Tingsheng watched the pointer on the wall clock skip the last frame. April 15 passed safely without any accidents, and Xu Ting let out a sigh of relief.

This day, which once made it extremely painful, is finally normal.

April 16, the last day that Xu Tingsheng decided to be guarded all the time. He didn't intend to continue to pretend to be sick, but he was really sick. His whole body was covered in cold sweat, his skin felt like static electricity over and over again, and his abdominal pain was unbearable. .

In addition to the day when he pretended to be sick, this is the second day. He was sick and bedridden for two consecutive days. Dad Xu panicked and said over and over again that he would send Xu Tingsheng to the hospital, but Xu Ting refused to get up for life and death, even if Dad Xu Pick him up, and he will struggle to lie back down.

"Get through this day, just get through this day." Xu Tingsheng thought.

Xu Tingsheng couldn't eat enough for lunch, so Xu's mother set up a steamer to cook the noodles, Xu Tingsheng reluctantly ate a little.

Perhaps because his body was too tired, and his nerves were too tense these days, after lunch, Xu Tingsheng somehow fell asleep.

When he woke up, Xu's father was no longer there, and Xu's mother was by his side.

"Mom, where's my dad?" Xu Tingsheng asked anxiously with tears in his voice.

Xu's mother was taken aback by her son's big reaction: "Your father said to get you some herbs. Your Xu family is not an 'ancestral' stone. Your father is afraid that you have the same problem. Go to the mountain to gather some money grass. .”

on the hill.

The two words sounded muffled in his mind like a thunderbolt, the chill rushed from his tailbone to the top of his head, and Xu Tingsheng's whole body felt cold.

Xu Tingsheng got up from the bed in a panic.

"Which mountain, which mountain did Dad go to?"

"It's over there." Xu Ma pointed in a direction, "Tingsheng, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Tingsheng didn't bother to answer, and rushed out of the door desperately, because - it was that mountain.

"Oh, what's going on? It's raining outside." Mother Xu shouted from behind.

The sky was dark, the rain was pouring, and the small hills full of red soil were overturned by the development of orange groves in the early years, making them extremely muddy.

Xu Tingsheng ran wildly in the rain, shouted and howled.

"Dad, I'm Tingsheng, where are you?"

"Dad, Xu Jianliang, where are you?"

"Come out!"

Because of fear and eagerness, the body burst out with the last energy.

But the feeling of weakness began to hit Xu Tingsheng's nerves continuously, and his eyes turned black in bursts.

He persisted, kept running, shouting, covered in mud.

Finally, on a slope in the distance, the figure of Father Xu stood up and waved his hand.

"Tingsheng, why did you escape?"

Xu Tingsheng desperately rushed in the direction where Dad Xu was, put his hands around his mouth, and shouted with the last of his strength: "Dad, come back quickly, come back quickly!"

Suddenly his eyes went dark, Xu Tingsheng's legs became weak, he staggered a few steps and fell to the ground, his body rolled down the slope.

Xu Tingsheng was in a coma, and painful memories from his previous life flooded in like waves.

In the previous life, before Father Xu's accident, the father and son were in a cold war. The reason for the cold war has been forgotten. Xu Tingsheng only remembered that the cold war lasted for a long time.

On the weekend before the accident, Xu Tingsheng suddenly felt moved and made a cup of tea for Xu's father who was working in the field, and asked Xu's mother to bring it to Xu's father.

Xu's mother later said that Xu's father was very happy that day, drinking that cup of tea was like drinking Moutai, full of satisfaction and smiles.

Unfortunately, that was the last cup of tea that Xu Tingsheng brewed for Xu's father.

On the day of the accident, Xu Tingsheng was studying at night when a cousin who lived in the county suddenly appeared at the door of the classroom, and then she brought Xu Tingsheng into the car.

It wasn't until the moment before she returned home that she told Xu Tingsheng that something happened to Xu's father.

Xu Tingsheng didn't even see Dad Xu for the last time.

That day Xu Tingsheng didn't cry hysterically, he just sat quietly all night.

He thought of his father teaching him to swim when he was a child, the sun shining on the water, and the laughter of father and son.

He remembered playing with mud in his father's brick and tile factory when he was a child, and the big tank that Xu's father made for him.

He remembered that when his grades were very good, his parents always competed to go to the parent-teacher meeting, smiling proudly. Later, he began to degenerate, and his grades continued to decline. Xu's father still went every time, facing the teacher's criticism and sarcasm. , firmly believe in their children.

Xu Tingsheng woke up in a burst of warmth, it was the warmth from his father.

Dad Xu ran in the rain with Xu Tingsheng on his back.

Xu Tingsheng raised his hand and patted his cheek. He was afraid that this was a dream. In fact, since he was reborn, he had always had this fear, that it was just a dream.

It hurts, not a dream.

Father Xu is safe and sound.

Fate was finally rewritten.

"Dad." Xu Tingsheng called softly.

Dad Xu's eyes were red, and he seemed to want to get angry, but looking at the frail Xu Tingsheng, he still couldn't bear it.

"Are you awake? Why did you run out, really..." Dad Xu blamed softly.

Xu Tingsheng wiped away his tears: "I told you about my nightmare, why didn't you listen?"

Dad Xu was so angry that he was a little speechless: "You talk about you, it's just a dream..."

"This dream let me know how good a father I am, let me know how much I miss you, and let me start to be sensible, Dad, I would like to use one thing to change you for a long time."

Long stay is not a colloquial expression. What Xu Tingsheng used in his last sentence was actually a line of lyrics from "Father" by Chopstick Brothers. This song will not be released until 2012. In the past, it made Xu Tingsheng burst into tears countless times .

"How much I want to be the same as before, holding your warm palm, but you are not by my side."

"Dad who will be strong in his life, thank you for everything you do. You support our family with both hands. You always do everything you can to give me the best."

"Am I your pride, are you still worried about me?"

"I would like to exchange your life with me for a long time."

Dad Xu is actually not very used to this kind of expression. The concept of their generation and their identity as a farmer make them more accustomed to hiding their emotions in their hearts and expressing them with silent love.

But this time Xu's father listened to him, he raised a hand and patted Xu Tingsheng's back: "Dad knows, don't worry."

Xu Tingsheng smiled: "Dad, please let me down, I can walk by myself now, and my stomach doesn't even hurt after I fall."

Dad Xu turned his head and smiled: "Dad is not old yet, so he can recite you."

The father and son met Xu Ma who was holding an umbrella on the way, and they were scolded.

After taking a hot bath at home, Xu Tingsheng felt that apart from being weak and tired, his body actually improved a lot. After Xu's father and Xu's mother asked carefully, they finally felt relieved.

Xu's father and Xu's mother were a little surprised by Xu Tingsheng's reaction and change because of a nightmare, but relatively speaking, they were more touched. Moreover, they also realized that his son seemed to have grown up suddenly. Yes, sensible.

Therefore, when Xu Tingsheng asked Dad Xu to promise not to go up that mountain again, Dad Xu also seriously agreed.

Mother Xu is relatively superstitious, so she naturally agrees more.