Still, Wait For Me

Chapter 70: They are ugly


Early the next morning, Dad Xu sent Xu Tingsheng to the station on his bicycle.

Before leaving, younger sister Xu Qiuyi mentioned the present she wanted next time. She was not satisfied with the pair of shoes that Xu Tingsheng brought this time, and after a few days of dislike, she said that future gifts would be appointed by herself.

Xu Tingsheng readily agreed, there are only a few people he wants to spoil in this life, he likes his younger sister's ignorant appearance.

On the way from the village to the station, Xu Tingsheng told Dad Xu two things:

1. Consider buying a car;

2. Tell me about the business in the future, after all, father and son are in battle.

Father Xu promised to think about it.

Fu Cheng waited eagerly at the station, but Fang Yunyao, who had been driving back to Libei since last night, still didn't show up until the bus left the station.

In the end, two passenger cars driving in the opposite direction passed each other on the highway. Fu Cheng and Fang Yunyao waved to each other through the car window.

Fu Cheng smiled like a fool.

Fang Yunyao, in fact, a woman is a little deer in her heart, but she just pretends to be calm and calm... very cute and beautiful.

Song Ni and Apple sat together and whispered.

Huang Yaming has been in a low mood.

Xu Tingsheng was thinking about his own path.

He has confidence in Dad Xu and the current economic situation, but the 7 million fundraising funds in Dad Xu's hands are still like an epee hanging above his head, putting heavy pressure on him.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Xu Tingsheng hoped that he would have the ability to cover this for Xu's father in the shortest possible time. To put it simply, if there was a problem with the Xu family's business one day, Xu Tingsheng hoped that he would be able to help resolve it.

To put it more directly: Xu Tingsheng needs money, a lot of money.

The CRBT project through Fu Cheng is a direction, but it is obviously not enough. Xu Tingsheng does not intend to make copying songs his life's work, after all, he himself has no intention of going in this direction.

In the days that followed, he needed to find another direction.

At 9:00 on October 15, 2003, the Shenzhou-5 manned spacecraft was launched, sending astronaut Yang Liwei into space, and returned smoothly at 6:23 on October 16, 2003.

Shenzhou V has gone to heaven.

Xu Tingsheng finally officially entered the rhythm of the university once again.

Every morning I get up and run, and then I have to go to class and go to bed, everything seems to be the same as others.

The only exception is the class on Tuesday afternoon. Xu Tingsheng will run away from the two classes of ancient literature this afternoon, and then take a bus across half of the city to the small hill behind the playground of Xinyan Middle School, waiting for Xiang Ning to appear .

Most of the time, as long as it doesn't rain, he will see that cute little girl on the playground once a week.

However, he never spoke a word to her again, or even appeared in front of her again.

For Xiao Xiang Ning, there was one thing that was strange during this period. Once she and her classmates practiced paddling volleyball, the strength increased, and the ball flew out of the fence of the playground, and then...flyed back by itself.

Perhaps this was the only thing that made her feel faintly that the liar was still there.

She put the bullet casings he gave her in the pencil case. Once the boy at the same table saw it and asked her for it, but she didn’t give it to her. The boy offered to exchange it with a brand new hardcover notebook. She thought about it, but she still refused. up.

Xu Tingsheng pressed another bullet casing under the pillow.

During this period, Xu Tingsheng participated in the selection of the football team of the Faculty of Arts. Together with many other candidates, he played in rotation for 20 minutes, scored one goal and assisted another, and then lost the selection inexplicably.

Xu Tingsheng didn't understand what was going on until he saw that the people in charge of the selection were the sophomores and juniors who had appeared at the dinner that day.

Since you guys won't take me to play, then I'll play on my own. Xu Tingsheng reconnected with the group of people who played football together before school started, and played wild football together every few days.

Then one day, one of them said to him: "You pick a number, the coach has visited you a few times, welcome to the Rock University football team."

It turned out that this group of people was the Rock University team, and it was too informal.

The main number of the school team has basically been allocated, and Xu Tingsheng chose the number 24 because Xiang Ning's birthday is May 24.

Therefore, there was such a joke in the football circle of Rock University: "The school team doesn't want it, but the school team wants it."


