Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 162: 163|Extra Back to the tribe


Zhou Ji molested Kumano, and once again ate everyone.

He's been enjoying nighttime activities like this more and more lately!

The next day, their party left a lot of uneaten meat, and then left the Qingcao tribe with various vegetables harvested from the Qingcao tribe. When they left, the patriarch of the Qingcao tribe did not come to deliver.

Last time he had diarrhea, as for this time... He was so excited last night that he didn't sleep, so he ate some herbs to make himself fall asleep, but he couldn't get up in the morning...

I didn't expect that the Qingcao tribe still has such herbs that can make people sleep so soundly... Zhou Ji took a copy and left.

When Zhou Ji and others came to the Orc Continent from the Wilderness Forest, they walked from the beach tribe, and now they don't have to go from there. Zhou Ji decided to cross the river by the river next to the Qingcao tribe, and after crossing the river , just go back to the big bear tribe.

Leaving the Green Grass Tribe, they walked fast, and soon came to the river that separates the Wild Forest and the Orc Continent.

The river is very big, there are some huge crocodiles gathered by the river, and when I see them, a crocodile swims towards them immediately...

Sea Breeze was immediately excited and ran towards the crocodile.

When the crocodile saw the sea breeze, it suddenly flicked its tail and swam out quickly, as if the sea breeze was some kind of monster that eats people... Well, the sea breeze is indeed a whale that eats crocodiles.

Haifeng still wanted to chase, but was stopped by Zhou Ji: "The crocodile is not delicious, why should you catch it?"

Because he didn't like the crocodile! Haifeng thought to himself, but he didn't go to catch the crocodile, but looked at Zhou Ji: "Zhou Ji, are we going to cross the river now?"

"Yes." Zhou Ji said.

It has been a long time since the sea breeze swam in the water, and he couldn't like the water. Hearing the words, he immediately turned into a beast shape, plunged into the water, and stranded on the shore.

Whether it was a crocodile or other creatures that lived in the water, they all ran away.

The people of the big bear tribe were calm when they saw this scene, but those who followed the Beast Temple did not participate in the high priest kidnapping Zhou Ji, and they never saw the animal shape of Haifeng. All were stunned.

This beast is too big!

More importantly, this looks... like a fish!

Of course, they were stunned, and the Tiger Beast King felt different.

As soon as the Tiger Beast King saw the sea breeze, he felt a little pain in his body, and the fear of being smashed swept through his body again.

It was so painful to be smashed!

At that time, he was smashed. Not only did he want to vomit, but he almost pulled it, and all the things in his body were forced to be squeezed out...

No matter how many times I have seen it, the animal shape of Haifeng is still amazing.

But today, after a priest took a closer look at Sea Breeze, he suddenly said, "Why do I think this animal shape looks familiar?"

"Where do you think I look familiar?" The big whale turned his head and asked.

"I heard from my father that in this river, there used to be a mighty beast that couldn't get along with the people in the temple of beasts. Lord Hai's beast shape is a bit like that beast." The priest said: "Of course, Mr. Hai, you are much stronger than that giant beast, and your animal shape is also much bigger than that giant beast."

"That said, it's really a bit like that." The Ape Beast King said: "I also went to see the fun when hunting that giant beast. I was just an intermediate-level beast warrior at the time..."

Hearing this, Haifeng suddenly burst out laughing: "You finally remembered! That's right, I am that giant beast! You wanted to kill me at that time, but I didn't die. Are you surprised?"

Priest of Beast Temple: "..."

Ape and Beast King: "..."

Haifeng said again: "You guys are going too far, you even forgot me. I was worried about being discovered by you, but you forgot me!"

Haifeng felt very depressed. He was very afraid that the people in the temple of the beast would find trouble for him. For this reason, he had been hiding beside Zhou Ji tremblingly. What happened? The people in the Temple of the Beast actually forgot about him! Forgot about him!

These people are too nasty!

How can you just forget about him

It's hard for someone to think of it, but they only think that he is a little obsessed, and he can only reveal his identity.

Thinking like this, Haifeng said again: "But even if you find out now, you can't arrest me! I am a man of the beast god now!"

"..." Zhou Ji was a little speechless: "Don't talk nonsense, only Kumano is my person, you are just my follower."

"It's okay to be a follower! Haha!" Haifeng is very proud. He was very dissatisfied when he was forced to be a follower by Zhou Ji at first, but now he feels that it is great to be a follower, and he has a lot of face.

He is the servant of the beast god!

Zhou Ji felt that Haifeng was really a little silly.

The people in the Temple of the Beast were also speechless: "At the beginning, we thought it was an evil beast, but we didn't even know it was an orc..." They lost a lot of people in order to deal with the sea breeze. They knew that it was an orc. They don't fight anymore!

