Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 164: 165|Extra Work together


When Zhou Ji returned to the big bear tribe, the people of the big bear tribe packed up and stood at the entrance of the mountain to greet him.

They wore simple animal skin skirts, revealing their dark and toned upper bodies, and looked at him eagerly.

Probably after he came to this tribe, he didn't care about the people in the tribe at first, but later he did, and in order to make the people in the tribe live well and make himself comfortable, he began to act like a magician, and he never had any relationship with them. Because of the in-depth contact, seeing these people looking at him with reverence at this moment, he accepted it well.

He's been stared at like this recently, and he's used to it. It's okay to have more people.

Zhou Ji is very calm, and others are not so calm, even the people in the beast temple behind him.

Xiong He knew Zhou Ji's identity and that there were many priests of the Temple of Beasts in the team.

Then, he was proud - how great their big bear tribe is! The beast gods have descended on their tribe, and they even chose people from their tribe as their companions!

He must not let others look down on his tribe!

Xiong He thought so, and when he led the way, he specially took this group of people to go around the place where the Big Bear Tribe burned pottery and raised dinosaurs.

These two places, some people come, they are hiding and tucked away, but at such times, they must be used to show off.

After the group passed by, the first thing they saw was the expanded farm!

Dinosaurs grow very fast. The dinosaurs they raised last year have grown up this year. These dinosaurs all eat grass. They grew up in enclosures and didn't even want to go out. Now in spring, they have begun to lay eggs peacefully.

As a result, the people in the Temple of the Beast saw the picture of a big dinosaur taking a small dinosaur and grazing leisurely in the fence.

In the Orc Continent, everyone farms, but no one has ever thought about raising dinosaurs!

The priest of the Beast Temple originally looked down on the Big Bear Tribe a little, but now he was stunned.

"Can dinosaurs be raised too?" a priest couldn't help asking.

"Of course!" Xiong He said: "This is what the beast god taught us!"

The people in the Temple of the Beast looked enviously at Xiong He, and then at Zhou Ji again, their eyes were even more frenzied than before.

After passing the farm, they came to the place where the pottery was fired.

The open space here is larger than before Zhou Ji left, and there are more houses next to each other, and many people are busy here...

"This is where we burn pottery!" Xiong He said again.

The Temple of the Beast can also make pottery. They were not too surprised when they saw this, but they must have been in a complicated mood. After they found out that the Big Bear Tribe had piled up a lot of fired pottery...

"How long will it take for you to make a pottery?" asked the person from the Temple of the Beast.

Is the pottery fired the same way? Xiong He was stunned for a moment, and said, "We will burn it once every ten days, and now we can burn about a dozen kinds of useful pottery at one time." They have already summed up the experience according to what Kumano said!

People from the Beast Temple: "..." They don't want to talk anymore! They will start a fire every two or three days, and if they can burn one or two items each time, that's great!

And the house in the big bear department looks very good too! A neat room!

After seeing the place where the pottery was fired, they came to the place where the Big Bear tribe farmed.

According to Zhou Ji's request, the people of the Big Bear tribe divided the land into pieces, and built a ridge in the middle for people to walk on, and some people weeded regularly...

Looking at it now, the neatly grown crops and the large green grids are really beautiful.

The people in the temple of the beast don't want to talk anymore - the small tribes in the wild forest are almost more advanced than them! They farm, but they are not so particular about it!

Just because people have beast gods!

They must hold the thigh of the Beast God tightly in order to gain the favor of the Beast God and learn more!

Because of what they saw along the way, when they came to the entrance of the mountain where the people of the Big Bear tribe lived, the people in the Temple of the Beast were still excited and could not calm down.

Of course, the people who are even less calm are the people of the Big Bear tribe.

After all, Zhou Ji and his party look so different!

The priest felt that it was inappropriate for him to be frightened by Langsha and his party before. Compared with Zhou Ji and the others, what are the people like Langsha

Those people are simply terrifying!

Priests are a bit despised Langsha and others.

As for the people from the Big Bear Tribe other than the priests, although they don't speak because of the solemnity around them, they are already amazed in their hearts - the clothes worn by the people in this team are really beautiful!

