Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 145: 146|Soybeans


After dinner and returning to the room, Zhou Ji began to talk to Kumano about the energy in his body.

"There are several kinds of energy in Shi Li's body, which is a little wrong." Zhou Ji finally concluded.

"A person has only one crystal nucleus, and there should be only one kind of energy. He is like this... Could it be that he got someone else's crystal nucleus into his body?" Kumano said.

Zhou Ji was shocked.

Zhou Ji was puzzled by Shi Li's situation, but couldn't figure out the reason until he heard what Kumano said.

Shi Li... I'm afraid it's really like what Kumano said, getting someone else's crystal nucleus into his body.

Based on this calculation, Xiangtian should be the same.

Zhou Ji suddenly felt a little sick.

When an orc dies, the crystal nucleus in the body will collapse and dissipate. To get someone else's crystal nucleus, is it necessary to dig it while the human is alive

Zhou Ji considers himself not a good person, but also feels that it is inappropriate to use such a method to increase his strength.

If this is the case, then Shi Li can become the Beast King, he must have obtained someone else's crystal nucleus, which can make him become the Beast King's crystal nucleus...

Zhou Ji suddenly thought that Xiang Tian had never come to participate in the Beast God Festival, but at the beginning, Xiang Tian took Shi Li away.

Could it be the crystal nucleus of Xiangtian in Shi Li's body

If it really wanted to be like this, then Xiangtian was just doing it for himself. He dug out someone else's crystal nucleus, and as a result, his own crystal nucleus became someone else's.

In fact, Shi Li didn't get a good deal - with such a crystal nucleus, he probably wouldn't dare to use force easily, and there might be problems with this crystal nucleus in the future.

Zhou Ji was a little wary of Shi Li before, but now he feels that Shi Li is no threat.

That's why Xiong Ye was still a little dissatisfied. Noticing Zhou Ji's face, he said, "Did Shi Li really do such a thing? This is so inappropriate."

"Don't mention others." Zhou Ji hugged Kumano and kissed: "We were on the road a few days ago, and we didn't make out well..."

Zhou Ji was talking in his ear, and Kumano only felt that his ears were hot, and his face became hot...

A good night's sleep.

The next day Zhou Ji got up, touched Kumano's hair and said, "It's a pity that this house is too small to make you look like a beast."

He really likes the animal shape of Kumano. Although it is a bit big, it has great advantages - such a big brown bear, how cool to touch!

Kumano took Zhou Ji's hand off his head and hummed, "You haven't even turned into a beast for me to touch."

Zhou Ji touched his nose and stopped talking.

I haven't seen much of his animal shape...

Today is the day the market starts.

Early in the morning, there were many people outside the place where the Big Bear tribe lived.

In such an era, the transmission of news is very slow, but everyone lives together, and it is different. Last night, almost all the tribes who came to participate in the Beast God Festival knew that the Big Bear tribe had a lot of pottery.

Those who can come to participate in the Beast God Festival are relatively prosperous tribes. At least food and clothing must be solved. Under such circumstances, they will want luxury goods and a symbol of status... Coincidentally, pottery is responsible for this. effect.

After the people of the Big Bear tribe got up, they found that they were surrounded by people. These people also said: "I heard that you have pottery? We need to change the pottery."

"I want to change the pottery too. What do you want in exchange?"

"I want a clay pot!"

There was a lot of discussion, Xiong Qi said: "I'm sorry, we won't change."

"Why don't you change?" The people outside were a little dissatisfied.

Xiong Qi said: "We use it ourselves! We can't change it."

Regarding the exchange of things, they asked Zhou Ji yesterday, and asked Zhou Ji if he wanted to take out some things in exchange.

Zhou Ji refused without hesitation.

They had all the things they brought to the beach tribe to exchange for salt. Not only that, they also brought some salt from the beach tribe, but there weren't many things, they all used it themselves.

If that's the case, don't take it out for an exchange.

Of course, if he sees something he likes at that time, it will definitely be exchanged.

"You have so many pots, can't you use them up?" Someone said.

