Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 122: 123|Crossing the river


In the small tent, two people hugged each other tightly, and the atmosphere was very good.

It was Kumano who was a little uncomfortable: "There are people outside..."

"I use energy to isolate the sound and smell, they can't hear or smell." Zhou Ji smiled.

Kumano suddenly became interested: "How are you isolated?"

Zhou Ji blocked the man's mouth again - at this time, he didn't want to listen to these words.

However, before the two had time to do anything, they heard someone talking outside: "The patriarch's tent has collapsed!"

"Patriarch, Zhou Ji, are you all right?" Someone asked.

Zhou Ji let go of Kumano: "It's okay."

"We'll fix it for you right away!" Another humane said.

Zhou Ji: "...No need."

Zhou Ji refused repeatedly before finally sending people away.

After they left, he kissed Kumano again: "Go to sleep."

The two embraced each other and slept until dawn.

Zhou Ji woke up early, but was too lazy to get up, but Kumano went out early in the morning, and he didn't know where he went...

Zhou Ji didn't come out of his tent until he was hungry, and then smelled a strong barbecue smell - the people of the Big Bear tribe had made a lot of fires on the beach and were doing barbecue.

Seeing him come out, someone immediately asked, "Zhou Ji, what do you want to eat?"

"Fish." Zhou Ji didn't hesitate, and looked at Sea Breeze who was eating barbecue next to him: "You go and catch some fish and come back."

The sea breeze ate the barbecued meat in his hands in one bite, and reluctantly called the people from the beach tribe and let them catch the fish.

It was still early, so Zhou Ji burned water and washed his face first. Because the sun was shining by the sea, he also made a straw hat for himself with something like wicker and put it on his head.

When he finished editing, someone sent fish and shrimp.

At the same time, Kumano's voice also rang: "Zhou Ji, look what I brought you back!"

Zhou Ji raised his head and saw that Kumano came back with a very, very large snake.

"Titan Python!" The beach tribe exclaimed.

It turned out that the snake was called Titan Python... Zhou Ji looked at it and found that the snake was about fifteen or six meters long, and the thickest part was thicker than Kumano's waist.

The weight of this snake... should be a ton or two

"Zhou Ji, I wanted to find you something to eat, but I saw this big guy..." Kumano put the big snake in front of Zhou Ji, thought about it, and put the big snake's hammered head to the side A kick in the grass.

Zhou Ji said: "It's very big... I can't finish it in a while, it can be made into jerky."

"Yeah!" Kumano responded and said again, "I'll kill this snake and clean it up!"

As he said, he was about to leave while carrying the snake, just when he saw that Zhou Ji had placed some fish beside him, then came back and picked up the fish, then tapped his toes and "floated" out.

"The Beastmaster is really powerful..." Everyone present was stunned, and Haifeng opened his mouth curiously - he wouldn't do this!

Kumano suddenly became the king of beasts. Originally, everyone's attitude towards him became a lot more restrained.

But Kumano is still the same as before.

He is a dignified beast king, catching snakes and killing fish, running back and forth beside Zhou Ji.

Zhou Ji is also, he is a strong beast king level, and he is also the messenger of the beast god, and he even cooks the food himself.

As for the sea breeze... The respected sea god of this beach tribe, the incomparably powerful beastmaster, actually sat directly on the beach, drooling watching the food Zhou Ji made.

These Beastmasters are so unpretentious, Pig Battle was a little restrained at the beginning, but slowly, it became unrestrained.

Zhou Ji made seafood today, mainly by steaming it. After all, the freshest seafood tastes best when it is steamed.

Of course, there are also some seafood that are suitable for frying... Today, someone picked up some conch for him, and he asked people to pick out the snail and fry it.

Zhou Ji gave Haifeng a small portion of the fried snail meat: "Try it."

"For me?" Haifeng was so surprised that he took a piece of snail meat and ate it.

"Hey..." He was hot and spicy: "What does this taste like."

"It's spicy." Zhou Ji took the snail with chopsticks and ate it with steamed fish.

