Still, Wait For Me

Chapter 33: Goodbye Xiang Ning


The day Xu Tingsheng arrived in Yanzhou was Thursday, it was already a little late, he didn't go to school, and found a hotel to stay.

But even if it's just like this, the feeling in his heart is different, because he is closer, closer to her, and closer to Xu Tingsheng's inner expectations. It was not until this moment that Xu Tingsheng felt that it was so true for him to say "see the world". fit.

Because Xiang Ning is the whole world in Xu Tingsheng's heart, the closer he gets to her, the stronger this feeling will be.

Xu Tingsheng lay on the bed, recalling the scene of the first meeting, thinking of his own embarrassment and helplessness, he couldn't help laughing with shame.

"Uncle, you are very useless." Xiang Ning said in the previous life.

Xu Tingsheng felt that he was really useless, so what about this time? try to say a word? Even just asking for directions... is that okay

The first "acquaintance" that Xu Tingsheng met was not Xiang Ning, but that Liu Xueli, Teacher Liu, Xiang Ning's class teacher. The two met in the car. Later, Xu Tingsheng sent her some isatid root and white vinegar.

To be precise, Teacher Liu Xueli discovered Xu Tingsheng first, when Xu Tingsheng was sneaking around the gate of Xinyan Middle School.

Teacher Liu Xueli still remembered Xu Tingsheng, she greeted him first, and Xu Tingsheng couldn't run away even if he wanted to.

"Are you here to see your cousin? Xiang Ning... Shall I go back and call for you?"

Teacher Liu Xueli, who was pushing the car and getting ready to go home, said enthusiastically that the matter is already very troublesome at this point, no matter how Xu Tingsheng sees him now or not, how to deal with it, Teacher Liu may have already mentioned her cousin to Xiang Ning. big.

To make up a lie, Xu Tingsheng can only try to make up a lie.

"By the way, Mr. Liu, did you receive the Banlangen white vinegar that I sent you last time? That... everything is fine." Xu Tingsheng said.

Teacher Liu quickly parked the bicycle aside and said gratefully: "So it was you who sent it, why didn't you sign it, I kept guessing... Thank you, everything is fine, everything is fine."

Xu Tingsheng scratched his head in embarrassment: "Well, I actually sent it to you and Xiang Ning at the time, but due to some special reasons, I didn't sign it."

Liu Xueli is in her forties, which is exactly the age of gossip. Immediately the interest came, and she asked: "Special reason, what special reason?"

Xu Tingsheng told Mr. Liu a very unreliable story. In the story, Xiang Ning's parents had cut off contact with the Xu family due to conflicts among family members of the previous generation, and the Xu family had always felt guilty, so Xu Tingsheng couldn't directly appear in front of Xiang Ning to recognize this cousin, but he wanted to do something for her.

This is a very crappy lie, whether Mrs. Liu believes it or not depends on whether she likes to watch those even crappier family ethics dramas.

Fortunately, she believed it.

"No wonder Xiang Ning's parents couldn't figure out who sent the things last time," Teacher Liu said, "So, I can't tell Xiang Ning these things, right?"

"Yeah." Xu Tingsheng nodded hastily and said, "Please Mr. Liu, I think it's better to take it slowly, after all the conflict between the two families has been going on for so long."

"That's right, so you're coming back?"

"I just went out to play with my classmates after the college entrance examination, and stopped by here to have a look."

"Then can you recognize Xiang Ning?"

"Yes, yes, I have seen photos from other relatives."

The two then chatted for a while, about the college entrance examination, about Xiang Ning, and after a while, it was time for school to leave. Teacher Liu rode away first, and before leaving, he repeatedly told Xu Tingsheng to go to her house for dinner when he came back.

Xu Tingsheng didn't stay at the school gate any longer, the gate guard looked at him very strangely.

On the way Xiang Ning left last time, Xu Tingsheng sat down on Kuai Tiaoshi and waited patiently. After all, the wild girl might be detained again. Before Xiang Ning appeared, Xu Tingsheng imagined the Xiang Ning Mr. Liu Xueli was talking about by himself.

"Everything else is fine, but I really don't need to work hard." Teacher Liu said.

"Ah, you won't fall in love early or something?" Xu Tingsheng asked anxiously.

"It's not that bad, it's just lazy and playful."

"That's good."

Teacher Liu finally said: "According to her current grades, there is no hope for No. 1 Middle School. She will probably go to No. 2 Middle School."

This sentence gave Xu Tingsheng a huge reminder: "No. 2 middle school, love... What if Xiang Ning goes to No. 1 middle school?"

Xiang Ning's puppy love in high school, which Xu Tingsheng has always brooded on, seems to have finally found the best solution. There is no need to cause any damage, and there is no need to deliberately stop her. Just let her go to another place, so that the two of them will not fall in love... Is there a better way than simply keeping them from meeting each other

The remaining question was how to get Xiang Ning into No. 1 Middle School.

Xu Tingsheng knew that the little girl was actually very smart, but as Teacher Liu Xueli said, she didn't study hard, and with Xu Tingsheng's current status, it seemed that there was no way to urge her to study hard. Teacher Liu had already asked her repeatedly, but it was obvious that Liu The teacher will not be that variable, only Xu Tingsheng himself is the best and biggest variable.

Before the "variable" Xu Tingsheng could figure out a solution, the inactive kid Xiang Ning appeared.

This time there is no towering braid, I don't know if it's because of the hairstyle, or because the hair grows fast, see you after two months, Xiang Ning's hair has reached shoulder length, and it just fell on her shoulders without any modification.

