Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 106: 107|Spring is here


Zhou Ji is not good at telling stories. He thinks the stories he tells are very boring. It is nothing more than two bears who have grown up and decided to go see the world. slowly getting stronger...

But for Kumano, this is definitely a very nice story.

In fact, he doesn't even think it's a story, he thinks it should be the real thing.

"Zhou Ji, Xiong Da Xiong Er, are you the ancestor of our big bear tribe? Did the beast god tell you this story?" Kumano was full of curiosity.

Zhou Ji: "..." I'm sorry, those two bears are not the ancestors of the big bear tribe. They are actually active in hundreds of episodes of cartoons. If there is no apocalypse, they may live for thousands of episodes.

The two talked and chatted together, and soon became hungry.

Zhou Ji took barley and bacon pickles and made pickled bacon patties.

Whether it's pickles or bacon, it's not healthy food, but with his and Kumano's current physical conditions, even eating a few hundred pounds of bacon and pickles every day has little effect.

After eating, Kumano lay on the hide by the fire and fell asleep.

There was a bed in their bedroom, but it was warmer by the fire, and he just lay there.

Zhou Ji smiled and lay down beside Kumano.

It snowed heavily for two days and two nights, and the whole world was covered in silver and white.

When Zhou Ji opened the window to ventilate the room, he was shocked by the scene outside - in the last days, even if it snows, the snow is not white, and there are always disgusting zombies coming out.

"Zhou Ji, don't blow the wind for too long." Seeing Zhou Ji standing at the window, Kumano instructed.

Zhou Ji closed the window: "I'm going outside for a walk."

"What are you doing outside?" Kumano asked.

"Just look at it." Zhou Ji said.

"Put on more clothes, and come back soon when it's cold." Kumano wanted to stop, but after thinking about it, he agreed again. Zhou Ji used to stay in the cave all day and never went out, for fear that he hadn't seen much snow. It's okay for him to play for a while.

With that in mind, he took out the animal skin and put it on Kumano.

Zhou Ji didn't refuse, wrapped in animal skins and went outside, strolling in his yard.

Seeing that Zhou Ji didn't plan to go far, Kumano said: "Zhou Ji, I'll go out and come back soon."

"Okay." Zhou Ji responded.

When Kumano was gone, Zhou Ji let go of the animal skin on his body, rubbed a snow ball with his mental power, and then made a sitting bear out of snow in front of the house.

With his spiritual power, he is no longer satisfied with building an ordinary snowman. Of course, he has to build a snow bear to look good.

In this way, Kumano will be happy to see him.

When Zhou Ji used his mental power to cheat and build snow bears, Kumano came to the tribe.

After the winter, most of the work in the tribe has stopped, but everyone still has some things to do.

Like feeding dinosaurs.

Of the dinosaurs raised in the tribe, all the big ones have been killed, but they decided to continue breeding those who were suitable and docile.

In order to prevent these dinosaurs from freezing to death and starving to death, the tribe not only prepared some hay in advance, but also built a mud house for them in the fence where the dinosaurs lived, which was also very attentive.

Kumano wandered around.

There were 400 former slaves who had joined the new bear tribe, and they all lived in places where pottery was fired, in houses made of clay.

In order to save labor, these houses are connected together in a row, so that one less wall can be hit, and it can keep warm.

When Kumano passed by, they saw some people cleaning the snow on the door and roof of the house. When they saw him, they greeted him with a smile, and repeatedly exclaimed: "Patriarch, this house made of mud is really warm to live in!"

"I have been through so many winters since I was a child, and this time was the best."

"Patriarch, you are really good people!"

When Kumano heard these words, he only felt that the weather was not so cold.

These people now have a great sense of belonging to the Big Bear Tribe, and Kumano strolled around and went to the Col.

In the mountain pass, the people of the Big Bear tribe are clearing the snow.

If the snow in the col is not swept away, it will always be wet and slippery, so every time it snows, everyone will get the snow outside the col.

Seeing Xiongye, people in the tribe greeted each other.

There was plenty of food this year and everyone was smiling and very happy.

Kumano went directly to the collective cave.

The strong people in the tribe generally don't need to pay much attention, but the people who live in the collective caves need him to take care of them a little.

A fire was lit in the collective cave, and a clay pot was placed on top of the fire, and hot water was boiled in the pot.

