Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 127: 128|Hurry up


"I'm still the biggest, right?" The huge blue whale overwhelmed countless trees and lay in the woods, unable to move, but the sound was smug.

Seeing this, Zhou Ji couldn't bear to look directly - Haifeng, a beast king, turned into a beast shape because of the size of a teenager... It's really amazing.

Fortunately, his family Kumano is not so stupid.

Zhou Ji thought about it, and heard Kumano: "What is the animal shape of that boy? It's so big!"

Zhou Ji: "...I'm also big!"

Although his original mammoth form is not as tall as this giant rhino, his weight is definitely about the same!

As everyone was talking, the young man changed back, picked up the animal skin on the ground and wrapped it around him: "You are very big, bigger than my father."

Haifeng also changed back: "That's... How come there is blood on my body? Wait, I seem to crush people to death!" Haifeng immediately looked at the people of the Big Bear tribe, who did he crush to death? He didn't want to crush people...

"It's okay, it's not our people who are crushed to death." Zhou Ji said, "Let's go."

"Oh." Haifeng responded and followed Zhou Ji forward.

Seeing this, Zhou Ji reminded: "Put on your clothes."

"Why wear clothes? How troublesome? Dinosaurs don't wear clothes." Haifeng couldn't help but mutter.

"People don't talk to dinosaurs." Zhou Ji said.

Sea breeze did not speak.

The young man continued to follow the big army, and also followed Haifeng: "You are so big, and I want to be as big as you."

"You want to be as big as me? No hope." Haifeng said.

"Why are you so old?" the boy asked again.

"I was born this big!"

"Why were you born so big?"

Haifeng slapped the boy on the head: "Why do you have so many questions? Stop talking nonsense!"

"Oh." The boy responded, and after a while he said, "My father said that my animal shape is the biggest, and will be the biggest in the future... Why did he lie to me?"

Haifeng said: "It's not necessarily that he lied to you, it should be that he has seen too little in the world."

The young man nodded dumbly.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Ji has already determined that there is something wrong with the young man's brain, and he is a fool.

No wonder his reaction was so weird, I don't know how he came out of the giant rhinoceros tribe, and people chased him.

Is it because his family didn't like him, or did he encounter a situation like the pig war

Would you like to send it back to the bar

They are now in the territory of the giant rhinoceros, but if they want to go to the giant rhinoceros, it will take two days, and the pig war is obviously in a hurry...

"Zhu Zhan, this person should be from the Giant Rhinoceros tribe, maybe the young patriarch or something... It's up to you to decide whether to go to the Giant Pig tribe or the Giant Rhinoceros tribe." Zhou Ji said to Zhu Zhan.

Zhu Zhandao: "I'm going to the Giant Pig Tribe." He is not familiar with the Giant Rhinoceros tribe. Now that the situation is unknown, he ran to send them away. Maybe he would get into trouble, so he might as well go to the Giant Pig Tribe first.

"Okay." Zhou Ji heard the words and looked at Haifeng again: "Haifeng, that child is handed over to you, you should be optimistic about him."

Haifeng responded immediately: "Okay!"

The people of the Big Bear Tribe were well groomed last night, and now they are moving forward quickly.

It's a bit boring to keep on the road like this. After the boy with the animal shape of a giant rhino walked for a while, he suddenly stopped following and walked out, but was pulled by the sea breeze: "What are you doing?"

"Go over there." The boy said.

"Can't go, you follow us!"

"I don't want to go." The boy said.

"Then I'll carry you." Haifeng lifted the person directly and walked forward easily.

Juvenile Rhinoceros: "It's a little uncomfortable..."

However, Haifeng ignored him, and he could only continue to stare blankly at the back.

When the people of the big bear tribe were on their way, they got the canonization of the beast temple, but they met the rhino beast king.

Now in the Orc Continent, there are a total of nine beastmasters, and this rhinoceros beastmaster is one of the very low-key. He belongs to the giant rhinoceros tribe and is also very low-key.

The giant rhino is not a ferocious creature, so although it is big, it was not respected in the past, and the giant rhino tribe was not a big tribe until such a beastmaster suddenly appeared in the giant rhino tribe.

This beast king likes to eat grass since he was a child. He always turns into a beast and goes to the mountains to eat grass, but he doesn't know what happened. He becomes stronger when he eats. Later, he left the tribe to eat grass everywhere, and he was lucky A beast god fruit directly became the beast king.

After becoming the Beastmaster, he still remains the same. He likes to change into the shape of a beast to eat grass when he has something to do... Recently, many trees around the Beast Temple have been gnawed bald.

Shi Li didn't want to mess with this rhinoceros beastmaster, because he knew that this rhinoceros beastmaster, who looked indifferent to the world, was really angry, which was very scary.

He also doesn't intend to befriend this Beastmaster... This man will die in a few years.

In his previous life, the youngest son of the rhino beast king was killed in his territory. The rhino beast king was furious and began to attack some nearby tribes. In the past, he only chewed leaves and killed many people...

He had been making trouble like this for several years, and finally angered other beastmasters and finally killed him.

However, just when everyone thought that the giant rhinoceros tribe was about to fall, the temple of the beast took over the rich territory that originally belonged to the rhinoceros beast king.

At that time, he and Kumano had just started practicing.

A few decades later, the territory of the Rhino Beastmaster became his and Kumano's.

Shi Li misses that fertile territory a little.

The Rhino Beast King was still chewing leaves not far away, and at the same time gave Shi Li a dissatisfied look.

This new lion and beast king has been staring at him. Could it be that he has an opinion on him

He doesn't like the look in this person's eyes, he really wants to kick this person to death!

Forget it, killing people is very troublesome... The barley seedlings that have just been planted are delicious. Before the priests find out, he should chew a little more...

The Rhino Beast King ate slowly.

On the other hand, after Zhou Ji and the others were inexplicably crushed to death by the sea breeze, they didn't encounter any trouble again.

They hurry during the day, set up camp when it gets dark, cook and sleep, and every time they stop to cook, Zhou Ji will cook rice.

In the evening, he usually eats rice with various dishes. After eating, he also uses rice to make some rice balls and saves them to eat during the next day.

For example, on this day, his dinner was sauerkraut fish with rice, and the rice was poured with sauerkraut fish soup. The taste was really unprecedented!

In addition, he also made sauerkraut bacon rice balls, sauerkraut oil residue rice balls, sauerkraut barbecue rice balls... After some tossing, he ran out of sauerkraut, and he had to take out the sauerkraut jar and continue to make sauerkraut.

When Zhou Ji was making sauerkraut, Haifeng had already taken away the soup of sauerkraut and fish that he had not finished, and then shared it with his "children" of the giant rhinoceros.

"Little guy, although your animal shape is a little small, I don't despise you. Why don't you call me father." Haifeng looked at the young man in front of him with kind, old father-like eyes.

The boy said, "I have a father."

Haifeng said: "Then you can call me grandfather!" He always wanted a child, but unfortunately he didn't even have a woman... When he saw a woman, he didn't know how to talk to others, and he told them about having a baby...

The boy responded directly: "Grandfather!"