Still, Wait For Me

Chapter 19: Fu Cheng's secret


Teacher Fang then praised several people, one of them was Fu Cheng, whose historical achievements had improved a lot.

"Student Fu Cheng has improved a lot in his overall grades this time, keep working hard." Teacher Fang looked at Fu Cheng, raised his tightly clenched fists, and smiled.

Fu Cheng pursed his lips and smiled, then nodded vigorously.

On the surface, Fu Cheng's behavior was the same as other students who were praised, pretending to smile calmly, trying to pretend to be indifferent while being happy, only Xu Tingsheng knew how important and beautiful this praise was to him.

At this moment, his heart is probably already running around in the sky.

"Maybe... there will be a 'reaction' immediately." Xu Tingsheng thought wretchedly.

The person Fu Cheng likes is Teacher Fang, Fang Yunyao.

In fact, most men have had a crush on a certain female teacher of theirs when they were students. For example, in this class now, there are no less than 12 boys who have liked Teacher Fang.

The total number of boys in Class 10 is 12.

That is to say, Xu Tingsheng also liked Teacher Fang to some extent. The reason why he chose to become a history teacher instead of other subjects in his previous life was greatly influenced by this affection.

In Fang Yunyao, there is an attractiveness that these high school girls around her don't have.

The flood of hormones during puberty makes it impossible for boys to resist such a woman. She is beautiful and elegant, gentle and friendly, but more importantly, she is still young and at the same time more mature than these little girls around her. This kind of maturity is like The extra cherry on the cake is bright red and full, crystal clear, eye-catching, longing, and greedy.

This is a kind of liking that is more illusory than real, and it more often appears in the "fantasy" and "dream" of boys.

Fang Yunyao sometimes behaves more like a little girl than a teacher in front of students, for example, she occasionally tells students about her grievances and acts like a baby.

Every time this happens, the boys will feel like they are collectively possessed, and the whole dormitory can't sleep.

But Fu Cheng's feeling is different from other boys, it has been hidden for a long time, lasted longer, and is more real.

When Huang Yaming and Xu Tingsheng had already started dating or were about to start dating, Fu Cheng didn't act like an adolescent boy at all. He had a good relationship with many girls, but he didn't seem to have the slightest thought of that, no matter how beautiful and delicate he was. Girls, no matter how hot the girls are, he is not interested.

In the previous life, Huang Yaming and Xu Tingsheng once suggested that he go for a physical examination to see if he had not developed normally. They didn't realize until a long time later that this kid was hiding so deeply and had such a big appetite.

If Xu Tingsheng didn't expose it, according to the development of the previous life, the two of them would not know Fu Cheng's secret until two years after graduating from high school.

On the day Teacher Fang got married, Fu Cheng, Huang Yaming, and Xu Tingsheng met in a city far away from Libei County to drink. At first he was fine, he looked normal, except that drinking was much more refreshing.

After getting drunk, Fu Cheng started to cry, and then said the shocking words: "Today, the woman I love the most in my life got married."

You know, he was the only boy in Class 10 who never said he liked Teacher Fang in high school, and he never even participated in the discussions between the boys and Teacher Fang.

Only then did Xu Tingsheng and Huang Yaming know that Fu Cheng had always liked Teacher Fang, and it was a deep and dreamy love.

Many boys like female teachers because of admiration or adolescent fantasies. Having a crush on female teachers does not prevent them from chasing girls around them and falling in love, but Fu Cheng is different. What he has always thought about is that if Teacher Fang graduates from university Before he got married, he went to confess.

He didn't wait until that day, Teacher Fang got married when she was 28 years old. 28 years old, it's actually very late, isn't it? Another story of "the king was born and I was not born".

"Why didn't you tell us all the time? It's like no one liked Teacher Fang back then." Huang Yaming asked him at that time.

"No, I'm different from you guys. I like me so much that I feel that saying it is a kind of blasphemy." Fu Cheng replied.

"You guys like Teacher Fang, has anyone seriously thought about it, has anyone really thought about marrying her one day?... No, right?... I have thought about it, I have always thought about it, I think about it every day, but I can't help it..." Fu Cheng was so drunk Yes, whispered while lying on the table.

The story of the previous life did not actually come to an end, because Teacher Fang's marriage was not the end.

Teacher Fang divorced after 4 years of marriage due to unbearable domestic violence, and left with his two-year-old daughter. Fu Cheng rekindled hope and resolutely quit his job to go to the city where Teacher Fang was located.

But his final confession was still rejected. Teacher Fang said that she would never accept Fu Cheng.

Fu Cheng just stood there so shamelessly, doing everything he could for Teacher Fang, and Teacher Fang never remarried. During the period, Fu Cheng's parents came to the door several times, saying that Mr. Fang shamelessly seduced their son. As a result, Fu Cheng's relationship with the family became tense, and Mr. Fang also alienated him repeatedly.