Regardless of the fact, Haifeng was very excited after his identity was revealed, and the huge whale was still wriggling its tail in the water.

Those crocodiles who had fled far away continued to run away desperately, and many people on the shore were also wet by the water splashes that he made.

Zhou Ji, who blocked the splashing water with energy: "It's time to go."

It was time for them to take the Sea Breeze to cross the river, but when they came there were not many people, it was just right to sit on the back of the Sea Breeze, but now there are so many people that they can't sit down.

Haifeng said: "The people from the Beast Temple can't come on my back, nor can the Beastmasters." He is also a Beastmaster, but he doesn't want to be ridden by other Beastmasters!

As for the people in the Beast Temple... He has a grudge against the Beast Temple!

Haifeng's request is not excessive, and Zhou Ji certainly won't object, and he is too lazy to care.

The priests of the Beast Temple were stunned: "Then how do we get there?"

This river is very, very dangerous. No one is carrying them. How do these people with small arms and calves pass

"Swim over! Don't worry, you are swimming behind me, it is absolutely safe." Haifeng said.

Priests who usually seldom exercise, and who had just been on the road before, were almost tired from walking: "..."

Fortunately, the Beast Temple also arranged for some high-level Beast Warriors to follow the Beast God.

These people also have to swim there, and I can help them more or less along the way...

The priest of the Temple of the Beast could only take off his clothes miserably, and then swam behind with a log while the sea breeze carried Zhou Ji and the people of the Big Bear tribe across the river.

The people of the Big Bear tribe couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for them - these are priests and high-level beast warriors!

Now the treatment is not as good as them...

But it was these people who had to follow...

"Zhou Ji, wouldn't it be good to let those priests swim like this?" Kumano asked, in fact, they could wait a little longer and get some bamboo rafts or rafts.

"There's nothing wrong with them. They have lived pampered for so many years, and they should feel the hardships of life." Zhou Ji said: "It's good to suffer a little bit, and it can temper them."

The people of the Big Bear tribe nodded when they heard the words, and felt that what the beast god said was very reasonable.

But... why doesn't the Beast God suffer at all

Zhou Ji said again: "Xiong Ye, as my partner, you have been staring at a group of naked people, wouldn't it be bad?"

Kumano: "??" When did he stare at a group of naked people

Wait, he was watching... Zhou Ji was referring to the group of swimmers in the back

Those priests and high-level beast warriors are very particular about wearing pants! On the contrary, some of the people from the Big Bear tribe on Haifeng's back were only wrapped in animal skin skirts.

"Since you like to watch, you can watch more at night when it's only me and the two." Zhou Ji said again. Food, clothing and lust | Desire, the ancients honestly did not deceive him, he is not short of anything now, and his life is getting better and better, so he began to think about teasing his little bear all day long.

Kumano: "…"

There were people behind, and the sea breeze slowed down, so that it took a long time for them to reach the other side.

The Wilderness Forest and the Orc Continent are just separated by a river, but when they came to the Wilderness Forest, the people of the Big Bear tribe were very happy—they came back!

Everyone even started to miss home: "I don't know what's going on in the tribe."

"I kinda miss my kids!"

"The bacon in my cave is probably not edible..."

The people of the Big Bear tribe were repairing by the river, but Zhou Ji suddenly found something and stood up: "Xiong Ye, let's go there for a walk."

When he came here, he habitually used his mental power to scan, and Zhou Ji found that there were signs of human activities by the river here.

Of course, he wanted to go for a walk, not because there were activities here, but because he found something to eat not far away, and it was something he was very interested in - melon seeds.

Zhou Ji walked over there with Kumano.

The people in the Temple of the Beast were still lying on the shore, and no one followed them. The two of them were at ease. Zhou Ji quickly found his target - a few sunflowers.

Kumano looked at the sunflowers curiously and said, "This flower is so beautiful."

"It's not bad." Zhou Ji said, using the ability directly.

Those sunflowers matured immediately, and Zhou Ji took out the seeds one by one. Then, he sowed some seeds and continued to spawn.

Following the same method, Zhou Ji made a lot of mature sunflowers.

The question is how to fry the melon seeds... Can it be fried directly in the pot, or should it be dried first? If you want it to taste a little bit, do you have to soak it in salt water

Thinking like this, it was quite troublesome, and Zhou Ji immediately decided to let others toss it.

As for himself... Try squeezing sunflower seeds with energy to squeeze the oil out and get some sunflower oil.

Zhou Ji took off all the "big faces" of the sunflowers, tied them together with vines, and was about to leave when he found someone coming.

