Still, Wait For Me

Chapter 74: Fang Yuqing's road


Xu Tingsheng and Fang Yuqing walked over, stood beside Zhong Wusheng and looked into the room...

After a pause for a few seconds, Fang Yuqing turned around and walked out silently. Xu Tingsheng grabbed him, but he didn't.

Fang Yuqing silently picked up the baseball bat that had been put down, with a blank expression on his face, without saying a word, one stick after another... and hit the legs and bodies of the three people on the ground.

The sound of broken bones and wailing sounded... It was not scary at all, and everyone present only thought that the sound was very pleasant.

Even the girl Li Linlin didn't cover her eyes or turn her head away, she just looked at it.

"Brother Zhong, stop him." Xu Tingsheng said with a trembling voice.

The trembling was only due to anger, but Xu Tingsheng reminded himself that he must remain calm.

Zhong Wusheng also backed out, hesitated for a moment, and still hugged Fang Yuqing who couldn't restrain himself.

At a certain time in his previous life, Xu Tingsheng also saw several cases of imprisoning and enslaving women on the news. Although he was angry at the time, it was far away from his life after all...

Now, it happened right in front of Xu Tingsheng's eyes.

Even Li Linlin, whom he was familiar with, almost became one of the victims.

Apart from the little boy in the room, there were two pairs of eyes looking at him, one with numbness, and one with longing and fear.

"Don't be afraid, we are here to save people... The police will be here in a while." Xu Tingsheng said as gently as possible.

After he finished speaking, one of the people in the room began to cry.

These are two women, the one who is crying and nodding is about 30 years old, and the other is about 14 or 5 years old. A slight whining sound.

There is an incontinent filth on the ground where they sit because they cannot move.

Their bodies are full of scars, some are punched and kicked, some are cut or stabbed by sharp objects, some... are the marks of tooth bites, some wounds have healed, leaving only scars, and some are still oozing out Bleeding.

Those wounds that have healed suggest that they may have been imprisoned for a long time.

The woman in her 30s was still conscious, so she knew what had happened and started to cry, but the 14- or 5-year-old girl was completely numb. She looked at Xu Tingsheng with blank eyes, and then turned back to stare blankly at the ground. , leaning on the adult woman's body.

Perhaps for her, numbness is the best self-salvation.

There were three criminals, and there were two women in the house. Perhaps, Li Linlin was their last target, their last move... If the three of Xu Tingsheng did not show up today, maybe the criminals would try to take them away and go back to the old village in the mountains or somewhere, Then the consequences...

The identity of the little boy can only be left to the police to investigate. Xu Tingsheng thinks that the house is very likely to be the mother and a pair of siblings, but these are not important now.

"Let go, I only hit my hands and legs."

Fang Yuqing roared, he was struggling, Zhong Wusheng held him tightly, turned his head to look at Xu Tingsheng, saw Xu Tingsheng nodding, Zhong Wusheng let go, from the expression on his face, it can be seen that he had long wanted to let go.

Fang Yuqing continued to smash it one after another...

The sound of broken bones, wailing, and pleasant voices sounded again.

Fang Yuqing's venting didn't stop until he received a call from his cousin.

Fang Yuqing's cousin has brought people to the community.

"We're on the 7th floor of Building 11. We're fine now, but the situation is a bit complicated. You guys have to come up and have a look." Fang Yuqing said into the phone.

When he hung up the phone, Xu Tingsheng held him down and said, "What is your cousin's job, is he the person in charge among the people who came here this time?"

"Vice-captain, it should be."

"Well, let me explain two things to you. You will tell your cousin about it later. First, this matter may have follow-up media reports. You remind your cousin to pay attention to protecting the privacy of the victim. Don't Expose any clue information that may lead to speculation, especially do not mention tutors, schools and us... ”

Fang Yuqing looked at Li Linlin who was still curled up in Laowai's arms, nodded and said, "I understand."

"Second, their wounds," Xu Tingsheng continued, pointing to the three people on the ground, "The wounds on their bodies were left by us rushing in and fighting with them... don't say whether you are afraid or not, Brother Zhong and I don't want to cause trouble, and I don't want you to cause trouble either."

Fang Yuqing nodded and said, " you understand the law?...are they worthy of the death penalty?"

Regarding the three beasts under his feet, Xu Tingsheng also wanted to kill them quickly, but the memory of his previous life was not like this... Xu Tingsheng shook his head and said, "I'll ask your cousin later."

Not long after speaking, Fang Yuqing's cousin led people into the scene.

Fang Yuqing found a gap and pulled his cousin aside to talk, communicating what Xu Tingsheng just explained.

Xu Tingsheng saw the murderous eyes of the two female criminal policemen at the scene looking at the criminal.

"They shouldn't be having a good time."

Lao Wai and Li Linlin were sent to the hospital. It was early morning when Xu Tingsheng, Fang Yuqing, and Zhong Wusheng finished their notes in the criminal police team. Fang Yuqing drove Xu Tingsheng and Zhong Wusheng back to the riverside residence.

In the end, he didn't leave and stayed with Xu Tingsheng.

Xu Tingsheng leaned on the bed with his arms under his head and couldn't fall asleep.

Fang Yuqing came over and knocked on the door.

He entered the door and said, "Xu Tingsheng, I can't sleep."

Xu Tingsheng knew that what he experienced today might have had a greater impact on Fang Yu Qing than on himself, because the two people lived and grew up in different environments. Before tonight, the biggest trouble in Fang Yuqing's life may be just how to deal with it. Killing time, how to make life not boring...

"I never thought that one day I would be able to carry justice so far... Do you understand what I mean? Xu Tingsheng... I know I am not Superman, Batman... But, I don't want to be as powerless as I am today."

Fang Yuqing sat back on the chair, lit a cigarette and said.

"My cousin is an outlier at home. There are many roads in the family, and there are many Sunshine Avenues for him to choose... He chose the most difficult one... Because he chose to be a criminal policeman, my uncle and aunt almost severed ties with him."

Xu Tingsheng could vaguely understand Fang Yuqing's meaning. He had read a report that may not have been well documented. When the average life expectancy of Chinese people had reached 70 years old, the average life expectancy of front-line criminal policemen seemed to be only 40 years old.

"Now, I want to go his way." Fang Yuqing said.

Xu Tingsheng didn't speak. He knew that Fang Yuqing didn't really need his own opinions or suggestions. He was just thinking about himself. Regarding the life before and after, he came to talk to Xu Tingsheng and spoke out, but... In fact, this was just his monologue.

Xu Tingsheng didn't know what Fang Yuqing's life would be like if he hadn't appeared. Maybe he would be a wanderer, maybe he would rise to the top, but it would not be what he thought now.

Xu Tingsheng couldn't even judge whether the possible impact of this situation would be good or bad.

The butterfly flapped its wings, and Fang Yuqing changed his path.