Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 169: 170 | Past Life Changes (1)


Winter has gone to spring, and a new year has come.

Dinosaurs began to lay eggs, birds were chirping for their mates, the trees were green with new leaves, and the Orc Continent was full of life.

Early in the morning, the people of the Beast God Temple got up, they cleaned the temple, wiped the idols, sang songs of praise to the Beast God, and prepared for the upcoming Beast God sacrifice.

Everyone in the temple is busy and happy. When they see others, they always greet them with a bright smile.

No, it cannot be said that there is one person who is not busy or happy.

More than 20 years ago, the Beast Temple was expanded.

Back then, there was a big mountain behind the temple of the beast, but now, the mountain behind the temple no longer exists.

It was razed to the ground, many houses were built, and there was a larger shrine.

This temple is very spacious and is surrounded by a high courtyard wall. There is a lot of people outside the courtyard wall, but almost no one steps on the courtyard wall.

The low-level priests and servants in the Temple of the Beast did not dare to approach the temple, and they did not understand what was going on, but the people at the top of the Temple of the Beast knew what was going on in the temple, and they were full of reverence for this place.

In this temple, there lived the beast god, the great and unique beast god.

Few people know about this, and they will not tell others about it, because the beast god doesn't like seeing people, and he doesn't want to be known about his existence.

They generally only tell others that this is the real temple, and only the most devout people can enter the temple.

So, with the passage of time, fewer and fewer people knew about the fact that the "Beast God" actually lived in the temple.

Up to now, not many people know that this beast god, his name is Zhou Ji.

When everyone was looking forward to the sacrifice of the beast god, Zhou Ji, who was lying in the temple, was dead and bored.

It has been thirty years since he crossed over to this world.

When he first came across, his body was twenty years old, and now his body is fifty years old.

Before he crossed over, he was thirty-two years old, but now, his mental age is sixty-two years old.

He felt he had enough.

But he didn't want to die, so he just lived doing nothing every day - maybe one day, he could find something new to eat

Zhou Ji yawned and lay on the bed, looking at the stone roof of his room.

When he first came to this world and woke up in the big bear tribe, he was full of love for this world. It is a pity that he has never been able to integrate into this world. After experiencing a lot of things later, he feels that he is out of tune with this world.

Now, he doesn't even have anyone to talk to, and he doesn't bother to talk to others.

He once wanted to live a good life in this world.

When he was in the Big Bear tribe, he didn't integrate into the tribe because he didn't get used to it at first, and the people around him ignored him as a fool. But when the Beast God Festival ended that year, he was wandering around the tribe, and when he accidentally met Xiang Tian and learned that he was his father, he actually developed some sense of belonging to this world.

He thought he would have a home in this world.

And Xiangtian... Probably when the two met for the first time, he used his mental power and behaved differently. Xiangtian was also very kind and enthusiastic to him.

After leaving the Big Bear tribe with Xiangtian and coming to the Xiangxiang tribe, he had a good life at first, until he realized that Xiangtian's strength was not right in the process of helping Xiangtian's treatment, and later discovered that Xiangtian had no good intentions towards him. .

He left the Hieroglyphic tribe and began to wander the Orc Land.

He is a plant-type power user and has a strong perception of plants. After two years of wandering, he slowly ate a lot of plants with powerful energy and became a high-level beast warrior.

Because of his own problems, he is actually not interested in improving his strength, but he can't hunt, he can only eat all kinds of plants, and plants containing energy taste better than ordinary plants...

Before he knew it, his strength increased.

It was at this time that Xiangtian found him.

Xiangtian couldn't hold it anymore and was about to die.

Xiangtian first begged him repeatedly, weeping bitterly, and then realized that he was unwilling to help, so he touched him, wanting to get his crystal core-Xiangtian felt that the reason why he was special was entirely because of him. The nuclei are special.

Xiangtian looked down on him, and finally died in his hands, and Xiangtian's crystal nucleus was also absorbed by him. He became the Beastmaster in one fell swoop, and at the same time fell into madness, and killed a dinosaur who wanted to pick up a cheap Beastmaster-level...

After he woke up, he found that there were people around him, and immediately absorbed the crystal nucleus left by the beastmaster-level dinosaur.

At that time, he wanted to recover his strength and escape, but the energy in his body was too abundant, which made him faint, and was finally caught by the people of the Beast Temple - Xiangtian found him, and the place where he attacked him was not far from the Beast Temple.

The people in the Beast Temple locked him in the cave behind the temple, which is where he is now. Of course, he didn't want to stay here all the time, so he found an opportunity and got out.

He made a lot of noise at that time, and even the whole mountain was destroyed by him.

He thought he would be wanted by the beast temple, but he didn't expect the fact to be the opposite - the people in the beast temple didn't wait for him to run away, just after seeing his beast shape from small to big, they all knelt down and called him beast god .

He became a beast god so inexplicably.

Being a beast god has many advantages.

When he was wandering alone, although he could eat as much of various plants as he wanted, he was satisfied, but because he could not hunt, he had no meat to eat.

But being a beast god is different!

Since he became a beast god, some people have provided him with various kinds of meat every day.

Zhou Ji is very satisfied with the food in the Beast Temple. He has lived here every year, and only occasionally goes out to go shopping to see if he can find any edible plants.

It's just this way... He must be getting more and more boring.

After all, day after day, the days he lived were the same.

The sun rose slowly from the east, the door of the courtyard wall of the temple where he lived was opened, and someone came in.

That person is no stranger to Zhou Ji. She is the daughter of the current high priest of the Beast Temple, a little girl Li Xin who is only fourteen years old. Her animal shape is a beaver.

He was impatient to deal with adults with complicated minds, and just a few years ago he appointed this little girl to bring him food.

