Still, Wait For Me

Chapter 56: To get closer


"What was the situation when you were enrolled in your school, was it crazier than it is today?" Xu Tingsheng asked Apple.

"A few seniors helped me out, but 90% of our school is girls. I chose this newspaper just for you. Don't worry, from the day you carried me back to the street, I decided I've guarded myself like a jade for you," Apple said.

The two of them only sat in the dormitory for a while, tidied up the miscellaneous things, and apologized to their roommates.

Originally, this day's dinner was usually the first group activity in the freshmen's dormitory, but Huang Yaming and Song Ni hadn't started school yet and lived in the hotel, so Xu Tingsheng and Fu Cheng had no choice but to accompany them first.

After briefly explaining to his roommates, Xu Tingsheng went out with Apple.

"Please take care of my husband from now on." Apple finally said hello.

In Xu Tingsheng's mind, Apple will let her make any noise today, and he doesn't plan to find a girlfriend in college, so even if rumors about him having a girlfriend spread, it's not a bad thing.

Xu Tingsheng called Fu Cheng, knowing that the two of them were in the same dormitory area, with different building numbers, and asked him if he had packed it up, and if he wanted to go over to help.

Fu Cheng said that you can buy a few things for me and bring them up.

When Xu Tingsheng bought something, Apple volunteered to help deliver it. After ten minutes, the two came down, and Fu Cheng said that the animals in their dormitory had gone crazy.

On the way to Xishan Town, Apple kept chatting and laughing with Fu Cheng. Xu Tingsheng could tell that Apple was trying to get closer to her and Fu Cheng. They were just classmates before, but it would be best to be friends in the future, because he is Xu Tingsheng. One of two best friends.

The three of them went straight to the hotel. Song Ni got a double room. She already knew that Apple was here. Huang Yaming got a triple room. He told Xu Tingsheng and Fu Cheng, "You two will sleep with me tonight."

No matter how you hear this, it is evil.

The five of them simply cooked a few dishes and had dinner together. Apple was crying and complaining that he had known that he had applied to Yanzhou. He said that there are very few high school friends who can still get together in college like Xu Tingsheng and the others.

Of course, each of us will have new friends in the future, and we may not be able to hang out with each other every day like in high school, but our best friends don't have to meet each other during the holidays, and they can help each other at any time, so we are happy enough.

About why Apple is here, before Huang Yaming and Fu Cheng asked, Apple himself said it first.

"I came after Xu Tingsheng." She said.

Later, Huang Yaming suggested to order a few more bottles of wine. Song Ni can drink a little. Apple’s alcohol capacity is actually not bad, but it’s a bit too refreshing to get closer to Huang Yaming and Fu Cheng. The last meal lasted until 7 o’clock. Much, only Apple is a little drunk.

Xu Tingsheng asked Song Ni to help Apple go back to the room to rest. He and Fu Cheng had already escaped the group dinner, so they had to go back to the dormitory for a while.

Huang Yaming said: "Then you all have to remember to come back and sleep with me."


Room 602 did not wait for the eighth person in the end, maybe the remaining one gave up reporting to Gaofu.

Xu Tingsheng simply moved to the upper bunk and left the lower bunk free for everyone to store things. When moving the bed, something fell out of the quilt. Xu Tingsheng picked it up and looked at it. Vest.

The texture is soft, and there is her smell on it, this evildoer.

The roommates laughed ambiguously, and Xu Tingsheng put the vest in the cabinet.

The 7 people didn't rank first and second, because everyone was afraid of being ranked as the second. The 7 people introduced themselves briefly. In fact, the other 6 had already gotten to know each other well during dinner, and now they will do it again, mainly for Xu Tingsheng.

The tall and handsome Tan Yao is from Shandong. When he introduced himself, he admitted that he has a rich history of picking up girls. It can be seen that he is a master in this field, and his own conditions are also good.

"Brothers, if you like someone in the future, remember to tell me first, so as not to accidentally injure your allies." He said, it seems that this kid's university will be very exciting.

The short and stocky Li Xingmin is a local, and his ideal is to solve his virginity problem in college.

The only one in the dormitory with a computer is Laowai. The reason why he is called Laowai is because his name is very awkward. His name is Zhen Aiai. Xiu Enai gave him such a name, so he has been used to telling others since junior high school, just call me Laowai.

When Lao Wai was talking, he was still typing on the keyboard on the computer. He didn't look at it with his eyes. Xu Tingsheng thought he was playing a game at first, so he looked at it and found that he was programming.

At this time, computers were not so popular, and there were very few people who could use computers as proficiently as him, even fewer freshmen who could program.

"I'm filling in the Department of Computer Science, and I'm here to adjust the Chinese language," the old man wailed, "I don't want to be a sour literati, you bunch of sour literati... Anyway, we will hang out in the dormitory from now on. Yes, I'm going to take classes in the computer department."

