Still, Wait For Me

Chapter 25: The style of that brick


Xu Tingsheng used the three classes of evening self-study to sort out the ideas and methods of "self-directed learning" in his impression, and made several examples, including the outline method, question guidance method, etc., each with its own template.

Then he pulled Fu Cheng and sent it to Teacher Fang.

At night, someone in the dormitory continued to read with a flashlight on, and someone talked in a low voice. Xu Tingsheng seldom participates in this kind of lying talk now, and every day, he will set aside this little time to miss and look forward to.

It has been a month since I saw Xiang Ning last time, I don't know if she received the package, I don't know if she is happy recently, I don't know... This is a very empty and boring imagination, but Xu Tingsheng never tires of it. However, the power of imagination is limited after all. Apart from memories, except for the impression imprinted in his mind in just a few minutes at the school gate, he wants more, even if he can't be too involved in Xiang Ning's life and growth, at least, he hopes You can silently guard from the side, just watch her.

During the morning reading the next day, Lao Zhou panicked and went to the classroom to report the news that a suspected SARS patient had escaped from the isolation ward.

This time, no matter from the perspective of the government or the school, they did not choose to hide it, because panic is inevitable, and the problems caused by rumors may be far greater than the facts themselves. In addition, they also need to consider, if the suspected patient is really sick No one can bear such a big responsibility if the people came into contact with SARS without knowing it and caused the epidemic to spread on a large scale.

The whole school began to panic, and some students and teachers who hadn't come to the school even called to refuse to return to school.

To use an inappropriate analogy, this is like zombies wandering around the streets out of cages, who is not afraid of becoming a zombie if they get bitten

Only Xu Tingsheng didn't feel anything, because only he could be sure that that person didn't actually suffer from SARS.

The school gates are closed, the atmosphere is oppressive, and the students' emotions begin to become overly sensitive. Even a meal can cause several conflicts.

It was under such circumstances that Bao Ming and his group arrived at the gate of Class 10, Senior Three. They were already too depressed, so they couldn't bear the feeling of being pinned down any longer.

Xu Tingsheng, Fu Cheng, and Huang Yaming went to meet them at the door.

"If I say now that we have deleted everything, will you believe me? I can check the phone for you." Fu Cheng said.

Bao Ming and his group hesitated for a while, and one of them said, "Who knows how many copies you have backed up elsewhere?"

"So, so there is no way to solve this matter, because no matter what we say, you won't believe it." Fu Cheng said, "If you just want to fight, then it's fine, but if you want to solve the problem, I don't see any way."

Xu Tingsheng looked at Bao Ming's group who were struggling and entangled, stepped forward and put his arm around Bao Ming's shoulders and pulled him aside, and said in a whispering motion and in a voice that was much louder than whispering: "At least I can tell One thing about you, none of those pictures have your face in it."

Bao Ming raised his head excitedly: "Are you serious?"

Xu Tingsheng nodded: "I don't need to lie to you about this, because I can sue you at the same time, and your brothers have basically been photographed clearly, that is to say, telling you this still can't solve the problem, I don't need to lie to you... for your Think about it guys."

Bao Ming and his group began to look different.

When the class bell rang, Xu Tingsheng, Fu Cheng, and Huang Yaming returned to the classroom together.

Huang Yaming asked Xu Tingsheng: "Why did you say that suddenly just now?"

Xu Tingsheng said cunningly: "Let me put it this way, what I just did can be summed up as 'on how to dismantle a gang'. Bao Ming and his gang will basically be dismantled in the future."

Huang Yaming and Fu Cheng murmured for a while, and soon figured it out.

