Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 121: 122|Become the Beastmaster


Kumano likes to listen to stories told by priests, and among the many stories told by priests, there are stories about beast god fruit.

It is said that in this world, there is a magical fruit that can turn ordinary orcs into beastmasters.

When Kumano heard the story, he didn't even know what the Beastmaster was, but he still remembered the magical thing like the Beast God Fruit in his heart.

Now... Zhou Ji said that the grass in front of him is a beast god fruit

Kumano was a little stunned: "This is the beast god fruit? Are you sure?"

Zhou Ji said: "Yes."

"Beast God Fruit?" Zhu Zhan and others came over when they heard the movement. Looking at the grass in Zhou Ji's hand, their faces were full of disbelief - is this grass the Beast God Fruit? how is this possible!

"This is the fruit of the god of beasts, which can make people become the king of beasts." Zhou Ji said: "Xiong Ye, this is for you."

Zhou Ji said with certainty that Kumano knew that there was no need for Zhou Ji to lie to himself, so this grass is really the fruit of the beast god.

Shouldn't the beast god fruit be a fruit? Why become grass? Kumano was puzzled and said at the same time, "I won't eat it, you can eat it."

Good things like the Beast God Fruit should be eaten by Zhou Ji.

"It's useless for me to eat it, but you eat it, you become stronger, and you can protect me." Zhou Ji smiled.

"You found this!" Kumano frowned.

"I don't need to eat it." Zhou Ji said: "This was originally brought for you."

Kumano and Zhou Ji rejected each other, while the expressions of Zhu Zhan and others were extremely complicated.

This is the beast fruit! A baby that can turn a person into a beastmaster!

Normal people found out, they were all hidden and tucked away, and they ate it secretly by themselves. How could anyone take it back like Zhou Ji openly and resign with Kumano

Isn't he afraid that others will rob him of his beast god fruit

Well, no one else can grab it... Haifeng, a beastmaster, obeys Zhou Jiyan, who has the ability to grab what Zhou Ji has

Kumano's luck is really good.

Zhu Zhan was envious of Kumano, and suddenly heard Zhou Ji ask himself: "Zhu Zhan, how do you eat the beast god fruit?"

Zhou Ji doesn't know anything about how to use the Beast God Fruit, and neither does the people from the Big Bear tribe or Haifeng, but maybe Pig Zhan knows

Pig Zhan said: "Just eat it directly."

"Eating too much energy in the body directly will hurt people." Zhou Ji frowned.

"You have to pass the test before you can become the Beast King... Of course, the Beast God Fruit is best eaten by high-level beast warriors, so that there will be no accidents in general." Zhu Zhan said. There are also people who die after eating the beast fruit, so it can only be said that they are unlucky.

But there are not many such people.

The Beast God Fruits are all in hidden places, and those who can usually find them are Beast Kings or high-level Beast Warriors.

Zhou Ji pondered for a moment when he heard Zhu Zhan's words, and then looked at Kumano: "Kumano, this grass contains powerful energy, and eating it directly will make you uncomfortable..."

"I'm not afraid of being uncomfortable, but you..." Kumano frowned, he wasn't afraid of being uncomfortable, but this grass is too precious...

"Then eat it." Zhou Ji said, directly stuffing the grass into Kumano's mouth.

Now that you have decided to eat it, you should eat it quickly, so as not to have too many dreams at night.

Kumano was inattentive, and a piece of grass was stuffed in his mouth. The grass quickly melted in his mouth, leaving only a grassy smell.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a huge energy suddenly appeared in his body, and the huge energy burst out in his body, causing him to feel pain all over his body.

Kumano's legs softened, and then he felt that he was being hugged. At the same time, an energy passed Zhou Ji's hand and entered his body, and began to help him gather the messy energy in his body.

There is too much energy in the body, which is really uncomfortable. Kumano can't help but want to exhale, but he quickly thinks of Zhou Ji's crazy look after he turned into a beast.

At that time, Zhou Ji had more energy in his body than he is now. No one helped him, and he was even unconscious. It must be more uncomfortable than him, but Zhou Ji endured it.

He couldn't help it.

Thinking so, Kumano endured the pain and began to absorb the energy in his body.

His muscles, his blood vessels, and his bones were all injured under the rush of energy, but soon, there was energy to repair them, and between such injuries and repairs, he felt that he had stronger power.

Of course, the biggest change is the energy in his body, which is increasing.

Zhou Ji's action of feeding the fruit of the beast to Kumano was too sudden, and before the people around him could react, they saw Kumano eating the grass.

And then... they somehow felt that the aura on Kumano was terrifying, making them afraid.

Zhu Zhan looked at Kumano enviously, if he could have the Beast God Fruit, he could become the Beast King and kill him back!

Yesterday, he was injured by a pig war, a one-eyed wolf whose face was swollen into a pig's head, with jealousy mixed with envy in his eyes, and disbelief.

