Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 109: 110|New Beastmaster


The people of the Big Bear tribe have already set up camp by the river, and Xiong Qi has turned into a beast and went down to the river to catch fish.

He doesn't like to eat fish very much, but his fishing skills are actually better than Kumano, after all, his animal shape is very good at swimming.

After a while, the huge polar bear caught more than a dozen fish, and he gave them all to Kumano.

When Zhou Ji eats fish, he must clean it up before eating, and he is not good at cleaning up.

Kumano was used to cleaning up fish. He first scraped the scales, then removed the heads and guts...

The people from the Big Bear tribe have become accustomed to seeing this situation.

The messenger of the beast god eats very delicately. Even barley has to be peeled and ground into powder to eat. It is really normal to eat fish without fish scales.

It was the one-eyed wolves who were caught, who were a little surprised to see this situation—these people were too particular about this. Isn’t this small fish eaten whole after roasting it? Some people find it troublesome to bake, but there are also some who chew it raw.

It's just a small tribe in the wild forest, and they live their lives as meticulously as those priests in the temple of the beast!

They thought so, and suddenly found something wrong.

Before, they didn't take this team seriously at all. After all, in the Wild Forest, most of the tribes are very backward... But now, what did these people come up with

They even took out a pottery pot and a pottery bowl!

Why are there clay pots and bowls in the wild forest? Isn't this something that only the Beast Temple has

They were depressed, and they saw these people pouring into the clay pot... Is that barley husked

They had heard people say that the priests of the Temple of the Beast were very particular about eating, and that barley was eaten only after it had been hulled. At the time, they thought it was impossible, but they didn't expect to see it in the wild forest now.

Not only that, watching them pour out so much barley... Is this the plan for everyone to eat the hulled barley

So extravagant!

Zhou Ji didn't know what these people thought. He asked people to take out the barley to eat because the barley got damp in the water.

As for why the barley was hulled... These barley belonged to him. When Kumano had nothing to do in winter, he asked Kumano to hull the barley and practice energy control by the way. In this way, their home would naturally be saved. Lots of hulled barley.

He originally planned to eat this barley slowly during the two months on the way back and forth, but now it rained one after another and the barley grains got into the water, so he simply took it out and let everyone eat it.

If the barley is directly used to cook rice, the cooked rice will be a bit hard, but the barley is damp, which is equivalent to soaking for a period of time, which is just right for cooking.

Zhou Ji took out some oil, poured some into the clay pot that had been filled with barley and water, and then had the bacon cut open and spread on top of the barley, and finally took out some pickles and placed it on top, and then Just put the lid on and let people cook.

They brought a total of five pots out of the pottery pots in the tribe. Now every pottery pot is cooked with bacon, pickles and barley rice. In addition, Zhou Ji also brought two pottery pots that belonged to him and Kumano. , he took out some vegetables collected with Kumano on the way, prepared to fry two dishes, and made a fish by the way.

Everyone didn't pay much attention to stir-frying. People in the tribe didn't like vegetables very much, but Zhou Ji's fish...

Zhou Ji used to make boiled fish with pickled cabbage and fish. After all, they were all boiled with water, but this time he plans to change the method.

He is going to make grilled fish, which is the kind of fish that is grilled and then stewed with rich soup and vegetables. He had eaten it before the end of the world, and it was very delicious.

Of course, he doesn't know the specific method, and the seasoning is not enough, but he doesn't mind making a copycat version.

Brush the fish with oil and bake it for a while, and then Zhou Ji put all the fish in the pot, put it in the seasoning and simmered it, and added some sun-dried mushrooms.

Although there is no soy sauce, the soup is made by frying the peppers in oil. It is very fragrant. The people of the Big Bear tribe can't stop drooling when they smell it.

When the grilled fish is ready, the wheat rice is also ready.

When cooking the rice, Zhou Ji added a little oil, and the grains of barley looked oily. After stirring, the bacon and pickles on the surface were mixed into the rice... This rice is really delicious!