What came was a group of people who looked like a collection team. They were all old and weak children. When they saw Zhou Ji and others, they were quite surprised: "Who are you?"

"We were passing by and we're leaving soon." Kumano said.

"Oh..." Those people responded without saying much.

But Zhou Ji always felt something was wrong...

After walking with Xiong Ye for a while, Zhou Ji scanned those people mentally, and found that those people were talking: "The two people were wearing clothes just now!"

"They must have come from across the river!"

"Go back to the tribe and tell the patriarch about it. If you can catch those two people, it will be posted!"

Zhou Ji: "… "

Zhou Ji did nothing and returned to the river.

"Your Majesty, where have you been?" The priests who had recovered from the Beast Temple came over one after another.

"Just walk around." Zhou Ji said.

"Your Majesty, you should bring people and let them do things for you. How can you let Your Majesty and your partner hold such a thing?" The man said again, looking at Zhou Ji and Xiongye with sadness in their hands sunflowers.

Zhou Ji: "… "

"There are seeds in this flower, you get them out, and then try to fry some in a clay pot with the shell on." Zhou Ji gave them the sunflowers directly, lest these people stare at themselves all day long.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Those priests finally got some capable work from Zhou Ji, and happily took the sunflowers and left.

Zhou Ji started to prepare lunch.

After swimming from the other side of the river to this side of the river, the sea breeze opened his mouth and spit out a lot of fish. These fish were still alive and kicking... Zhou Ji got some and decided to make fish to eat.

Steamed fish is the easiest, and pickled fish is not difficult to make... Anyway, someone helped him clean up these fish, and Zhou Ji asked people to pick out those fish that fell into the sea wind by accident, but all the fish the size of fingers were picked out. , dig out the fish intestines and remove the fish head, then marinate with salt and fry in oil.

When he was a child, he liked to eat small fried fish like this, because the bones of the fish were crispy, and he could chew it whole without spitting up the bones, and it tasted delicious.

Zhou Ji fried a plate of fish, and finally found that the taste was really good, and then fed Kumano half a plate.

Kumano was very satisfied: "This oil is really good. Many things that were not very tasty before were fried and fried in oil, and they were delicious!"

In the past, small fish like this were cooked in a stone pot to eat firewood. If they were grilled, they would turn into coke if they were not careful. He didn't even know how to eat them.

"Indeed." Zhou Ji said, seeing that there was still a lot of oil in the frying pan, he put a large piece of fish into the frying pan.

The people around were greedy and anxious, but unfortunately, the things that the beast god made with his own hands, only the bear and beast kings could eat.

The people in the Beast Temple could only watch silently.

The people of the Big Bear tribe were much calmer, and there was a humane: "In the tribe, your majesty made hot pot for us, it's really delicious!"

"That's the hot pot blessed by the beast god, no wonder our days are getting better and better!"

"I've also eaten other things made by Your Majesty, hee hee..."

When the people in the Beast Temple heard the words, they looked at the people of the Big Bear tribe with jealousy.

Everyone was eating, and suddenly there was some noise, and then, a group of people appeared in front of everyone with something like wood that should be used as a weapon by them.

The two sides looked at each other, and the men turned and ran.

Those people belonged to the small tribes nearby. They usually depended on gathering and hunting for a living, but from time to time they also made "extra income" and robbed those who came from the other side of the river to this side of the river.

Usually, the number of people who come here is not large, and they will be injured when crossing the river, so they can always rob a successful robbery. Sometimes they not only rob things, but also rob people back. The strength has also become stronger.

Learned today that someone crossed the river again, they fucked the guy and came, but now...

This group of guys crossing the river, there are more than them, most of them are wearing clothes, there are no wounds on their bodies and there is no bloody smell...

On the faces of this group of people, the words "Don't mess with" are clearly written!

Can the people of this small tribe not flee

Zhou Ji said: "Catch them, ask them where they are, and teach them a lesson based on the situation."

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Someone responded, and then the group of people who tried to rob, didn't say anything, and were all caught.

No way, these people don't have a good vision for choosing the target of robbery...

The people who left from the river, probably figured out where they were, went in the direction of the Big Bear Tribe.

Along the way, besides being carried and molesting Kumano, Zhou Ji has other things to do - eat melon seeds.

Although the melon seeds fried by the people in the Temple of the Beast were not as delicious as the melon seeds of various flavors he had eaten in his previous life, they were not satisfactory. Zhou Ji still liked them.

Along the way, it was inevitable to encounter a bad rainy day, but for Zhou Ji, who has started to use his abilities at will, it is not a problem at all!

