Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 175: 176 | Parallel Worlds (7)


On the morning of the Beast God Sacrifice, a grand sacrifice is to be held, and the sacrifice has always been presided over by the high priest.

The current high priest of the Beast Temple has been the high priest for more than ten years, and he has presided over this kind of sacrifice more than a dozen times, but not once has he been so uncomfortable.

If it weren't for the hymn to be sung during the sacrifice, he had already memorized it by heart, and he felt that he would have forgotten the words.

In the end, only halfway through the ceremony, the high priest was already sweating profusely, but even so, he still presided over with a hoarse voice - the beast god is watching, he must perform well!

The high priest was like this, and so were the other priests who were not too young. People who were usually soft-spoken, shouted with all their strength, blushed and tried their best to express themselves.

As a result... this sacrifice is extraordinarily lively, and the atmosphere is extremely warm.

The feeling of the beast kings closest to the sacrifice is even more obvious: "This year's beast god sacrifice, the atmosphere is really warm!"

"The priests are very hardworking."

"It makes my blood boil!"

What are you talking about, except for Shili Xiongye and two elderly Beastmasters.

It was the first time for Kumano and Shi Li to participate in the Beast God Festival.

They have seen Zhou Ji's strength, and now they see Zhou Ji mixed in the big bear tribe... The two aged beastmasters are sitting on pins and needles, as uncomfortable as the high priest.

But they are always better than the high priest... These two beast kings have some sympathy for the high priest who is working hard on the stage.

Kumano didn't know anything, he just felt that the arrangement of the Beast Temple was really considerate - his and Shi Li's seats were separated by a long distance, not only that, he also sat on the left and right sides and ate together with the two of them. Rice's aged Beastmaster.

The two beastmasters were very friendly to him, and they started chatting as soon as they sat down, and it was quite a pleasant chat - every time he didn't know what to say, the two beastmasters always found new topics and talked with him. .

Kumano was very satisfied with this, Shi Li felt dissatisfied when he saw that Kumano didn't even look at himself, and felt sympathy for Kumano.

Most of the Beastmasters on the side of the Beast God Temple are already familiar with them and have a very good relationship with them. Now there is a large group of people accompanying him, what about Kumano? There are only two old Beastmasters who have been useless for a long time.

Shi Li thought it was simple, but he didn't know that the beastmasters who were chatting with him were actually beating drums in their hearts.

They had been in contact with Shi Li, and they felt that they could get along very well, and they didn't like the bear and beast king who didn't even know he wanted to visit them, but now...

They have never paid much attention to their Ape Beast King and Bull Beast King, why are they so enthusiastic about that Kumano

If it weren't for the Beast God Festival being held at the moment, those Beast Kings would have thought of asking Kumano.

A long time ago, after the beast god sacrifice in the morning, the afternoon sacrifice was started directly, but twenty years ago, the rules were changed, and there was a meal at noon.

Close to Zhou Si.

Zhou Ji eats three meals a day, and everyone in the temple of the beast eats three meals a day.

Of course, they only eat casually at noon, and generally do not eat large pieces of barbecued meat.

At the end of the morning sacrifice, the people from the Beast Temple immediately brought delicious food to the Beastmasters.

The food includes stir-fried and cold vegetables, delicious fruit, and marinated meat, all of which are very delicious.

Of course, for others, for Kumano, things are very ordinary.

The food Zhou Ji cooked for him is much better than the food!

But even so, he ate his food cleanly—he was used to not wasting it.

Just after eating, Kumano saw Shi Li coming.

Shi Li saw that Xiongye had eaten the food cleanly, and disdain: "Xiongan, are you not full in the morning?"

"Are you?" asked Xiong Ye. He has been with Shi Li for a long time. Knowing that Shi Li loves face, he can also guess what Shi Li is thinking.

However, he was used to not arguing with Shi Li. I didn't argue before because it would hurt my feelings, but now I don't argue because it's unnecessary.

"It's nothing, just come and ask... Would you like to sit with me and get to know the beastmasters?" Shi Li asked.

