Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 158: 159|Become a beast god


The hairy giant elephant suddenly stopped moving, but it was still rolling with powerful energy all over its body.

He stared blankly at the bear on his nose, as if stunned.

It hurts a bit for Kumano to be pumped, but he can bear it, and now he is only worried about Zhou Ji: "Zhou Ji!"

Zhou Ji said that he would lose his mind and kill people indiscriminately when he was fighting. Because of this, Kumano was actually a little scared at the moment.

Zhou Ji's strength is too strong, he can't beat him... But if he doesn't stop him, those people who suddenly come to watch without knowing what's going on will probably die.

Kumano didn't want to see such a scene.

"Zhou Ji, stop fighting, calm down." Kumano said again.

After Zhou Ji fell into madness, he had no consciousness until Kumano's voice sounded.

The tip of his nose was full of the smell of Kumano, and he heard Kumano's voice in his ears.

The fog in front of him suddenly dissipated, Zhou Ji woke up, and saw Kumano lying on his nose.

He couldn't remember what happened before, but he could feel that Kumano's breath was a little unstable.

Shouldn't he have beaten Kumano before

Zhou Ji can feel that there is still a lot of energy in his body that has not been used up. He would not wake up at this time, but he woke up, which is definitely a surprise to him, but he is looking at it now. Don't go to this: "Kumano, are you all right?"

"I'm fine." Kumano said, smiling towards Zhou Ji.

Since Zhou Ji can speak, it means it's fine... Kumano is in a good mood at the moment, and also thinks... Zhou Ji's problem doesn't seem to be a big problem

Did Zhou Ji wake up without seeing him shouting a few times

Just thinking about it, Kumano felt an energy entering his body and working in his body.

He is no stranger to this situation, knowing that Zhou Ji is checking his body, and now he is quietly lying on Zhou Ji's nose.

Both Kumano and Zhou Ji calmed down, but those who heard the conversation between the two were dumbfounded.

They all saw the scene where Zhou Ji had one nose and one nose and beat all those beastmasters to the ground.

The people in the temple of the beast said that this person was a beast god, but in the eyes of many people present, this giant elephant was simply a devil.

The result is now... Kumano, the patriarch of the Big Bear Tribe, calls this giant elephant Zhou Ji

These people are not unfamiliar with the name Zhou Ji. After all, these days, they have talked a lot about the Big Bear tribe, and when they talk about the Big Bear tribe, they will definitely talk about the patriarch Xiongye and Zhou Ji, the patriarch's partner.

Zhou Ji has no animal shape, they have heard of it, but they just don't know the truth.

But in their opinion, even if Zhou Ji has the shape of a beast, he must be very weak, but now, what have they heard

They actually heard Kumano calling the giant elephant Zhou Ji.

Is this Zhou Ji? how is this possible? !

These people looked at the people of the Big Bear Tribe subconsciously, and then found that the people of the Big Bear Tribe were very calm, without any surprised expressions.

Nearby, I heard the people from the Big Bear tribe talking about Zhou Ji: "Zhou Ji actually hit Xiongye, do you think Xiongye will be angry?"

"Zhou Ji must have been careless, and Kumano won't be angry, right?"

"Before, Zhou Ji was always riding Kumano, but I didn't expect to see Kumano riding on Zhou Ji's nose one day..."

People who heard these words: "… "

They always wondered why the people of the Big Bear tribe were so indulgent towards Zhou Ji, and now they understand it.

Emotions are strong!

No, it's not a strong question anymore...

Just when Zhou Ji was checking Kumano's situation, the old priest suddenly stepped forward, knelt at Zhou Ji's feet and said, "The beast god is above, please bless me!"

Zhou Ji: What is it? Why is this man calling him a beast god

Because he showed his strength, this person also thinks that he is the messenger of the beast god

Zhou Ji is very helpless about this, after all, there is no beast god in this world!

He was thinking so, and he never thought that the old priest even wanted to hug his legs and kiss his feet.

Discovering this, Zhou Ji immediately took Kumano and jumped a step back, and then saw the old priest who couldn't kiss his leg with a face full of regret, and kowtowed again: "Beast God, I am your loyalty. Servant, willing to give everything for you…”

Zhou Ji: "… "

Zhou Ji was a little bit unable to react at this moment, and others were like him. For a time, only the voice of the old priest shouting "Beast God" remained at the scene: "Great Beast God, your coming is my glory... "

Before, the priest of the Beast God Temple knelt down under the leadership of the old priest and shouted about the Beast God. Some people who were slow to come did not see or hear it, and some people saw and heard it, but also felt it. Might be mistaken - maybe the old priest was just praying to the beast god

But now the old priest is like this... It is clear that in his eyes, Zhou Ji is the beast god.

