Still, Wait For Me

Chapter 92: Lu Zhixin's Secret


When Lu Zhixin drank the third cup, Xu Tingsheng stretched out his hand to stop him. After all, his personality is like this. Even if he is a little concerned and confused by Lu Zhixin's actions today, as long as the other party has no clear intention or performance to hurt him, Xu Tingsheng will guarantee the best. degree of respect.

He still couldn't figure out why Lu Zhixin did this, even if the other party did develop a good impression of him in the previous contact, it wouldn't be a bit of a mess for now.

However, Lu Zhixin at least showed no malice.

People give kindness, but you can't accept it, so why repay it with resentment? ... This probably means that if someone treats you well or expresses goodwill, you don't have to accept it, and you won't resent it anyway.

Conversely, if someone is like this: You dare to express your affection for me, I don't like you, so I will humiliate you severely, trample you, and kill you. That's neurosis.

Attributing Lu Zhixin's behavior to her expressing goodwill, even if she resorted to some tricks, there should be nothing wrong with it. Therefore, if you don't understand, Xu Tingsheng maintained due respect, and he reached out to block the third cup.

"I'll do it myself." Xu Tingsheng said with a smile.

Lu Zhixin leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Don't worry, I drink very well."

This action was slightly intimate, and the atmosphere on the scene was brought to a climax. In the end, Xu Tingsheng himself drank a cup. The reason of his teammates was that you became a hero today and got a beautiful woman in your arms. It is unreasonable not to drink a cup.

After drinking a round of wine, Lu Zhixin's face did not blush, and her steps remained undisturbed.

A little after eight o'clock, the scene began to greet "renewal stalls", and the next wave continued to KTV. Xu Tingsheng excused that he had an exam tomorrow and left early, Lu Zhixin followed behind with his bag.

"Xu Tingsheng, are you angry with me?" Lu Zhixin said behind her.

Xu Tingsheng turned around and said, "It's not that I'm angry. Speaking of which, I should thank you for your favor, but... I can't figure it out. I didn't realize that I'm so good that I'm worth it."

Lu Zhixin smiled and said nothing.

Xu Tingsheng asked, "Can you explain?"

Lu Zhixin shook her head and said, "No."

Lu Zhixin said no, instead of saying, "I just like you", "I like you very much", it means that she has acquiesced to something. This is another level of honesty, admitting that she has a secret, and at the same time expressing that I will not tell .

That being the case, Xu Tingsheng had no choice but to ask further questions.

Out of politeness, after Lu Zhixin blocked more than twenty glasses of wine for him in one go, Xu Tingsheng planned to see her off, but at this moment, Xu Tingsheng's cell phone rang.

He always carries two mobile phones with him, one old number of Libei, and one new number of campus card of Yan University. Because of roaming, almost everyone, including Xu's father and Xu's mother, calls him with the new number. Number.

It was the phone with the old number that rang. The number that Xu Tingsheng left for Xiang Ning. He has been waiting for this call for almost a semester. So, he didn't care about manners.

Lu Zhixin walked alone on the way back to the dormitory. It was cold in the winter night, and walking alone was a bit "desolate". No matter how strong and rational her character was, to be honest, there were still some grievances. After all, even Lu Zhixin herself can't help laughing at herself sometimes.

However, she didn't plan to change, and she didn't plan to stop.

In the first contact with Xu Tingsheng, Lu Zhixin also thought that this boy might be pursuing her. The reason why she didn't refuse was because the other party acted too naturally, and her spoken English was really good, better than many students from the English department.

After a long time of contact, Lu Zhixin began to feel that Xu Tingsheng was different from usual, for example, compared with boys of the same age, his mind was more mature, and he was calm in situations.

In the whole semester, she hardly saw him flustered.

Moreover, he seemed to have a lot of self-confidence, but the way this self-confidence was expressed was very peaceful. For example, when Xu Tingsheng asked himself out for dinner for the first time, Xu Tingsheng didn't show any politeness or tweaking. When the bell rang after class, he said, "Let's go, let's have dinner together."

It felt as if it was a normal thing. No boy has ever invited Lu Zhixin to dinner in this way. They always struggled and hesitated for a long time before they dared to ask, "Are you free soon?"

"Are you so sure? Do you feel like you have everything in your hands?... I haven't fallen in love with you yet." Xu Tingsheng's first dinner appointment, Lu Zhixin had such a mentality, so she found an excuse to refuse.

In the public elective classes for the next two weeks, she tried to give Xu Tingsheng a cold face.

However, she did not see Xu Tingsheng's loss and panic as expected, he was still the same. Once again, when the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Xu Tingsheng said, "Let's have dinner together."

"This bastard, has he forgotten that he has been rejected before? Isn't he embarrassed?" This time, Lu Zhixin did not refuse by mistake.

