Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 157: 158|Invincible


It is impossible to test when the Beast God Temple existed, but one thing is certain, that is, the Beast God Temple. There are many legends related to the Beast God passed down.

Of course, no one can be sure if it's true or not.

However, although there are very few people who do not believe in the existence of the Beast God, nor do they believe in these legends, the vast majority of people do, especially the priests of the Beast God Temple.

When everyone around you believes it, of course you will believe it for granted.

As for the legends about the beast gods... what kind of flame flowers bloomed in the blood spilled by the beast gods, this is known to everyone in the beast continent.

However, there are also some legends that the people of the Beast Temple regard it as a treasure, and only the high-level officials of the Beast Temple deserve to know it.

This old priest who knelt down and shouted "Beast God" is one of the high-level members of the Beast God Temple. He has heard all the legends about the Beast God and knows the characteristics of the Beast God.

The Beast God is very powerful. The Beast God has no ability to resist in front of the Beast God. Not only that, the Beast God can also change the size of his animal shape at will.

When the beast god appears, the plants will still bloom, welcoming the great god.

It is said that even on a snowy day, when the beast gods come slowly in the snow, the plants around them will sprout and bloom…

All of this, isn't it just like that huge, long-haired elephant

The old priest knelt down excitedly and shouted for the beast god. When the young priests around him saw this, they also knelt down and called the beast god to Zhou Ji—the old priest said so, then this strong man must be the beast god. !

It turns out that the beast god is like this!

These priests were all excited.

When these priests of the Beast Temple came to check the situation, the people from the big tribes of the Orc Continent also followed. Now they saw the people in the Beast Temple kneeling down and shouting for the Beast God. They knelt down one after another, and some of them were excited, but There are also a few people with pale faces—the one who was killed by the beast god, or the beast king who was knocked unconscious, belongs to their tribe!

The Beastmaster of their tribe, offended the Beast God

These people were terrified and kept praying.

Then... they saw the giant elephant, which was bigger than they had imagined, and suddenly ran towards another beastmaster.

Afraid of being overtaken, the beastmaster suddenly accelerated, but a tree in front of him suddenly blocked him... In the end, he couldn't escape, and followed in the footsteps of the previous beastmaster.

After the second beastmaster suffered, the third, fourth, and fifth beastmasters were also killed.

The giant elephant roared in the sky and charged towards another group of people.

After Zhou Ji goes crazy, he usually kills those strong people first, and then goes to deal with people who are not a threat to him. Now... it's the turn of the high priest and others.

All of this happened in a very short period of time.

And seeing all this, in addition to the old priest who just arrived, of course, including Kumano and others.

Zhou Ji had instructed Kumano before, saying that if he started fighting, he would let Kumano go as far as he could, and come back to save himself when he stopped fighting.

He also told Kumano not to raise his fighting spirit towards others when he was fighting. It was better to transform into a human form, restrain his energy, and relax his whole body...

That way he might not notice.

However, although Kumano knew all this, he didn't go too far. After leaving the valley with the Rhinoceros Beast King and Haifeng, they found a mountain not far away to stay.

They stood at a high place, and although the fighting in the valley could not be seen, the fighting outside the valley was now in full view.

Zhou Ji is really too strong.

Haifeng saw that Zhou Ji cleaned up those beast kings like playing, and was very fortunate for a while. He was glad that after he was defeated by Zhou Ji, he didn't try to resist, but instead became Zhou Ji's follower, and Zhou Ji dominated everywhere.

Otherwise... he probably would have died a long time ago!

What about his beastly size? Zhou Ji is bigger! Can get bigger and smaller!

Haifeng was full of admiration, but the Rhino Beast King no longer knew what to say.

He should have been in a complicated mood when he saw the ape beast king being beaten down, but now Zhou Ji is like this... He has no time to sympathize with the ape beast king.

He was stunned.

He knew that Zhou Ji should be stronger than Kumano, but he didn't expect Zhou Ji to be so strong!

He had even suspected that Zhou Ji had no ability before... It was really inappropriate!

I didn't expect Zhou Ji to be so strong... No wonder Haifeng would be his sidekick, no wonder Xiong Ye held him so much, no wonder the people of the Big Bear tribe obeyed him.

It's really nice to be able to join the big bear tribe!

The Rhino Beast King began to take pride in being a member of the Big Bear Tribe, and at this time, the members of the Big Bear Tribe also saw Zhou Ji.

"Isn't that Zhou Ji?"

"Zhou Ji is really too strong!"

"I didn't expect Zhou Ji to get bigger and smaller!"

Xiong Qi said: "Zhou Ji seems to be stronger, he can kill a Beastmaster at once! When he fought Haifeng before, he didn't seem to be so powerful, and he only fought a tie with Haifeng."

Zhu Zhan glanced at Xiong Qi and said, "If Zhou Ji really only had a tie with Haifeng, would Haifeng be so afraid of him?"