Zhou Ji... turned out to be a beast god

Not to mention other tribes, even the people of the Big Bear tribe were stunned.

They always thought that Zhou Ji was very powerful and was the messenger of the Beast God, but they never thought that Zhou Ji could be even more powerful and became the Beast God directly.

"It's impossible! It's impossible! How could he be a beast god!" A voice suddenly sounded, and everyone looked over, only to find that the person shouting was actually Shi Li.

Shi Li's current situation... should it be said that it is returning to the light

The crystal nucleus in his body couldn't stand Zhou Ji's beating at all, it had already collapsed, and an orc without the crystal nucleus would die.

Shi Li knew that he was going to die, but the fear of death was not comparable to the fear he had when he knew that Zhou Ji was a beast god.

After all, he has experienced death once, but Zhou Ji is a beast god... If this is true, his beliefs will collapse.

He always felt that he was loved by the beast god and was unique, but if Zhou Ji was the beast god, he would live like a joke.

Before a person dies, he will think of the past. At this moment, Shi Li thinks of a lot of things, especially his previous life.

At this time in his last life, he, Kumano and the defeated generals of the Big Bear tribe were still wandering in the wild forest, and they lived a very hard life. It would take a few years before they could come to the Orc Continent.

The Orc Continent at that time was actually quite different from what it is now.

The Beast God Temple he came into contact with later was also different from the Beast God Temple at this time.

Could it be that everything changed because of Zhou Ji

Also, he once entered the Beast God Temple and felt the existence of the Beast God. Is that person also Zhou Ji

In his last life, Xiangtian died, but Zhou Ji did not die as he thought, but became a beast god

Those beast kings who are not too young are reluctant to mention Xiangtian, because the death of Xiangtian is not honorable, and also because this matter has something to do with Zhou Ji

Shi Li figured out a lot of things, but the more he figured it out, the more difficult it was to accept.

"It's impossible..." Shi sternly stared at Zhou Ji.

"This is true, this is the Beast King! It's exactly the same as what my teacher said!" The old priest looked at Zhou Ji frantically: "Your Majesty the Beast God, this person dares to look at you with such eyes, it's not a pity to die. ."

Zhou Ji has already figured out the current situation.

The people of the Big Bear tribe just regarded him as the messenger of the Beast God, but the people in this Beast Temple directly regarded him as the Beast God.

This is also... so ridiculous!

But now this situation is in his favor, and Shi Li...

Zhou Ji looked at Shi Li who was crazy.

He had guessed that Shi Li was reborn before, and now seeing Shi Li like this, he was even more certain.

If that's the case... Zhou Ji injected a little energy into Shi Li, and used his mental power to roughly mend the crystal core in his body to ensure that he would not die immediately.

He still has something to ask Shi Li, but he doesn't want Shi Li to die for the time being.

But he didn't want Shi Li to have a good time either... Zhou Ji made people dizzy.

Zhou Ji has already checked the situation of Kumano, because he only hit once and didn't use all his strength, Kumano suffered a small injury, but it was not serious, and when he helped Kumano check, By the way, Kumano was cured.

Kumano is fine, now he needs to deal with a series of problems caused by his previous beating...

Zhou Ji looked at Haifeng and Rhino Beast King who came over: "My clothes are in the valley, bring them for me, and also from Kumano."

Zhou Ji is not used to talking to people in animal shape.

Haifeng has long been accustomed to listening to Zhou Ji's words, and the same is true for the rhinoceros beast king. The two immediately went to get the clothes, but Zhou Ji put down Kumano at this moment.

He wanted to kiss Kumano with his nose, but suddenly found that there was someone else's blood on his nose, he immediately retracted his nose, and rolled it up a little depressed.

Xiong Ye didn't notice this, but he came to Zhou Ji's side, touched the fur on Zhou Ji's body, and said, "You're so big... Can you get smaller?"

getting smaller? Of course Zhou Ji wants to satisfy Kumano, but... Can he get smaller

Just as Zhou Ji was thinking about it, she found herself getting smaller.

It turns out that the animal shape can still get bigger and smaller... Is it because he is a little stronger and the crystal nucleus in his body has turned black

Zhou Ji has long known that his strength has surpassed those of the beast kings, but after that, he has not studied his beast shape, and it was only now that he knew that there was such a benefit.

He made himself about the size of Kumano, and was rubbed by Kumano several times, just like he had rubbed Kumano before.

Quite comfortable.

Zhou Ji's eyes narrowed slightly, and her nose swayed leisurely.

At this time, the high priest and his party came over, not only that, but the high priest woke up.

Seeing Zhou Ji, the high priest immediately knelt down and cried bitterly: "Please forgive me, the beast god, I want to hurt you because I was blinded by others..."

Well, his identity as a beast god can be considered solid.