Still, Wait For Me

Chapter 35: learn


Xu Tingsheng told Xiang Ning to go home, but Xiang Ning didn't go back.

"I didn't ask for leave to go home." Xiang Ning said.

"Then why are you running around?" Xu Tingsheng said seriously.

Xiang Ning felt aggrieved, pouted and said, "Tomorrow's sports meeting, many people asked for leave, so I followed suit. I want to eat seafood noodles."

Sure enough, he was still a child. Xu Tingsheng touched the back of his head, blood on his hand, and said, "You go back to school first, I'll bandage it up and buy noodles for you, and I'll get it from the guard in half an hour."

After Xu Tingsheng finished speaking, he walked away quickly, and Xiang Ning ran a few steps behind, but was stared back again, so he had to go back to school dejectedly.

"What's fierce, fiercer than the teacher, if you don't have a broken head, I will ignore you, big liar."

"He also said to buy me noodles, but he didn't ask me which one I like or what kind of noodles I like."

"Forget it, for the sake of your injury, I will pretend to like whatever you buy later."

Half an hour later, Xu Tingsheng appeared at the school gate with bandages on. Xiang Ning came out from the guard room, took the noodles, and found that it was his favorite time-honored noodle restaurant, his favorite seafood noodle.

In the next few days, Xiang Ning was always able to eat her favorite seafood noodles. The flavors were changed, but the ones she hated never appeared.

This is amazing, Xiang Ning felt that this big liar seemed to know her very well, but he seemed to be very resistant to talking too much with her, and every time he saw him, he came and went in a hurry, so Xiang Ning couldn't find out anything.

"Is that handsome uncle chasing you?" Xiang Ning's best friend asked her.

Xiang Ning's little heart was beating wildly for a while, she was nervous, and also had some unknown strange emotions, he couldn't really be like this, could he

"But he's too old." The friend continued, "It's better to find a classmate like me, who can take classes and study together."

Nineteen-year-old Xu Tingsheng didn't know that he was rejected by others, that he was too old, and he didn't even know that the spooky little girl was planning to test him out.

After delivering the noodles that day, Xiang Ning said, "Can you really be my brother?"

Xu Tingsheng paused: "I'm not an older brother. Also, let me remind you that there are many bad people in society. The things that strangers buy for you should not be eaten, and you should not take care of them casually."

Xiang Ning was very wronged: "But you are not a bad person."

"Do bad guys write it on their faces?"

Xiang Ning felt that this was not the case, she felt that she had been wronged, and she usually would not pay attention to strangers, otherwise, why would she rather be bullied by those gangsters than tell them her QQ number

But she couldn't explain it, because she really believed in this guy who was also a stranger in front of her inexplicably.

"Got it, big liar."

Xiang Ning stuffed the face back into Xu Tingsheng's hand, and went back to school angrily. Xiang Ning sniffed her nose only after passing the door, her eyes were sour, and then tears rolled down her face.

"I don't want to cry in his face, big liar."

"I didn't even want to be a big brother. I just tried to test you out, but you see, you really are a bad guy."

Xu Tingsheng's most troublesome point was that the little girl was too curious and too defensive. Xu Tingsheng was happy because of her closeness to him, but he was also worried about it.

Another question that troubled him was: Did he get too close

In the next few days, Xu Tingsheng didn't go to see him off again, and Xiang Ning didn't show up in the guard's room again.

"It seems that the little girl is really angry." Xu Tingsheng thought.

"It seems that the big liar is really not coming." Xiang Ning thought.

Xu Tingsheng squatted on Xiang Ning's route home for a few more days, but he didn't see the gangsters again. On June 19, Xu Tingsheng bought a bowl of noodles and put them in the guard room, and got on the bus back to Jiannan City. .

Before going back to Libei County, Xu Tingsheng wandered around Jiannan City for a day.

He went to the school where he had taught for four years in his previous life, and met several familiar old teachers.

He went to the alley where he last opened a store in his previous life. There is still a children's clothing store there. Xu Tingsheng knew that this store would be open for a long time, until 2014.

He went to the riverside where he and Xiang Ning had their first date in his previous life, and the flood control dam there hadn't been built yet.

He went to many places on purpose, but there was one place that he stumbled upon inadvertently. This was a three-way intersection. In his previous life, Xu Tingsheng "died" here.

"Maybe there is a door here, step through it, and you will go back to your previous life."

"Are there two parallel worlds, or has the whole world gone backwards with me for 12 years?... I hope it's the latter, or how sad my mother and younger sister would be. What about Xiang Ning, will she know?"

Trembling, exhausting all his strength and courage, Xu Tingsheng walked to that spot and stood there for a few seconds, when a passing car honked at him, the driver poked his head out of the window and cursed: "You're going to die, stand in the middle of the road!" Crazy."

Xu Tingsheng ran away apologetically.

"There's no door there, and it didn't take me back, so it's not two worlds, but the whole world has gone backwards with me." Xu Tingsheng said to himself.

Afterwards, he fled this place, unwilling to think about it any more, because he actually couldn't bear the existence of that world, if it existed.

On June 20, Xu Tingsheng returned to Libei.

The little uncle and uncle have come back, brought back a few decoration masters from other places, and officially started to decorate the mall. Because these masters all had experience in decorating large supermarkets and brought the blueprints, Xu Tingsheng only made a few suggestions based on his own impressions, and did not intervene any further.

One of the most critical of his opinions is to separate the children's entertainment area.

Several masters raised objections, because 2,000 square meters is actually too small for a large supermarket, and if a children's entertainment area is also designated, the utilization rate of the space will be further reduced.

But Xu Tingsheng insisted that the scale of the supermarket is slightly smaller, which is enough for Libei County, and the existence of this children's entertainment area is like a shopping cart where children can sit in front. People feel: This is the kind of big supermarket seen on TV.

After the dust settled on this matter, Xu Tingsheng learned about Xu's father's situation after he arrived there from his young uncle and uncle. After contacting the decoration master, Xu's father first entered a large supermarket to work as a warehouse. Xu Tingsheng guessed that his father would have rejected him many times if he changed to a supermarket or a different type of job, but he would never give up.

As for the purpose of Dad Xu's doing this, Xu Tingsheng is also clear that understanding the operation of large supermarkets is one aspect, and the more important aspect is that Dad Xu is looking for partners, or franchise partners.

"Now, Dad should be talking about it, right?"

After Xu Tingsheng returned home, he returned to Libei County and called Huang Yaming, Fu Cheng, and Song Ni to have dinner together.

At the dinner table, Huang Yaming and Fu Cheng finally got the answer they wanted. Xu Tingsheng admitted that he fell in love with someone outside.

Then Fu Cheng and Huang Yaming talked about Teacher Fang.

Xu Tingsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"You stayed in Teacher Fang's room all night?" Xu Tingsheng was most surprised by this.

"Don't think about it." Fu Cheng warned.

"Then do you think there is something going on now?" Xu Tingsheng asked.

Fu Cheng shook his head.

The three of them turned the topic to Song Ni: "Did that Chen Yulun come to see you?"

Song Ni said no.

Afterwards, Song Ni said that she was not planning to go to college, because she might get a high-level vocational examination, and she couldn't find a good job after finishing her studies, so she decided to go to work part-time.

"Study, study accounting, and if you can't find a job in the future, help me manage the supermarket and let you be the manager."

Song Ni covered her mouth and smiled.

Xu Tingsheng said, "I'm serious."