Xiong Ye shook his head: "No need." He knew those Beastmasters, so he didn't need to meet them again. As for making friends with them... He didn't need to befriend those Beastmasters under Shi Li's recommendation.

Shi Li was rejected by Kumano, and felt that his kindness was thrown to the ground by Kumano.

After his and Kumano's strength became stronger, he wanted to find a strong man to rely on, but Kumano couldn't see his behavior, and he didn't agree with him. He had to try it himself. No one took him seriously, and he was ridiculed...

But now that he has become the Beastmaster, others can't even think about ridiculing him, and he even taught the people who looked down on him back then.

If the man wasn't a high-level beast warrior or a tribal patriarch, he would have killed people.

Shi Li thought about it for a long time and left with dissatisfaction. Kumano knew that he must be thinking nonsense again, but he didn't know that Shi Li still remembered the love from 20 years ago.

At that time, he and Shi Li had just become intermediate-level beast warriors. According to his idea, he wanted to find a place with few people and settle down with the people in the tribe. However, Shi Li wanted to join the big tribe, and even felt that his The strength is so strong and the potential is so great, the big tribe should pay attention to him and give him good benefits.

Kumano felt that Shi Li was thinking too much.

If they are willing to give favors to the big tribes and rely on those big tribes, those big tribes will definitely be willing to accept them, but in turn, they will ask for benefits from others...

If he was the patriarch of the big tribe, he was not willing to give any favors.

Sure enough, in the end, Shi Li returned without success.

"That Shi Li has a bad temperament, you have to pay more attention in the future." Niu Beast King reminded Xiong Ye.

She is a veteran Beastmaster, and her children are still very promising. Although none of her children are Beastmasters, but there are several high-level Beast Warriors, even if she is gone, they can live well, so she has never tried to please those young Beastmasters. It wasn't until Zhou Ji treated Kumano in a different way that he paid attention to Kumano and Shi Li.

She disapproved of Kumano's concept, but she couldn't deny that Kumano people were good.

In contrast, it was Shi Li's behavior to curry favor with the younger Beastmasters, and he didn't care about such an old Beastmaster as hers, which made her look down on her.

Kumano smiled bitterly, just as he was about to say something, the high priest came: "Kumano, Shi Li, come with me, I will take you to the Beast Temple to hold a ceremony to dissolve the partnership."

Shi Li immediately stood up, and when he saw Xiong Ye looking over, he felt a little guilty, but Xiong Ye was very calm.

Under the leadership of the priest, they soon came to the Temple of the Beast.

The ritual of breaking up a partnership is the same as the ritual of becoming a partner, except that the priest's question is different.

In the hearts of Kumano and Shi Li, 7'er had been under pressure for a long time, but in the end, the solution was faster than ever.

"The beast god is above, from today onwards, you will be single again and have no partner." The high priest said, boasting a few words to himself in secret.

Originally, it had to be done in the afternoon, but when he saw Shi Li going to talk to Xiong Ye, he simply brought the matter up to avoid a long dream.

Now, what the Beast God asked him to do has finally been done!

The high priest looked at Shi Li with deep eyes.

Shi Li was read by the high priest and thought about two stories.

The high priest valued him very much, but he didn't say anything to him or make any demands... Wait, the high priest seems to be very happy that he and Kumano dissolve their partnership. Could it be that the high priest... just like everyone else, wants to introduce his daughter to him

The high priest's daughter was beautiful, just a little younger... but he didn't mind waiting another two years.

When Shi Li was thinking about it, Kumano felt inexplicably relaxed after losing.

But he didn't relax for a long time, because that night, Hu Yue wanted to give Xiong An to him, wanted Xiong An to be his partner, and said that Xiong An was more reliable than Shi.

Kumano: He always treated Xiong An, who was born after they came to the Orc Continent, as his own child!

However, it was not just Tiger Moon who recommended Kumano.

The next day, many tribes sent people over to Kumano, and even those tribes who had a good relationship with Shili sent people over.

Kumano: "..." The person who was sent can be his child! He's really not interested!

Zhou Ji: "..." Seeing that there were so many people around Kumano, he was suddenly a little upset!