Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 174: 175 | Parallel Worlds (6)


Huyue drove the people away, and went back to Kumano's room, saying angrily: "Kumano, I have reminded you a long time ago, that Shi Li is not a good thing."

"Tiger Moon..." Kumano sighed: "He is the beast king after all, you should not say these words in the future." He knew that Shi Li was not kind, but some things, he was willing , Also  is not good to say Shi Li.

Hu Yue didn't say a word, but he clearly heard it.

The people of the Big Bear tribe hope that Kumano can stay, but one by one, they are all worried when they watch  Kumano, and they all hesitate to persuade Kumano not to be sad...

Kumano was obviously not used to their attitude, and did not agree to stay in the end, he said that he had something to do,  quickly left with Zhou Ji.

The two returned to the residence that the Beast Temple had arranged for Kumano, and at this time, the Beast Temple had just delivered the ingredients for the evening.

It was getting late, and Zhou Ji didn't cook too complicated dishes this time, but roasted the meat directly. Of course, he put a lot of seasonings when he roasted the meat.

Kumano has eaten a lot of grilled meat since he was a child, but this time he ate it was definitely the best grilled meat he had ever eaten.

His heart, all is well: "Zhou Ji, thank you."

"No thanks." Zhou Ji said, showing some embarrassment.

Upon seeing this, Kumano asked, "Is there something?"

"Kumano, can I live here?" Zhou Ji asked, with some doubts: "I see that this  has extra houses... My house in the Temple of the Beast is a little broken... Well, I can take care of you. "

Kumano was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Yes."

"Thank you." Zhou Ji said, his heart was a little unbalanced. Zhou Ji in his dream did nothing, and Kumano took the initiative to invite him to live in his cave. What about him? He has already made several meals for Kumano, and he has to take the initiative to ask him to live with Kumano. It's not a room!

Although the heart is a little sour, Zhou Ji quickly moved her things to Kumano, and started the cohabitation with Kumano.

At the same time, Yang Su finally found Shi Li.

After being dropped by Huyue like that, Yangsu was not seriously injured, but his body was still sore. When he went to look for Shili, he even looked like he was limping.

"Brother..." Seeing Shi Li, Yang Su, a man in his forties, burst into tears.

"What's wrong?" Shi Li asked with concern, he had always been very concerned about his only remaining relative.

"Brother, that Tiger Moon beat me and kicked me out, he even kicked you out!" Yang Su complained.

"What's going on?" Shi Li asked.

"It's that Huyue, he said that you and I are no longer from the Big Bear tribe, and she still beats me!" Yang Su said: "Kumano is obviously here, and he won't help me..."

"What?" Shi Li suddenly became angry: "Why is she?"

Yang Su said: "She said that Xiongye wants to dissolve your partnership with you, and said that she will expel you from the Big Bear tribe! Why? Brother Ming, you are the patriarch of the Big Bear tribe!"

When Yangsu said the first sentence, Shi Li was still a little guilty, but when Yangsu said the latter sentence, he became angry again. He is the patriarch of the Big Bear tribe, and Huyue kicked him out of the tribe, which makes no sense. of!

Tiger moon why

Yang Su said again: "Brother, Huyue is too arrogant, and Kumano doesn't take you seriously at all..."

Shi Li got more and #xeb20 angry the more he listened.

He has done so many things for the Big Bear Tribe over the years, is this how the people of the Big Bear Tribe treat him

Huyue didn't take him seriously all the time, and now he has to drive away the patriarch. As for Kumano, don't care about watching.

After deciding to terminate the partnership with Kumano, Shi Li had always felt guilty about Kumano, but now, that guilt disappeared.

He should have separated from Kumano sooner! Otherwise, the big bear tribe will be cheap!

"Brother, you must help me!" She said quickly.

"I know, I'll talk about this later." Shi Li said. Now go to Kumano immediately, what should I do if Kumano refuses to terminate the partnership

"Brother, that Kumano doesn't have anything good, and he can't have children, so you can break up with him!" Yang Su immediately followed .

"I will terminate the partnership with him." Shi Li said decisively.

Yangsu looked like he didn't want to let Shi Li break up with Kumano immediately, but Shi Li said this, he was stunned.

"You were kicked out and have no place to live for now? Come with me." Shi Li said again, he has met a lot of people recently, and finding a place for Yangsu couldn't be easier.

Sheep quickly followed up.

In the next few days, there were rumors that Shi Li wanted to separate from Kumano near the Temple of Beasts.

Hearing this news, the people of all tribes were all sighed - they thought that the two beastmasters were actually partners, which was enviable, but in a blink of an eye, they were about to be separated...

No This is quite normal, these two beastmasters are both men, and they can't have children together, it's not right!

Everyone felt that  was normal, and they didn't dare to talk about the Beastmaster, so that this matter subsided after a few days of chatting quietly, and then it was time to curry favor with Lion Li, continue to curry favor with Lion Li, and want to please the Big Bear tribe, Then continue to please the people of the Big Bear tribe.

In fact, there are still people who want to contact Kumano, but unfortunately no one can find Kumano!

Of course, apart from that, whether it's the Lion Li or the Big Bear tribe, they all have a good impression of the Beast Temple, and they all feel that the Beast Temple attaches great importance to itself.

Shi Li thinks this way because since he came to the Temple of the Beast, the people in the Temple of the Beast must have been passionate about him. These days, they have come to care about his work and sent him someone to serve. ... Lion Lijue, in terms of the Beast Temple, you must value yourself!

I think so too, a young Beastmaster like himself is rare! When he uses that cultivation method to cultivate some strong people... He will definitely become the most powerful beast king in the future!

As for the people of the Big Bear Tribe, they thinkThe Beast Temple values themselves because... Recently, there are several highly respected priests from the Beast Temple, who come to the Big Bear tribe every day and ask them about Kumano.

That's okay, these priests are still very respectful to Kumano.

The people of the Big Bear Tribe didn't even think about it, so they touted Kumano: "Kumano became the Beastmaster entirely on his own, but Shili is different, he can become the Beastmaster, all relying on Kuangye to hunt all kinds of crystal cores for him. use!"

"Kumano is actually much more powerful than Lion!"

"I can survive because of Kumano."

The priests from the Beast Temple who came to inquire about the news after learning that the Beast King was "pursuing" Kumano: I didn't expect such an inside story!

They used to think it was a bit strange that His Majesty the Beast God liked Kumano, but now it's not strange at all to hear what the people of the Big Bear tribe said.

Kumano,  is pretty good.

It's the pursuit method of the beast god, isn't it a bit wrong? As a crown prince, tell Kumano his identity directly, and he will definitely be able to give Kumano a hug. Why pretend to be a little pitiful and follow Kumano to make food for Kumano? !

On the floors of the Beast Temple, under the leadership of the High Priest, one by one looked at the place where the High Priest used to live without tears.

Their aloof beast gods suddenly seemed to have changed into a human being.

No matter what everyone thinks, the Beast God Festival will come soon.

In the past, every time the beast god sacrifice, the high priest asked three times and four times, Zhou Ji was unwilling to participate, but this time, he took the initiative to participate.

After all, today is the day when Kumano and Shi Li get divorced!

Zhou Ji stood with the people from the Big Bear tribe to watch the fun.

High Priest: "..." He sang the Beast God on stage, and the Beast God watched  from the audience, and even knelt down with ... Although the Beast God should not really kneel, but squat , but he still felt his legs were so soft! Can't stand still!