Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 134: 135|Provocation


Pig salt felt that what the people around him said was very reasonable.

This big bear tribe, somewhat beyond his expectations.

At first he thought that the tribe from the wild forest must be backward and weak, but this tribe was not like that.

Not only can they come up with exquisite pottery, but they also have the Beastmaster.

Although there are few of them, just because they have the Beastmaster... As long as they don't do anything to cause public outrage, no one will provoke them, even if it is the Beast Temple.

But this tribe also has a problem - the people of this big bear tribe are so disrespectful to the Beastmaster!

Previously, Zhu Zhan told Zhu Zhu about the fact that there were three beastmasters in the Big Bear tribe, and the people who chased Zhu Zhu from the Giant Pig tribe heard about it, but they were all killed by the sea breeze.

Zhu Yan and others didn't know that there were three Beastmasters in the Big Bear tribe, they only knew that Haifeng was the Beastmaster.

As for Kumano and Zhou Ji... These two seem to have just grown up, and their strength is definitely not strong.

It's just these two young people who dare to shout at such a beast king as Haifeng... Zhu Yan felt that Haifeng must be dissatisfied.

As long as they provoke...

Pig Salt whispered with the people around him.

Kumano and Zhou Ji were completely unaware of this.

Although Zhou Ji has mental power and can monitor the surrounding situation, he is not interested in listening to everything, so he occasionally checks the surrounding situation to see if they are safe.

Now that there is nothing unusual outside, he can cook with peace of mind.

It was raining yesterday, and it was very useful to drink a bowl of hot and spicy soup. Zhou Ji fry the peppers in oil, add water to make a hot pot, then threw the bird meat into it and simmered slowly, and boiled it in another pot rice.

"The meat is not enough to eat." Zhou Ji said, Kumano is very edible.

"I'm going hunting!" Kumano said.

"Get something delicious." Zhou Ji said.

Kumano agreed.

Since he became the Beastmaster, Kumano's animal shape has grown a lot, weighing more than ten tons.

After the body size becomes larger, the combat power becomes stronger, but the movement will also be inconvenient, and Kumano generally will not use the animal shape, and go out directly in the human shape.

Zhu Yan, who saw this scene in his eyes, came to Haifeng who was feeding the rhino baby with barbecue.

"Master Hai, your strength is the most powerful among the people I have ever met, you are truly a powerful person to be admired!" Zhu Yan said.

Haifeng was a little proud, but quickly sighed: "You still have too little knowledge." Although he is powerful, he is not as powerful as Zhou Ji...

"Sir, you are too modest!" Zhu Yan said, "No one in this world can beat you!"

"Don't talk nonsense like this, there are still many people stronger than me in this world." Haifeng said.

Most people like to listen to good words, but I didn't expect that the sea breeze would not enter the oil and salt! Pig Yan couldn't understand a little, and he didn't know how to please Haifeng - as the clan chief, he hadn't been very pleasing before!

Just at this moment, he saw Haifeng feeding the rhino baby with the roasted meat of the big bear tribe, and said, "Sir, your grandson is so good!"

"He's good-looking." Haifeng was also very satisfied with Baby Rhino's appearance. The child had red lips and white teeth, and was particularly likable.

"He really looks like you!" Pig Yan said again.

Almost all parents like to be told that his child is like him, even if the child is not his own... Haifeng is even happier: "I think so too!"

Zhu Yan knew that he had found a way to get closer, and said, "I have dozens of children, and I can tell adults some ways to take care of the children." Although there is not much time together, Zhu Yan has already discovered the brain of the rhinoceros. There is a problem - if this child is fine, will he cry when he is so old? Therefore, it is clear that the baby rhino is not too young, but he still calls him "child".

Zhu Yan wanted to use the child to get closer to Haifeng, but Haifeng heard Zhu Yan's words, but looked at Zhu Yan warily: "You don't have to tell me... The children you raised have nothing to do with you at all. Well, I won't listen to you." Pig Zhan doesn't like this pig salt!

After finishing speaking, Haifeng said again: "You are not good to children... You are not good to your own children!" This pig salt is not good for pig wars!

Pig salt: "… "

Zhu Yan wanted to get closer to the sea breeze, and let's talk about other things, but the sea breeze obviously didn't cooperate, so he didn't bother: "Sir, you are the king of beasts, why do you still do a lot of things yourself?"

"What's the matter?" Sea Breeze asked.

