Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 128: 129|Arrived


He didn't need to bring him or her, so he got a teenage grandson for nothing. Haifeng was very satisfied, so he distributed a little more pickled cabbage and fish soup to the boy, and gave him a tablespoon of rice: "Grandson, eat more."

The young man took a spoon and pressed it on the rice, pressed the rice into the soup and dipped it in the soup, and then ate it in a big spoonful. Scrape it off and keep eating.

"Grandson, call me a few more times." Haifeng said.

"what is it call?"

"My grandfather." Haifeng said.

"Grandfather." The boy said again.

Haifeng gave him another piece of barbecue: "By the way, what's your name?"

"Baby Rhino." The boy said.

Haifeng patted his thigh: "Good name!"

While marinating the vegetables with salt, he used his mental power to pay attention to the sea breeze and the young Zhou Ji's movements.

The Giant Pig Tribe is some distance away from the Giant Rhino Tribe. Pig Zhan doesn't know the situation of the Giant Rhino Tribe, but even so, he asked about the Giant Rhino Tribe from the Green Grass Tribe yesterday.

The Giant Rhino Tribe has a Beastmaster. This Beastmaster is not the patriarch of the Giant Rhino Tribe, but the patron saint of the Giant Rhino Tribe. He has three children in total, but two of them have passed away, and now there is only one left. The youngest son is raised like a baby, and it is easy to see no one.

The boy in front of him may be that child.

Now, this child eats the leftovers with them, and calls the sea breeze Grandpa.

Zhou Ji felt that if the Rhino Beast King knew, he would be very depressed.

However, in this situation, it is impossible for them to send the child back... Maybe it will be safer for the child to follow them.

Haifeng will definitely protect his eldest grandson.

Zhou Ji was thinking about it, when he heard Kumano Road, who had become a beast king with clear ears and eyes, and heard Haifeng's words: "Zhou Ji, in a few years, we can also raise a child, or raise a grandson!"

Kumano likes children very much. Although he wants to be with Zhou Ji and cannot have children, he can raise other people's children! He doesn't mind!

Zhou Ji lay down directly on the reclining chair next to him: "I don't want to raise it, I want you to raise it." He didn't want to take the child.

"Okay!" Kumano has no opinion at all: "I don't know how many children in the Orc Continent have the shape of an elephant. We can raise one with the shape of an elephant, and another with the shape of a brown bear." Such children are no different from their own!

"It's fine if you like it." Zhou Ji said, it's enough for him to raise a brown bear, he doesn't want to raise anything else, but Kumano likes it, so it's okay to adopt a few children.

"I like it..." Kumano looked at Zhou Ji: "Zhou Ji, do you want to wash the dishes with me?"

Zhou Ji, who had been lying lazily, immediately sat up: "Yes!"

"Patriarch, are you going to wash the dishes?" Hearing Zhou Ji and Xiong Ye's words, someone came over immediately: "I'll help you wash it!"

"No need." Kumano refused without thinking.

But Zhou Ji took the bowl from his hand and gave it to the person: "Thank you." The last time they went out to wash the dishes, the clouds cleared, and then Kumano really went to wash the dishes... It was a little boring.

Kumano looked at Zhou Ji with dissatisfaction - what does Zhou Ji mean

Zhou Ji said, "Let's go take a bath."

Kumano was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized that taking a shower was actually a better reason.

Zhou Ji and Kumano left together, and some of Zhu Zhan's subordinates went to the forest with the Big Bear tribe.

Among the people from the Big Bear tribe, there are women, and among those women, there is even Kumano's sister Huyue.

She decided to have a baby with one of Zhu Zhan's subordinates. The two are now on a very good relationship. It is a common thing to go into the woods.

After discovering this, Pig Zhan was a little depressed.

When will he find his woman and take her to the woods!

There are also Zhou Ji and Kumano. Zhou Ji concealed something as serious as Kumano, but their relationship was completely unaffected. It was enough to show their affection during the day, but they even went into the woods at night!

Pig Zhan's heart is like an arrow, and he can't wait to rush back day and night, but he knows that is impossible. With his strength, he can't rush at night at all. Maybe walking alone is not as fast as walking with the big guys now.

"Baby, let's go take a bath too." Haifeng looked at the eldest grandson he just recognized - everyone else loves cleanliness so much, he felt that he had to take a bath too.