"How come, we don't have enough." Xiong Qi said: "Can't let everyone eat things made from clay pots!"

The person who wants to change the clay pot: "..." The clay pot is originally for the patriarch and the priest, how can everyone use it

But the big bear tribe is used by everyone, and everyone gets up early in the morning to make breakfast.

They ate so much delicious food last night, and they cooked it again in the morning... There are so many people in this big bear tribe!

The average person can eat two bites of barbecue leftovers from last night in the morning, even if it is not bad!

Those who couldn't get the pottery pot were sullen and wanted to leave, but they didn't.

Although the pottery pot can't be replaced, the food made by the Big Bear tribe is really fragrant... They want to stay and see how everyone cooks.

The food made by the people of the Big Bear tribe is actually very rough, but they have learned some methods of frying, frying and frying from Zhou Ji, and they are different from others.

As for Zhou Ji, the breakfast he made was even more different.

He originally made porridge and then grilled meat. As a result, Kumano went out for a run and brought him a few processed fish, so the original porridge became fish porridge—after cooking the fish Remove the fish bones, put the fish meat into the porridge, add some chopped vegetable leaves, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, the delicious fish porridge is ready, and then slice the grilled meat...

Kumano ate a lot in one go.

Those who like to cook in the Big Bear tribe will write down Zhou Ji's practice and prepare to cook it next time.

The Rhino Beast King saw this scene, and immediately said: "I'm going to eat that tonight, you make it for me, and I'll catch a dinosaur for you later!"

"I want fish!" The person in charge of cooking said immediately.

"No problem!" The rhinoceros said, isn't it just catching fish... He can let others catch it!

After breakfast, Zhou Ji let everyone go for a walk, of course, he himself was going to go for a walk.

The big bear tribe left some people to look after the house, and the rest just dispersed.

Onlookers: "..." I didn't expect that the people of the Big Bear tribe really didn't plan to take out things in exchange!

Seeing that there is no one here in the Big Bear tribe, these people can only follow and leave, but some people choose to follow Zhou Ji.

In the entire big bear tribe, Zhou Ji is the most conspicuous.

Everyone else wears animal skins, but Zhou Ji wears clothes, not to mention that he takes care of himself so cleanly, and besides... The father of the Rhino Beast King is all beside this man, walking around in the saddle!

The news that Haifeng was the father of the Rhino Beast King spread out in a short time, and everyone… believed it.

Zhou Ji used her mental power to pay attention to the discussions of the people around her, and she felt a little sympathetic to the rhino beast king.

However, although the rhino beast king was very irritable at first, he has calmed down a lot now, and he can even take baby rhino to go out with them without changing his face.

Rhino Beastmaster: I don't want to either! But my son wants to shop! What can I do? Of course to satisfy him!

Zhou Ji walked slowly, looking at the things displayed by various tribes as he walked.

He was not interested in most of the things, and he took a second look at the door of a shop that "sells" clothes.

But he wasn't too concerned.

The clothes are made of hemp, and you can tell that it is uncomfortable to wear. I'm afraid it's not as good as what he made himself. He doesn't want it. As for other people...

Others are keen to transform, but clothes are of little use to them.

Apart from clothes, those things like dinosaur bones and dinosaur skins, he is even less interested.

In fact, Zhou Ji hoped to get some different plant seeds, but unfortunately he didn't see anything.

Just thinking about it, Zhou Ji suddenly noticed something—soy beans!

He actually saw soybeans!

Soybeans are a good thing. They can be used directly to stew pig feet... Now I can only stew dinosaur feet, which is delicious. In addition, they can also be used to make tofu, dried tofu, and soy sauce...

The only pity is that he doesn't know how to make soy sauce at all.

But it's ok... the big deal, try it slowly!

Zhou Ji pointed to a basket of soybeans taken out by a small tribe and asked, "How to change this?"

When Zhou Ji was visiting the market, the many beast kings who originally lived in the temple of the beast came to the market together.

The Lion Beast King was kicked out of the tribe, and the Rhino Beast King had a father... With so many interesting things, even the Beast King couldn't help but want to gossip.