Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 137: 138|Recognize your father


As the king of beasts, the Rhino Beast King traveled very fast. He was alone, but within a few days, he returned to the territory of the Giant Rhino Tribe.

His son Xi'an has been missing for a long time, and the people of the Juxi tribe don't know where he went, but they found the forest that was overwhelmed by the sea breeze, and they also picked up a lot of meat mud from there.

Judging from what was left next to these mashed meat, this mashed meat belonged to a group of people in the tribe who went out to find Xi'an. I don't know who was so mad that they crushed these people into mashed meat.

And Xi'an, I don't know what's going on...

Seeing the rhinoceros beast king, the patriarch of the giant rhinoceros immediately told everything he knew.

The Rhinoceros Beastmaster looked ugly, went to the small tribes near the Giant Rhinoceros tribe, and then learned from the people of the Qingcao tribe that there was a big bear tribe passing by during that time.

Although time has passed for a long time, there are quite a lot of people in the Big Bear Tribe, and they have left some traces. According to these traces... The meat mud was pressed by the people of the Big Bear tribe, and Xi'an is probably in the hands of the people of the Big Bear tribe. on, or have been…

The Rhino Beast King arranged for people to continue looking for Xi'an near the Giant Rhino Tribe, but he followed the traces left by the Big Bear Tribe and started chasing the Big Bear Tribe.

The rhino beast king ran all the way, and finally came to the vicinity of the giant pig tribe at noon one day.

The giant pig tribe has a large field, and at this moment, the people of the giant pig tribe are throwing the dirt mixed with excrement that they have cleaned out of their tribe into the ground and reclaiming it again.

This is what the pig wars asked. Although they don't know why they do it, they are willing to do it.

Pig Zhan said that when they go to the Beast God Festival in a few days, they will choose some people who have performed well in the tribe to bring them there... Everyone wants to take this opportunity.

And if you want to get this opportunity, you have to perform well.

"If I can follow a few Lord Beastmasters to participate in the Beast God Festival, I will definitely serve them well, and maybe I will be able to join the Big Bear Tribe!"

"Even if you can't join the big bear tribe, you can get close contact with several beastmasters, which is a good thing that you can't ask for!"

"Apart from the Sea Beastmaster, the other two Beastmasters are very young, and the people in the wild forest are really amazing!"

These people were talking while farming, and while they were talking, a middle-aged man with red eyes suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Which tribe are you from?" asked the rhinoceros beast king.

There was obviously a big tribe here, so he came to ask.

"We belong to the giant pig tribe." The humane of the giant pig tribe.

"Have you ever met a tribe called the Big Bear Tribe?" asked the Rhino Beast King.

"Are you here to find the people from the Big Bear Tribe? They are in our tribe." The humane of the Giant Pig Tribe wanted to ask who was in front of him, but before he could ask, the Rhino Beast King had disappeared.

"Who is this person?" The people of the giant pig tribe were puzzled: "The speed is so fast!"

"This speed... it's gone in the blink of an eye! Can't the patriarch do it?" Someone said.

These people looked at each other in dismay, and suddenly thought of a possibility: "You said, will this be another beastmaster?"

Another beastmaster? It's really possible!

This person is here to find the Big Bear Tribe, so... Does the Big Bear Tribe have four beastmasters

The people of the big bear tribe are really amazing!

The Rhino Beast King doesn't know what these people think. At this moment, he already has some bad thoughts in his heart.

When his youngest son was born, he was very smart, but when he was four or five years old, he fell ill by accident and had a fever...

The kid almost died that time, and it took a lot of work to keep him alive, but the kid has been stupid since then.

In the past ten years, he has broken a heart for this stupid child. He feels that to make this child live well, it is best to let him have a strong strength, so he has been looking for the fruit of the beast.

As a result, the Beast God Fruit has not been found, and his child is gone!

The Rhino Beast King felt that most of his children were already dead.

The people of this big bear tribe can so brutally beat the people of their tribe into flesh, how can they still take good care of his stupid son who can't do anything

If they plan to take good care of his son... then they should send his son to the giant rhinoceros tribe, instead of rushing away like a group of people fleeing for their lives.

His son, I am afraid he is dead!

The rhinoceros beast king thought so, and rushed towards the giant pig tribe in grief and indignation.

As a result, he just walked out not too far when he bumped into the sea breeze that came back with a dinosaur.

After the two met, their footsteps stopped, and then they realized one thing together—the person opposite was the Beastmaster!

The Rhino Beastmaster has never seen the Beastmaster in front of him. He also knows that there is no Beastmaster in the Giant Pig Tribe. In this case, this Beastmaster belongs to the Big Bear Tribe

He learned about the situation of the Big Bear tribe from the patriarch of the Qingcao tribe. At that time, the patriarch of the Qingcao tribe said that there was a beastmaster in the Big Bear tribe.

