Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 130: 131|Falling people


After Zhu Zhan brought Zhu Zhu back, he began to tell Zhu Zhu what he had encountered in the past six months. The two sides first hugged and cried, and then prayed together, thanking the beast god for their love for them.

Zhou Ji listened to it and felt a bit pitted.

He is inexplicable, how many names has he helped that beast god!

With that in mind, he put down the animal skin door on the tent and stopped paying attention to the outside world.

He is not full yet.

Zhou Ji continued to eat, and roasted the whole garlic that he had just dug out and secretly ripened.

Roasted garlic is quite delicious. Next time you go to the beach and steam fish and shellfish, you can also add mashed garlic.

Zhou Ji likes roasted garlic very much, but Kumano has no interest in this unpleasant vegetable. After he ate rice balls and roasted meat, he began to practice seriously.

Although he has become the Beastmaster, Kumano has never felt how powerful he is.

Zhou Ji likes his attitude very much. He is also researching how to use energy. Once he researches something, he will teach it to Kumano.

There were always voices outside, but on the side of Kumano and Zhou Ji, it was very quiet.

Zhu Zhan did not dare to disturb Zhou Ji and Kumano, so he took out the food for Zhu Zhu and the three children.

Pig beads and three children devoured them.

After eating something, Zhu Zhu slowed down and asked, "What are you going to do in the future?"

"Of course, follow the big bear tribe! Zhu Zhu, I will go to the patriarch tomorrow and ask you to join the big bear tribe." Zhu Zhan said.

Seeing that the pig battle was intact, Zhuzhu was already full of goodwill towards this big bear tribe, and immediately agreed: "Okay."

"Zhuzhu, don't worry, we will have a lot of good times to live in the future. Our big bear tribe is the most powerful tribe!" Zhu Zhandao, he briefly told Zhuzhu about his experience before, but he didn't have time. Speaking of the big bear tribe, I want to show it off now.

However, Zhu Zhu was speechless: "The most powerful tribe?" According to Zhu Zhan, this big bear tribe came from the wild forest. Even if Zhu Zhan wanted to brag, he couldn't brag like that!

"Yes, our big bear tribe is the most powerful tribe." Zhu Zhan's face was firm.

Zhu Zhu: "...Are you really a pig war?" Zhu Zhu felt that something was wrong. Zhu Zhan didn't really believe in beast gods before, now what? He opened his mouth and praised the beast god, but even said that a tribe from the wild forest was the most powerful tribe... Has this person been dropped

"Zhuzhu, I won't lie to you, our big bear tribe is very powerful!" Zhu Zhan said: "Just the beastmaster, we have three tribes!"

Although Haifeng has not yet explicitly joined the Big Bear Tribe, he follows Zhou Ji all day long and is almost a member of the Big Bear Tribe.

Zhuzhu: This is more like a fake. Pig fighting when the Beastmaster is barley, is it worthless

The people from the giant pig tribe who were caught by Zhu Zhan also woke up at this moment, and some people sneered: "Are you crazy, Pig Zhan? You actually said such crazy things!"

"Pig fights you traitor!" Some people are also dissatisfied with the pig fights "our big bear tribe".

"Pig War, you'd better let us go!"

These people who were caught by Pig Zhan were quite arrogant. They heard Pig Zhan's words, but they didn't feel at all how powerful this big bear tribe was.

They even thought that they were a group of lunatics - these people from the wild forest looked at them with disdain!

"Pig Zhan, these people are too annoying and affect my grandson's sleep... What did you bring them back? Why didn't you kill them?" Haifeng said dissatisfied.

His rhino baby finally fell asleep and was woken up by these guys again.

Seeing his eldest grandson's face full of grievances, Haifeng felt extremely distressed.

"You lousy old man, courting death!" The leader of the giant pig tribe looked at Haifeng with cold eyes, such a lousy old man actually wanted to kill them!

When the patriarch comes to save them, they must cut this bad old man into pieces!

"They actually called me an old man! Pig Zhan, if you don't kill me, I will kill you!" Haifeng was furious. Even if he was old, he was not allowed to be called a bad old man.

Pig Zhan didn't dare to provoke the sea breeze, and he didn't like these people who were chasing his women, so he said without hesitation, "Okay."

The people of the giant pig tribe wanted to scold again, but they were picked up by the sea breeze and thrown out from a distance, drawing a beautiful arc in the sky, and finally fell into the forest and disappeared.

Those people were already seriously injured, and they would definitely die if they fell like this.

Pig Zhan is not surprised by this, Haifeng can do such a thing.

He was worried about who he belonged to, and he didn't kill those people, but those people sought death on their own... He couldn't do anything about it.

Zhu Zhu was stunned when he saw this: "This... this... "

"This lord is the Beastmaster." Pig Zhan said.

Pig Zhu's face was full of disbelief.

It was evening when they set up camp, and it was almost dark when Zhuzhu arrived. By the time the sea breeze threw away the few people, it was already at night.

After that, no one spoke. Pig Zhu and the child were thrown out for fear of disturbing the sea breeze, and the people of the Big Bear tribe... They were tired and were going to sleep.

