Still, Wait For Me

Chapter 7: First experience on stage


Bao Ming and his gang are indeed repeat offenders, and Xu Tingsheng couldn't figure out how they did it. Anyway, when the people from the Political and Education Office searched for this, two knives were hidden in that body, and when they searched for that, the knife returned to the one that had just been searched. On this body, the people from the Political and Religious Office searched one by one for a long time, but they still couldn't find it.

As for the process of the fight, the people on both sides agreed with each other, and they all killed Xu Tingsheng's previous statement, and their caliber was completely consistent. During this period, Huang Yaming and Fu Cheng wanted to share some burden with Xu Tingsheng, but he gave Xu Tingsheng a vicious stare back. It is meaningless to increase the number of casualties.

Trials were held in isolation, and then they were tried together, and then there was a divorce. Several veterans in the Political and Educational Office tried their best, but in the end, everyone still spoke in the same voice. So the matter turned into a simple fight caused by a quarrel. The first person to fight was Xu Tingsheng. He knocked down three of them first, and then involved the other party's group and his two friends.

By the middle of the second class in the morning, everyone except Xu Tingsheng was put back first. Punishment is inevitable. If Bao Ming and his group want to "promote" on the previous basis, they will basically be put on "detention in school", and the next step is "persuasion". Huang Yaming and Fu Cheng made a move According to the experience of Xu Tingsheng's class teacher, the upper limit of punishment should be "warning", and the lower limit should be "notice of criticism".

"You, Xu Tingsheng?" Several leaders of the Political and Education Office surrounded Xu Tingsheng who was the last one left.


"Stay in school for probation."

"Your sister, isn't it, is Libei Middle School severely punishing?" Xu Tingsheng cursed in his heart. According to his own estimation, such a fight would be a "big demerit".

Just as he was about to ask, the director of politics and education spoke first:

"You have more than that. Get ready to go on stage later."

Xu Tingsheng frowned and thought hard, what else did I do before? Can't remember.

During the inter-class exercises after the second class on Monday, the flag-raising ceremony will be held first as usual, followed by an inspiring "speech under the national flag" by a teacher or an outstanding student representative. Finally, the leader who has something to say will make a speech, or To wrap up the week, or announce something.

Sometimes, students who have made serious mistakes will also take the stage on such occasions to criticize education and conduct self-criticism as negative examples.

Xu Tingsheng had never been on the commanding platform of Libei Middle School on such an occasion in his previous life, neither as a positive nor a negative representative.

On the command platform, the director of politics and education held the microphone and cleared his throat:

"Last week, the students performed well... Except for a few people, who insisted on being that rat shit... I won't talk about the good things, let me introduce you, Xu Tingsheng, Class 10, Senior Three."

Xu Tingsheng walked up to the commander's platform with his head down, and stood obediently.

"What 'good things' did Xu Tingsheng do? Xu, do you want to tell the students yourself?" the director of politics and education jokingly asked.

Xu Tingsheng didn't answer.

"Excuse me? Then let me tell you the first thing. Last week, someone drank on the roof of the boys' dormitory in the middle of the night. When he got drunk, he sang on the roof and threw the wine bottle from the roof. A little... almost threw it through the window of the girl's dormitory opposite. What kind of behavior is this? This is hooliganism, it is... harassment. Who did this? It is the person in front of you. Xu, what do you want to say? Is it right?" The director of politics and education spoke in a cadence, almost uttering the word "harassment", and the audience burst into laughter.

Xu Tingsheng's entire face turned into a bitter gourd, a red bitter gourd.

"I did this again? It's too embarrassing, can't I be wronged? How is it possible... I don't have any impression in the memory of my previous life."

Regardless of whether he was wronged or not, he was powerless to defend the current situation.

"If I really did it, although I wouldn't call it hooligan... harassment, it's really too much anyway." Xu Tingsheng thought a little ashamedly.

The director of politics and education looked at Xu Tingsheng's regretful expression, and stopped entangled in this matter, and continued:

"Second thing, the school's leave system is very strict. Students can't violate it, and teachers... shouldn't cover it up. As for our classmate Xu Tingsheng, we can ask for leave by throwing a note in the teacher's office on weekends. We've been away for a week. , do you know the reason why he asked for leave?...Come on, Xu Tingsheng, tell everyone yourself."

About this, most of the people below have already heard about it, and those who don’t know are also asking their classmates. Handing the microphone to his mouth, Xu Tingsheng pursed his lips and said nothing, thinking about himself as a man in his 30s, what is this

"I told you to say it, so you have to say it." The director of politics and education strengthened his tone.

Xu Tingsheng could only hesitate in a low voice: "The world is so big, I want to see it."

"Speak up and speak clearly."

"The world is so big, I want to see it."

Xu Tingsheng said it again loudly. In fact, what he wanted to say was that the world is so big, I'll 'come back' to have a look. After he finished speaking, Xu Tingsheng wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in. What was disharmonious was that there were cheers from the audience, most of which were girls' voices. I almost forgot, this is still a bit of a literary era.

"The words are good. The world is so big. After graduation, go to a good university and go to see it. If you don't study hard now, you still want to see the world? Go home and look at sweet potatoes with your face on the loess and your back to the sky... Xu, remember to be absent from class for five days. "The director of politics and education made a summary of the second matter.

"The last one was just this morning, fights, gang fights... I believe many students have seen it, and it was this student Xu who started the incident first. Xu is very brave. He rushed towards eight people alone. How much do you want to fight? Do you think this is a school or a boxing ring?"