"Grandpa Monkey, how have you been recently?" Kumano went to find an old man in the tribe who was familiar with him and whose animal shape was a monkey.

He originally planned to become a partner with Shi Li and find someone to make a mattress, which is what this Grandpa Monkey did.

"Of course I have a good life, and there will be no better life." The old man smiled, and the others were also very happy.

There's plenty of firewood to burn, enough food, and they're still drinking hot water... This winter, they've had a better winter than ever.

Kumano sat down and chatted with the elderly and children in the tribe.

The atmosphere was very harmonious, and everyone's voices stopped until Yang Ying and Yang Su came over.

Kumano looked at Yang Ying and Yang Su, and quickly looked away.

He used to want the approval of these two people, but now, these two people are very ordinary members of the tribe to him, and he doesn't even like them very much.

After all, they are a bit lazy, especially Yang Ying.

Xiong Ye found that because he ignored Yang Ying, Yang Ying showed resentment and glared at him, but Yang Su lowered her eyebrows and pleaded with the eyes, and sat beside him obediently and listened to him.

"Yangsu, go!" Yang Ying said.

But Yangsu didn't listen to him and didn't leave, and stayed. When Kumano was about to leave, Yangsu chased after him and said, "I'm sorry, Patriarch."

Yangsu's life these days, if he wants to live a good life, that's no problem. After all, there is no shortage of food in the tribe, and no one will treat him badly.

But if it's not good, it's no problem. He and his mother have never been integrated into the tribe. They don't like to work, don't talk about it, and have a bad attitude towards Kumano. Everyone has to exclude them a little bit.

At first, Yangsu resented his brother, blamed Kumano for not remembering his old feelings, dissatisfied with his mother's various behaviors, and even more jealous of Zhou Ji, but after a long time, he found that Kumano and Zhou Ji did not have them in their eyes at all, and they worked hard After that, the others in the tribe stopped targeting them, and he suddenly felt a little dazed.

He suddenly realized that Kumano really didn't need to be nice to him.

Yangsu no longer remembers what the tribe he was born into was like, but the memory of starvation before he came to the Big Bear tribe is very clear. He actually likes the Big Bear tribe quite a bit.

Now that his tribe is developing better and better, and people from other tribes are willing to join in, he is even more honored.

At the same time, in such a big environment, I felt that what I had done before was really wrong.

Kumano... There was no need to take care of them in the first place.

"It's okay." Kumano said casually, he didn't know why Yangsu apologized, but he didn't have any hatred for Yangsu.

Xiongye quickly left, and Yang Ying saw that he was gone, and twisted Yangsu's ear: "What are you going to say to Xiongye? Do you think he didn't hurt us enough?"

"It's not that he harmed us!" Yang Su said: "He saved us before."

Yang Ying's expression was a little unnatural: "Your brother was taken away because of him."

"It's obviously my brother who is messing around!" Yang Su said: "If it was me who was with Kumano at the beginning, I would definitely be with Kumano well..." How good Kumano is! He was very jealous of his brother at that time, but his brother didn't cherish it!

Well now, Kumano is Zhou Ji.

Yang Ying lowered her head and said nothing.

Yang Su said again: "Let's work hard."

Yang Ying nodded.

Life in the tribe has been better recently, and everyone is talking about how powerful Kumane is... What else can she do other than live her own life

Shi Li didn't come back for so long, Yang Ying decided to treat him as dead.

Thinking about it this way, Yang Ying felt much more relaxed.

Kumano didn't know the thoughts of Yang Ying and Yang Su. He walked around outside and returned to his home.

Then I saw the big bear made of snow.

Zhou Ji had to come out before, could it be just to do this

Kumano quickly came to the house and held Zhou Ji's hand: "Zhou Ji, you made such a big bear out of snow, have you been frozen? Will your hands be cold?"

"It wasn't frozen." Zhou Ji smiled.

Kumano said: "Do you like my animal shape very much? I become a beast shape to play with you?"

"Okay." Zhou Ji agreed, and then saw Kumano quickly take off his clothes and turned into a big bear.

The room that had been a little empty was suddenly filled.

Knowing that he is very big now, Xiong Ye didn't dare to move, and finally just patted his stomach and said, "Zhou Ji, sleep on me!"

"Okay." Zhou Ji lay down on the bear and combed the bear's fur with his fingers.