There are some people in the team who grew up with them, and they are very familiar with them, but now that these people have grown up knowledge and put on clothes, they look outstanding.

Why didn't they change the salt in the first place

The strength itself is not enough, and those who can't go are ignored. In fact, there are people who have the strength to fight and follow. At this moment, they are beating their chests and feet, regretting endlessly.

Xiong Bai was sadly unable to do so.

She could have followed, but she didn't go because she didn't want to see Kumano and Zhou Ji making out, and now she was very annoyed.

The only thing that made her happy was that many of the people who came back with Kumano and Zhou Ji this time were tall and strong, not to mention good-looking.

Xiong Bai felt that he had the opportunity to empathize and let go of love!

However, no matter what, everyone came to the Col.

The people of the Big Bear tribe used to like to divide the meat and wash things in the cols, and they always made the col The place is divided into meat and barbecue, and it's clean here.

In addition, it is a sunny day today, and the soil in the col is dried, so it looks more tidy here.

When the people of the Beast Temple entered, they thought it was pretty good.

At this time, the sun has almost gone down, the people of the Big Bear Tribe arrive at the fixed meal time every day, and the people in the Temple of the Beast are hungry after walking for a day...

Zhou Ji saw that the priest and others were very cramped, and the people in the Beast Temple were looking at him, so he said, "Let's eat first, and we will eat hot pot today."

If you eat a hot pot together, you will definitely be able to get to know each other, and it will be lively and lively.

Zhou Ji is still confident about this.

The priest's eyes lit up immediately, but he quickly said, "There are no more peppers in the tribe."

The peppers they planted this year haven't grown yet, so let's keep the peppers... already eaten.

Ahem, everyone in their tribe likes to eat chili peppers, and he definitely didn't eat it all by himself!

"I have it here." Zhou Ji asked people to take out a large bag of chili peppers - he spawned some while on the road, and then hung them on a pole carrying things to dry them. Now there are enough dried chili peppers for hundreds of people to eat hot pot. , after all, not everyone can eat spicy food.

"I'll have people prepare pots and ingredients right away! There's not much fresh meat in the tribe, but there are a lot of edible vegetables recently!" the priest said, seeing those peppers, he felt that his saliva couldn't stop drooling.

"Fresh meat will be available soon." Zhou Ji said.

"Are you looking for someone to hunt?" asked the priest.

Zhou Ji nodded and looked at the ape and beast king and others.

The four beastmasters didn't need to give any orders, and immediately said: "We'll go hunting right away!"

After they finished speaking, they left quickly, and the figure disappeared instantly.

"These people are running so fast..." The priest was stunned.

Xiong Ye said: "They are all Beastmasters." This is still to be told to the people in the tribe, lest the people in the tribe accidentally offend these Beastmasters.

Although Zhou Ji is there, these beastmasters will not harm the people in the tribe openly, but with their strength, it is too easy to secretly make a stumbling block!

"Are those four?" The priest's voice trembled a little.

"All." Zhou Ji said.

Priest: "..." He thought that their tribe could have a Beastmaster, which was already very powerful, but he didn't expect that the Beastmaster was not worth much!

Fortunately, they have beast gods!

The people of the Big Bear tribe were busy preparing to make hot pot, while the people in the Temple of the Beast were waiting to eat hot pot with anticipation.

They heard people from the Big Bear tribe say hot pot, saying that this is the food invented by the beast god, and they finally had the chance to eat it!

There are already a lot of pottery pots in the tribe. Everyone is going to use pottery pots when they eat hot pot. Even Zhou Ji asked people to fry peppers in a large pottery pot.

Put the dinosaur oil he saved in the clay pot in the clay pot, pour in the chili garlic and other seasonings to fry...

The choking smell came out immediately. The person who fry the peppers according to Zhou Ji's request was the person who likes to cook the most in the Big Bear tribe. He likes spicy food, and he can't stand the smell.

But even if he couldn't stand it, he was still full of excitement: "This smells so fragrant! It's so fragrant!"