The rain had been pattering all night, and fortunately, it was getting smaller and smaller.

When the next day dawned, the rain had stopped.

In the past, in order to avoid accidents with the women and children of the pig war, everyone would get up and hurry up every day at dawn, but this is not the case today, so after the people of the Big Bear tribe got up, they began to cook slowly and pack themselves.

"I'm so dirty, I must go wash it."

"I wasn't full last night, I want something delicious."

"Luckily the rice didn't get wet...I want to eat rice."

"There's not much dry wood left."

Everyone was busy talking while talking.

Haifeng is asking Baby Rhino: "Baby... What do you want to eat today?"

"Egg fried rice." Baby Xi said blankly.

"Don't count on egg fried rice, I'll go get you a dinosaur to eat." Haifeng said: "Wait, I need to get some firewood first..."

Zhu Zhu looked at everyone busy going back and forth, it was hard to believe that this was a powerful tribe, and it was hard to believe that Haifeng was the king of beasts.

While she was struggling, some voices sounded.

Last night, the pig bead broke the legs of the two sons that the patriarch of the giant pig tribe liked very much, which angered the patriarch.

It was just that it was raining heavily at the time, the sky was dark again, and there were others intervening, so the patriarch of the Giant Pig Tribe did not immediately go after Zhuzhu.

He felt that the person sent by his son would definitely be able to bring the pig beads back.

As a result, after the night passed, those people did not come back!

Zhu Yan, the patriarch of the Giant Pig Tribe, was very dissatisfied, and finally brought people and came out to pursue him in person.

Zhu Yan is a high-level beast warrior. Although he is not young, his strength is still not low. At this moment, he is riding on a wild boar and is chasing in the direction that Zhu Zhu escaped yesterday.

"Patriarch, what are you going to do about this time?" Someone ran beside Zhu Yan and asked as he ran.

Zhu Yan said: "I won't let that woman go! She's too daring to do something to my son this time. Will she do it to me next time?"

"There are many people in the tribe who sympathize with their mother and son..." The people who ran beside Zhu Yan hesitated.

"What about sympathy? They can't do anything but sympathy." Zhu Yan said: "Zhu Zhan is my son after all, and I feel heartbroken when something like that happens. I originally wanted to take good care of their mother and son. Yes, but Zhuzhu is too much! Wait for you to catch her child and kill her."

Those three children were Zhu Zhan's children, and they were his grandsons. Zhu Yan didn't intend to hurt them, but he hated Zhu Zhu deeply and had already decided to kill Zhu Zhu.

"Yes, the patriarch!" Among the people under Zhu Yan's hands, some of them listened to his words, and they really should, but some of them did not agree with him.

Among these people, some people want to put pig beads, and some people want to kill those children together with pig beads.

In the giant pig tribe, there are not many people who have awakened giant pigs. It is good for ordinary people to awaken wild boars. However, the two awakened children of Pig Zhan are all giant pigs, and some people do not Hope they grow up.

The rain last night covered up a lot of traces, and Zhu Yan had trouble finding someone, but he still found the right way.

"There is blood in the front!" Someone said, everyone went over, and they saw a few people who were chasing pig beads last night, lying on the ground in a miserable state, all swelled by the rain.

"That damn woman!" Pig Salt was furious.

The people around Zhu Yan were also frightened when they saw this scene. These people's bodies were twisted and their bodies were broken and bones were broken. How badly they were beaten! The murderer's method is really cruel!

Everyone was taken aback, and a few were puzzled: "Why do these people seem to have fallen to their death from a height?" Some people were hanging on trees...

"How can a good person fall to his death? It must be the woman Zhuzhu is doing a ghost!" Zhu Yan led the people and continued to move forward, and soon came to the place where the Big Bear tribe camped.

Because there is not enough dry wood, the people of the Big Bear tribe can only use some wet wood to burn when cooking, and the smoke billows for a while.

Originally early in the morning, Zhou Ji wanted to come out to take a breath, but when she saw this, she went back to her tent and lay down.

Kumano went out to hunt. He was impatient to put on his clothes, so he only wrapped the animal skin around his waist. Then, without much effort, he caught some birds from a distance and came back, and killed them himself.

When someone came, Kumano had killed the bird and was about to wash it.

"It's your father here!" Zhu Zhu looked at Zhu Zhan worriedly when he heard the movement in the distance.

"Don't be afraid, it's alright." Zhu Zhan comforted Zhu Zhu, even his father... The sea breeze turned into a beast and could crush most of them to death.

Zhu Zhu really doesn't understand why Zhu Zhan can be so confident, just because the person who fell last night was there

That man looked honest and honest, and he kept walking around a young man who was pampered at first sight. He even roasted the barbecue himself. And Zhu Zhan's father, he is also a high-level beast warrior!

Zhu Zhu was thinking so, and the people of the giant pig tribe had come to them: "Who are you? Have you seen a sow... Pig Zhu!"

Zhu Yan saw Zhu Zhu, and his face suddenly looked ugly: "I didn't expect you to dare to stay here, but it saves me from chasing you... arrest her!"

"Father!" Pig said.

Only then did Zhu Yan notice the pig war, and his face was full of disbelief: "Pig war?"