Lao Wai looks exactly what an IT guy should look like.

The small and honest kid is called Zhang Ninglang. Xu Tingsheng knew that he would not be conspicuous at ordinary times, but he would become the most important person in the dormitory when he was helping roll call or taking final exams.

The other 5 people told Xu Tingsheng that they had already chosen a code name for Zhang Ninglang, and called him "Brother Ning".

The other two were named Lu Xu and Huang Kesheng.

Lu Xu said: "I have a mantra when I speak. I like to say 'you still have a smile'. Today I hold back and don't talk much, just because I'm afraid you will misunderstand. If I say it in the future, don't mind. I don't mean anything. It's just getting used to it."

Xu Tingsheng felt that this guy might suddenly get into a fight someday.

Huang Kesheng is a bit arrogant, and his family background is not bad, he said a little less simply: "My name is Huang Kesheng, I am from Xihu City, I scored 588 in the college entrance examination, and I fell a little short in the Jianhai University. I didn't want to come. But my parents both work in institutions, and they said that I just want to get a diploma anyway, and they will arrange things in the future, so I thought it would be fine, so I came here."

After he finished speaking, some people laughed a few times and did not answer, and some people cooperated kindly and said: "The score is really high."

Huang Kesheng might be trying to show off a little bit, but Xu Tingsheng thinks it's nothing. He doesn't have any intentions when he speaks like this. It's good. Besides, it's normal for everyone to exchange the results of the college entrance examination when they first entered university, but it's not convenient for Xu Tingsheng. Pick up, because of his score, what he said is inappropriate.

"Actually, I did not perform well in the college entrance examination. Otherwise, I would be able to get into Jianhai University. My girlfriend is usually worse than me, and she would have been admitted to Jianhai University." Huang Kesheng said.

Huang Kesheng is the second one in the dormitory who openly admits to having a girlfriend, if Xu Tingsheng is the first.

Finally, Xu Tingsheng also briefly introduced himself: "My name is Xu Tingsheng, from Jiannan City, Libei County."

"I have a girlfriend who is so beautiful, I will definitely not look for it again in college, and I will not compete with my brothers in the dormitory..." Li Xingmin helped to add, but Xu Tingsheng did not explain.

"Xu Tingsheng? Are you Xu Tingsheng?...I didn't hear what my sister-in-law said during the day." Brother Ning Zhang Ninglang seldom spoke, so he said with a little excitement at this moment.

"What's wrong? What kind of moth does he have?" Tan Yao asked quickly.

"When I signed up today, I heard them discussing that the highest score of our class is 627, and it's called Xu Tingsheng."

There was silence in the dormitory for a while, and Lao Wai suddenly tapped the computer: "I'm going, I'm sick, you have such a high score, don't you read Chinese on the computer?"

Computer has indeed been a popular major in the past few years, but Lao Wai seems to have misplaced his focus. Li Xingmin took over and said: "What kind of computer do you study? This score is only two points away from Qingbei, and the rest are all stable. , buddy, why did you come to Rock University? Burn your head off."

Xu Tingsheng smiled and said, "I didn't get into Qingbei, and I didn't understand it at the time. They told me to be safe. I was timid, so I filled in Yanda for my second choice."

"Damn, you still have the face to smile? It's shameful to waste, you know? I don't know why I suddenly feel like I've made a lot of money. People who have scored scores more than me in the exam are actually in the same school and department as me. It's cool... But, I still I don't believe your nonsense, seriously, why are you?"

As soon as he heard the phrase "You still have a smile", he knew it was Lu Xu who was talking. Xu Tingsheng thought for a while, and thought of Xiang Ning. He checked his phone countless times a day, but there was no phone number from her...

Maybe that's really the case, look at her from a distance occasionally, and wait for her to grow up before trying

Xu Tingsheng said in a bitter tone, "In order to get closer to that person in my heart."

"Grass, lover, this sacrifice... is Apple? Which school does she go to in Yanzhou? It's not right, you can fill in other cities together, her home is here?"

The roommate thought that Xu Tingsheng was talking about Apple, and even Fu Cheng and Huang Yaming didn't know about it, Xu Tingsheng naturally wouldn't explain it, he simply replied: "Apple is in Shenghai."

Sheng Hai is close to Yanzhou, but it is obviously not reasonable to use it to explain what Xu Tingsheng said "in order to be closer to the person in my heart".

Although I can't figure it out, it's the first day we know each other, and the roommates don't want to ask questions. I just feel in my heart that if Apple isn't that person, how evil is that person? …

Xu Tingsheng knew about his roommate's doubts, so he didn't say anything else, he just thought in his heart: "Who would have thought that, that's just a 14-year-old girl, but...she doesn't seem to want me anymore."

That's how the matter was revealed.