On the way back, Zhou Ji rarely cooked spicy dishes - they got a lot of fresh ingredients, and he always ate the original food.

And it is precisely because of this that the people in the Temple of the Beast can't stand the smell of chili peppers. Wait, after smelling it for a while, I actually feel a little fragrant...

Zhou Ji saw that the people in the temple of beasts seemed a little unaccustomed, so let them not put chili in the hot pot first, and then go to someone else to eat the hot pot with chili before deciding whether to put it or not.

The clay pots were placed on the fire. After the people of the Big Bear tribe waited for the water in their pots to boil, they took spoons and bowls to get some chili oil and put them back into their pots.

The chili oil floated on the soup noodles, and it was red and red, and it made people feel appetizing - everyone ate it in full swing.

The people from the Temple of the Beast came to try it first, and without exception, they were all spicy, but after the spicy, they quickly adapted to the taste and began to put chili oil in their pots.

Zhou Ji felt that the fact that people at this time could adapt to the food of chili so quickly was probably related to the heavy taste of what they usually eat.

Living in a prehistoric society, even people in the temple of beasts have eaten some strange food, and their taste buds have been destroyed.

It is said that in the beginning, people ate chili peppers to neutralize unpalatable wild vegetables and save salt for them.

No matter what, everyone can eat it, which is always a good thing... Zhou Ji and Kumano occupied a hot pot and ate slowly.

Eating and eating, Bear Mao came over.

Bear Mao, whose animal shape is a panda, looked at Kumano with admiration: "Patriarch, you are amazing."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Zhou Ji again: "You are more powerful."

"That's it." Zhou Ji smiled and gave him two small fishes that he fried by himself - the fried small fish were delicious, so he made more and occasionally fed them to Kumano as a snack.

Xiong Mao was very happy to eat, and Zhou Ji said again: "You show us the animal shape." He remembered that Xiong Ye liked the animal shape of Xiong Mao very much.

Bear Mao obediently turned into a red panda.

The red panda has grown up a bit, but it is not yet an adult, it looks very cute... Zhou Ji gave him some fried soybeans.

The little panda took the paws and ate them one by one. Although fried soybeans are very hard, its teeth can easily bite even bamboo poles. Chewing fried soybeans is not a problem for him at all.

Kumano likes the animal shape of bear fur very much. He can't take his eyes off it. Just looking at it, he hears Zhou Ji say: "You like other people's animal shape so much, I'm jealous, and I will punish you later."

Kumano: "..." He had an unexpected feeling. Zhou Ji was deliberately looking for a reason to "punish" him, right? !

Kumano couldn't help but said, "Actually, you don't need to look for a reason..." It wasn't that he didn't want to!

Zhou Ji said: "I think it is more sentimental to find a reason."

Okay, you can do whatever you like... Kumano accepts his fate.

Zhou Ji said again: "Actually, the animal shape of bear fur is far less cute than you."

"My animal shape is cute?" Kumano was a little helpless, his animal shape was so mighty!

"If you get smaller, you'll be cute." Zhou Ji said, looking at Kumano.

What Zhou Ji said was the truth.

He is an elephant, and he is very cute when he gets smaller, not to mention the animal shape of Kumano!

If only the chubby bear could be held in my arms...

"You must follow me to practice hard, and become as strong as me as soon as possible." Zhou Ji said, in that case, Kumano will become bigger and smaller!

Kumano was a little unconfident: "It's difficult to improve the strength of the Beastmaster, I..."

"You can do it. If you can't, no one will stop me when I'm sick, and I'll be hurt." Zhou Ji looked at Kumano,

When he fell ill in the Beast Temple before, Kumano woke him up, but that didn't mean he wouldn't fall ill next time.

When it's time to get sick, he still gets sick, and this kind of sickness won't get better in a while.

But with Kumano around, he believed that even if he fell ill, he would be able to wake up.

But when Kumano wakes him up, it is possible that he will be injured... But if Kumano can be stronger and stronger, he will not have to worry about Kumano being injured!