Seeing how happy Kumano and Zhou Ji were eating, Haifeng took another bite.

Although the taste is a bit rushed, it is inexplicably delicious!

The sea breeze was a little excited, and Zhou Ji gave him another steamed fish.

Grilled fish with sea breeze is often eaten, and boiled fish is often eaten, but these are not as delicious as the steamed fish made by Zhou Ji with oil and a little seasoning.

He ate the whole steamed fish in three or two bites.

Seeing this, Zhou Ji gave another steamed fish with pickled vegetables.

The fish steamed with pickles sprinkled on the fish is also very delicious, and the sea breeze will dry it out in three or two bites.

Zhou Jiren is really good. He attacked Zhou Ji for no reason at first, but Zhou Ji didn't kill him, he even gave him something delicious! The sea breeze was a little moved, and then heard Zhou Ji say: "We're leaving here tomorrow... You go with us."

"Where are you going?" Haifeng asked.

"Go to the Orc Continent." Zhou Ji said. He planned to go to the Orc Continent with Zhu Zhan, and also decided to bring the sea breeze with him.

Haifeng is very big and can easily carry them across the river, so that's fine. When it comes to the Orc Continent, Haifeng is also a powerful fighting force.

Although his animal form is useless on land, doesn't he still have a human form

"I don't want to go..." Haifeng said, and then he felt a powerful energy pressing over him.

So he can't refuse at all...

Haifeng accepted his fate, and even began to think of those good things, such as following Zhou Ji and being able to eat delicious food...

After getting the sea breeze, Zhou Ji divided the team into two.

He asked people who originally belonged to the Qingshan tribe or other tribes to return to the Big Bear tribe with the salt exchanged from the Beach tribe. As for him, he took the people from the Big Bear tribe and the pig wars to the Orc Continent. have a look.

"Let Xiong He help manage things in the tribe first. Then tell the priest that we will go back before winter." Zhou Ji instructed.

Those who were going to go back with the salt said yes.

Then, everyone started to pack and divide things.

In order to facilitate life, Zhou Ji brought most of the pottery, in addition, all kinds of daily necessities, as well as the remaining barley and seasonings, he also brought all of them.

After all, they are going to go for a long time this time.

Early the next morning, the people of the Big Bear Tribe divided into two teams and left the Beach Tribe.

When they left, the people of the beach tribe, led by the patriarch Hai Fat, said goodbye to them in tears.

The people of the beach tribe are really sad, because the people of the big bear tribe not only took away the goods they brought in exchange for salt, but also took their salt and sea god.

Forget the salt, they even took the Sea God away!

Can the people of the beach tribe not cry

Even the sea breeze, the eyes are red.

He has lived in the sea here for decades, and it's a bit reluctant to leave now...

However, they were sad, and those of the Big Bear Tribe who were about to go to the Orc Continent were very excited.

The previous priest described the Orc Continent very beautifully, and Zhu Zhan and others from the Orc Continent were also well-informed, and they all wanted to see what the Orc Continent was like.

Of course, the most excited are definitely Zhu Zhan and others.

They... can go back!

Everyone walked along the coastline and soon came to the mouth of the big river.

Before, Zhou Ji was always carried by Kumano on his back. He didn't have such treatment along the way. Of course, this was not because Kumano was unwilling to carry him, but because... Kumano's animal shape is too big now.

Now, Kumano's animal shape is as high as a modern three-story building. It is very inconvenient for him to move forward in a beast shape. Naturally, it is impossible for him to carry Zhou Ji on his back.

But Zhou Ji didn't go by himself.

The chair that was placed on Kumano's back before, Kumano added a few wooden poles, and then Zhu Zhan chose two people from his own men and carried Zhou Ji away.

No, it can't be said that Zhu Zhan "selected" from his subordinates. In fact, Zhu Zhan's subordinates are all vying to lift Zhou Ji.

Zhou Ji is the beast king! Such a strong man, they all want to get close!

If it wasn't for Haikaze and Kumano's unwillingness to be carried, they would actually be happy to carry Haikaze and Kumano together.

