Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 131: 132|Beat and get down


When Zhu Yan saw these people in front of him, he knew that this should be a caravan sent by a certain tribe.

He didn't take this caravan seriously, because these people looked too embarrassed.

Everyone was soaking wet, with only a bit of animal skin tied around their waists, and the smoke from the damp firewood lit blackened the faces of some people, and their food... These people obviously couldn't even eat meat. Yes, there are even some things that seem to be wheat at the moment, and someone is killing a few birds.

Birds with no meat are also eaten... This tribe is absolutely poor!

Zhu Yan didn't take this caravan seriously. When he saw that Zhu Zhu was actually in this caravan, he had already decided to teach these people a good lesson. As a result... he actually saw the pig war.

Pig salt doesn't like pig wars.

Pig Zhan has never been close to him, and that's fine. Over the years, Pig Zhan has become stronger and stronger.

According to the tradition of their tribe, the patriarch is generally passed down from father to son, but if there are other strong people in the tribe, the position of the patriarch may be taken away by others.

He gave birth to so many children just to prevent the position of the patriarch from being taken away by others—there are many more outstanding children among his children, and then the position of the patriarch will not fall into the hands of outsiders!

But what surprised him was that his eldest son was so outstanding.

Pig Zhan is very strong. Although it is still only an intermediate beast warrior, in ten years or so, he will definitely be a high-level beast warrior. At that time, can he still be the patriarch

Because of this, Zhu Yan didn't like pig wars very much. When an accident happened to pig wars, his legs were broken, and he became a person disliked by the beast gods. He even disliked this son. The priests of their tribe proposed to fight pigs When he was in exile, he had no objection.

Now, Pig Wars is back!

Zhu Yan looked at Zhu Zhan in shock: "You are not dead?!"

"I'm not dead, I'm back." Pig Zhan said.

"You are a person who was rejected by the beast god. You have already been exiled. What are you doing back? Are you making our entire tribe be rejected by the beast god?" Zhu Yan said angrily.

"I'm all right." Pig Zhan walked forward.

Before the pig war, he injured his leg, and his bones were seriously injured. They were all crooked. He should be limping when he walked, but now... he looks fine.

Zhu Yan didn't understand what was going on, some of them couldn't react, and the people behind Zhu Yan were also shocked.

After the accident in Zhu Zhan, some of Zhu Zhan's subordinates followed Zhu Zhan to the Wild Forest, and some were arranged by Zhu Yan to do other work. In short, there was no one around Zhu Yan who fought against Zhu Yan.

"How can you be okay? Did you make a deal with the devil? You bastard..." Pig Salt was furious.

The people of the Big Bear tribe all watched the pig battle sympathetically.

In their tribe, many fathers have a bad relationship with sons, but there is no such thing as wishing for their sons to be bad... This pig salt, feels a bit bad...

The people of the Big Bear tribe were thinking about this when they heard Zhu Zhan say: "You are my father, why are you smearing me like this?"

Pig Zhan's expression was cold, and coupled with his tall stature, he was inexplicably deterrent.

Zhu Yan met Zhu Zhan's gaze and became even more angry: "Come here quickly, I will take you to plead guilty to the priest, a sinner like you should not come back!"

Pig war and pig salt are tit for tat, and there is a bit of tension between the two.

As a result, at this moment, there was a sudden cry.

Everyone looked at the three children of Zhu Zhan, and found that the three children were hugged by Zhu Zhu, and none of them cried, so they were crying...

"Grandfather, I'm a little scared." Baby Rhino cried a few times and stopped crying, with tears hanging from his eyelashes, looking at the sea breeze pitifully.

This boy from the giant rhinoceros is a bit stupid, and his usual behavior is similar to that of a four- or five-year-old child, so Zhou Ji doesn't like him, and he wishes he was far away from himself - four or five-year-old children are not easy to take!

But the sea breeze is different.

Haifeng has been living in the shape of a beast before, and living in the water. He has no relatives to say no to, and he does not get close to people.

The people of the beach tribe who communicated more with him also regarded him as a god and worshipped him.

So, he was actually a little lonely.

Not to mention, humans are still weird creatures—the vast majority of them, as they get older, unconsciously like their cubs.

Baby Rhino is a bit silly and doesn't understand anything, but he's not particularly bearish. Generally speaking, he is very obedient and likable. When Haifeng first took care of him, he might have been a little reluctant. The child is not bad. After he asked the child to call him "grandfather", his feelings for the child improved by leaps and bounds.

Now baby rhino is crying...

Haifeng said: "Zhu Zhan, why are you talking so much? Can't you finish talking?"

Pig War was stunned.

Haifeng said again: "This kind of person, if you beat him, he will be honest. If you can't do it because it is your father, I can help you beat him."