Zhou Ji said this, and when he saw Zhou Ji's expectant gaze, Kumano immediately said: "I will do it!" Zhou Ji needs him, how can he not? !

"You can't leave me yet, or what if I accidentally fall ill?" Zhou Ji said again.

"I will never leave you." Kumano said.

Zhou Ji was very satisfied with Kumano's answer and gave Kumano a mouthful of meat.

Xiong Mao was still beside him, but he was completely forgotten by Zhou Ji and Kumano...

The red panda rolled on the ground, but it couldn't attract the attention of Zhou Ji and Kumano, so he could only leave sadly, and changed back to the human form to eat at the priest's place - the hot pot is really delicious! he likes!

The hot pot feast in the tribe lasted for a long time.

With food as a medium, the people of the Big Bear tribe quickly became familiar with the people of the Beast Temple, and Xiong He even had a shoulder to shoulder with a priest. He was full of good feelings for these priests. What about these priests? They also wanted to make friends with the former chief of the Bear River, the former chief of the Big Bear tribe and Kumano's uncle.

The two sides naturally talked happily.

Some priests also inquired about the previous affairs of the beast god from the people of the big bear tribe.

There are more or less people in the big bear tribe, and they all said something, and among all these people, the priests of the big bear tribe said what the big guys liked to hear the most, and agreed with them: "Zhou Ji has been different since he was a child. When he was a child, he didn't leave the cave for nearly 20 years and didn't say a word. I think it might be because he was a beast god and didn't get used to this body well when he came! Later, his mother died unexpectedly, and he was enlightened. A little bit, but I still haven't adapted to my body, so I always sleep until a beast god sacrifice is over..."

The priest spoke with great interest.

Although it is far away, Zhou Ji can still hear it with his spiritual power: "..." The priests of their tribe really know how to make up!

Zhou Ji ignored the priest, continued to eat, and fed his own cubs by the way.

The smell of food permeates the entire mountain.

In a certain cave, a group of forgotten mountain wolf tribes burst into tears - they are so hungry! They are so hungry!

"I don't know what the big bear tribe eats, but it's so delicious."

"They lied to us before that they didn't have meat... that's abominable!"

"They beat us without saying anything, and tied us here, we must take revenge!"

Langsha and some of his friends kept talking while swallowing.

The person sent by Rhinoceros to stare at Langsha: "..." Their young patriarch still wants revenge? There are beast kings in other tribes, did they get their revenge

Now, they don't even dare to speak loudly, right

Langsha did not even dare to speak loudly, for fear that people outside would come and beat him again after hearing it.

When he was knocked out before, he didn't feel anything, but now when he wakes up, he feels that the place where he was beaten is very painful, and he can't stand it anymore...

Also afraid to speak loudly, there are Yang Su and Yang Ying, they are afraid of being noticed...

However, these people think too much.

No one noticed them at all.

To the people of the Big Bear Tribe, the people of the Mountain Wolf Tribe are just a group of coolies reserve, and they have no time to care about this group of coolies too much.

And Yang Ying, Yang Su... Although the people from the Big Bear tribe who went to the Beast Temple were very dissatisfied with Shi Li's behavior, but since Shi Li was dead, they would not be angry with Shi Li's family. As for Zhou Ji, he didn't take it seriously Yang Ying and Yang Su are in her eyes.

After eating and drinking, the people of the Beast Temple were arranged by the people of the Big Bear tribe to live in the cave where Zhou Ji and Kumano lived.

This is what they themselves demanded and strongly demanded.

They want to live in the place where the beast gods lived, even if everyone is crowded together to sleep!

In fact, they wanted to follow Zhou Ji and Kumano to lay a floor outside the house where Zhou Ji and Kumano lived, and get closer to Zhou Ji, but Zhou Ji gave an order not to allow anyone to enter the courtyard of the house where he lived.

Zhou Ji didn't want to have a group of fanatical believers around his residence.

When Zhou Ji and Kumano went back, it was already late.

But Zhou Ji didn't go to sleep right away. He sprinkled the seeds he brought and used plant powers.

Today, the two moons are hanging in the air, casting a soft glow, and the plants around them, swaying and growing quickly, blossom and bear fruit.

