Still, Wait For Me

Chapter 68: The young man was heartbroken


Taking advantage of the few days left of the holiday, Xu Tingsheng, Fu Cheng, and Huang Yaming went to Lao Zhou's house together, and brought a few cigarettes for Lao Zhou, and health care products for his wife.

This is already the third time they have visited Lao Zhou's house. They have been there twice during the summer vacation when they graduated from high school. Lao Zhou has a good temper, and his teacher and wife are not bad. There is even some envy.

But this time, as soon as Xu Tingsheng entered the door, he found that the atmosphere was a bit off. Lao Zhou and his wife seemed to be arguing. To be precise, it seemed that Lao Zhou was being "educated".

Looking at Xu Tingsheng and the three who were a little embarrassed and at a loss, the teacher's wife who was still a little breathless and angry tried to force a smile and said: "It's okay, it's none of your business, you are very happy to come to the teacher's wife... stay for dinner."

After finishing speaking, he glared at Lao Zhou again: "Stay here, I'll cook."

The teacher's wife went to the kitchen. Old Zhou heaved a sigh of relief and gave the three of them a wink. He didn't dare to get to the point directly. He chatted a few words about college life, and then told Xu Tingsheng meaningfully that Yao Jing had just been here.

While talking, the teacher's wife cooked the meal, and went directly to the room after eating, leaving Lao Zhou and the three students to chat about the wine.

Only now did Lao Zhou regain his spirits, because the high pressure was gone, and also because of the drunkenness.

"I heard that you had a relationship with Yao Jing when you were in school?" Old Zhou asked Xu Tingsheng.

Xu Tingsheng nodded in embarrassment.

Huang Yaming and Fu Cheng were excitedly talking to each other, completing the things between the two of them. Xu Tingsheng had already forgotten many of the things, and it sounds interesting on the one hand. On the other hand, it is inevitable that it will be more embarrassing.

The youth is ignorant, so he has done so many stupid things.

Lao Zhou tasted it carefully, and said with a sly smile: "Actually, that girl Yao Jing calls your teacher's mother Auntie. Our two families are relatives, and she often comes to my house. She came over earlier and talked about your affairs, and then said Another thing happened, now there is a boy from the same school as her who is chasing her, he is also from Libei, he graduated from Libei Middle School a class higher than you."

After finishing speaking, Lao Zhou, Fu Cheng, and Huang Yaming all focused their eyes on Xu Tingsheng's face, as if they really wanted to see something from his expression, whether it was jealousy or reluctance.

But, neither.

Xu Tingsheng fell in love with Yao Jing for a month in his previous life, and after they finally broke up peacefully, they were still good friends. Many years later, Yao Jing lived an ordinary and beautiful life, and she was very happy.

This is the most important thing. Xu Tingsheng is also thankful for her, thankful for her happiness, and also thankful that the two of them broke up rationally and neither of them forced it.

In this life, the reborn Xu Tingsheng may have changed something. Yao Jing's feelings for him may be deeper than in the previous life, and the final breakup was more painful, but one thing will not change, they are not suitable, and they are not So falling in love, since that's the case, wouldn't it be the best choice to let her be as happy and beautiful as in her previous life

Could it be that after being reborn, with greater abilities, you have to shamelessly hold everything you should have and what you shouldn't have in the palm of your hand to satisfy one person's desire

Xu Tingsheng smiled at Lao Zhou, and said calmly, "The young man had a heartbeat, and now I only wish her well."

All three of them could feel his calmness. Lao Zhou raised a glass of wine and said, "Well said, let's have a drink for the boy's heartbeat."

After drinking another small cup of white wine with over 50 degrees, Lao Zhou blushed and said mysteriously:

"Do you know why I was scolded by your teacher's wife?... I've been scolded for two days...

I deserve it, the day before yesterday I participated in a high school reunion, coincidentally, what a coincidence, the class girl who immigrated to the United States for more than 20 years also came... You don't know, she is my dream girl in high school...

From seeing her, no, from hearing that she will come, my old heart, bang, bang, bang... I was out of my mind all night...

At the end of the show, she stood at the downstairs door and hugged and bid farewell to her old classmates one by one, saying that they might see each other indefinitely...

In this case, it has come to your door, and there will be no end of time... Do you think I should give it a hug? "

Xu Tingsheng, Huang Yaming, and Fu Cheng all nodded: "Hug, you must."

"That's why I hugged her. Think about her skin back then," Lao Zhou said with a click, "I always feel like I can ooze blood when I pinch it... It just so happens that most of her back was exposed in the clothes she wore that day... So ... I hugged him tighter for a while..."

"The teacher's wife saw it?" Huang Yaming asked gloatingly.

Old Zhou nodded painfully.

The rest of the words are in the wine. Regardless of age, when men talk about their student girlfriends, first love, and secret love, they always have the same feelings and endless words.

From old Zhou's fragmentary words, Xu Tingsheng summed up such a point of view:

In fact, women in this world have a common misconception that they believe and demand 100% single-mindedness and affection.

However, there are no men in the world who are 100% dedicated and devoted. Even those who seem to be devoted to each other for a lifetime, in fact, they have inevitably had a crush on other women in their lives. Several times, Dozens, even hundreds of times.

Sometimes it's just a sigh, a thought, sometimes it's a dream that lingers for a long time.

So what's the difference between a good man and a bad man

It is whether he has forgotten the oneness after the heartbeat, whether he has forgotten the responsibility and responsibility, and whether he has lost himself. So some people are addicted to the colorful world and cannot wake up, some people empathize with other people, and their wives and children are separated... Naturally, there are also some people who do not forget their original intentions and stick to them all their lives.

So, don't blame him for his heartbeat, because heartbeat is inevitable, you have to worry about whether you are still his one after each heartbeat.

Perhaps, you should actually feel more and deeper happiness for this. He sees all the flowers in the world, but only puts you in his heart.

At the end of the conversation, Huang Yaming said to Lao Zhou: "Boss, what you said makes sense, why don't you tell the teacher and explain it to me?"

Lao Zhou chuckled: "How can a woman be a reasonable animal... If you say it, you are dead... If you don't say it, you can still be half dead... Half dead is also alive, just wait until she forgets it."

Coming out of Lao Zhou's house, the three of them were walking on the road drunk. Huang Yaming suddenly said, "Actually, is it the same for women?"

"What?" Fu Cheng responded.

"Actually, is it the same for women? It is impossible to be single-minded forever, and there will be many heartbeats?"

"It should be." Xu Tingsheng said.

Walking on the road, Xu Tingsheng felt refreshed. During the chat tonight, Lao Zhou opened up a knot in his heart.

It is undeniable that Xu Tingsheng was fascinated by Apple because of being moved and beautiful.

He has struggled with this, and tried to kill him with a quick knife.

Now, Lao Zhou told him that even if you have had your heart pounding hundreds of times, as long as you never forget that one, it's fine.