Because the matter itself is actually very simple, Xu Tingsheng's words are first of all ambiguous but naturally re-emphasized that he has a photo in his hand, and he told Bao Ming that his face was not clearly captured in the photo. At that time, there was a happy expression. After this time, the topic of photos was brought up among the group of them. If Bao Ming advocated to solve it manually, the rest of them would think, dare you not be photographed, and you are not afraid of going to jail, so they don’t care about us. ? … Conversely, if Bao Ming keeps silent on this matter or simply refuses to do anything, other people will think, dare you not be photographed yourself, don't worry, this matter will be over

So, this group of people is basically finished.

When they are divorced and time passes by, maybe no one will remember this matter again, unless they are ready to harass Wu Yuewei, the alarm bell will ring, especially Bao Ming, maybe one day he will be close to Wu Yuewei A little bit, will arouse "his brothers" fierce emotions.

In the afternoon Wu Yuewei came to Class 10 and handed Xu Tingsheng a notebook.

Xu Tingsheng rushed to get rid of his cigarette addiction with Huang Yaming and the others between classes. Without any excuse, he took it and said thank you before leaving. He didn't feel ashamed until he got to the top of the building and opened his notes while smoking a cigarette.

Seeing that his expression was wrong, Huang Yaming took the notebook and flipped through it for a while, then threw it back to Xu Tingsheng, and said with emotion: "Your debt is huge, this is not a classroom notebook, every word has been rearranged, that elementary school girl I guess I didn't sleep last night."

Yes, what Wu Yuewei gave Xu Tingsheng was a brand-new notebook for sorting out mathematics. She tried to sort out every piece of knowledge, formulas, formula deformations, examples, error-prone points...

Not only did she not sleep, she probably didn't even listen to today's class.

Xu Tingsheng closed his eyes and thought for a while, Wu Yuewei's eyes were indeed bloodshot when he came to deliver the notebook. This was the first time that he was really troubled because of this little girl. He originally thought that after the college entrance examination, he would be able to get away with it, but now, he was a little at a loss.

Xu Tingsheng leaned against the wall and moved to the balcony, sat up, and let out a puff of smoke with his head up. Most of the time, the boys who smoke on the top of the building will not go to the edge of the balcony. Although iron fences are set up there, there will be no accidents, but there is one problem. It is easy for the people below to see someone on the balcony. Smoke on top.

Today, perhaps because of Xu Tingsheng's leading role, or because of the mentality that the college entrance examination is approaching, it is a kind of self-release to ignore it. Several boys who smoked together sat over. Smoke, chat, and someone whistles at the girls passing below.

It was under such circumstances that Xu Tingsheng understood one thing, as that butterfly, you can't flap your wings randomly.

Xu Tingsheng in his previous life didn't know much about the suspected SARS patient who escaped. He had never met him, but at least he was sure that this person had never had anything to do with Libei Middle School, nor had he heard of any Regarding the rumors that he had entered Libei Middle School, maybe he came, maybe he didn't come, as long as there is no sound, there will be no problem.

When a boy beside him spit out the smoke in panic, pointed to the small bushes behind the school guard room and said, "Look there, that man, the hospital clothes..."

Xu Tingsheng was startled. Before he could stop him, the boy had already jumped up and shouted, "Fuck, that SARS came in, that SARS came to our school."

He was not the only one who yelled like this, the sound came from the roof, even if someone didn't hear it clearly at first, they would always hear it clearly after listening to it the second time or the third time. Screams resounded all over the campus, and everyone was running around like chickens without a head, because they didn't know where that person was.

To make matters worse, that person heard it too.

He hid quietly in the bushes, dazed, dumb, and did nothing, but now he knew he had been spotted, so he got out from behind the bushes and started running like everyone else.

Maybe he was just afraid of being caught back, maybe he didn't really think anything, he just jumped out and started running.

He was actually very tired and weak, so he didn't run fast, but when he approached, there were still a few girls with weak legs who froze on the spot. He saw someone standing in front of him with panic, fear, and even crying, so he stopped and explained to several girls:

"I don't have that disease."

"I won't die."

"I don't want to die."

"Believe me, I really don't have that disease, and I really won't die."