Kumano stood in the yard watching this scene, only to think that it was all unbelievably beautiful.

All kinds of edible plants and all kinds of flowers filled his and Zhou Ji's yard in a short period of time, decorating it as if... place", now, here it is.

The night is beautiful, and Zhou Ji around him is also very beautiful...

Kumano looked at Zhou Ji and said, "Aren't you going to punish me?"

The next day, Zhou Ji and Kumano got up late.

But no one knows, after all, no one else can enter their yard.

"I won't go out today." Zhou Ji kissed Kumano: "I'll make you delicious food at home."

"Okay!" Kumano agreed and went out happily - as the patriarch, he had a lot of things to do.

However, Zhou Ji began to inspect his yard, picking fruits and melons to prepare for cooking. He also opened the yard door and asked the priests who spontaneously ran to the temple of the beast guarding him to get some meat for Kumano stew.

When Zhou Ji was preparing lunch, Kumano was near the Big Bear Tribe, directing the people of the Big Bear Tribe and the Beast Temple to work. Of course, the people of the Mountain Wolf Tribe needed to work even more!

Kumano planned one by one.

The place used for farming must be expanded, and they brought back a lot of plants that need to be sown.

They also need to build more houses. They have more people, and the houses are not enough!

In addition, Zhou Ji mentioned to him the concept of a city, and also said about roads... He felt that in the Big Bear tribe, there should be spacious roads, and walls can be built in the future.

As a result, there are not enough people in the tribe... At this time, Kumano even hoped that there would be more people like the Shanwolf tribe who came to ask for trouble—then they would be able to catch people to work!

Fortunately, although there are not many people working, the quality of the people working in their tribe is very high. If nothing else, those high-level beast warriors and beast kings, they do those tasks that only require physical strength and no brain power. Ten others!

But the work that requires brain power, they are not as good as those who are weak and weak, but think about using their brains all day long.

Digging mud and paving roads is a good job, and it must be done by one's own family. The people of the Mountain Wolf Tribe are assigned tasks such as cleaning up dinosaur excrement and mixing fertilizer.

Therefore, Langsha, the young patriarch who did nothing in his own tribe and left the tribe to practice or did nothing, finally had to start picking shit.

Sweat rolled down his face, Langsha wanted to wipe the sweat on his head with his hands, but he remembered that he had picked up dinosaur dung with his hands not long ago...

He really couldn't wipe his face with such a hand, so he had to stop wiping it and let the sweat on his forehead roll into his eyes, and then roll down his chin together with the tears, and finally dripped onto the ground and seeped into the soil.

The black fat young man had a sad face.

He regrets it! He really regrets it!

When he was in the tribe, he shouldn't have caused trouble. If he didn't cause trouble, his father would never have driven him out!

If he came out to practice, he should practice hard. If he practiced hard, he would never come to this tribe!

Why can't he think about it, he actually wants to blackmail people in this tribe

"Young patriarch, don't cry." The middle-aged man sent by Rhinoceros to protect Langsha said.

"I can't cry anymore?" Langsha said.

"Of course you can cry, but I don't think you need to cry." The middle-aged man said.

"Why?" Wolf Sand asked.

"Have you seen that giant ape?" The middle-aged man motioned Langsha to look at a giant ape working not far away.

There is a place planned by Kumano to make a road. At this moment, a giant ape is holding a log and smashing the soil on the road.

Langsha cried while patronizing before, but I really didn't see it, and I just saw it now, and I couldn't help but be surprised: "It's so big!"

"It's very big, isn't it? If I guessed correctly, it's the Beastmaster." The man said.

Langsha was silent: "The Beastmaster?! How is that possible?!" His father wanted to become the Beastmaster, but he failed after 20 years of tossing.

Now... The person working like him is the Beastmaster? Impossible!

"That should be the Beastmaster!" The middle-aged man said, "The Beastmaster is all working, so what does it count for us when we do some work?"

It seems so... Langsha looked at the giant ape, and then looked at the basket of feces he was carrying, and suddenly felt that he was not so uncomfortable.