This little girl is mild-mannered and never talks too much when giving him food. If she can keep it up, Zhou Ji intends to keep her in this job.

After Li Xin entered the yard, he put the basket in his hand at the entrance of the yard, and then quickly backed out.

Zhou Ji was very satisfied with her behavior. At the same time, using her supernatural power, a long vine stretched out and quickly brought the basket back from the door.

In the basket was some cleaned meat, Zhou Ji looked at it, and then walked to his yard.

Although it is early spring, the plants in this yard are already extremely lush, and some fruits that should have matured in a few months are now covered with branches.

Zhou Ji strolled around and chose some vegetables to take back according to his own preferences.

Where he lives, in the largest room facing south, there is a statue of a god, and the place where he usually sleeps is the second floor of this room.

There are also some smaller rooms on the left and right sides and the back of this room, some are empty, and some are used by him. For example, the room on the left side of the temple is the kitchen.

There were several stoves lined up in the kitchen, and on each stove was a clay pot.

Zhou Ji cleaned the pottery pot, put water in it, and started cooking.

He has been cooking for nearly 30 years, and his craft has been practiced, but after finishing it, Zhou Ji still feels that there is no taste to it.

After eating, Zhou Ji went back to her room and lay down. This time, she lay idle until evening.

When night fell, someone knocked on his courtyard door again, and it was the high priest of the Beast Temple.

"Come in." Zhou Ji sent his voice out.

Then the high priest opened the door and stepped in.

After entering, seeing the scene in the courtyard, the high priest's eyes were full of reverence and fanaticism. He slowly passed through the courtyard, and finally knelt in front of Zhou Ji: "Your Majesty the Beast God, I have something to report."

"What's the matter?" Zhou Ji asked.

"Your Majesty, there are two new beast kings coming to the Beast Temple." The high priest said.

"Oh?" Zhou Ji was indifferent: "Who is it?"

"One of them is called Shi Li and the other is called Xiong Ye. They are the patriarch and his partner of the Big Bear tribe," the high priest said.

Zhou Ji is no stranger to these two names.

After all, when he first came to this world, he appeared in the big bear tribe. If Kumano ate a piece of meat for him at that time, he might have starved to death...

Zhou Ji said: "I know these two people, they are from the wild forest... Take care of them more."

The high priest respectfully said, "Yes, Your Majesty."

The high priest soon left, and when he heard the names of Xiong Ye and Shi Li, Zhou Ji remembered something from the past.

The Big Bear Tribe is a small tribe, but the atmosphere of the whole tribe is still good. Although he was kicked out of the cave at that time, and many things left by the original owner's mother were stolen by the children of the tribe, he did not care much about this tribe. malice.

At least he didn't seem to be able to do anything at the time, but the tribe still didn't drive him away.

As for those kids who stole his hides or something... But a few years old shivered at night, took his hides and wrapped them up to sleep... He couldn't blame him.

These are all cute pups.

And when he left the Big Bear Tribe, it was only because life in the Big Bear Tribe was really inconvenient and he lacked too many things.

But he didn't expect that the big bear tribe was wiped out.

After he became a beast god, he went to the wild forest, only to find out that the big bear tribe no longer existed. The mountain wolf tribe with the senior chief warrior was destroyed by the mountain wolf tribe.

Zhou Ji was quite embarrassed at the time, but after another two years, when he accidentally saw the people of the big bear tribe who lived a hard life, he helped.

He had a good impression of Kumano, so he covered his face, took Kumano out in the middle of the night, and taught Kumano a set of exercises.

Kumano was very grateful to him, and at the same time made a request to him, hoping that Shi Li could also practice this technique.

He agreed, but he didn't like that Shi Li, so he simply engraved the exercise in a cave, let Kumano teach it himself, and made it impossible for Kumano to tell others about the exercise.

Kumano agreed.

After that, he didn't care about the two of them. He didn't expect them to become the Beastmaster together now.

In the end, it was someone he knew before, so Zhou Ji also instructed one more thing, let the people in the temple of beasts take care of them - both Kumano and Shili have no background, and he was worried that these two people would be wronged.

After Zhou Ji gave an order, he let it go.

The high priest reverently withdrew, while he got up to eat something, and went back to his bedroom, ready to sleep.

After coming to this world, his sleep quality has not been very good.

The last ten years have had too much influence on him. In addition to being unable to control the killing, his usual mental state is also wrong.

This night, Zhou Ji began to dream as usual.

But this time, the dream was a little different. In the dream, there were no swords, lights, swords and shadows, and there was no killing.

This dream is very wonderful. As a bystander, he saw another him, and he also saw a life that was different from his.

And the reason for all of this is that Shi Li suddenly changed and was unwilling to become a partner with Kumano.

In his memory, Shi Li and Kumano have always been a happy couple.

Kumano treats Shi Li very well and is very attentive, and Shi Li will also give Kumano some surprises. Although in his opinion, Kumano paid more, but the two people who love each other should not care about these.

But in his dream, the lion turned violent, greasy and annoying.

Then, Kumano accidentally helped Zhou Ji in the dream, and Zhou Ji in the dream also paid more attention to Kumano.

In the end, when he was driven out of the cave in the dream, Kumano actually invited him in the dream to live with him.

His life in the dream was much better than he was back then!

He has a clean cave to live in, prepare food for Kumano, and Kumano will catch fish for him to eat... At that time, there was no fish or meat to eat!

Zhou Ji was inexplicably jealous of himself in the dream.

At that time, why didn't he meet Shi Li's stupidity

No, this Shi Li is not necessarily stupid... Zhou Ji found out that this person seems to be looking down on the people of the Big Bear tribe