Still, Wait For Me

Chapter 72: Old crooked emergency number


Xu Tingsheng's utilitarianism is not so great that he loses his authenticity in dealing with others. For example, in his relationship with Fang Yuqing, accumulating contacts is a consideration. However, to a greater extent, it is because Xu Tingsheng himself admires this person. He thinks Fang Yuqing is Someone who could really be a friend.

To be honest, Xu Tingsheng still couldn't keep his face and give up on a person who disgusted him.

Xu Tingsheng's definition of network is very broad. People with background and strength like Fang Yuqing are connections. People with special skills like Zhong Wusheng are connections. Ordinary roommates and classmates around him, or who suddenly become famous in one day, or they spend their whole lives They're all just plain, and they're all connections.

Networking is not how many people you know, but how many people are willing to help you when you are in trouble and need help.

If you are hungry, the one who can give you a granary is a friend, and the one who can only give you half a loaf of bread is a friend if you work hard.

Xu Tingsheng didn't have time to participate in student unions, clubs and other organizations, but he spent a lot of time getting along with people. The students in the class were basically not strangers. To the friends who played football together, senior sisters and even counselors, Xu Tingsheng also showed just the right amount of enthusiasm, not too close, nor too far away from others.

This was a shortcoming of Xu Tingsheng's previous life. In his previous life, Xu Tingsheng almost only showed his enthusiasm and friendliness within a very small range, and had a mechanism similar to self-shielding to the outside world.

In fact, many people in this society have a similar situation and are not good at socializing.

To give a simple example, suppose a classmate of yours who is not familiar with you, or even a stranger, he (she) passed by you with a basin of water and a hot water bottle, and it was difficult to move, and he (she) asked for your help , you'd be more than happy to help him out.

However, if you were the person holding the water basin and the hot water bottle instead, you would definitely not ask for help. Even if a classmate or a stranger offered to help, you would most likely say "thank you, no need".

In fact, taking the initiative to help people or accepting help is a way to make friends, and people with self-shielding mechanisms are often willing to give help passively, but are unwilling to actively ask for and accept help.

Xu Tingsheng in his previous life was a typical example of not being good at socializing. Now, he is working hard to overcome and change.

Of course, relatively speaking, Xu Tingsheng spends the most time with his roommates, and the relationship between them is also closer. After all, university has its own peculiarities. On the surface, it seems that the basic unit is the class, but in reality it is the dormitory. for the unit.

Although he rented a house outside, Xu Tingsheng still lived in the dormitory most of the time, talking about school and girls with his roommates, watching "movies" in front of the crooked computer with cigarettes in his mouth, and shamelessly rushing across the distance together. Say hello to the female dormitory building of Yanzhou Medical College, which is far across the road.

As long as girls look good, it will be easier for people to daydream after wearing white coats or nurse uniforms.

Every day, in 602, there will be a few shameless people standing on the balcony and howling a few times, "Nurse sister, doctor sister... I want to get an injection", including Xu Tingsheng. Many times, he doesn't want himself to live so serious and calm. I don't want to return to my youth, but I still live like I am 31 years old.

Zhang Ninglang already knew the cruel fact that Apple's cousin was only eight years old, but he still held his voice to help Xu Tingsheng find out in the ancient literature class every Tuesday afternoon.

Li Xingmin traveled through almost all clubs and activities in the school, and wanted to get countless mobile phone numbers, but he still failed to fulfill his long-cherished wish and ended up in a male body.

In fact, sometimes women need mood and atmosphere, but he has been acting too eagerly, staring at people like a very hungry wolf, his eyes can burst into flames, scaring one away when he sees one.

Tan Yao started to stay out at night often. He dealt with many women, but he never had a regular girlfriend. Soon, he became famous, but no one had ever heard of any "ex" who scolded him and blamed him. .

Even if it's just a dewy marriage, he can leave a good impression on the other party that he will never forget, which is actually a skill.

From Xu Tingsheng's point of view, this is actually his way of socializing. He doesn't seek knowledge and make friends with the world, but he seeks to find his way around the world. When he encounters difficulties later, when others look for a brother, he recruits his ex-girlfriend No. 100 with a wave of his hand. scary.

Lu Xu met a girl who was studying environmental design. She was said to be good-looking, with long hair, long legs and a pretty face, but she lived like a tough man. The girl was already a black belt in Taekwondo before graduating from high school, and won the third place in the provincial youth competition.

Roommates would sometimes make jokes about Lu Xu, saying that you would pounce on him when you turned hot... Then, you would be kicked out by "ha".