"Did you kill my son?" The Rhino Beast King asked directly.

"Who knows who your son is?" Haifeng said.

Since the rhinoceros beast king knew that something happened to his son, he has been holding a heart and worried that he can't do it. Now he immediately burst out at the hanging sea breeze: "Return my son to me!"

The Rhino Beast King rushed directly towards the sea breeze.

The Beastmaster who came up to beat him without saying a word in front of him was from the Beast Temple? Haifeng dropped the dinosaur in his hand and fought with the rhinoceros beast king.

Rhino Beastmaster's beast size is very large, but it is not very suitable for attack - his limbs are thick and his neck is slender, his head is small, and there are no teeth in his mouth.

In the past, he used the beast type to match the beast type of other beastmasters, and those people couldn't do anything to him, but he also couldn't attack those people because the opponent was too small.

Therefore, Haifeng doesn't use the animal form right now, so he has been fighting Haifeng with the human form.

Although the rhinoceros likes to become a beast and eat grass everywhere, he grew up in the giant rhinoceros tribe. He married and had children like other orcs. Relatively speaking, he still used the human form for more time. I have learned from each other, and if nothing else, I am very good at fighting with humanoids.

The sea breeze is different. In his life, most of the time he has lived in animal form, and he has rarely used human form. The experience of fighting in human form is limited to those who have recently thrown the giant pig tribe.

Haifeng was beaten and retreated. He originally wanted to run to Zhou Ji and Kumano, but he thought that if Zhou Ji's house was accidentally knocked down, Zhou Ji would be unhappy, so he could only run outside, shouting as he ran. : "Zhou Ji, help!"

Zhou Ji, who is cooking egg fried rice, has actually discovered the arrival of the Rhinoceros Beast King, but he can only be a mascot... Zhou Ji looked at Kumano: "The sea breeze is in trouble, you go and see."

Kumano rushed out immediately.

At this time, Haifeng had already come to the outside of the giant pig tribe. The movement here also caused the people of the giant pig tribe to run away, watching the fight between Haifeng and the Rhino Beast King curiously.

"That person can actually chase Lord Hai to fight, he is also the beast king?"

"Lord Hai doesn't seem to be able to beat..."

"It is said that Mr. Hai is not as good as Mr. Xiong and Mr. Zhou. I didn't believe it at first, but now I believe it..."

The people of the giant pig tribe secretly talked about it... They always thought the sea breeze was very strong, but they didn't expect it to be so...

The Rhino Beast King has the upper hand, but he can't do anything to the sea breeze for a while, plus he has been tense for several days, and he is very tired to the limit...

He directly turned into a beast shape and planned to crush it with a beast shape.

At the same time as he turned into a beast, Haifeng realized his intention, and without hesitation, he changed into a beast at the same time. Although his beast is not suitable for land combat, he is so big that he can definitely kill the person on the opposite side. Get down!

As for what's next... Kumano and Zhou Ji should come to save him!

In such an instant, Haifeng even thought of an excellent fighting method - he could suddenly transform into a beast, push people down, then transform into a human to avoid the opponent's attack, and then transform into a beast to crush the opponent...

In such a cycle, even the Beastmaster should be crushed to death by him

After all he is so big!

Haifeng thought so, he had turned into a blue whale, and at the same time he saw the animal shape of his opponent - his opponent's animal shape is quite large, seems a bit familiar

Never mind, the battle is on!

The sea breeze directly pushed people down.

The rhino beast king was pressed to the ground, and a pit was pressed on the ground. Although he was not seriously injured due to his high strength, the whole person was a little confused.

Some people have become Beastmasters, and their body size has increased tenfold. The size of the beasts is not as high as when he was only a junior Beast Warrior - when he was a junior Beast Warrior, he already weighed twenty tons!

In the Orc Continent, he said that he was the second largest, and no one dared to say the first.

Their giant rhinos have always been the giants of this land, and they are very few people in the pictographic tribe who can compare with them.

But the Beastmaster of the Hieroglyphic Tribe is a dwarf elephant, far inferior to him.

All along, the rhino beast king is proud of his size and feels that he is the biggest.

But now... what happened to him

He actually met a... Beastmaster who was many times bigger than him!

What the hell is this!

The rhino beast king who was crushed into the mud doubted his life.

At this time, the sea breeze turned into a human form.

Just when the Rhino Beast King breathed a sigh of relief, Haifeng jumped into the air, turned into a beast again, and pressed down on him...

The rhino beast king was so crushed that he almost vomited blood.

He suddenly realized that it was a foolish thing to turn into a beast to fight the opponent.