The one-eyed wolf really couldn't believe it.

When Zhou Ji and Haifeng fought before, she still felt sorry for Kumano and felt that Kumano was being played with, but Zhou Ji came back and had the same attitude towards Kumano as before, and even still cooked for Kumano.

At that time, she found that what she said was untenable.

Zhou Ji is so strong, if he really just plays with Kumano, why does he need to do so much

Now, seeing that Zhou Ji gave the Beast God Fruit to Kumano without hesitation, she is even more sure of one thing - Zhou Ji really likes Kumano.

One-eyed wolf's heart is sour and astringent, why did she meet such a scumbag in the first place

In contrast, the people of the Big Bear tribe are relatively calm. Although they know that the beast god fruit is very precious, they don't know much about it, and some people even ask: "What is the beast god fruit? Isn't that a grass?"

When Zhu Zhan heard such words, he looked at the man with inexhaustible words: "Beast God Fruit is just a name... This is a plant that can turn a person into a beast king."

"Can you really become a Beastmaster?" These people were surprised.

"Really, eating is as strong as him." Zhu Zhan pointed at Haifeng who was standing beside him.

After eating a giant ocean beast, Sea Breeze, who was finally full, burped and smiled embarrassedly. He looked extraordinarily honest and honest, but here, no one dared to underestimate him.

His animal shape is so big that he can crush most of them to death without doing anything.

"It's really great that the patriarch can become so strong!"

"Our tribe is going to have a beastmaster?"

"Zhou Ji is already the beast king, and now our tribe has two beast kings!"

The people of the Big Bear tribe cheered.

At this time, Kumano has absorbed a lot of energy. He felt that he was getting stronger and stronger, and he could even feel that there was a crystal nucleus in his body.

Of course, pain is inevitable with increased strength, but he didn't show it at all.

He didn't want Zhou Ji to worry.

Kumano worked hard, but he couldn't fully absorb the energy of the Beast God Fruit.

Zhou Ji helped him and got the energy he couldn't absorb out of his body.

The people sitting around Zhou Ji and Kumano were all refreshed for a while, probably because they had absorbed that energy.

"I didn't expect that I would witness the birth of a Beastmaster." One-Eyed Wolf said.

Zhu Zhan glanced at the one-eyed wolf and ignored her.

He had left the one-eyed wolf before because he wanted the help of the one-eyed wolf to cross the river.

But it is no longer needed.

Pig Zhan has completely despised the one-eyed wolf now.

"That Zhou Ji is really amazing... The beast king can improve his strength even if he eats something like the Beast God Fruit. He didn't eat it himself, but gave it to others." The one-eyed wolf said again.

"Don't worry about other people's affairs. Both Kumano and Zhou Ji are good people, so they didn't do anything to you, but if you don't change your stubbornness, maybe one day you'll be killed if you're not careful." Zhu Zhandao .

He felt that the one-eyed wolf was not killed by Zhou Ji, and it was really because Zhou Ji had a good heart - this woman is a little naive, and even such a strong person dared to arrange it.

The one-eyed wolf closed his mouth and stopped talking.

In fact, she also understands the truth. She said that before, mainly because she was unhappy.

Now... She wants to go back to take revenge, and she has to rely on Zhou Ji and others. No matter what, she would not dare to offend these people.

Everyone waited for a long time before Zhou Ji let go of Kumano.

Zhou Ji looked as usual, but Kumano closed his eyes, as if... Did he sleep

Xiong Qi said: "Kumano, he is now..."

"He's the Beastmaster now."

Xiong Qi was very excited: "Xiong Ye is really amazing, he became a beast king at a young age! Of course you are even more powerful..."

Xiong Qi boasted a few words, and then said, "I will take Kumano back?"

Kumano is sleeping very well now, so it's hard to wake him up, so should we take him back

"No." Zhou Ji said, and after that, he hugged Kumano.

People from the Big Bear Tribe: "..." They used to see Kumano hugging Zhou Ji and backing Zhou Ji, but now Zhou Ji is hugging Kumano... This scene is a bit weird.

Zhou Ji hugged Kumano to the place where the two rested, and slept with Kumano in his arms.

The past few days have been quite tossing, and he is also a little tired.

It was already dark, and all the people in the camp went to sleep, only a few vigils sat by the fire, fiddling with the fire from time to time to add firewood.

It was in this silence that Kumano woke up. When he woke up, he felt that the world was completely different.

There is a powerful energy in his body, and even though he has learned how to control energy for a long time, he still feels that it is not easy to control... Kumano accidentally broke a piece of wood standing beside him.

The animal skin tent where he and Zhou Ji lived suddenly collapsed a corner.

He has become a Beastmaster, a very, very powerful Beastmaster.

He can definitely protect Zhou Ji, so that Zhou Ji will never have to kill!

Kumano was so excited that he immediately kissed Zhou Ji, and then was turned over by Zhou Ji and pressed to the ground.