Kumano was so "touched" by him that he finally couldn't take it anymore. He suddenly turned into a humanoid and rubbed against Zhou Ji: "Zhou Ji, help me..."

Winter is definitely a very "corrupt" season.

Kumano and Zhou Ji stayed at home most of the time, either eating or sleeping, or teaching knowledge and telling stories.

The snow bear at the door slowly melted after a few days of clear weather, but after a while, another snow came, and it didn't melt in the end.

Winter lasted for more than three months.

For more than three months, their tribe has not organized hunting, but has done some other things, such as making pottery.

Before winter, in order to prepare for winter, the tribe stopped making pottery, but after winter, it continued.

This time, everyone is empty in winter, and secondly, it is very warm by firing pottery.

Choose a sunny day to burn pottery. There is a large area nearby, which is warm and warm. It is just right for the people in the tribe to roast and bask in the sun. It is really comfortable!

In addition, if you regenerate a few piles of barbecued meat to eat, if you cook soup and drink it, the taste is really beautiful!

In particular, the pickled vegetable soup "invented" by Zhou Ji has won unanimous praise from everyone. This slightly sour soup is really delicious.

In the end, the day when the pottery was fired in the tribe turned out to be a gathering day for the entire tribe. Everyone would come to the pottery firing place on that day to sing and dance, even Zhou Ji was no exception.

Kumano liked this kind of liveliness very much, so he followed over to see it.

But he usually doesn't stay long. After all, everyone doesn't take a bath in the winter, and the smell is terrible.

In fact, his and Kumano's bedrooms all had a smell, the smell of Kumano... but he was used to it, and it still smelled good.

When spring came, the tribe had accumulated a lot of pottery, and at this time, the Big Bear tribe went out again to change salt.

Before they exchanged salt, they went to the Qingshan tribe, but this time they changed salt, but they were going to go to the beach tribe that used to exchange salt for the Qingshan tribe.

"There are not many people in the beach tribe, but they are very powerful. No one dares to provoke them. They believe in sea gods, and their sea gods are very, very powerful!" Among the members of the Qingshan tribe who joined the big bear tribe, several people have been to the beach tribe before. , At this time, I said a lot of things about the beach tribe.

After listening to their descriptions, Zhou Ji realized that the animal shapes of the people in the beach tribe were mostly mammals such as seals and sea lions that lived in the sea or by the sea.

They usually live on the beach, jump into the sea when they are in danger, and turn to their god of the sea for help.

"The sea god of the beach tribe is real. I went to the beach tribe to see it once!" One of the people from the Qingshan tribe said, "That sea god is really, really big!"

Zhou Ji didn't believe in the existence of a sea god, but listening to this person's description... Zhou Ji suddenly thought of a mammal - a blue whale.

The largest mammal that has ever appeared on land is about 20 tons, and his animal-shaped mammoth is one of the largest mammals, but there are mammals larger than him in the sea.

The weight of blue whales can reach more than 200 tons.

Mammoths are big, but they are nothing compared to blue whales... Could the so-called sea gods of the beach tribes be actually very, very large orcs

On the earth today, there are many very large dinosaurs and various prehistoric beasts, in the sea... should there be

This time to change the salt, Kumano planned to go in person, but Zhou Ji thought about it and finally decided to go with him.

He was worried about Kumano.

Before the winter was over, the tribe began to prepare for the salt change. They sorted out the pottery and the like, and found some food, animal skins, etc., and packed them in different categories. Finally, they prepared a lot of goods. .

There are too many things, and this time there will be a lot of people going to change the salt. There will be a hundred people in the entire team. Not only that, the most powerful warriors in the two tribes of Zhu Zhan and Kumano will also follow.

On a fine day, the team was finally leaving the Big Bear tribe.

The place to go this time is much farther than the Qingshan tribe. It will take about a month to go there.

Most of the people in the tribe have never been to such a remote place. While everyone is worried, they are also a little excited.

Kumano was equally excited, feeling that he was about to start his own journey like Xiong Da Xiong Er.

He mobilized his team in high spirits, said a lot of motivational words, and said that he would definitely lead everyone to change to salt.

Everyone in the team was very excited and felt that their patriarch was very mighty, but as soon as the idea was born, they saw him transform into a beast and let Zhou Ji ride on him.