In fact, Lu Xu and this girl named Bao Peijun have always remained at the stage of mutual affection, and both sides are still holding on to the last step.

Every time two people eat, Bao Peijun always brings a group of girls, and Lu Xu brings a group of wolves. As a result, the two of them have not yet established a relationship, but the people around them have formed several couples first.

As a result, more and more people began to take part in the date between Lu Xu and Bao Peijun. Under the eyes of everyone, it was difficult for the two of them to make any progress.

Relatively speaking, Lao Wai is the one with the most stable relationship in the whole dormitory. He has quit smoking and many problems. He serves Li Linlin, who is not outstanding, like a fairy, which makes Xu Tingsheng look up to him with admiration.

Sometimes a group of people watch "movies" in front of Laowai's computer, and some people can't help but say to Laowai: "Dude, you already have wives, why are you always like us, only watching and learning, not Developing practice... Let’s talk about it, where are we now?”

Every time this happens, Lao Wai will stand up and take off his pants, showing everyone his two hairy thighs, which are covered with black and blue patches.

"Look for yourself... Dare I move? Move it, twist it, move it... I'm almost disabled. Alas, I guess I won't make it through my freshman year." Lao Wai said angrily.

A group of onlookers gloated and pointed to the two most serious bruises on the old crooked leg and asked him, "This one is very ruthless. What's wrong with it?"

Lao Wai said proudly like a veteran showing off his wound: "Can I tell you that?... In short, I moved, and she twisted. Let her twist it, no matter how painful it is, buddy, I will carry it, and I will not let it go. ...How about it, fierce?"

"I said Lao Wai, so don't brag. Seeing how you two usually walk together, I guess you haven't kissed now." The experienced Tan Yao beat Lao Wai aside.

Then Lao Wai stopped talking, acquiescing to Tan Yao's judgment.

Xu Tingsheng especially admires Li Linlin, a girl who is self-reliant, self-loving, and tenacious. Not long after the start of school, she has started working and studying abroad. Except for class time, she is always busy, but she always has a smile on her face.

Li Linlin found two tutors outside. Because of this, Xu Tingsheng, who had seen a female tutor who had an accident in his previous life, specially reminded Lao Wai that it was not safe for girls to run outside. It's best to pick her up. Also, if possible, buy Li Linlin a mobile phone so that she can know whether she is safe at any time.

Lao Wai saved for two months and bought a mobile phone for Li Linlin, but Li Linlin didn't want it anyway.

Lao Wai said: "If you don't want it, I won't be able to live... I will die because I am too worried about you."

Lao Wai said such nasty and disgusting words, and Li Linlin had no choice but to accept them.

On this day, Li Linlin just took over her third tutor, and the male parent contacted her, but because nothing happened to the first two tutors, and the price offered by the other party was quite high, Li Linlin herself was very firm. Crooked also let down his vigilance.

Lao Wai took Li Linlin to the gate of the other's community by bus, but Li Linlin didn't let him take it up, saying that she had a bad impression on her parents. Lao Wai didn't force it, and stood guard at the door for a while, then made a phone call with Li Linlin, and only got on the bus back to school after he felt that everything was in order.

On the bus, Lao Wai received a call from Li Linlin. The phone rang twice. Before Lao Wai could pick it up, he hung up. , shutdown.

Lao Wai panicked, sweating all over in the winter.

When Xu Tingsheng received Lao Wai's call, he was sitting with Fang Yuqing and Zhong Wusheng, chatting at the wonton stand.

"Brother Xu, something may have happened to me, something may have happened to Linlin." Lao Wai explained the situation on the phone.

Xu Tingsheng also became anxious and quickly asked, "Did you call the police? Hurry up and call the police."

"Reported, I asked me on the phone whether I was reporting missing persons or something, and said how long it would take to report missing persons, and then I told about Linlin's situation, and they said they would send someone over there to check, and I was also rushing there .”

"Okay, I'll come right away, you find a place first, don't worry... I'll call you later."

Xu Tingsheng hung up the phone, stood up, and said, "Fang Yuqing, please drive me to the downtown area. The girlfriend of one of my roommates is working as a tutor outside. Something may have happened...Brother Zhong, can you go with us? I'm afraid that if the police don't arrive in time, Yu Qing and I won't be able to handle the situation."

"What's the point of talking, hurry up and go." Zhong Wusheng said.

"Go... get in the car. Take the baseball bat from my trunk." Fang Yuqing said.