Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 11: 11. Deliver meat


Kumano also joined the queue waiting for the meat to be divided.

The meat of the five-horned dragon has been washed and cut into pieces. This time, everyone is working together to hunt the five-horned dragon. There is little difference between the more and the less, so the weight of the meat distributed by the hunting team is about the same.

However, during the whole hunt, Xiong He saw everything in his eyes, so he would give the more powerful person a better portion of meat. For example, when it was Kumano's turn, he gave a rather large piece of liver.

Everyone is as happy as the festival, because there is really a lot of meat today!

The five-horned dragon weighs five tons, and the bones and skin are not counted. At least three thousand kilograms of meat can be divided, that is, six thousand kilograms of meat, and their tribe has a total of more than 400 people, and there are dozens of people to exchange. The salt is gone, and there are only over a hundred people participating in the hunt...

As a member of the hunting team, Kumano was given 40 catties of meat, of which about 5 catties were livers, and the others were similar. Even the elderly and children in the tribe received 10 catties of meat each.

Not to mention bone broth to drink!

There are several large stone pots in the tribe. According to the sacrificial saying, in other places, there are better pots made of clay.

Of course, the people in their tribe had never seen such a pot, and everyone felt that stone pots were better than clay pots anyway.

At the moment, these pots have boiled bones, and some unpopular offal that have a strong taste and are not very popular - the offal that the orcs like, the liver heart and the fat in the belly of the prey, not so much for the intestines and the like Like, but even so, no one will waste.

This is a rare feast. The old and the weak in the tribe kept the meat they got and waited happily to drink broth and eat wild vegetables to feed their stomachs.

Kumano didn't go to drink the broth, and grilled the meat silently by himself.

We caught the big guy today, and everyone was very happy. It was him who felt that he was a little out of tune with all this.

During the previous winter, he didn't hibernate all the time, he just slept a lot. During that time, he was thinking about his future life.

He wanted to live with Shi Li and have a home of his own. When he wanted to go home, he was no longer alone.

He thought so well, but now...

Kumano tore off a piece of meat he was roasting and stuffed it into his mouth.

His animal shape is relatively large and his appetite is also large. He needs at least five catties of meat every day, usually ten catties, and when food is sufficient, he will eat twenty catties or more.

After he ate it last night, he had been hunting outside, and he had never eaten anything. Now he was roasting meat while feeding himself, and unknowingly ate twenty pounds of meat.

His stomach was full, but he was not as happy as he used to be.

Kumano stared at the remaining half of the meat in his hand for a while, then looked in the direction of Shi Li's cave.

Shi Li didn't come out to get the meat again...

But when he looked over, he didn't see Shi Li, but he saw Zhou Ji. Zhou Ji lived next to Shi Li's house. At this moment, he was sitting on a rock on the platform at the entrance of the cave, looking in the direction he was in. .

Xiong Ye saw that Zhou Ji was alone, and looked out of place with the whole blog, and was slightly taken aback.

"Zhou Ji didn't come to pick up the meat, nor did he come to drink the soup." A humane person next to Xiong Ye who was responsible for helping Xiong He divide the meat.

"He didn't come to get the meat?" Kumano was a little surprised.

"He hasn't come to pick up the meat a few times, but the things collected by the collection team will be brought back." The man said: "I specifically asked him, and he didn't speak."

"If he doesn't take meat, he's not afraid of starving to death like last time?" Kumano's brows furrowed.

"That's his business, and no one else can manage it!" The meat divider said, "But he shouldn't starve to death. He's not awakened, and he doesn't work, so he must eat less than others."

Kumano felt that this was impossible, but after a pause, he realized that he was a little nosy.

He can't even manage his own affairs well, how can he always manage Zhou Ji, Zhou Ji always has to learn to live on his own.

Thinking like this, Kumano looked away, and then saw the wolf sound sitting with a few women and eating meat.

Kumano was inexplicably complicated. When the others were still drinking soup and eating meat, he took his own meat and left, walked a few steps, and went to Xionghe to get Zhou Ji's meat.

When he passed by, Xiong He was a little embarrassed: "Kumano, Lang Yin she..."

"It's none of her business." Kumano said, if Shi Li didn't want to, could Lang Yin force him

Thinking of this, Xiong Ye smiled bitterly, indescribably annoyed.

Xiong He also has an opinion on Shi Li.

Over the years, Xiong Ye has helped Shi Li a lot, and he sees it all in his eyes. He is a little unhappy about the two becoming a partner, but it is because Shi Li can't give Xiong wild children. As a result, now...

Shi Li can't even despise Kumano!

Why does Shi Li dislike Kumano

However, although he has opinions on Shi Li, he cannot deny that Shi Li is a powerful warrior. Their tribe needs such a powerful warrior, so he will not do anything to Shi Li.