"Give me a pot of rice, and you share the rest." Zhou Ji said.

Xiong Qi immediately brought a pot of rice to him, and then went to separate meals-the barley and pickles were brought out by Zhou Ji, and it was not too much for Zhou Ji to take a pot.

Xiong Qi distributed a small bowl of rice to everyone in the team, and then brought his bowl of rice to Zhou Ji's side, looking at Zhou Ji eagerly.

Zhou Ji gave him a fish - after all, those fish were caught by Xiong Qi.

Xiong Qi took the fish and left contentedly, then after eating the bacon and grilled fish, he began to grill the meat to fill his stomach depressed.

Xiong Qi and others have to eat more barbecue to be full, but Zhou Ji and Xiong Ye don't need it.

A whole pot of wheat rice, a dozen fish and some vegetables was enough for the two of them, and they didn't need to eat anything else.

Even Kumano still doesn't like to eat vegetables, Zhou Ji can only divide the vegetables into two equal parts, so that he must eat one part, and then he sees Kumano eating the vegetables first, and then he devotes himself to the wheat rice and grilled fish. , eat with relish.

The one-eyed wolf and his party were all drooling.

Also a little regretful.

This tribe is obviously different from the tribes in the wild forest they know. They shouldn't be so careless and want to grab people and things when they come up!

The one-eyed wolf didn't speak, and glanced at Kumano and Zhou Ji with his only eyes, but the people under her hands were not so calm: "It smells so good..."

"Our tribe eats barley, all of which are boiled in water with the shell on. I didn't expect it to be eaten like this."

"Even if you know you can eat it like this, you can't do it. Can someone help you unshell it?"

"That fish looks delicious, but I don't know what to put in it."

"No wonder the pig wars follow them..."

In the whole team, Kumano and Zhou Ji had the best food, but everyone else was the same. The subordinates of Zhu Zhan also got a small bowl of wheat rice for each of them.

One-eyed Wolf and his party thought that this tribe had already been occupied by Pig Zhan, but now they know it wasn't. Pig Zhan and the others looked at it... as if they had joined this tribe.

This tribe is too powerful.

Talking about Zhu Zhan, these people suddenly thought of something wrong: "Didn't it say that Zhu Zhan's legs are crooked?" According to the news they heard, Zhu Zhan was exiled because his legs were crooked, but before they The pig war I saw has good legs!

"The news I heard is like this... But that news may be false." The humane who had just arrived in the Wilderness Forest recently said.

All kinds of news have come and gone in these years, and it's normal to make mistakes in the end. Those people didn't care, but Zhou Ji looked at that person and suddenly asked: "I'm still curious about the Orc Continent, and I heard about it from Pig Zhan before. Some... Any other news over there lately?"

"Yes." The man said.

Zhou Ji said: "Tell me about it." Although they don't plan to go to the Orc Continent, they should know about it.

That person didn't know Zhou Ji's identity, but just because Zhou Ji was the only one wearing clothes among all the people, he knew that his identity was unusual. He said: "Recently, there is big news, very amazing news, not long ago, a new Beastmaster!"

"A new Beastmaster?" Zhou Ji asked, "Which tribe is it from?"

"It's not from any tribe, he's a wandering orc, called Shi Li." The man was full of admiration: "He didn't come from a big tribe, but it's really amazing that he can become the beast king!"

Zhou Ji: "..." Did he hear it right? Lion Li

The people of the Big Bear tribe were all chatting at the barbecue. They didn't pay attention to this side, so Xiong Ye sat next to him and heard the name like him: "Is that person called Shi Li?"

"It's called Shi Li, the shape of the beast is a male lion, very powerful! He appeared suddenly, no one has heard of him before, it should be lucky to be the beast king... If I can also become the beast king. The Beastmaster will be fine." This man was full of envy when he talked about Shi Li, but he actually didn't know about Shi Li, and he had never seen Shi Li.