In the previous life, this matter was still unresolved until Xu Ting had an accident.

"What would happen if you instigated Fu Cheng to confess his love earlier?"

Xu Tingsheng has considered this issue, but it is obvious that this is not a feasible solution at present, and it is meaningless.

"Then is there any way to prevent Teacher Fang from marrying that domestic violence man, that man who looks gentle and elegant on the surface, but is actually dark and terrifying?"

This is another question that makes Xu Tingsheng very powerless.

126 points in Chinese and 138 points in English, and they are the first in the two classes, and the top three in the year.

The people in class 10 are almost numb.

If the unthinkable happens again and again, it's like when you meet your 100th alien on the street one day and you say to yourself, "Wow, another alien." And you walk over.

Of course, there is another theory, which is the possibility of Xu Tingsheng cheating.

Not to mention other things, Xu Tingsheng's English score is completely illogical and unreasonable. One must know that his English score in the last monthly test was only 57 points.

There are obviously not one or two people who have such doubts. From students to some teachers, many people are thinking about this issue, but so far no one has said it.

During the time of extracurricular activities, the activities of senior three students are basically self-study, and Xu Tingsheng is no exception. There is still a gap between oral English ability and actual problem-solving ability. Read the accumulation to solve it.

Xu Tingsheng borrowed a typo-prone word excerpt book from a classmate, and read them one by one. Once he found a pronunciation or word meaning that violated his inherent habits, he wrote it down in his notebook for review.

The teachers are also sticking to it, ready to answer questions and counsel students who are about to take the college entrance examination.

In the big office of the high school liberal arts teacher, Lao Zhou was sitting by the window, and the setting sun came in through the window, warming his face. Lao Zhou narrowed his eyes slightly, took a sip of tea, and hummed Peking Opera in a low voice:

"I was looking at the mountain scenery from the tower, and I heard the commotion outside the city, and the flags were flying, but it turned out that it was the soldiers sent by Sima..."

"Ms. Zhou is in a good mood." Mr. Zhang, the deputy director of politics and education who is also teaching in the third grade of high school, walked to Lao Zhou and said.

Lao Zhou raised his eyelids and said with a smile, "What's the matter with the director?"

Deputy Director Zhang found a stool by himself and sat down: "It's okay, it's okay... Class 10 did very well in the exam this time, especially those students who were not as good as before..."

Lao Zhou didn't answer.

Deputy Director Zhang had no choice but to continue: "If you want to talk about understanding these students, you must be Mr. Zhou who knows the bottom line as the head teacher. I don't know how Mr. Zhou thinks about their results this time?..."

Lao Zhou was still like an old monk in meditation, and he didn't answer. He had already guessed the reason for Director Zhang's visit.

Deputy Director Zhang paused for a while, and said a little angrily: "You see, I also teach history. I read the history test paper of Xu Tingsheng in your class carefully. The accuracy of the test is really scary, I don't think I may be able to do this on the test paper, so... "

Old Zhou exhaled through his nose: "What does the director mean?"

"Mr. Zhou, do you think Xu Tingsheng might have cheated?"

"Oh, who did he copy?"

Lao Zhou's rhetorical question is so lethal that it can almost wipe out all doubts. Xu Tingsheng's literary comprehensive is the first in Jiannan City, and the second student of Libei Middle School is nearly 30 points behind him. You Zhang The deputy director also said just now that you may not even be able to do this on the paper. If so, whose paper did he copy

Deputy Director Zhang struggled for a while, and said hesitantly: "I was wondering, is it possible for these three students to steal... and get the papers in advance?"

Old Zhou stood up: "If the director wants to say that, I'll call Xu Tingsheng and the others over, and the director will ask himself... However, I hope that the director can produce relevant evidence later, otherwise the college entrance examination will be held soon in such a situation." I think it is a bit inappropriate to discourage students' enthusiasm for progress and hard work."

"Old Zhou, look at you, I just ask you first..."

Just as Deputy Director Zhang was about to explain, old Zhou Zhouxueyin had already walked out of the office quickly. Since the total score of the model came out this time, this kind of discussion and questioning has never stopped. Lao Zhou, who has always been good-tempered, will Son finally got a little angry.

But there was something else that pissed him off even more.

The classroom of Class 10 is right next to the teacher's office. Lao Zhou turned around here, and just as he was about to enter the classroom there, he found a person standing on the podium.

Zhang Xiuyun, the head teacher of class 7, is not the teacher of class 10, but at this time she suddenly appeared on the podium of class 10, and said to the students of class 10 in a classroom full of students under the podium:

"Students in Class 10, are you enjoying copying?"