Using the plant ability, Zhou Ji can easily turn his reclining chair into a sedan chair that can't get in at all, because his new reclining chair is quite big, and he can call Kumano in to sit with him, and by the way make fun of him a bit.

Kumano: "..." After following Zhou Ji for a long time, he felt that he had learned badly. Now, no matter what he saw, he couldn't help but think about it, and what he said to Zhou Ji, he couldn't help but study it again and again.

To avoid accidentally being molested again.

Well, he actually likes Zhou Ji to tease himself, and he doesn't hate the "sports" at night...

Everyone went all the way, and finally got close to the big bear tribe.

At this time, the priests of the Big Bear Tribe were entertaining people from other tribes.

After the salt change team left, the priest hoped every day that they would be safe and come back soon.

As a result, he waited and waited, and only waited for half of the salt change team to come back!

Zhou Ji and Xiong Ye became the beast kings? Are they planning to visit the Orc Continent

The priest felt that all of this was a bit unbelievable, as if it were fake.

He couldn't even help but wonder if Zhou Ji and Kumano were dead, and if the people who came back said this to make him not too sad...

But Zhou Ji is the messenger of the beast god, so how could he die

The priest was worried every day, his hair fell out every day, and his head was bald.

The same hair loss as him, and Xiong He.

After Kumano left, Xiong He began to work as the patriarch again, and he was very satisfied and happy with this - he really didn't want to be a priest!

However, he rejoiced too early.

The priest recognized him, and even if he became the acting patriarch, the priest still forced him to carry things, so... He now not only has to do the work of the patriarch, but also learn to be a priest.

Xiong He felt that all this was too terrifying, he couldn't bear it anymore, he was about to explode!

However, before he broke out, he started to lose his hair first...

As a brown bear, it's quite common to shed hair after the weather is hot, but he shed a lot of hair this year, and the new ones grew very little.

Bear River is caught in the fear that he will be a bald bear.

It was at this time that people from other tribes came to their tribe.

The Big Bear tribe was not the only one who exchanged salt with the Qingshan Tribe. Before the Giant Tiger Tribe destroyed the Qingshan Tribe, and they did not exchange salt, these tribes really encountered a lot of trouble.

This year, they sent people out again to change the salt. Not only that, but they also heard about the Big Bear Tribe.

In the end, people from two tribes came to the Big Bear tribe together.

The Big Bear tribe just happened to have a lot of salt and ended up changing some more or less for them.

These two tribes have never seen the market before. They switched from the Big Bear tribe to salt, and saw that the Big Bear tribe is so rich. After returning, I had to talk about it, and then I knew that there were more tribes of the Big Bear tribe.

Today, another person came to the big bear tribe.

There was a team of about fifty people, and the center of the team was a black and fat young man in his twenties.

As soon as he came to the Big Bear Tribe, he said, "Didn't you say that the Big Bear Tribe is very rich? I don't think so."

The black and fat young man has a pair of eyes on the top of his head, looking down on the big bear tribe.

This man... doesn't look easy! The priests dared not offend these people. But this person looks like this, it is far less outstanding than Zhou Ji, even Kumano can't compare, he really has nothing to compliment, he can only say: "We are actually not rich."

The black and fat young man said: "You still have self-knowledge... By the way, why are you so rude? When the people of our Mountain Wolf tribe came, you didn't let the whole tribe come out to greet them?"

Priest: "..." As a priest, he came out to meet him in person, isn't that enough? Where is this mountain wolf tribe? They still want their entire tribe to come out to greet them? !

"Our mountain wolf tribe is a very powerful tribe, my father, he can kill your tribe alone!" the black and fat young man said again.

A person from the Big Bear tribe who once followed Zhou Ji and Xiongye to the Xiaoxi tribe to exchange salt: "..." This sounds a bit familiar. At that time, Zhou Ji seemed to have said the same thing

It's just that what Zhou Ji said at the time was very convincing. They couldn't help but believe it. What this person said... They felt that they couldn't believe it.

Compared with Zhou Ji, this person is dark and fat, as if he is used to dirty work.

"Really?" said the priest dryly.

"Of course it's true, my father, but a high-level beast warrior, your tribe, there must be no high-level beast warrior, right?" The black fat young man said again: "However, it is still very good that you can make pottery. My father admires you very much, and is willing to let you join our tribe and be under our protection, as long as you turn in some of the pottery and salt."

Priest: "...Where are your tribes?"

"A twenty-day journey to the north." The fat black young man said.

Can a tribe that is 20 days away from the Big Bear tribe shelter the Big Bear tribe? The priest felt a little speechless, but this group of people looked very powerful, and he did not dare to offend.

While tangled, someone suddenly came in from outside: "Priest, Kumano and Zhou Ji are back!"