The microphone was brought to his mouth again, and Xu Tingsheng said something untimely in his heart, Donnie Yen said: I want to call ten. Of course he didn't say that, he couldn't take it anymore, standing on the stage for a second is a torment, Xu Ting was afraid that the director would continue to pester him, so he automatically started to criticize: "I was wrong, I am free Sloppy, taking rebellion as a personality, ignorance is ridiculous, I am sorry for the school, I am sorry for my parents, I am sorry for my classmates, and I have failed the teacher's expectations... I will definitely change my past, study hard, and strive to get good grades in the next monthly exam. Give better grades to repay the school and teachers... especially Teacher Zhou."

Xu Tingsheng had seen a lot of student self-criticisms in his previous life, so he would still do the self-criticism. In the end, he deliberately mentioned Mr. Next Zhou, because the director of political education said "teachers can't cover up students", which obviously meant something. Xu Tingsheng felt a little sorry for Lao Zhou. .

A lot of time has passed, and Xu Tingsheng's self-criticism was also very sincere. The director of politics and education could not say anything more, and announced the result directly. The punishment for the students who participated in the fight, and finally, I hope that other students will learn from it.

Huang Yaming and Fu Cheng each received a warning.

finally scattered.

With his head down, Xu Tingsheng returned to the classroom with a sad face amidst countless stares and discussions. When passing by the teacher's office, Lao Zhou patted him on the shoulder: "Study hard, I will take care of the punishment."

Xu Tingsheng felt that he should go and apologize to those clowns he personally threw onto the command platform in his previous life.

It's too embarrassing, it's really embarrassing, especially the first thing, it's almost done to death, Xu Tingsheng is lying on the desk, not daring to look up. Regarding this kind of thing, the mental age of 31 years old will not make him calmer, it will only make him feel more ashamed.

The reactions of the others were a bit different from what Xu Tingsheng thought. After the third period, a few boys even came over and patted him on the shoulder: "Tingsheng, you're so cool."

The word "pull the wind" has been obliterated in Xu Tingsheng's mind for a long time. In his eyes, "pull the wind" is a work. If you don't do it, you will die. It is benevolent.

But this time is different. It is really not malicious to say that you are "popular" at this time.

In the eyes of others, Xu Tingsheng is simply too "popular", especially in the eyes of the girls.

There are two groups of girls in this era, one group is more romantic, and they like boys who sing, play football and fight.

Needless to say, singing was a weapon for picking up girls in any era. The girls didn't know if Xu Tingsheng could sing well, but at least he was doing a good job of singing with wine on the roof in the middle of the night.

"I heard that he can play the guitar, and the school caught him through the guitar he left on the roof."

"Hey, I want to hear him play guitar and sing on the roof, and sing for me alone."

Xu Tingsheng himself didn't know about these gossips. If he knew that the school caught him with a guitar, he would be wronged, because he was very sure, very sure, that he couldn't play the guitar at all, let alone play the guitar and sing. up.

Playing football, in the 2002 World Cup in Japan and South Korea, the Chinese team entered the World Cup finals for the first time, which brought about a wave of football fever around 2002. Although the Chinese team failed to score a goal in all three games in the World Cup, football is more popular than basketball on campus at this time. Xu Tingsheng has always been the core midfielder of the school football team. He wears the No. 10 jersey and has seen him play. There are a lot of girls, and in terms of their little understanding of football, No. 10 is the most powerful.

Fighting, this is when the Hong Kong Young and Dangerous series of movies are still hot in small video halls in various small counties in the Mainland, and the rising Internet also helps spread them. So in the girls' fantasies, men should drink horses in the rivers and lakes, enjoy their grievances, be handsome and ruthless like Chen Haonan, and smash open the window of the bridal shop like Andy Lau to put on the most beautiful wedding dress for Wu Qianlian. With a nosebleed, he took her racing.

So, in their view, bad boys are cute. Of course boys can fight, but they have to belong to the "good guy among the bad guys". You can't be a crow or Sangbiao. You have to be Chen Haonan, you have to be "Positive Bad Guys". Is that Xu Tingsheng

Of course, because the villain image of Bao Ming and his group was already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so Xu Tingsheng, their opposite, must be positive. Even Tan Qingling, who has always been obedient, told Huang Yaming: Well played.

The plot of Xu Tingsheng being pushed to the ground and beaten was automatically ignored, what did the director of politics and education say? He rushed to eight people alone.

"According to the gossip, he knocked down 3 of them immediately by himself."

"According to the gossip, there was a girl standing behind him and tugging at the hem of his clothes. Although I couldn't see who it was, she must be very pretty. This fight should be for that girl, and she became a beauty in anger. "

"It's so romantic, but obviously I should be the heroine."

There is another group of girls who are diligent and eager to learn, and they also like boys who can read. If you can’t do it, you should be more literary, or if you can’t, you can write something.

"That Xu Tingsheng published an article in Jianhai Youth Daily in his freshman year of high school."

"I think 'the world is so big, I want to see' is more sentimental."

"Is it an instant trip? I wonder if he lacks a travel companion?"

"I'm thinking about spring."

"ha… "

"I heard that he said in the teacher's office that he will enter the top 20 in the next monthly exam. I really hope he can do it. It would be perfect."

"Maybe it was coaxing the teacher to say it at the time. They said that his foundation is not very good, and many people are waiting to see the joke."

"He's so popular now, it's inevitable that someone will do this. In fact, it's okay if he can't do it, as long as he makes progress."

"I bet he can do it, and those people will be mad at that time."