"For example, to feed your grandson." Zhu Yan said.

Haifeng said: "You really don't know how to take care of children! The child must be taken care of by himself, otherwise he will not recognize you." For example, his parents didn't take care of him very much, so he didn't take his own parents very much. The thing is, in the beach tribe... In the past, there was a woman who gave birth to a child and didn't want to raise her, so she gave the child to someone else. Later, the child recognized someone else as a parent and completely ignored her.

Pig salt: "… "

Zhu Yan continued his efforts: "You even tie the knot for us yourself and take us away... These jobs are not supposed to be done by you at all."

Haifeng said: "I'm learning to tie knots. As for taking you along, who made me strong? If I am strong, I need to work more." Because of his strong strength, Zhou Ji always let him work along the way... well!

It turned out that the Beastmaster thought so! Zhu Yan said: "How can there be such a thing in the world? Lord, you don't know what the lives of other beast kings are like!"

"What is the life of other beastmasters like?" Haifeng was curious.

Zhu Yan said: "The beast kings who have been canonized by the beast temple have their own large territories..."

Hearing the words "Beast Temple", Haifeng shrank his neck.

"The tribes in the Beastmaster's territory need to pay tribute to the Beastmaster, such as food, such as utensils. The Beastmaster can enjoy the best of everything, and there are many people who are specially responsible for taking care of the Beastmaster..."

This sounds wonderful... Haifeng asked, "How many beastmasters are there in the Beast God Temple?"

There are no beast kings in the Beast God Temple, and those beast kings are only conferred by the Beast God Temple... Haifeng should be asking how many beast kings have been conferred by the Beast God Temple? Pig Yan said: "Nine."

"There are nine?" Haifeng was surprised.

Haifeng has always been a little afraid of the Beast God Temple. When the Beast God Temple tried to kill him several times, it made him have a psychological shadow!

Now that he heard that there are nine beast kings in the Beast Temple, he couldn't help but shudder.

It's okay for him to hide in the sea before, it's not easy for those beastmasters to deal with him, but now he has been brought ashore by Zhou Ji!

Not to mention dealing with nine beastmasters, even if it is one, he may not be able to deal with it - his animal shape has grown so big that he can't move on land!

In order not to be taken away by the people of the Beast Temple, he must follow Zhou Ji and Kumano closely, especially Zhou Ji.

He learned from the people of the Big Bear Tribe that this Zhou Ji is the messenger of the Beast God, a person who is deeply loved by the Beast God, and Zhou Ji's strength is strong... Following Zhou Ji, he must be fine.

"Although there are already nine Beastmasters, there are still large territories without Beastmasters..." Zhu Yan wanted to tell Haifeng what a wonderful future he would have if he left the Big Bear tribe and went to the Beast Temple.

However, Haifeng completely ignored him, and instead took what he hunted with him. The rest of the dinosaur meat ran to Zhuyan's house and asked Zhou Ji, "Zhou Ji, I caught a dinosaur, do you want to eat it?"

Zhou Ji said: "The meat of this dinosaur is not good, I don't like it."

"Then what kind of dinosaur do you like to eat? Next time I go to catch it for you?" Haifeng asked, suddenly thinking of something: "By the way, you like to eat those strange-shaped things in the sea... I will definitely get more for you when you go to the beach in the future. point!"

Zhou Ji said: "Okay."

Seeing that Zhou Ji was very good at talking, Haifeng was relieved. He gave the dinosaur meat to the people of the Big Bear tribe, and went back to his place to eat.

Pig salt doesn't know what to say anymore.

When Haifeng went to find the person named Zhou Ji just now, he thought that Haifeng would get angry, so he was ready to use the remaining half of the dinosaurs to smash his own house where Zhou Ji lived. Unexpectedly, Haifeng was going to For dinosaurs.

That Zhou Ji had a very bad attitude, and he wasn't angry at all.

Is this sea breeze sick? Like someone else treats him badly

While Ino salt was thinking so, Kumano came back.

Zhou Ji is very picky eater, so Kumano didn't go to catch dinosaurs this time, but he came back with two devil frogs.

He used to use bait to catch this thing, but now he can catch it directly... It's great to be the Beastmaster!

Kumano carried the devil frog and happily went in.

The people of the giant pig tribe do not eat devil frogs.

This kind of animal has a very ugly name, and no one wants to have anything to do with the devil, so naturally they didn't eat the devil frog.