Zhou Ji asked a few more questions, but couldn't ask any more information, so he couldn't be sure that the beast king Shi Li was the one from their tribe.

If that person is not their tribe's Shi Li, then this new Beastmaster has nothing to do with him, but if this new Beastmaster is their tribe's Shi Li...

His Xiongye was not as strong as Shi Li, which made Zhou Ji a little unhappy.

It's a pity that he has never seen the beast god fruit again, otherwise, he should have found it for Kumano to eat.

It was already dark, but before Zhu Zhan came back, Zhou Ji and Kumano didn't wait, so they went back to sleep first.

Arriving in the tent, Kumano said, "Zhou Ji, do you think that the new beastmaster will be Shi Li?"

"I don't know, it has nothing to do with us." Zhou Ji said.

Kumano thought about it for a while and felt that it was true.

Even if the beastmaster is Shi Li, it has nothing to do with him, no, maybe it has something to do with him: "I think there is something wrong with Shi Li, you say... Will he be detrimental to our tribe?"

Zhou Ji knew how much Xiong Ye liked Shi Li at the beginning, but now, Shi Li has become someone who needs to be guarded in his eyes...

However, that Shi Li is indeed not a good person, he is insidious and cunning, and he has a lot of thoughts.

When Shi Li was still in the tribe, he didn't care about this person, because this person was very weak, and that kind of personality wouldn't make a difference, but if he really became the beast king...

Zhou Ji was indeed a little worried, but not too worried.

Since he can scare Xiangtian away, he should also be able to scare Shi Li away.

"Even if he is really Shi Li, now that he is in the Orc Continent, he will definitely not come back for a while." Zhou Ji said.

Kumano nodded and was about to sleep with Zhou Ji when he suddenly said, "It smells of blood."

He went out immediately, and Zhou Ji sighed secretly - Zhu Zhan came back and couldn't sleep for a while.

Pig wars are indeed back.

When he came back, he was dragging a dinosaur that weighed about five or six tons. The head of this dinosaur had been bitten off, and the body was also bitten in such a mess that no one could recognize what kind of dinosaur it was.

Pig Zhan threw the dinosaur down, and everyone noticed that he was also injured.

The wounds are not big, but there are many, it should be left by the dinosaur... With his strength, he can completely keep himself from being injured when hunting, so it should be intentional.

"Heh..." The one-eyed wolf sneered: "Now I know it's uncomfortable, but it's too late! Your woman may be dead!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she was slapped by Zhu Zhan, and the whole person fell out.

Zhu Zhan's men dragged the dinosaur away and dealt with it silently, but Zhu Zhan came to Zhou Ji: "Zhou Ji, I want to go back, is there any way?"

Zhou Ji said: "You can tie up some big logs to make a boat."

In fact, the matter of making a ship is nothing. The biggest problem of the pig war now is that it is not strong enough.

According to Zhu Zhan, there are many powerful creatures in that river. It is easy to cross the river, but it is very difficult not to be eaten by these creatures.

Zhu Zhan hugged his head: "If I had only one person, I would fight as hard as I could, but..." He wants to go back, and the people who follow him will definitely go together, and there will be casualties at that time.

Besides, if he dies in that river, then there is nothing left, and Zhu Zhu and his children don't know what will happen...

Pig Zhan originally planned to improve his strength first and then go back, but now he can't wait.

After asking Zhou Ji, Zhu Zhan sat next to him silently, neither talking nor eating.

The next morning, everyone started to share the dinosaur that Pig and brought back last night.

Zhou Ji also helped Kumano bake a large piece.

When he was roasting, Zhu Zhan came again: "Zhou Ji, thank you for saving me back then... This time I sent you to the beach tribe and I'm leaving."

Zhou Ji said: "Okay." These days, he can help Zhu Zhan think about how to make a ship.