Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 165: 166|Fanwai Teaching and educating people


The ape and beast king didn't know that someone didn't feel aggrieved after seeing his hard work.

He himself... was actually quite aggrieved.

As the Beastmaster, he usually acts as a deterrent to other tribes in his own tribe. He doesn't need to do those laborious jobs, but now...

He has been reduced to repairing roads!

He shouldn't have fought Xiongye in the first place. If he hadn't fought Xiongye, he would definitely be as free as the Rhinoceros Beastmaster now, and he would still be able to stay in his own tribe in the Orc Continent to enjoy himself...

Forget it, I still don't think about it much, it makes me more sad.

The ape and beast king clung to the wood in his hand and slammed it on the ground, creating a flat and spacious dirt road.

As the companion of the beast god, Kumano is also working at the moment, and he is actually doing nothing...

Kumano is really working at the moment, he is chopping down trees.

He re-planned the land around the tribe, and then one of the trees was to be cut down, so he did it himself.

But after a while, Kumano stopped.

The sun is already in the middle of the sky, it's time for lunch!

In the past, he only ate one meal a day at night, and basically didn't eat during the day, but after getting to know Zhou Ji, he changed to eat one meal in the morning and one meal in the evening.

And recently... Zhou Ji gave him another meal at noon.

He now eats three meals a day!

Kumano thinks he eats a little too much, but to be honest, he can use it...

He is already the beast king now, even if he eats more, he can easily digest it!

For example, at this moment, he turned into a beast and chopped down some trees, and immediately became hungry.

The huge brown bear ran towards his yard.

The door of the yard is a little small for his animal shape, but the walls of the yard are quite short for his animal shape... Kumano jumped lightly, from the outside of the yard to the inside of the yard.

After jumping in, his movements froze.

He seems to... crush something

Kumano immediately turned into a human form, and only then did he realize that he had crushed a lot of flowers and plants. He was thinking about what to do when he heard Zhou Ji's voice: "Beauty fell from the sky."

Kumano: "...I'm not a beauty!"

"Then I'm a beauty." Zhou Ji smiled and said, "It's time to eat."

Zhou Ji cooked a table full of food, cooked rice and roasted meat.

Kumano was very happy to eat, and said: "Zhou Ji, you don't have to cook so much food in the future... I like to eat everything, and I'm not picky eater."

"Okay." Zhou Ji replied with a smile, but didn't intend to listen.

It should be done to make more delicious food to improve his and Kumano's living standards.

He wants to be an exquisite beastmaster.

Kumano had eaten and then left.

Zhou Ji waited for Kumano to leave, then came to the place where Kumano jumped in from the outside and smashed a hole, took away the smashed flowers and plants, and finally planted a piece of grass that resisted smashing.

Of course, he did more than that... Zhou Ji sprinkled cotton seeds and planted a lot of cotton.

Although the weather is hot now, cotton is not needed, but the use of cotton is definitely great. If you can use cotton to make a nest in winter, it must be very comfortable to sleep in, and it can also prevent the children in the tribe from freezing.

Cotton soon grew large in the open space of his yard, blooming in clusters of snow-white flowers.

Usually people grow cotton, but because of rain and other reasons, many "flowers" do not bloom, or they bloom, and the cotton inside is also stiff and yellowish, but what he produces is different - every cotton , are all white.

Zhou Ji collected a few cotton flowers, thought about it, and then asked the children from the tribe to pick the cotton for him.

"After the cotton is picked, you can take it to the priest. This can be used as a nest. Of course, before making a nest, the cotton seeds inside must be taken out. Those are cotton seeds and can be planted." Zhou Ji told these children said, and then went back to the room with the cotton he picked.

He was going to try cotton for cotton.

Of course, he didn't make cotton cloth to make clothes, but to make towels... Without towels, it's really inconvenient.

Zhou Ji was struggling with cotton with his mental strength. When he tried to get the cotton cloth, Kumano was holding a branch and drawing a map on a piece of mud.

This map was drawn by Kumano for the priests who came after the Beast Temple.

Before going to the Beast Temple, Zhou Ji had been teaching him all kinds of knowledge. When they came back from the Beast Temple, in addition to sleeping with him every night, Zhou Ji would also teach him something. They even did it for the Big Bear tribe together. planning.

There will definitely be more and more people in the big bear tribe, so there must be a lot of houses, roads, and it is best to bring the river water, so that there is water here...

After discussing with Zhou Ji for many days, Kumano had a belly full of thoughts, but he found helplessly that the people in their tribe couldn't understand it.

On the contrary, the priests of the Temple of the Beast are very smart, and they are all right.

So Kumano called these priests over and planned to make them work supervisors.

Although these priests came, they were a little reluctant at first.