The Rhino Beastmaster roared and decided to transform into a human form - he became smaller and hid in the hole he just smashed, the other party might not be able to suppress him!

Thinking like this, the Rhino Beast King changed back into a human form, but at this time, he heard his son's voice: "Grandfather is so big! Grandfather is amazing!"

The Rhino Beast King couldn't react a bit, and then found that the man who pressed him had turned into a humanoid, and laughed: "Of course my grandfather is amazing! Haha!" He developed a beast-type fighting method that can be used on land. Sea breeze, I'm in a very good mood at the moment.

"Baby!" The Rhino Beast King couldn't help shouting at this time, and at the same time he saw his son who was clapping his hands and watching the excitement.

He was beaten and his son clapped his hands and applauded. What did his son call the person in front of him? grandfather

He remembered that his father had long since passed away! Where the hell did this grandfather come from? !

"Father." Baby Xi was very happy to see his father, and said, "Father, isn't grandfather very big?"

Rhino Beast King: "..."

Sea Breeze: "… "

Kumano: "…"

The expressions of the few of them were very wonderful. Those of the giant pig tribe who were speechless because of their surprise after the sea breeze turned into a beast, finally found their voices at this time: "Master Hai is so amazing! I didn't expect it. His beast size is so big!"

"Master Hai wasn't at a disadvantage before, did he not want to crush things?"

"What do you guys say is not inferior, they are father and son, just kidding!"

"Master Hai is really amazing, the son he gave birth to is also a beast king!"

Those of the Giant Pig Tribe who heard Baby Rhino's words quickly accepted the "fact" that it was Haifeng's son who had fought with Haifeng.

These two fight... Maybe it's a way for father and son to reunite after a long absence to express their feelings

It was only Pig Yan who heard Haifeng's cry for help and ran out with the rhinoceros while he was in chaos. He couldn't accept the situation in front of him.

This fight with the sea breeze, isn't it the rhino beast king

Haifeng turned out to be the father of the Rhino Beast King? !

Didn't he come from the wild forest

Xi Baobao didn't notice the strangeness of the people around him, and said, "Father, you are not the biggest, but your grandfather is the biggest."

The rhinoceros beast king found that his son was still alive, he was not happy, his eyes were wet, but the rhinoceros said such a sentence...

The Rhino Beast King held back his tears: "Baby, what nonsense are you talking about... Your grandfather passed away long ago."

"I have another one," said Bao Bao.

Rhino Beast King: "..." He was beaten by this man, and his son even helped him recognize this man as his father. What is this called? !

Haifeng laughed: "I didn't expect you to be the father of my grandson. We are all a family. We don't know each other if we don't fight!"

The Rhino Beast King didn't want to be with the Haifeng family.

But the son is alive and well... He doesn't want to fight with others, and... he can't fight very well.

It doesn't feel good to be smashed by someone, what's more, if this person goes crazy and even smashes his son together, how can it be good

"Baby, how are you doing? Are you injured?" The Rhino Beast King hurriedly went to check on his son.

His son looked pretty good. There was no other problem except that it was a little dark. The rhino beast king was relieved, and the rhino baby also said: "It's not hurt, just hungry."

After he finished speaking, he also looked at Haifeng: "Grandfather, I'm hungry."

"Grandfather will go get you something to eat right away!" Haifeng said, and glanced at the Rhino Beast King proudly - the baby went to him when he wanted something to eat, I was afraid that he liked him more than his father, the Rhino Beast King, that's great!

Haifeng wrapped the animal skin on his body, picked up the rhino baby and left, the rhino beast king saw this and quickly followed.

Kumano, who had planned to come out to help Haifeng fight, picked up the pig salt and followed him - the former chief of this giant pig tribe is a little restless!

When Haifeng brought Baby Rhino to where they lived, Zhou Ji had already cooked a pot of egg fried rice and was loading a bowl.

Haifeng couldn't help but said: "Zhou Ji, you are so calm." All the beast kings came calling, and Zhou Ji was still scrambled eggs and fried rice!

"Well." Zhou Ji said, holding the bowl and eating.

"Grandfather, I want to eat egg fried rice." Baby Xi looked at Zhou Ji's egg fried rice and drooled.

"Grandfather asked someone to make it for you!" Haifeng said, someone from the Big Bear Tribe had already learned to scramble eggs and fried rice with animal oil, and if he paid him a little, the other party would definitely be willing to make some for him.

"Okay." Baby Rhino nodded obediently.

Compared with the rhino beast king who came over, the reaction was different. He, who had been the beast king for a long time, immediately looked at Zhou Ji: "My son wants to eat your food, give it to me."

The sea breeze suddenly laughed.

Zhou Ji was a little speechless: "You have been beaten just now, do you still want to be beaten again?"