The team was full of able-bodied people, and the beast king was intimidated. The speed of everyone's progress was very fast, and it didn't take long before they came to the river.

Just approaching the river, Zhou Ji saw a crocodile with a length of more than ten meters crawling out of the river.

The snake that was more than ten meters long caught by Kumano was already shocking, but now I saw a crocodile that was more than ten meters long... Zhou Ji subconsciously scanned it with mental power... Well, this ten-meter-long crocodile is not a single one. But a group, just those crocodiles, mostly hidden under the aquatic plants.

A small dinosaur came to the river to drink water, and while it was drinking, a crocodile jumped out of the water with its mouth open, grabbed the dinosaur's neck, and dragged it into the water.

The dinosaur whined, but the crocodile didn't let him go. Instead, he and the other crocodiles bit its body and shredded it for food.

This is still by the river, and there are many powerful prehistoric beasts hidden in the river.

Zhou Ji understood why he didn't dare to cross the river before the pig war.

Kumano even said: "Zhu Zhan, you are lucky to have come here before."

"It's not bad." Zhu Zhan said: "Those who can come here alive are lucky." Sometimes when the giant beasts in the river are full, they will ignore the "meat" floating by. But this kind of situation is really rare, and it is definitely a stroke of luck to encounter it.

He was able to live to the other side and sacrificed a lot of his subordinates. He even thought about whether those giant beasts who were chasing them would stop chasing them after they had eaten enough of his subordinates.

"Let's go." Zhou Ji said, then looked at Haifeng.

The sea breeze directly turned into a beast shape, then turned his head and ate two crocodiles. When he lived in this river, he was not as big as he is now. He was bullied by this kind of crocodile. Eat people back.

The sea breeze chewed and ate the crocodile in three or two strokes. I couldn't help but feel a little disgusted - this crocodile is really bad...

Even if he can't eat the food made by Zhou Si recently, there are people from the Big Bear Tribe who cook for him to eat. He can't stand eating raw food anymore.

Haifeng was sighing, and heard Zhou Ji say again: "You eat directly like this, but you eat what's in your stomach... cough cough, eat it together." Out of sympathy, Zhou Ji didn't say the word "shit".

But Haifeng still understood, and when Zhou Ji said this, he suddenly felt disgusting!

With such a tossing of the sea breeze, the giant crocodiles who had been waiting very leisurely on the shore for their prey to come to the door all fled away.

When the power of the sea breeze was completely released... The stronger marine creatures in the river also scattered and avoided.

Haifeng said: "Come up!" Orcs are generally reluctant to let others ride on them, but Haifeng has lived alone since he was a child.

Zhou Ji and others stepped onto Haifeng's back, and when the one-eyed wolf who followed them wanted to come up, they rejected him: " Haifeng is the king of beasts, you can't carry people casually, you should swim behind them. ."

One-eyed wolf: "..." Even if they can swim, they can't swim against the sea breeze!

But Zhou Ji said so, they really didn't dare to object... One of the one-eyed wolf's men hurriedly went to get a few pieces of wood, and jumped into the river.

They couldn't keep up with the sea breeze, but after the sea breeze let go of its own power and crossed the river like this, the terrifying creatures in the river would definitely escape, and this section of the river was temporarily safe.

They want to take this opportunity to cross the river as soon as possible.

The one-eyed wolf and the others swam desperately.

When everyone crossed the river, Shi Li thought of the people of the Big Bear tribe in the temple of the beast.

The people of the Big Bear tribe should have been displaced by now.

The Beast God Festival is coming soon. As the Beast King, he will show his face at the Beast God Festival in the Beast God Temple, and he will be worshipped by countless orcs. In the words of the Great Bear Tribe... The Beast God Festival in the previous life was even presided over by Kumano.

None of them were able to eat a full meal.

The strong sense of superiority made Shi Li very happy.

He decided to wait for Kumano to suffer more, and then go to Kumano, and then Kumano will definitely be willing to follow him!