They just want to take care of His Majesty the Beast God, and they don't want to be an overseer! It's a pity that His Majesty the Beast God won't let them approach at all!

This is really sad.

They can only find a way to please the mate of the Beast God, and then figure out a way to save the country and get in touch with the Beast God.

So, although they didn't want to do such a thing, these priests didn't show it, and even actively studied.

Kumano didn't know what they were thinking. He followed Zhou Ji's teaching and drew a map on the ground, then began to mark the length, and wrote a few words to mark it...

Zhou Ji has been forcing him to read, he must write, he wrote it subconsciously, and after writing, did he realize that it was wrong - he can read, but others can't read and can't read...

Just as Kumano was about to erase those words and mark them with something else, he was stopped by the priest of the Temple of the Beast: "Wait!"

"What's wrong?" Kumano asked.

"What is this?" asked the priest of the Beast Temple.

"This is a word." Kumano said.

"What is the word?" the priest of the Temple of the Beast asked again.

"Every sound we say can be compared to a word." Kumano wrote "big" on the ground: "For example, this word is 'big', the size is big."

"So it can still be like this!" The priests looked at Kumano together: "Is this what the beast god taught you?"

"Yes." Kumano said.

These priests were immediately excited: "This must be the text of the beast god! Bear and beast king, please teach us!"

Kumano: "...You work hard, and I'll teach you." These people are so eager to learn to read... He didn't study it seriously before, isn't it too inappropriate

"We must work hard." Those priests swore to the sky one by one, but also realized that they only wanted to serve the beast god before, and their vision was too narrow.

When they came to the tribe of the Beast God, they shouldn't just think about serving the Beast God, but should learn more about the Beast God's skills - such an opportunity, it's nothing to miss!

And want to learn something... The Beast God doesn't like to see them and is unwilling to teach them, but they can find the Beast God's partner and other people in the Big Bear tribe to teach them!

One by one, these priests were full of energy. They asked Kumano a lot of questions without saying anything. They also learned ten characters from Kumano. Then they separated to memorize different characters, and prepared to help each other at night, and memorize all the characters.

Hearing their plans, Kumano suddenly felt oppressed.

He already knows a lot of characters, but not too many. If things go on like this, it won't be long before those characters he has learned will be learned by these people... He must find Zhou Ji to learn more characters!

Thinking like this, seeing that it was almost time for dinner, Kumano ran back without even thinking about it, ready to go back to eat and learn to read.

The priests of the Temple of the Beast, who still wanted to learn something, looked at Kumano's back reluctantly, and after thinking about it, they went to the priests of the Big Bear tribe.

Maybe the priests of the big bear tribe also have some beast gods

The priests of the big bear tribe do know some things of the beast god religion, such as counting, and for example...

When they left the priests of the big bear tribe, the priests of the temple of the beast had circles drawn on their faces.

They were particularly pleased with their new image.

At this time, Kumano had already finished dinner, and after eating, he looked at Zhou Ji expectantly.

Zhou Ji was itchy by his eyes - Kumano... Is this going to take the initiative

Kumano said: "Zhou Ji, how did the place where I crushed the flowers and plants become lawns?"

"It's convenient for you to jump in later." Zhou Ji said.

"You are so kind to me." Kumano said.

Zhou Ji squeezed Kumano's chin: "That's... So you want to repay me?"

"Zhou Ji, you are so good to me. When you taught me to recognize characters, I didn't recognize them properly. It's really inappropriate... Teach me a few more characters today, and I will definitely study hard!"

Zhou Ji: This trend is different from what he imagined.

He first taught Kumano to read because he had no intention of sleeping in the long night, but now... even if the night is long, we can sleep together, why should we learn to read

Well, he is willing to teach Kumano some more things so that Kumano can read and write, so that they can still have a common language in the future.

Zhou Ji started to teach, but he felt that the teaching was almost done, but Kumano was not satisfied: "Zhou Ji, teach me a few more words!"

"Don't you like learning to read? Why are you suddenly so active?" Zhou Ji couldn't help asking.

"I want to teach others to read." Kumano said, Zhou Ji asked him not to teach others the cultivation method, but other knowledge did not stop him from teaching others, he had taught priests a lot.

"You don't care about me for others?" Zhou Ji said, "I'm going to punish you!"

Kumano: "..." Okay...

Kumano was tossed for a while, but he was the Beastmaster after all, and he was still in good spirits when he went out the next day.

However, after seeing the priests of the Temple of the Beast, he was a little stunned—the priests of the Temple of the Beast actually wrote words on their faces one by one!

"Kumano, we already know the characters you taught us yesterday, and we also learned a good way to recognize characters, which is to write them on our faces... We have 20 people in total, and you will teach us 20 every day from now on. Let's write it, let's write one on each of our faces!" the priests said.

Kumano: "..." He has to work hard, he has to learn at least twenty words before going to bed tonight!