Afterwards, Xu Tingsheng remained as usual, most of the time he left in a hurry after class, and occasionally said, "Let's go, let's have dinner together."

After the two of them had dinner together five or six times, at last one time, Lu Zhixin couldn't help asking Xu Tingsheng: "Why did you invite me to dinner?"

Xu Tingsheng said: "After class, it's time for lunch. Also, thank you for accompanying me to practice oral English. It's easy for you in the English department to find an opponent. I'm really counting on you... So, treat you to dinner and curry favor with you."

Lu Zhixin wanted to say that you can go to the English Corner, the English Salon. Lu Zhixin refrained from saying another thought, and even secretly rejoiced that she didn't say it. If she said it, would this guy really stop looking for me

"So, is it really like this?" When the roommates secretly watched Lu Zhixin and Xu Tingsheng eat together in the restaurant a few times, when they began to get used to flirting with Lu Zhixin in an ambiguous tone and said: "That boy is very handsome, don't Hidden, when will you bring it back for everyone to review?"

Lu Zhixin knew that her heart was beating, and she was beating like an ordinary girl.

She began to think: "Well, let's see how long you can bear it. If you say something, first refuse once, and then I will consider agreeing... Forget it, I don't want to refuse anymore, why don't you just wait for him to speak, and then start a relationship Bar."

Xu Tingsheng kept silent, but Lu Zhixin herself became more and more addicted, and began to understand Xu Tingsheng more and more, his personality, including his occasional childishness and cuteness.

When a man superimposes maturity and childishness and cuteness, it is often difficult for women to resist, and girlishness and motherhood will overflow together.

Lu Zhixin was still resisting, if it was just this, it wouldn't be enough to make her unable to restrain herself from voluntary confession, and even messed around afterwards.

Until, at the party where the girls of the Ministry of Literature and Art sent off their seniors, she met the former minister Fang Cheng, and with her amazing drinking capacity, she drank the beautiful Fang who was known as a thousand cups.

The two hit it off very well, so she took care of Fang Cheng in the hotel room all night, Fang Cheng talked to her a lot in a daze, and she also said the name "Xu Tingsheng" without any scruples while she was drunk.

"Xu Tingsheng, the person you are talking about is Xu Tingsheng? Oh, you are miserable..."

Then, the drunken Fang Cheng let Lu Zhixin know another Xu Tingsheng.

"Is it the highest score? A poor boy who wants money and shame? Is there someone Fang Cheng also admires? Is there a girl named Apple who is indifferent?... Is there even more surprising... mysterious reincarnation?"

Lu Zhixin is not the kind of little girl who can't hide things. She didn't mention it to anyone, including Fang Cheng after she sobered up. She just learned everything about reincarnation silently.

That night downstairs in the dormitory, Lu Zhixin told half the truth and half the lie. It was true that she hadn't heard the new song "You Knit a Sweater for Idiots" by Samsara at that time, but she knew everything about Samsara beyond that, including the song of Samsara. business income.

On the night of the welcome party, she was also there. She recalled the scene at that time. Based on her physical appearance, she could tell that among the two people that night, Xu Tingsheng was not the one who confessed.

Later, she learned about the establishment of the Hucheng Education Platform from her roommate who had a close relationship with Li Linlin. At that time, Lao Wai had just started working day and night. At that time, almost no one knew who was behind the platform. .

In fact, until now, many people still don't know the relationship between this platform and Xu Tingsheng. Few people can see the ambition behind this free platform.

However, Fang Cheng saw it, and so did Lu Zhixin.

So, when her roommate tugged at her sleeve in surprise and showed her Xu Tingsheng's car, she wasn't surprised at all.

The man who was already enamored suddenly gained two huge weights, powerful and mysterious, and perhaps, has a great future. Lu Zhixin's mentality also changed from being able to talk about a relationship to one that I must hold you in my hands.

"He on the court today is really attractive to girls, and then, the way he handed over the whole plastic bag together is so silly and cute."

Lu Zhixin knew that she was "sick", and the "sickness" was getting worse.

At the same time, her confidence came from her analysis and understanding of Xu Tingsheng, and she seized his veins.

Just like in the stands, when she wanted to hold a rose, Xu Tingsheng didn't let it go. Then, she changed it into a grip and held it with her whole hand. The rose thorns stuck into her palm, and the blood flowed down... Xu Tingsheng let go.

Everything was as Lu Zhixin expected. This is Xu Tingsheng.

Lu Zhixin was sure of dealing with Xu Tingsheng. For this reason, she doesn't mind being cruel to herself.

Xu Tingsheng on the other side didn't know all this. He ran two steps away, hurriedly took out his phone, and pressed the answer button tremblingly.