"I still have to work hard, so I can grow into black and straight soon, okay? Then put on a headband and comb the brows up. A real beauty is not afraid to show her forehead." This is Xu Tingsheng's resentment, it is Xiang Ning in her memory .

Xiang Ning walked alone this time, with a blank expression on her face, wearing white short-sleeved sleeves with Xinyan Middle School printed on it, and baggy sweatpants, which are standard equipment for Chinese school uniforms.

"You can't even tell that your legs are beautiful." Xu Tingsheng's resentment reappeared again. My family's Xiang Ning's long legs... now they are still dry and thin legs. No way, it's too evil to think so. Thought.

It was getting closer and closer, with a distance of more than ten meters, Xiang Ning was about to pass by Xu Tingsheng.

"Speaking?" Xu Tingsheng felt his throat was dry and he was so nervous that he was at a loss.

Xiang Ning walked to Xu Tingsheng's side.

"Student." Xu Tingsheng said, his voice came out of his throat.

Xiang Ning didn't hear it.

"Classmate." Xu Tingsheng raised his voice.

"Huh?" Xiang Ning turned to look at him.

The feeling of being watched by these eyes made Xu Tingsheng obsessed.

"How nice that I am in your eyes."

"Huh?"—Is this the first sentence she said to me in this life, it seems a bit short.

"Are you okay?" Xiang Ning said.

Xu Tingsheng suddenly came back to his senses, and then... Then he lost his mind again, and spoke again, this time it was longer, with four words, but, little girl, didn't your mother teach you not to talk to strangers? Especially men, especially men with obvious "bad intentions" like me... so dangerous!

"Well, you are a student of Xinyan Middle School, right? I want to ask, how to get to Xinyan Middle School?" Xu Tingsheng said.

Xiang Ning's eyes suddenly became vigilant, she frowned and thought for a while, and said seriously: "But I saw you at the school gate last time, in the small shop, you were crying."


Xu Tingsheng was dumbfounded, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh, happy or sad.

Xiang Ning remembered me, she remembered me with just one glance, Xu Tingsheng thought, this is fate, it is just because I took one more look at you in the crowd... Well, that's it, no wonder she will meet you eight years later. fall in love with me.

The thought thrilled him.

But what to do now? It was just dismantled face to face!

"Xiang Ning, why didn't you wait for me? Oh... I'm exhausted."

When Xu Tingsheng was thinking about how to explain it, the long-haired girl who appeared in the shop with Xiang Ning last time ran over, took Xiang Ning's arm, and gasped for breath.

Xiang Ning pursed her lips, and said a little wronged: "Who made you have a boyfriend, I thought you went home with him."

The little girl with long hair shook her head: "I'm not someone who values sex over friends... Who is this person?"

The little girl finally found Xu Tingsheng who was standing at the side.

Xiang Ning replied: "The one who asked for directions... no, he was a liar. He was the one who cried in the shop last time."

The little girl tilted her head and thought for a while, but she didn't think of the person Xiang Ning said was crying in the shop, she glanced at Xu Tingsheng again, then turned to Xiang Ning and said, "Isn't it the last time I stopped you on the road asking for your QQ number?" A fellow rogue? . . . let's go."

The little girl dragged Xiang Ning away quickly, and as she was leaving, Xiang Ning looked back at Xu Tingsheng with a look of apology.

Xu Tingsheng smiled and waved goodbye.

The second time they met, Xu Tingsheng and Xiang Ning had a conversation. Although the process was a bit embarrassing, even though they were taken as liars, they finally got to know each other.

What Xu Tingsheng was more concerned about was another matter. From the mouth of the little girl with long hair, someone stopped Xiang Ning on the road and asked for a QQ number. To be honest, this kind of thing was quite common in that era, but since it happened to Xiang Ning, in Xu Tingsheng's view, it was an extremely serious event.

On the way back to the hotel, Xu Tingsheng went into several shops, but he didn't find anything particularly handy, so he finally bought a chain lock and put it in his bag.

Next, after school, he planned to stay there until the people mentioned by the little girl appeared.

On the other side, Huang Yaming finally escaped from the gentle village to find Fu Cheng. Among the three, he was the first to leave the organization. When he turned around to find Xu Tingsheng and Fu Cheng, he realized that they had suddenly become difficult to find.

Huang Yaming made several phone calls before calling Fu Cheng out. Fu Cheng was covered in plaster. Huang Yaming asked him, "Why did you go?"

There was nothing to hide from Huang Yaming, Fu Cheng told him what Xu Tingsheng had told him, and he had done all he could these days.

Stalking, secretly filming, Huang Yaming got excited when he heard it, and quickly asked: "Did you capture anything?"

"No, it's all normal."

"Then what are your plans?"

"Follow me for a few more days, it's all right anyway."

"I'll accompany you."

"Are you free? You're not that..."

"Seven days off." Huang Yaming said, "Actually, every quite boring. By the way, where is Tingsheng?"

"He went to see the world again." Fu Cheng said.

The two chatted with Xu Tingsheng for a while, and when they talked about him, Yao Jing, and Wu Yuewei, a school girl, Huang Yaming felt that Xu Tingsheng's performance in this aspect was quite strange. Yao Jing had worked so hard to chase him for two years, but he finally agreed. He didn't want it anymore, and that beautiful schoolmaster school girl, she had done her part, yet he was still so ruthless.

Fu Cheng said, "Maybe he has someone else he likes."

Huang Yaming said: "How could he not tell us if he has someone he likes? Could it be that he was really seduced by that Apple? That's a fairy, who will suffer."

Fu Cheng thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's someone we don't know, let's ask him later."

Huang Yaming thought about it, didn't continue this topic, and pulled Fu Cheng to continue taking pictures secretly.