"There is a guy named Xu Tingsheng in the second class of Chinese 03."

From then on, in addition to the school team's training, Xu Tingsheng began to have more and more opportunities to play football, because many people wanted to see what kind of level this guy who was rumored to be rejected by the school team was.

In terms of CRBT, Xu Tingsheng gave Fu Cheng three songs in addition to the original two songs "Fairy Tale" and "We Are All Good Boys", and asked Xu's father for 20,000 yuan, and then he did it. He didn't participate in the shopkeeper, the cooperation with the CRBT business company, or the recording of the song.

Apple came to Libei again because of the song recording, and stayed for two days, because one of the three songs Xu Tingsheng gave later was a duet between men and women, and it was recorded by Fu Cheng and Apple.

So far, Apple knew another secret about the man she loved, which made her very happy, but the relationship between her and Xu Tingsheng was far less intimate than before.

Xu Tingsheng was looking for an appropriate distance to ensure that he and Apple would not approach the critical point where once crossed, they would not be able to turn around.

The songs were uploaded one after another, gradually spread and became more and more popular under the deliberate promotion of the CRBT company.

With the increase in song downloads, Fu Cheng began to earn money, from tens of thousands at a time to hundreds of thousands at a time. Among them, "Fairy Tale" and the chorus song between Apple and Fu Cheng were the two most profitable songs .

In order to meet the promotion needs of the CRBT company, Fu Cheng registered a small site named "Samsara Band" on a certain music website, but there were no photos or even announcements.

Fu Cheng and Apple may have some doubts about this, but they did not raise it to Xu Tingsheng.

After a long time, even Fu Cheng, who is in charge of the daily life of the small station, got used to Xu Tingsheng's way, just make a fortune in silence.

Someone left a message on the small station: Since you are unwilling to disclose anything, why upload songs

Fu Cheng replied: Make money.

The other party replied: But if you become popular, you can earn more money by performing in public, right

Fu Cheng replied: None of your business.

The other party replied: Haha, I see, you are ugly.

Fu Cheng replied: Yes.

As a result, a rumor began to appear on the Internet. The reason why the Samsara band, which has five good songs in a row and has great potential to become popular, chose to hide their identity and refused to make a public appearance was because they were ugly.

Then, some "fans of Samsara" who didn't know when they started to appear came to the small station to leave a lot of messages:

No matter what you look like, I love you and support you.

same upstairs,


Talent has nothing to do with appearance, appearance is a party.

Male lead singer, even if you grow up to be like Wu Dalang, I would still marry you, this is my QQ: XXXXXXX

Seeing this, Fu Cheng had no choice but to reply: I won't add you to QQ, be careful of liars, don't be tricked into falling asleep and saying I did it.

Screaming downstairs: The lead singer is so kind and caring about the fans.

Be confident and come out to honor us ugly people.

It turns out that the upstairs is ugly.

XXXX (expletive)

XXXX (expletive)

This building is crooked.

The number of messages is increasing dramatically every day, from a few thousand to tens of thousands, and soon... breaking through 100,000...

Some media or record companies began to try to contact Samsara.

However, in the contract that Xu Tingsheng entrusted Fu Cheng to sign with the CRBT company, there were very strict and strict confidentiality clauses, so no one could find any other contact information of the Samsara band except the music station.

The most sensational one is actually Yanzhou University, because everyone knows that the reincarnation band is by their side. They once appeared at this year's welcome party, masked and sang the now popular "Fairy Tale" publicly for the first time. The famous heroine confessed.

Some seniors also said that after singing the song that day, they still ran past me with their guitars in their arms, do you know that? ... If I had known, I would have thrown them straight at the time.

Who is reincarnation

Who is the heroine of the confession

Is the girl who sang with Samsara the heroine who confessed her love that day

The overwhelming speculation even spread into Xu Tingsheng and Fu Cheng's own bedroom.

"They are guessing in the dormitory, what should you do?" Xu Tingsheng asked Fu Cheng.

"Let's guess," Fu Cheng said, "But I think it's better for us to rent a house outside, otherwise it will be troublesome, and I might be discovered one day."