Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 100: 101|The Giant Elephant


The people of the Giant Tiger Tribe are all regretting it now.

They thought that their just-dead patriarch was already the strongest, but they did not expect that there would be such a strong person in this world who could crush a large number of people casually.

Compared with the giant beast in front of him, what is the big bear that killed their patriarch? That bear is not as big as the legs of this beast!

There is such a strong man in the big bear tribe, they don't even have eyes to offend them...

But at this time, it's too late to say anything, that strong man can just roll over and crush them all into flesh.

The people of the giant tiger tribe cried and begged, but to no avail...

Before Kumano and others spent a lot of effort, they killed 300 people from the Giant Tiger Tribe, and now...

Not a single survivor.

Not only that, but after killing the people in front of him that he could see, the giant mammoth swept away several trees with a flick of its nose, and began to struggle with the surrounding dinosaurs again.

With so many people in the giant tiger tribe staying here, most of the dinosaurs suitable for hunting were eaten, and only some of the larger dinosaurs survived, but at this moment, these dinosaurs also suffered, and it was too late to escape.

In the territory of the giant tiger tribe, there is a powerful bullhorn. The length of the ordinary bullhorn is generally no more than eight meters, and the weight is generally no more than ten tons, but it suddenly became a lot bigger many years ago. , is now more than fifteen meters long and weighs more than twenty tons.

Even the sharp corners on its head are much harder and sharper than before.

And since it became like this, no one has messed with it anymore. The only troublesome one is the ordinary male bullhorn. It doesn't look down on it, so that it has not given birth for many years.

That's right, it's a female Bullhorn.

It was eating grass leisurely, and it didn't want a terrifying coercion suddenly coming from a certain direction... This bullhorn was stunned for a while, then ran away.

However, it didn't run far before a giant beast ran towards it, and with a flick of its nose, it was immediately knocked unconscious and knocked to death again.

For a time, the earth shook.

Qingshan tribe.

After the poisoning of Kumano, the people of the Qingshan tribe were especially anxious: "The poison of the giant tiger tribe is very powerful, and it will die soon if it gets on it."

"Will something happen to Kumano?"

"Blessed by the Beast God..."

Judging from the strength of Kumano, we know that his status in the Big Bear Tribe is definitely not low. If such a person has an accident... The people of the Qingshan Tribe are especially afraid that they will be angered.

Pig war is also very worried.

Poison is a very troublesome thing. Although Kumano has eaten a lot of detoxifying herbs and has been squeezing poisonous blood out, he is still very worried, because he is afraid of an accident in Kumano.

But Kumano did not have an accident, and even quickly recovered his face.

"Kumano, you are so powerful that you are not afraid of poison!" Xiong Qi said.

Before the pig war, he had always despised Xiong Qi, a person who knew to compliment Xiong Ye all day long, but now... He suddenly felt that Xiong Qi's words were quite reasonable.

Kumano... Really awesome!

"Kumano, how do you feel?" Pig Zhan asked.

Kumano said: "A little weak, dizzy." Strange to say, after he was poisoned, he only squeezed the wound for a short time, but a lot of blood was shed, soaking a large area under him.

Of course, this is also beneficial, all the poisonous blood is drained...

It's just that he's a little dizzy right now.

"With so much blood, you will definitely faint... Strange, does this poison make people bleed?" Zhu Zhan was puzzled, and then found that after the poisonous blood of the wrong color blew out, Kumano's wound was closed. scarred.

He healed so fast, Kumano is such an amazing person!

Zhu Zhan glanced at Kumano with a complicated expression, and was about to say something when someone suddenly said, "I think something is wrong."

Having said that, the man also turned into a beast and lay on the ground for a while, and then turned into a human shape: "The earth is moving, and there are very big, very big dinosaurs!"

The orcs like to place their residence in a higher place, so that they can see the surrounding situation clearly. Where the Qingshan tribe is located, the terrain is not low, and when they felt that something was wrong, they immediately climbed to the mountain. Look into the distance.

It was so far away that they couldn't see the situation clearly, but they knew there must be something powerful raging in the distance.

"With this kind of movement, is the Beastmaster fighting with giant dinosaurs?" Zhu Zhan was shocked. Giant dinosaurs usually don't fight. They all have their own territory, but the Beastmaster will find trouble with them.

It's just... How come there is a Beastmaster here in the Wild Forest

In the Orc Continent, there are a total of six beast kings, and the shape of the beasts is different, but here in the wild forest, according to what Pig Zhan learned, there is no beast king.

The place here is actually not big, and there are not many orcs living there. Everyone's living conditions are not good. It is very good to have an intermediate-level beast warrior. It is difficult to have a beastmaster.

Wait, that's not necessarily true. It is said that the living environment of the people of the Big Bear Tribe is not at all worse than the living environment of the people on the Orc Continent.

But the big bear tribe can't have a beastmaster...

If that's the case, then it's the Beastmaster of the Orc Continent, here

Pig Zhan looked into the distance with an excited expression.