"Okay." Baby Rhino agreed.

Pig Zhan looked at the sea breeze in shock - the sea breeze suddenly called this young baby of the giant rhinoceros, and even took him to take a bath together, isn't this sea breeze too beastly

The teenager of the giant rhinoceros is still young, he is only a year or two older than his eldest child, and he is not an adult. He feels that he has to stop Haifeng, but Haifeng is the king of beasts, and he can't stop it...

The pig war is very tangled.

Seeing Zhu Zhan staring at him, Haifeng asked, "Do you want to wash with us too?"

Pig Wars: What

Haifeng said: "If you want to go with us, let's go together."

Pig Zhan did not expect that he would take a bath with two men.

Then he was depressed again.

He thought "Baby" was called by the sea breeze tricking the children, but it wasn't... There are people who call this name!

Besides... This child of the giant rhinoceros was really well served since he was a child. After reaching the river, he turned into a beast and stood still in the river. Seeing that the pig battle and the sea breeze did not respond, he turned his head. Lai said: "I'm fine... You help me wash."

Pig Zhan originally wanted to stop Haifeng from attacking the underage orcs, but in the end he had to work with Haifeng to brush a giant rhino.

The animal shape of the giant rhino is really annoying! My own height of more than two meters is only as high as other people's legs!

Brushing him is so frustrating!

What made Pig Zhan most desperate was that he finally finished brushing the giant rhinoceros, and Haifeng suddenly said: "No one has brushed my animal shape like this before... I have become a beast shape, and you all brush me too. ?"

Baby Rhino did not hesitate: "Okay!"

Pig Zhan: " suddenly turned into a beast shape, what if you accidentally crushed someone to death?" He refused to brush the body of a 2,000-ton fish!

"Also... Then forget it." Haifeng said, it was okay to crush a few people, but he was afraid that he would accidentally kill someone he knew.

When Zhu Zhan and the others returned to the camp, Kumano and Zhou Ji had not returned.

Haifeng went to bed with his eldest grandson. Zhu Zhan had something in his heart, but he wandered around the tribe, and then saw Zhou Ji come back with Kumano.

Pig Zhan: "..." These two people are like this! I'm really not used to it!

So Zhou Ji didn't sleep with Kumano before, because he didn't confess at that time, and it's not easy to press people? !

The next day, the crowd continued on their way.

They are getting closer and closer to the giant pig tribe, and Zhou Ji also learned a lot about the giant pig tribe from the pig war.

The Giant Pig Tribe used to have a Beastmaster, but now there has been no Beastmaster for a long time, but their tribe is still a big tribe on the Orc Continent that no one else dares to mess with.

Because the people in their tribe are very prolific.

Zhu Zhan's father had several wives, and his wives gave him dozens of children, and Zhu Zhan was just one of them.

Zhou Ji heard the words and sighed secretly - the animal shape of the people of the giant pig tribe is delicious when you think about it, but unfortunately you can't eat it.

"My accident this time has something to do with my brothers and sisters." Zhu Zhan sighed: "I'm too lazy to pursue this matter, but if something happens to Zhuzhu... I will kill them."

Zhou Ji said: "Your women and children will be fine."

Zhou Ji said this just to comfort Zhu Zhan. He never thought that Zhu Zhan heard this and looked at him happily: "Are you saying this because you were instructed by the Beast God?"

Zhou Ji: Sorry, no.

When everyone was only a day away from the giant pig tribe, Kumano suddenly talked about the sacrifice of the beast god: "In half a month, it will be the sacrifice of the beast god."

The Beast God Festival is a big day, but unfortunately they are not in the tribe.

"During the Beast God Festival, a grand ceremony will be held at the Beast God Temple. All the Beast Lords will gather there. Those big tribes will also bring goods to the Beast God Temple to exchange things with people... The giant pig tribe is not far from the Beast God Temple. When I find the pig beads, we can go to the Beast God Festival together." Zhu Zhandao.

"It's pretty good." Zhou Ji was interested.

Kumano and others were also shocked. After they came to the Orc Continent, they have been hurrying on their way. At first, they stopped at the Qingcao tribe, but later, in order to avoid trouble, whether they encountered a large tribe or a small tribe, they all passed the door. Those who do not enter, at most, negotiate with the other people who are out on patrol, and tell the patrolling people that they only borrowed it.