"Isn't it a tie? At that time, Zhou Ji was obviously very weak..." Xiong Qi said, Zhou Ji was dizzy at the time.

Zhu Zhan said: "Are you sure that Zhou Ji was weak at that time? He usually looks weak all the time, as if he is tired after walking a little, do you think that is true?"

Xiong Qi: "..." Of course Zhou Ji is usually not really weak, so... Zhou Ji looks so weak after the fight with Haifeng, is it pretending

It doesn't seem impossible...

The people of the Big Bear tribe were silent.

At this time, Zhou Ji had already gone to deal with the high priest of the Beast Temple.

Seeing this, the rhinoceros beast king was a little worried: "Zhou Ji will offend the temple of the beast like this!"

Haifeng said: "Zhou Ji is still afraid of offending the Beast Temple?" He used to be afraid of the Beast Temple, but now he can't get up.

Rhino Beast King: "..." Yes... Zhou Ji doesn't have to be afraid of offending the Beast Temple.

At this moment, Kumano said: "Zhou Ji must be very uncomfortable right now... I was too weak to protect him, so he had to do it... "

The Rhino Beast King and Haifeng looked at Kumano in shock, but Kumano blamed himself for not protecting Zhou Ji? ! Is he crazy? !

Zhou Ji is like this, do you need protection

Of course Zhou Ji does not need protection.

The guards of the Beast Temple had left the valley with the unconscious high priest on their backs and ran towards the Beast Temple, but they didn't run too far before Zhou Ji chased after them.

The guards were about to attack immediately, but Zhou Ji rushed towards Shi Li first.

With a nose, he threw it towards Shi Li.

When fighting with those beast kings before, Zhou Ji did this a lot, and those beast kings could hold on, but Shi Li... he was directly thrown away.

Shi Li didn't dare to use the energy in his body at will, for fear that after using it, his crystal nucleus would fail and die, but at this time, he didn't dare to use it.

He used the energy in his body to protect himself, but Zhou Ji's blow was too strong, and he couldn't stop it at all.

Shi Li spat out a mouthful of blood and flew out without saying anything. There was also a big problem with the crystal nucleus in his body, and countless energy spread out.

It seems... he's pretty strong.

Zhou Ji, who was going to kill those high-level beast warriors after he had swept people away, ran towards Shi Li again and gave Shi Li a nose.

Shi Li spat out another mouthful of blood and flew out again, but this time, he blocked Zhou Ji's attack.

He is now in the same situation as Xiang Tian before his death. He can't move his body, but the energy in the crystal core is rapidly dissipating, and this huge and messy energy blocks Zhou Ji's attack.

Of course, this is not a good thing for Shi Li.

After all, when the energy in the crystal core is scattered, his crystal core will shatter, and then... he will die.

"No! No!" Shi Li roared, and when he landed again, he was a little closer to the people from the Beast Temple and the orcs of various tribes who came later.

Zhou Ji rushed up, facing Shi Li, who was wrapped in the energy group, with another nose...

Xiong Ye suddenly realized that something was wrong: "Zhou Ji went to the Beast Temple, there are many people there!" Even the people of their Big Bear tribe are there!

Kumano was worried for a while.

But Haifeng and Rhino Beast King didn't care: "So what? No matter how many people there are, they won't be enough for Zhou Ji to fight!"

Indeed, no matter how many people there are, there is not enough Zhou Jing to fight.

Kumano thought of the situation where the giant tiger tribe was wiped out.

In Zhou Ji's current state, if he rushes past, those people will be trampled to death.

Even the people from the Temple of the Beasts don't care. He doesn't like those people, but there are still people from the Big Bear tribe there.

As the patriarch of the Big Bear tribe, he couldn't let the people of the Big Bear tribe have an accident.

Kumano turned into a beast and rushed towards Zhou Ji.

Zhou Ji was still playing Shi Li with his nose.

The energy dissipated quickly, forming an energy group around him, Shi Li, who couldn't kill him for a while, Zhou Ji pumped a lot in succession, and absorbed a little Shi Li's energy.

How did Xiangtian feel when he died? Shi Li was basically what he felt at this moment. His face was full of horror.

Zhou Ji was about to pass, and a bear suddenly appeared in front of him.

For the convenience of fighting Shi Li, he became smaller, but he was still a lot bigger than this bear... Zhou Ji twitched his nose.

"It's the Bear King!" the orcs exclaimed. Unexpectedly, the Bear and Beast King would also suffer.

"Zhou Ji actually hit Xiongye?" The people of the Big Bear tribe were stunned.

The nose was slapped on Kumano's body, and Kumano's body was very painful, but he was not afraid at all, instead he hugged the nose: "Zhou Ji!"

Zhou Ji was a little angry, and wanted to kill the person who dared to scratch his nose, but the energy was inexplicably useless, and finally used blood-red eyes to stare at the bear on his nose.