Xiong Qi was also very excited: "With such a movement, could it be that adult again? Can we go pick up meat to eat later?"

"What are you talking about, sir?" Pig Zhan asked.

Xiong Qi immediately said what happened to the big bear tribe before.

Everyone in the Big Bear tribe knows this, but Zhu Zhan never deliberately asked it before, and no one told him until now Xiong Qi said it vividly.

"Long teeth and long nose... is it like the sky?" Zhu Zhan immediately thought of a person.

Among the several giant tribes in the Orc Continent, the Hieroglyphic tribe is included.

The patriarch of the Hieroglyphic tribe, Xiangtian, is the king of beasts.

Over the years, Xiangtian has been reclusive, and there are rumors that he usually does not stay in the Hieroglyph Tribe. Could it be that he came to the wild forest

"Xiangtian?" Kumano asked, his body was a little weak, but Niu Er carried him on his back and came to the top of the mountain.

Like Xiong Qi, he felt that the one who made this noise should be the one who had made trouble near their tribe.

And he felt that way, for another reason—that man had appeared the other day and had taught him something.

I don't know what happened to him now, is it uncomfortable again

When he learned his skills from this person, he also asked some information about this person, but this person didn't say anything, so he didn't understand anything...

"Xiangtian is the patriarch of the pictographic tribe, he is a beast king, and the animal shape is an elephant... According to your description, the animal shape of the man is also an elephant, I think he may be Xiangtian." Zhu Zhan said.

Kumano kept the name "Xiangtian" in his heart and said, "Maybe something happened to him... Let's go take a look?"

Pig Zhan hesitated.

Beastmasters are not easy to take action, a Beastmaster is so noisy, it is only possible to meet an equal opponent. In this case, they go over... Isn't this courting death

But he wanted to go again.

He wanted to go back to the Orc Continent, but it wasn't easy, at least until he became a high-level Beast Warrior, he basically couldn't go back.

But if you can meet a Beastmaster...

Pig Zhan said: "Let's go and see!"

Everyone made a decision to go there, but Kumano's situation is not very good... Zhu Zhan said: "I'll take someone to see, Kumano, you stay."

"I'll go too." Kumano said, that man taught him a lot, and he always went to see it.

"Your body..." Zhu Zhan hesitated.

"Let Niu Er go behind my back." Kumano said. His brother Niu Er's speed is not very good, but his endurance is first-class, and it is not difficult to carry him on his back.

"Okay, go if you want." Pig Zhan said, he couldn't control Kumano anyway, so he could go if he wanted.

When everyone agreed, they ran in that direction, and as they walked, someone noticed something was wrong.

This route... the giant tiger tribe's people are going there.

"The people from the Giant Tiger Tribe are in front, and I don't know if they bumped into the Lord Xiangtian." Xiong Qi said, and gave Xiong Ye another look.

At the beginning, the person who was suspected to be Zhou Ji's father, Shi Li called him "Lord Elephant", could they be the same person

If it's a person... Then Zhou Ji's father is the Beastmaster? Zhou Ji is also amazing!

But even though Xiong Qi thought so, everyone was on their way and didn't say much.

In fact, he doesn't need to say anything... Kumano is also thinking about this at this moment.

There are no people in their tribe whose animal shape is an elephant, nor in the surrounding tribes, so he didn't know that the giant beast turned out to be an elephant before.

Now I know... Could that person really be Zhou Ji's father

Although the height looks different, there may be a way to change it.

And... if it really wants to be like this, it makes sense that the person taught him to cultivate.

He is Zhou Ji's partner, and that person must hope that he can be stronger to protect Zhou Ji.

Everyone thought about this and walked forward. After walking for more than an hour, they could feel the ground moving under their feet more clearly.

The movement that the person made was really big...

The people of the Giant Tiger Tribe walked a lot last night, but because they brought their families along, there were not only the old and the weak but also a lot of things in the team, so they didn't actually go very far.

If Kumano hadn't lost too much blood due to poisoning, it is estimated that after running at full strength for more than an hour, he would be able to catch up with the people of the Giant Tiger Tribe.

Now... they're not that fast, but they can catch up after running for three hours.

However, before they reached their destination, they saw a giant beast in the distance after they climbed up a big tree.

That giant beast was very, very large, and wherever it passed, all the trees fell...

"It's amazing..." Zhu Zhan said: "It's really an elephant, but it's not like the elephants I've ever seen. He actually has hair!"

Pig Zhan has never seen a beast like the sky, and now he just thinks... The Beastmaster is really different.

It's just... The other party didn't fight with the equal dinosaurs, but was making a noise by himself... What was he doing

Pig wars are very confusing.

Kumano is full of admiration: "Really mighty..."

Xiong Qi nodded in agreement, he had never seen a more mighty beast!

Everyone continued to walk forward, and after more than three hours, they arrived at the destination, and then they found that the raging beast had disappeared, leaving only a mess.

At the same time, they smelled a strong smell of blood and saw extremely cruel scenes.

The people of the Giant Tiger Tribe are all dead, and the death is so tragic that people can't bear to look directly at them!