As for his daughter being with Shili... Xiong He planned to tell him that she must not give the meat she got to Shili and Shili's family to eat.

Kumano took Zhou Ji's meat and went to Zhou Ji: "This is the meat you got."

Zhou Ji: "..." He didn't want it.

Zhou Ji is not completely vegetarian. In fact, when he first came to this world, he tasted dinosaur meat out of curiosity.

And then I found out... it's really not tasty at all.

In his last life, before the end of the world, there was no shortage of meat for human beings to eat, and the meat of chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep were all delicious, but that was because these domestic animals had been domesticated for many years, and generations of livestock were selected with delicious meat and slowly raised. of.

But even so, many people are still unaccustomed to eating meat with a mutton smell like mutton, without all kinds of ingredients.

As for those game... In fact, the taste is the same, and everyone mainly eats a strange one.

The game on earth is like this. Where can the dinosaur meat in this place be delicious? The meat of this behemoth is old and woody!

The cooking skills in this place are not good, it can even be said that there is no cooking skills at all!

Of course, the most important thing is that he likes to eat vegetables and fruits.

However, Kumano was kind, and Zhou Ji still took the meat and planned to go back and pickle it - the original owner's mother left some salt for the original owner, which could be used to preserve food.

"Why don't you go get the meat?" Kumano asked, Zhou Ji was bullied and didn't dare to get it, or did he not know how to get it? After he lost his mother, did he have a bad time

Zhou Ji was thinking about what to say, what to say, when the door of the cave next to him opened, and Shi Li came out.

Ignoring the silence, Xiongye turned to look at Shi Li, he wanted to know what Shi Li would say to him, but Shi Li didn't say anything. After looking at him, he walked away from the other side.

It was already dark, but Kumano's eyesight was good, and he saw Shi Li enter Langyin's cave.

Kumano took a deep breath, ignoring the silence, and turned back to his cave - he was afraid that he would not be able to control his expression.

Sad, uncomfortable, angry, dissatisfied... All kinds of emotions filled his heart, and he even had the urge to rush out to fight Shi Li.

If Shi Li didn't agree with him at the beginning, he wouldn't be so uncomfortable, but Shi Li agreed.

In the past few months, because Shi Li agreed, he was so happy, he thought about Shi Li everywhere, and gave Shi Li so much meat, and in the end he was about to become a partner. , Shi Li was with someone else.

Kumano admitted that he was very uncomfortable, and it was because of this that he also decided that if Shi Li really wanted to be with Lang Yin, then the relationship between them would be completely over.

If Shi Li didn't agree with him at the beginning, then they would still be friends, but now they don't even have to be friends.

As for the mate he wants...

Kumano wanted a partner, but Shi Li's actions suddenly made him wonder if he should find another one.

Kumano sat alone in the cave. After sitting for a long time, he felt a little cold and turned into a beast.

The huge brown bear was sitting in the cave with his legs on his back. After sitting motionless for a long time, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

Kumano immediately turned into a humanoid and opened the door.

Standing outside the door is Zhou Ji.

He was a little lost, even more at a loss.

"Here you are." Zhou Ji gave Kumano a piece of barbecue.

The piece of meat that Kumano brought to him before was a full ten pounds. He originally planned to marinate it. He didn't eat it himself, and he could give it to others in the future.

But like Kumano...

In this tribe, he didn't care much about other people, but Kumano was the first person he saw after crossing this world, and he saved him. He was very grateful to Kumano, and now Kumano is very uncomfortable... Zhou Ji put The meat that Kumano gave was grilled, and he brought it to Kumano as comfort.

"You want to give me the meat?" Kumano looked at the piece of meat that he didn't know how to roast and smelled very good, a little puzzled.

"You're very sad, I'll give you something to eat." Zhou Ji said succinctly, he was not good at comforting people, and he didn't learn the language in this place.

When Kumano heard Zhou Ji say that he was "sad", he took a deep breath and his eyes were a little sore.

He was really sad, but Shi Li didn't care, and the rest of the tribe didn't know that Zhou Ji, who had nothing to do with him, came to comfort him...

"Thank you, but you can eat it yourself." Kumano didn't accept it.

"I've eaten it." Zhou Ji said, and then walked out and climbed down again - this bear has no clothes...

Kumano saw Zhou Ji slowly crawling down, but didn't keep up.

He sat there for a while, and then began to eat the meat Zhou Ji gave him.

This was the first time anyone had given him meat.

Shi Li has a younger brother and a mother to raise, and he has never cared about them. He has never given him anything. At most, when they eat together, they give him delicious food, but that is also what they hunted together.

Kumano's mood was inexplicably much better.

Zhou Ji didn't know what Kumano was thinking. He returned to his cave and fell asleep early.

As a result, when he woke up, his cave was not his.