Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 150: 151|Servants


After one morning, the people of the Big Bear Tribe had a new look, and so were the people who practiced the Giant Pig Tribe.

One by one, they were wearing new clothes and shoes, and jewelry on their necks and wrists.

Then everyone gets used to it.

"How do you hunt with so many things on your body?" Hu Yue felt that it was not good to have so many burdens on her body - they couldn't take off their clothes after seeing the dinosaurs, right

"People dressed like this won't go hunting." Zhou Ji said, for example, he wouldn't go hunting.

Huyue and others: "..." Also...

Although it felt cumbersome, these clothes were really pretty, and the people of the Big Bear tribe didn't take them off.

So, when the high priest of the temple of the beast came to the place where the big bear tribe was, he saw a group of people in clothes, busy working, chopping wood and water to wash and wash clothes.

In the Orc Continent, there are already hierarchies, and those who usually wear clothes are top-level people.

These top people don't do much work, but now... everyone in the Big Bear tribe is wearing clothes.

Sure enough, it was a tribe from the Wild Forest, and they didn't understand anything.

The high priest was a sixty-year-old, chubby old orc with a benevolent face. He was contemptuous in his heart, but he didn't show anything on his face, and he still looked very amiable.

"The beast god is above, I am the high priest of the beast god temple, and I want to visit the patriarch of the big bear tribe." The high priest said.

"What do you have to do with me?" Kumano, who was chopping wood, stood up and asked - he was a little bored, so he just started chopping wood with energy, trying to chop each piece of wood the same size.

The high priest's eyes were originally on Zhou Ji, thinking that Zhou Ji was the patriarch of the Big Bear tribe, but he didn't expect that it was Xiong Ye who finally answered his words, so he was a little surprised.

So, the one lying down is not the patriarch of the Big Bear tribe? Could he be the patriarch's partner

The person who reported to him said that the partner of the patriarch of the Big Bear Tribe is the one who pays the most attention to enjoyment and the best treatment... He still didn't believe it, but now he realizes that it is true.

The high priest's eyes swept around Zhou Ji's body, and then fell on Xiong Ye: "Beast King, hello."

"Hello." Kumano said, a bit of a headache - he's not good at communicating with people, but obviously, he will communicate with people next.

The high priest is a very talkative person. He came here to persuade Kumano to go to the Beast Temple to accept the canonization, but Kumano refused again without hesitation.

He will soon return to the wild forest, what is he going to do

"Actually, the territory of the bear and beast king can also be set in the wild forest." The high priest said.

"No, it's too much trouble." Kumano said, the Beastmaster has to come to the Beast God Festival every year, what a hassle!

"Whatever the Beast King has, you can ask it." The high priest said again: "Some processes can also be streamlined."

However, Kumano didn't ask for anything, he just wanted to go back to his own life.

It can be said that the high priest came here in vain, but his temper was not bad. When he left, he still looked very gentle.

After he left, Xiong Qi said, "The priest of the Temple of the Beast looks really different..."

The high priest of this beast temple is really much more noble than the priests of their tribe!

Xiong Qi thought of the dress of his priest, and his expression was a little weird.

Zhou Ji's thoughts are actually the same as his. The high priest of this beast temple has a temperament and appearance that is "higher" than the priests in their tribe, I don't know how much.

However, he still thinks that the priests of their big bear tribe are a little cuter.

The high priest of the beast temple in front of him seemed to be friendly to them on the surface, but he still didn't know what he was thinking.

The high priest of the Beast Temple is very uncomfortable at the moment.

As a high priest, even those rebellious beast kings would respect him. After all, everyone believed in beast gods. If those beast kings went against the temple of beast gods, their clansmen would abandon them.

But this big bear tribe... Why did he feel that the people of this big bear tribe didn't take him seriously

The high priest was in a very bad mood, and when he met Shi Li on the road, his mood was even worse.

He valued Shi Li very much, and even let his daughter be with Shi Li. What happened? This Shi Li turned out to be a timid and fearful person, and he didn't even dare to fight that bear and beast king.

But even so, Shi Li is also the king of beasts, and the high priest nodded to Shi Li with a smile.

Shi Li said: "High Priest, I have something to tell you."

"What do you want to say?" asked the high priest.

Shi Li said: "I can become the Beast King, not because I have eaten the Beast God Fruit... I am willing to contribute my method of becoming the Beast King."

The high priest was surprised.

The people of the Big Bear tribe don't know what's going on at the Beast Temple.

After the high priest left, Xiong Qi praised Zhou Ji again: "Zhou Ji, although the high priest looks noble, he is still not as good as you..."

"Don't talk nonsense." Kumano reprimanded.

He also knew that the high priest was not as quiet as Zhou. Zhou Ji is the messenger of the beast god, so what is the high priest

But this matter should not be known to the people in the Temple of the Beast, lest someone snatch Zhou Ji from him!

Xiong Ye reprimanded him like this, and went to see Zhou Ji again: "Zhou Ji, do you have anything to eat?"

"I'm not hungry now." Zhou Ji said, it is spring, there is no fruit here, and there is nothing that he particularly wants to eat... Zhou Ji sat on the reclining chair and played some gadgets from the people in the temple of beasts.

After the high priest left, someone came to the big bear tribe to change things. Seeing Zhou Ji's comfortable appearance, he was really jealous.

"The patriarch of the Big Bear Tribe is really kind to his partner!"

"But his partner has gone a bit too far. If he is like that, I'm not afraid that the patriarch will not like him one day?"

"But he's good-looking! If I were the Beastmaster, I'd love to spoil such a good-looking person."

These people were discussing when they saw several good-looking people walking towards them.

These people are all seventeen or eighteen years old, there are males and females, all of them are well raised, with red lips and white teeth, they are different from ordinary orcs at first glance.

It was Shenyue who brought these people here. As soon as she came, she went to Xiongye: "Beast King, you don't have many people here to serve you. My father asked me to select some from the Beast Temple and send them over."

"I don't need to serve people here." Kumano said, they don't need to hunt now, they are very idle and have nothing to do.

"This is the intention of the Beast Temple, please accept it." Shenyue smiled.

"But these people can't do much work at a glance!" Kumano said, Zhu Zhan chose people from the giant pig tribe to follow, all of them were able to do a lot of work and were diligent, and cleaned the place where they were staying. It's very clean, but these people... These people look like Zhou Ji, can they work

"..." Shenyue's face froze: "Beastmaster Bear, these people are only serving you." Back then, they gave Shi Li away, but Shi Li took it and enjoyed it, all from a tribe. , Why is this Bear and Beast King's idea so different

A woman beside him also threw a wink at Kumano, and the others also smiled especially good-lookingly at Kumano.

Kumano immediately realized what these people were doing.

At the same time... a sense of crisis also arises.