It is really boring and uncomfortable to travel like this. Fortunately, they are about to reach the giant pig tribe, and they can go to the beast temple to participate in the beast god sacrifice.

Everyone was very happy, and they came to the spirit. As a result, they encountered a heavy rain accidentally.

The heavy rain poured down and drenched them all.

Among so many people, the sea breeze is also very satisfied: "It's raining well! It's really comfortable to take a shower!"

"Uncomfortable," said Bao Bao.

Haifeng looked at his grandson, only to find that his cheap grandson was beaten by the rain and couldn't keep his eyes open, and the hair on his head was stuck together because of the rain, looking very embarrassed.

Haifeng suddenly felt distressed: "Baby, you will feel better if you become a beast."

The rhinoceros nodded and turned into a beast.

After he turned into a beast, he really felt a lot better, but when he was walking, he was always blocked because of the many trees...

The sea breeze is in front of it to help it open the way: "Baby, follow your grandfather, and grandfather will help you find a way!"

The sea breeze galloped away happily.

As a result, baby rhino didn't leave, and even ate leaves on the way.

Haifeng: "..." This child is very good, but sometimes, he is also a little stupid, which makes people incomprehensible!

Haifeng climbed onto his grandson's back, patted his neck and said, "Don't eat it! Follow Zhou Ji!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he fell from the air at a height of five meters - Baby Rhino suddenly turned into a human shape, and then asked Haifeng: "Who is Zhou Ji?"

"That's it!" Haifeng pointed at Zhou Ji and said.

"Oh..." The rhinoceros turned into a giant rhino again, and then followed Zhou Ji slowly forward.

Zhou Ji took these people to a place where there are many trees, which can provide some shelter from the wind and rain: "Let's set up camp early today and have a rest.

The rain is too heavy, this weather is not suitable for traveling.

"Aren't we going? Stop here?" Zhu Zhan couldn't help asking, he wanted to go to the giant pig tribe right away.

"Yes, we will live here tonight." Zhou Ji said: "The Beast God told me that this is a good place."

This is really a good place, he actually saw garlic here!

Zhou Ji was not a person who liked eating garlic in his last life, but he is not used to it without garlic in this life.

In many dishes, adding a little garlic can enhance the flavor. Garlic is really a good thing.

Now, he saw this kind of good stuff.

The beast gods have said that this is a good place, so this must be a good place... Pig Zhan has no objection, and cleans up with everyone.

They have a lot of dinosaur skins on their hands that the rain won't see through. After they chop up some wood and come back, they can set up simple tents one by one.

The first tent was for Zhou Ji and Kumano.

Zhou Ji, who had already collected some garlic, squeezed in with Kumano.

The ground of the tent is muddy, and even if they choose to set up camp in a high place, their feet are still wet, which makes people very unaccustomed to it, and they can't eat barbecue on fire.

Fortunately, the people in the tribe have the habit of storing food, but they can take out the roasted meat to eat.

Although it rained heavily, there was meat to eat. The people of the Big Bear tribe were very satisfied with the situation. Only Zhou Ji felt that there was no fire without fire, and finally brought a clay pot into their tent.

Zhou Ji threw some firewood into the clay pot and lit it, and their tent warmed up.

Seeing this, Zhou Ji took out the rice ball that he had made, wrapped it in leaves, put it into the fire, and prepared to bake it on the fire to heat it up.

It had been raining all the time. Although he blocked the rain with animal skins, he also felt that it was inconvenient to eat. He didn't finish the rice balls he made last night. Besides the rice balls, Zhou Ji also put a pottery steamer in the pot. , and then put a clay bowl on it, ready to boil some hot water to drink.

At that time, if you put some green vegetables in the water, it will be a bowl of green vegetable soup, and you can even slowly test some meat in a small fire.

When roasting meat, you can also add some garlic, or even roast the garlic directly, which is also delicious.

Just as she was about to spend the night well, Zhou Ji's mental power suddenly sensed something - someone was coming.

The person here... is a sow with two piglets and a child.

The animal shape of the sow... Zhou Ji suddenly realized that the sow might be Zhu Zhu - she was very similar to what Zhu Zhan described.

If so, it's a coincidence!

Zhou Ji was thinking so, and within the range of her perception, another group of people came out, and this group of people was still chasing the sow in front.