Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 151: 152|The visitor is not good


When he used to think that his partners were one-on-one and could not betray each other, Kumano was fearless about many things.

For example, he is not afraid that someone will seduce Zhou Ji.

But things are different now!

Not long ago, he knew that his original partner could be changed.

Companions are interchangeable! Leaving so many flamboyant people in the tribe, isn't that making trouble for oneself

Even if he firmly believes that neither he nor Zhou Ji will like these people, nor does he like letting these people dangle in front of him!

And the Beast Temple…

Kumano had a bad impression of the Beast Temple before, and now his impression of the Beast Temple is even worse.

To send such men and women to others... This is to destroy other people's partner feelings!

"I don't want it, you take it back." Kumano said without thinking.

"Beast King, these people have been given to you, they are yours." Shenyue said.

"I don't want it." Kumano said, looking at Zhu Zhan again: "Zhu Zhan, look at these people, don't allow them to come in!"

"Okay!" Zhu Zhandao, he must not let these people in!

Others don't know, he doesn't know? Although Xiongye is the beast king, in the big bear tribe, Zhou Ji is the most powerful, and that is the real boss.

Put these people in, if Zhou Ji gets angry... They will all be unlucky!

Shenyue couldn't react.

Every Beastmaster and Beast God Temple will try to win over them, and the person who serves them is one of them, and those Beastmasters will basically accept them.

Even a rhinoceros beastmaster who turns into a beast and eats grass all day long and has no interest in the affairs of men and women will still accept people.

As a result, now, the bear and beast king does not accept it, and even people stop these people from entering...

Shenyue said: "Beast King, don't you like such a person? What do you like?"

Kumano said: "I like Zhou Ji like this."

Shenyue: "..." Knowing that you like your partner, the men in these people were chosen according to your partner's appearance! Why don't you like it

"He only likes me, you'd better take people back, otherwise... I will be unhappy." Zhou Ji stood up from his reclining chair very rarely.

When Zhou Ji was lying there, everyone thought he was a very good-looking young man. Now that he stood up, they realized that he was not shorter than Kumano, and his temperament made people think that he should be in a high position.

The patriarch of the Big Bear tribe is really kind to his partner, and he has made his partner like this!

"Don't worry, Zhou Ji, I will never accept it." Kumano immediately expressed his loyalty.

"You must not accept it. If you dare to accept it... I will fight with you." Zhou Ji said.

"Well, I don't accept it." Kumano was quite happy to hear Zhou Ji's words. Zhou Ji didn't allow him to have a relationship with others, it must be because he cared about him!

Shenyue was speechless. What the hell happened to this bear beast king? He is the Beastmaster, does he need to spoil his companion so much? His partner is also funny, who does he think he is? He even said that he wants to duel with the Bear Beast King... Does he have the ability

However, even though she thought so in her heart, Shenyue had to admit that she was a little jealous of Zhou Ji.

She was very happy that she was liked by Shi Li, but compared with Kumano Zhou Ji, Shi Li's likes for her was nothing.

Of course, it's not just Shenyue who are jealous. In fact, the people watching outside are very jealous.

Especially after seeing that Shenyue did not send people out and returned without success.

Only the people from the Big Bear Tribe and the Giant Pig Tribe felt an inexplicable sense of superiority when looking at these people.

People outside know too little!

Zhou Ji's strength is not weaker than Kumano!

Even a "prisoner" like Zhu Yan is a little sympathetic to the Beast Temple.

The Beast God Temple is doing these things in vain. Kumano will never accept such people... His partner Zhou Ji, but the Beast King!

Pig Salt and the priest of the Giant Pig Tribe wanted to escape at first. They wanted to find the Beast Temple to be the master for them and arrest all the people of the Big Bear Tribe... But as time went by, they had already given up The idea is gone.

There were originally three beastmasters in this big bear tribe, but now the rhinoceros beasts have also joined in, and there are four beastmasters.

Although there are still eight beastmasters at the Beast God Temple, they must be able to outsmart these four beast kings, but if these people fight... Even if the people in the Beast God Temple are fine in the end, those who betray the Big Bear Tribe will definitely not have a good end. .

Kumano Zhouji these Beastmasters, it's too easy to kill them!

Because of this, when the people from the Temple of the Beast contacted them to test their attitude towards the Big Bear Tribe and want to get some information about the Big Bear Tribe from them, the priests of the Pig Salt and the Giant Pig Tribe refused without hesitation.

Zhu Yan said: "The big bear tribe is a very good tribe. I like this tribe very much. I will never betray it!"