Pig War: "… "

Kumano also said: "This person really has a lot of words... I can also help you fight." Zhou Ji is still resting, these people are constantly arguing outside, which is a bit annoying.

Before the pig war could say anything, the pig salt was already angered by the sea breeze and Kumano.

A bad old man, a guy who just came of age, these two guys are screaming to beat themselves... Crazy

Zhu Yan smirked and said to the people behind him, "Arrest Zhu Zhan and his children, and kill Zhu Zhu!"

Zhu Yan also felt that it was a bit silly to keep talking with Zhu Zhan here, so he might as well arrest people directly.

As for those who shouted to help the pig fight: "Kill these people too!"

These people actually want to beat him, are you tired of living

Zhu Yan's subordinates responded, and immediately rushed towards Zhu Zhan. Seeing this, Zhu Zhu turned into a beast without even thinking about it, intending to protect Zhu Zhan.

However, at this moment, Baby Rhino suddenly called out, "You can't kill people!"

After shouting, he turned into a giant rhino and kicked over a wild boar.

A wild boar weighing several hundred kilograms is really incomparable to a giant rhino that weighs tens of thousands of kilograms.

"Giant rhino?" Zhu Yan was shocked when he saw the giant rhino—what does this person have to do with the Rhino Beastmaster

He was wondering when the sea breeze rushed up: "eldest grandson, don't hit, lest I hurt you... Grandfather beat them all down by himself."

The rhino baby turned back into a human form and replied obediently, "Okay!"

"Sick!" Hearing Haifeng's words, Zhu Yan sneered, and he didn't turn into a beast, so he attacked Haifeng, intending to kill this man.

The sudden appearance of the giant rhino made him a little scared, for fear of messing with the rhinoceros beast king, but this middle-aged man called the boy "grandson"...

The father of the rhinoceros beast has long since passed away, and this young man is definitely not the child of the rhinoceros beast. In this case, he is not afraid.

Pig salt felt that he would be able to kill the sea breeze easily.

However, the opposite is true.

His fist came to Haifeng, and then Haifeng grabbed his fist and threw it out.

thrown out.

When "flying" in the sky, Zhu Yan suddenly remembered the previous corpses... Could those people really be killed by falling

A lot of thoughts flashed in Zhu Yan's mind, but the fact is that he fell to the ground soon, of course, he did not fall to his death.

He is a high-level beast warrior!

Pig Salt got up and turned into a huge beast. He wanted to fight again, but a giant pig tribe fell towards him, followed by the second, the third...

The huge giant pig was smashed to the ground by successive people or pigs.

Pig salt roared unwillingly, and the people he brought fell into a pile beside him, and many had already fainted.

Who is that person? Why so strong

In Zhu Yan's mind, the word "Beast King" suddenly flashed...

When the pig salt was terrified, Zhou Ji, who saw that the battle was over, finally came out of the tent: "The living conditions of the giant pig tribe should be good... Let's go to the giant pig tribe to live here, it's too humid here, making people uncomfortable. Comfortable."

"Ah?" Kumano, who didn't make the shot just now, was a little stunned - why did Zhou Ji suddenly say this

Zhou Ji said again: "Is there any wet firewood over there... Let's go quickly and have breakfast there."

Everyone was thinking about the fight before, or sympathizing with Zhu Zhan, thinking that it was too unlucky for Zhu Zhan to have such a father, but after Zhou Ji said so...

Everyone who was soaked in the rain all night just wanted to go to the giant pig tribe to have a good rest.

"Yes, the giant pig tribe must have dry wood!"

"Maybe there is something delicious."

"Let's go quickly."

There was a lot of discussion.

At this time, someone asked, "What about those people?" Zhu Zhan's father and his subordinates were still lying not far away...

"Haifeng, aren't you learning how to tie people? Go and tie those people up." Zhou Ji said.

"Oh..." Haifeng took the rope and vine and went to tie the people.

He's not good at tying knots, and when someone is struggling, he can't always tie it... Haifeng stretched out his hand and slapped the struggling person a few times, slapped them to the ground and couldn't move them, and then tied them slowly.

The baby rhino watched from the side and kept complimenting: "Grandfather is amazing!"

The sea breeze met the bright eyes of the rhinoceros, and felt that he must do this job well... Thinking of this, he immediately grabbed the pig salt who wanted to escape, and then slapped it casually, and slapped the pig salt's arm. Interrupted - that's a good way to tie it up a bit.

"Who the hell are you?" Pig Yan finally couldn't help asking.

"sea breeze."

"Are you the Beastmaster?" Pig Yan asked again.

Haifeng nodded: "Yes!"

Pig Salt: "..." You are the king of beasts! Why doesn't he look like a beastmaster! Why are you, a beastmaster, still coming to tie us up? !