The rest of the students have already fled back to the teaching building, and the timid ones hid in the classroom and closed the door tightly. The bolder boys moved tables and chairs to block the stairs on the first floor, and then returned to the corridor on the second floor, looking down. Case.

In the open space between several buildings, a few girls were sitting, standing, or crying. Not far in front of them, a middle-aged man in a hospital uniform was chattering hysterically: "Don't be afraid, I don't have that disease, and I won't die." He didn't even dare to say the word SARS.

Xu Tingsheng pushed through the crowd and looked down. He saw a person among the few girls, Wu Yuewei. She was returning from the third floor of high school to the second level of high school after delivering her notebook. , and then, together with several other girls, was blocked in the middle of the open space.

Xu Tingsheng rushed downstairs. In the current scene, other people were worried that a few girls would contract SARS, but Xu Tingsheng was worried that he would hurt Wu Yuewei. Xu Tingsheng is very sure that this middle-aged man suspected of SARS is in a state of insanity at this time, otherwise no one would be ignorant enough to escape from the next ward. Anyone who can think normally, no matter how frightened or desperate, will know Staying in the hospital is the best choice. If it is really SARS, there is no point in escaping.

He would escape, and because of this, he jumped off the building and injured the nurse, which means that he has completely lost his mind, and he is now equivalent to a terrible mental patient.

Vice-Principal Lou stood upstairs and shouted at that person, saying "You are only suspected, and you have passed the dangerous period", "Don't make the same mistakes again and again, don't hurt the students"... and so on.

But obviously, it's useless, saying nothing will help. If the other party can listen to these words and think rationally, he won't escape from the isolation ward at all.

He began to pull the girls' arms, asking them to approve his words, to say that he was not sick, that he would not die.

Vice-principal Lou scolded his mother and turned around to rush down the stairs. Several teachers around him quickly stopped him, and some teachers even said "don't die".

At this time, in the eyes of almost everyone, it was a SARS patient. Fear had made people forget the word "suspected". Even if some people still remembered it, no one was willing to gamble on this probability. SARS can spread through the air, who dares to approach? Who is willing to die

"What about those students?" Vice Principal Lou shouted.

The teacher around him still didn't let go, and comforted him: "Wait for the people from the hospital and the police."

In fact, there was really one person on the scene who was not afraid at all, because he already knew the result. Xu Tingsheng went downstairs and picked up a brick from the material pile of the unfinished gymnasium...

The sharp-eyed student almost screamed out, and then quickly covered his mouth.

Then almost everyone repeated this action. They were astonished and surprised, but they all knew that they could not make a sound at this time, otherwise, that brave figure would "sacrifice" in vain.

Yes, in the eyes of everyone, Xu Tingsheng, like Huang Jiguang, Qiu Shaoyun, and Dong Cunrui, was ready to "sacrifice" before rushing forward.

Huang Yaming and Fu Cheng were at a loss, and Yao Jing had mixed feelings. In fact, everyone who knew Xu Tingsheng, Vice Principal Lou, Lao Zhou, Fang Yunyao and other teachers, students from Class 10, Wu Yuewei's best friend, and many, many more People, they are all the same, overwhelmed and mixed feelings.

Some people were moved by him, some called him stupid, and some were surprised.

Xu Tingsheng himself was calm, the reason why he went to get that brick was only because he was worried that the suspected patient would suddenly go crazy and hurt others, otherwise he would be willing to go up and talk to him.

Under the current situation, Xu Tingsheng felt that it would be more appropriate to just throw people down.

Xu Tingsheng was holding a brick in one hand and dangling it with the other. He didn't even hasten his pace, nor did he stoop to slowly move up. , walking towards a middle-aged man who was chattering with several girls.

He walked behind the man.

Everyone held their breath.


With a quick blow, the brick hit the back of his head, the brick shattered, and the middle-aged man fell down. Xu Tingsheng hurriedly held him up.