Kumano suddenly had a passion for learning.

Zhou Ji agrees very much with the fact that people in the tribe can learn more knowledge, and has also figured out how to teach these people to read.

It's not easy to recognize characters one by one, but if you can write some children's songs and stories, you will be able to recognize characters much faster... Aren't the textbooks of first-grade children on earth full of children's songs

A few days later, Zhou Ji found a piece of wood and engraved on it: "Spring is here, the grass is green, the flowers are blooming, and the dinosaurs are starting to lay eggs."

So the next day, the priests in the temple of the beast all carried on their backs: "Spring is here, the grass is green, the flowers are blooming, and the dinosaurs are starting to lay eggs."

They recited it a few times, and the people from the Big Bear Tribe followed.

For a time, people everywhere were saying "spring is coming".

There is a beastmaster who hunts a big guy every day. Although the people of the Big Bear Tribe are busy with construction these days, they don't have to worry about starvation. Even the captives of the Mountain Wolf Tribe can have enough to eat every day.

If you want people to work well, you can't make people hungry.

Therefore, although the people of the mountain wolf tribe are not living well, they are not bad, and in addition, even the beast king has to work here... The people of the mountain wolf tribe gradually calmed down and even got used to the dinosaur excrement. the taste of.

Now, Langsha can wipe his sweat with his hands that have picked up dinosaur feces without changing his face...

However, when he heard the people of the Big Bear Tribe reciting this, he couldn't help but say: "Are the people of this Big Bear tribe stupid? Repeat this sentence over and over again! What dinosaurs have laid eggs, and the dinosaurs are obviously shitting! "How can those damn dinosaurs pull like that!

The rest of the Mountain Wolf tribe nodded in agreement.

However, even if they thought the Bears were a little silly, they still had to work.

It's a sad fact.

The priests of the Temple of the Beast are full of enthusiasm for learning. They learn from Zhou Ji and write letters on wood or bamboo to deepen their memory.

There are also priests of the Big Bear tribe who love to learn.

Because a lot of priests from the temple of the beast came to the tribe at once, and finally there was no need to learn Xiong He, who was a priest, and was pulled by the priest again. The priest asked him to engrave all the words taught by the beast on the stone wall of his cave. .

Xiong He: "..." If you want to carve a character well, you have to learn it. He is inexplicable, and he is learning something again!

The whole tribe is thriving.

The priests in the Temple of the Beast were busy working as overseers and learning to read. They were too busy to speak, and they were still running outside all day, and they slowly... became dark and strong.

They are sad about it.

They wanted them to look like beast gods, but apparently, now they didn't look like beast gods at all.

They can only comfort themselves, the beast god should like them like this, after all, the companion of the beast god is very strong...

In the blink of an eye, summer is over and autumn is here.

The people of the Big Bear Tribe recited a lot of children's songs, and the priests of the Beast Temple also learned a lot of words.

At this time, Zhou Ji used cotton to make towels, clothes and trousers, and quilts, etc. To make his and Kumano's residence more beautiful, he also made paper out of plant fibers.

Zhou Ji has always wanted paper.

With paper, it is not only convenient for people in the tribe to learn to read, but he does not need to wipe with leaves when going to the toilet!

So he smashed many plants and tried to make paper.

Initially, he kept failing, but after failing many times, he ended up with a piece of paper that was unevenly thin.

Papermaking was a success.

Zhou Ji briefly summed up the method, and then asked Kumano to find artificial paper. The paper made can be used for writing if it is good, and it can be used as toilet paper if it is not good. It is perfect!

Kumano: "..." It's perfect, but they lack people!

If only some people could fall from the sky!

When Kumano was looking forward to getting some people, the patriarch of the Mountain Wolf tribe, Rhino, was kicked out of the tribe by his partner.

The partner of Xiishi said that since Xiishi can drive her son away, then she can drive away Xiishi!

The patriarch who was kicked out of the tribe looked at the gate of the tribe and sighed, and said to the people around him: "Women really can't get used to it. Once she gets used to it, she dares to climb on top of a man's head!"

"Yeah!" Xi Shi's subordinate said, "The patriarch, let's go back?" With the strength of their patriarch, they don't have to be afraid of their partner at all.

"Forget it, I don't have the same knowledge as her!" Rhino said, "Let's go find Hei Fatt quickly."

Rhinoceros' subordinate said: "...Okay."

The rhinoceros said again: "You said that black fat guy, will he be okay? He has no ability, he is lazy and timid, I thought he only dared to walk around the tribe, and I thought that he would come back to beg for mercy when he couldn't take it anymore. I took him to meet the world in person... but he has gone far away, and there is no news!"

Rhino's subordinate said: "Young patriarch has brought a lot of people, it will be alright!"