Now the patriarch of this big bear tribe can only catch such small things, and even eat such small things... He must have no ability.

Kumano didn't know that someone outside felt that he was incompetent. He had washed and peeled the devil frog and brought it back to Zhou Ji. He saw Zhou Ji cut it open three times and threw half of it into the hot pot. Li: "You can eat it!"

Kumano and Zhou Ji ate quickly.

The hot pot is a bit spicy, but with rice, it won't be too spicy... Kumano gulps.

As for Zhou Ji, he is not afraid of spicy food, so he just poured a few spoonfuls of hot pot soup into the rice to eat.

This rich-flavored soup is especially delicious for bibimbap.

Zhou Ji and Kumano ate the rotten bird, two devil frogs and a lot of vegetables in the hot pot, and it was very comfortable to eat.

Zhou Ji thinks it's really good to have a big animal shape - he eats a lot every day, he sleeps after eating, and he won't gain weight!

Zhou Ji, who had eaten, greeted Kumano to sleep together.

Kumano lay beside Zhou Ji.

Zhou Ji hugged and kissed, and grabbed the back of Kumano's head to deepen the kiss...

The two finally separated, and Zhou Ji found that she had a lot of hair on her hands.

He looked at Kumano's head again, and found that Kumano's head had grown a lot of short hair, and the previous hair was falling out.

It's fine without being bald... Zhou Ji asked, "Kumano, are you going to change your hair?"

"It should be, it's hot recently." Kumano said: "No wonder I felt a little itchy when I turned into a beast. It turned out to be because my hair was changing."

"I'll comb your hair for you tomorrow." Zhou Ji said, and kissed him.

Kumano was a little puzzled: "Why didn't you comb it today?"

"There are still things to do today." Zhou Ji said, the house has good sound insulation, he and Kumano can do something without any excuse to go out to take a bath!

what's the matter? Zhou Ji is tired and wants to sleep? Thinking so, Kumano was hugged by Zhou Ji and kissed again.

He knew what Zhou Ji wanted to do, and he also thought about it...

When Zhou Ji and Kumano made out, Zhu Yan made persistent efforts and went to talk to Haifeng again.

"My lord, for a strong man like you, the people of the Big Bear tribe are not respectful to you at all!"

"It's not disrespectful." Haifeng said casually, ignoring Zhu Yan again - Baby Rhino ignored him and went to play with Zhu Zhan's daughter!

Haifeng hurried over, and then saw Zhu Zhan's daughter playing with stones. She threw the two stones up in turn and then caught them. She had a lot of fun.

The rhinoceros also looked very seriously: "You are really amazing!"

"Baby, grandfather is even more powerful!" Haifeng hurriedly leaned over, showed his skills to Baby Rhino, and threw a lot of stones in one breath.

This game reminded him of some things from his childhood, which he found very interesting.

Pig Salt: "..." Isn't this Beastmaster as stupid as his grandson

Otherwise, how could it look like this

Zhu Yan felt extremely congested. When someone came in and told him that Zhu Zhan was outside and that he had taken all his rights into his hands, he couldn't help but want to vomit blood.

The position of his patriarch must not be taken away by the pig war!

Zhu Yan couldn't sit still and walked out—his feet had never been tied, and the rope in his hand had now been untied.

However, before he could go out, he was carried back by the sea breeze.

Haifeng said: "Zhou Ji said, look after you, you can't go out."

Hearing this, Zhu Yan finally couldn't bear it any longer: "Are you sick? A beastmaster listened to a sick seedling!"

"Sick seedling?" Haifeng was taken aback: "Who are you talking about?"

"Of course it's that Zhou Ji!" Zhu Yan hated iron and said: "You are the king of beasts, you are the king of beasts, can you have a little more guts and don't listen to a young man who has no skills?!"

Haifeng: "...There is something you may not know."

"What's the matter?" Pig Salt asked.

"Zhou Ji is also the Beast King." Haifeng said.

Pig Salt: "!!!" How is that possible!

Haifeng said again: "He is even stronger than me."

Pig Salt: "!!!" This person must be lying to him! How could that person be the Beastmaster!

Haifeng understood his expression: "I didn't lie to you, otherwise, why would I listen to them?"

Pig salt: "… "

"By the way, Kumano... that is our patriarch, he is also the beast king." Haifeng said again: "So, don't try to run away."

Pig salt almost vomited blood.