The priest of the giant pig tribe also said: "The beast god is above, I am an upright priest, and I will never do such a thing!"

After the two finished speaking, they looked at each other and quickly looked away.

Pig salt loves power, and the priests of the giant pig tribe also love power. In the previous years, the two of them had never dealt with each other, but now, they are unanimous.

The beast temple came, and it was hard to find someone who had the opportunity to contact these two people: "..."

Are these two stupid? The good patriarch was enslaved by the people of the big bear tribe, and he didn't even want to resist!

"Pig salt, your two sons are with us." The man said again.

"There are my three sons here! And two daughters!" Zhu Yan said.

Not all of Zhu Zhan's younger brothers and sisters have a bad relationship with Zhu Zhan. After all, Zhu Zhan has dozens of younger brothers and sisters... As it happens, this time Zhu Zhan brought a few who had a good relationship with him.

Zhu Yan felt that if he stayed, he would definitely not die because he was Zhu Zhan's father, but if he left...

The sea breeze could kill him with a single throw.

People from the Temple of the Beast: "..."

In the end, this person returned unsuccessfully like Shenyue.

And this situation, Zhou Ji "sees" with mental power.

This beast temple is really not very clean, so Zhou Ji couldn't help but feel a little disgusted. Fortunately, they can leave soon.

Although Zhou Ji hates the Beast Temple, he doesn't think the people in the Beast Temple can do anything to him.

He has already seen that those beast kings and beast temples are just on their faces, and they don't listen to the beast temples. Although there are many strong people in the beast temples, the strongest among them are only high-level beast warriors. He doesn't need to be afraid at all. .

Apart from the Rhinoceros Beastmaster, there are still eight Beastmasters at the Beast Temple. Among them, Xiangtian should be dead, and Shili cannot participate in the battle, so there are only six left to fight. Among these six people... According to his observation , with a good relationship with the Beast Temple, there are only two.

There are only two beastmasters, what is he afraid of

Zhou Ji didn't take the little actions of the Beast Temple to heart, and exchanged some things back, but unfortunately he didn't exchange for wheat.

On earth, people still prefer wheat to barley, because only wheat flour can make buns, and barley cannot make buns.

Barley is grown in many places and even used as feed...

But at this time, no one can make buns, steamed buns and bread, so wheat is probably the same as rice. Even if someone grows it, no one will take it out and exchange it with others, so it will be buried like barley and wheat. And rice is more difficult to grow.

When he has time in the future, he can walk around with Kumano and the two of them, and then find all the plants he wants to find.

The three-day market is over in the blink of an eye.

Soon, the day of the Beast God Festival came.

Early in the morning, the people from the Temple of the Beast came out with water to water the flowers, and the fiery red flames were all open, enclosing the entire Temple of the Beast in the middle, which looked beautiful.

Even Zhou Ji felt that the scenery was good - a mud house surrounded by fiery red flowers, it looked quite sentimental.

The Beast God Festival is divided into morning and afternoon. In the morning, the priests of the Beast God Temple will sacrifice to the Beast God. They have prepared sacrifices, singing and dancing and many other programs, and they will make it very lively. The carnival is over, and many people will take this opportunity to become partners.

Zhou Ji lacked interest in this beast god sacrifice.

There is a New Year's Day party in a modern elementary school. Those singing and dancing may be better than the priests at the Beast God Festival. The music is better than the songs sung by the priests at the Beast God Festival, and there are dazzling lights...

Not to mention, ordinary people still can't see the "performance" of those priests—the one who can watch it in front is the beast king, the powerhouse of the big tribe, or simply the priest of the beast temple.

Due to various reasons, Zhou Ji did not attend the Beast God Festival at all.

But Kumano and others all went to see the fun, and only Zhu Zhan and others who had seen the sacrifice of the beast god stayed and accompanied Zhou Ji.

The whole market was empty, and the smell of mess was much less, so Zhou Ji happily started cooking.

He chose a dinosaur meat that tasted similar to pork, stewed the soaked soybeans, and boiled the soybeans with a little bean sprouts in water.

Of course, he didn't use all the bean sprouts for salad, the rest can be made bigger, and then put in the boiled fish.

In modern times, he especially likes the soybean sprouts in boiled fish and boiled meat.

"Zhou Ji, why don't you watch the fun?" Zhu Zhan asked curiously.

"No interest." Zhou Ji said.

"You are the messenger of the beast god, I thought you would go and see..." Pig Zhan said.

Zhou Ji: "..." There are no beast gods in this world!

Zhou Ji was about to make something else to eat, and the mental power that was released suddenly felt that someone was coming. Those people... Are those who came back bad