Rhinoceros sighed again: "Why doesn't this child look like me? It's so useless!"

Xi Shi's subordinate: "..." Patriarch, what you said is wrong, the young patriarch is very similar to you! Your partner is a flower of the mountain wolf tribe, the most beautiful woman on the snowy mountain, how about you? Black and fat... The young patriarch looks exactly like you!

Rhinoceros said again: "Go and find out, look for my black fat. I don't know where he went, whether he is tanned, whether he is hungry or thin."

"Yes, patriarch!" Shishi's subordinates responded, and felt that the worries behind Shishi were unnecessary. Their young patriarch is already dark enough, and like their patriarch, it is impossible to tan again. As for being hungry and thin... The young patriarch and the patriarch have a particularly good appetite. It is impossible to be thin, and it will never be possible.

The black fat patriarch of the Mountain Wolf tribe, after inquiring about his whereabouts, came to the place where the big bear tribe was, and was about to come to his black fat young patriarch.

And at this time, the rhino beast king came.

When Xiong Ye and Zhou Ji left the Orc Continent, the Rhino Beast King did not follow, but stayed in his tribe and planned to deal with some things. Now that he was done with it, he followed to find his son.

When the rhino beast king came, the rhino baby was turning into a beast, helping to step on the road.

"Baby!" The Rhino Beast King said with joy as soon as he saw his son.

The dumb giant rhino jumped three feet high and quickly turned into a human shape: "Father!"

"Baby, you have grown up!" The Rhino Beast King looked at his son and was very happy: "How have you been recently?"

Xi Baobao said: "Recently... the hot pot is delicious, the barbecue is delicious... Spring is here, the grass is green, and the flowers are blooming... "

Rhino Beast King: "..." Forget the one in front, what is this thing in the back

The back is a nursery rhyme. The children of the big bear tribe like to carry it, and the baby rhino also likes to carry it. It is repeated every day!

Now he plans to recite the nursery rhymes he knows from beginning to end to the Rhino Beast King.

Here comes a Beastmaster!

When the news spread in the Big Bear Tribe, the people of the Big Bear Tribe were all calm.

When Zhou Ji and the others first came back, they were shocked for a while, and they couldn't even digest that a lot of beastmasters came to their tribe all of a sudden, and the fact that there were beast gods, but after a few months, I saw that those beastmasters were honest Working on the ground and hunting for food, they calmed down.

Now there is another Beastmaster, so what? It's just one more person working!

The people of the Big Bear tribe are very busy now, even the old and weak in the tribe are also responsible for cleaning and cooking, and they have no time to pay attention to the rhinoceros beast king.

No, at first they were curious about the animal shape of the rhino beast king, but later they knew that his animal shape was the same as that of the rhino treasure, so they were not curious at all, they just thought... This animal shape is too bulky and not suitable for work!

The shape of the rhinoceros is really not suitable for work, so Kumano arranged for him to hunt.

It was Haifeng who was originally in charge of hunting, but now, Haifeng is going to the beach tribe.

After changing the salt, the beach tribe and the big bear tribe have always been in contact.

The beach tribes live by the sea, and the stronger ocean beasts in that sea area have been eaten up by the sea breeze a few years ago. Therefore, in the past half a year, the people of the beach tribe have not encountered danger, but they cannot always be. Such good luck... Haifeng passed this time to help the beach tribes clean up the nearby waters.

By the way, I also grab some dinosaur meat or something for the people of the beach tribe, so that they can spend the winter well.

Now that it's autumn, it's time to prepare for winter.

At this time in the past, the people of the Big Bear tribe were always worried about the lack of food, but this year... Kumano was worried about the lack of manpower, and there were not too many people to deal with the prey brought back by the rhinoceros and make bacon.

Fortunately, more than half of the school-age women in the tribe are pregnant this year, and their tribe will welcome many children.

Hu Yue and Xiong Bai became pregnant, and even his mother was pregnant with another...

It's a pity that these children will take many years to grow up...

Kumano was in the shape of a beast at the moment, he scratched his head and went back to work.

At this time, under the leadership of a small tribe, Rhino came to the Big Bear tribe.

The humane of the small tribe said: "Sir, the big bear tribe is ahead, it is a very powerful tribe!"

Rhino didn't care.

Where can the tribe in the wild forest be so powerful? He has been here for decades, and he has never even seen a high-level beast warrior!

On the Orc Continent, although high-level beast warriors are rare, they are not that rare!

Speaking of which, in the Orc Continent, his life was not bad, just uncomfortable—he was obviously already very powerful, but in the Orc Continent, there was always a giant rhino that was more powerful than him!

Fortunately, he came here, and now, he is the most powerful here!

Rhinoceros has confidence in his animal shape and strength.

However... He suddenly saw a very, very large giant rhino.

so familiar...