Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 176: 177 | Parallel Worlds (8)


Kumano made up and decided to break up with Shi Li, but at all, thought about looking for.

He is not like Shi Li, he never pays attention to physiological needs.

Why  are looking for  for things that can be solved by themselves

Compared with  looking for  to solve physical problems, he hopes that he can have a partner that  can talk to and accompany .

Of course, this partner has to be a  male... As early as , Kumano  discovered this point, but after a long time, he  realized that he was Like male.

When he was young, he only had Shi Li by his side, naturally he had a deep-rooted affection for Shi Li, but since then, all kinds of things have worn away Shi Li's feelings for him, Shi Li is getting worse and worse for him, and he has feelings for Shi Li. Feelings,  slowly faded.

This time Shi Li is going to be separated, he is a little uncomfortable, but  is too uncomfortable, just in a short time, it is impossible for him to accept , and it is even more impossible to accept that he is a few decades younger than him The .

Now there is  "selling" him  who is 20 or 30 years younger than him…

Looking at the  sent by the , Kumano said directly: "I don't need the  by my side. You can go back if you want to go back. If you don't want to go back, you can join the big bear tribe. Of course, the tribe does not You will be treated favorably.”

These are very young, such as they don't think about themselves... Kumano is very happy let them join the tribe.

The  sent by , basically chose to go back when their tribal status was relatively high or had a good life, but those with relatively low status chose to join the Big Bear tribe.

Time, the big bear tribe is a lot more.

When Zhou Ji saw thisscene, she finally felt comfortablepoints.

After arranging this , Kumano said, "I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

He said that he was about to leave, took a few steps, then stopped again, then looked at Xiong An: "Xiong An, I see you as my child."

Kumano is very clear that Xiong An only had feelings of respect and admiration for himself before, but if  Huyue said too much, maybe he will have the idea of ,  he does not want to see this situation, That being the case, it's better to make it clear sooner.

"Patriarch, I've grown up! I  can do a good job of your love." Xiong Andao, he  has always admired Kumano,  really wants it I started with Kumano in , even if it's not a partner, it's love!

"I'm old." Kumano said, "You're still young, live your life well, find  your favorite from  onwards."

Xiong Anxia knew the truth: "Yes! Patriarch!" After he finished speaking, he looked annoyed again.

Kumano smiled,  had a stay and left immediately— is still a  child!

Seeing this, Zhou Ji hurriedly followed, and said to Kumano: "Kumano, you are not old." To be the king of beasts , let's not say that  can have a life of more than a hundred years, but Kumano is actually not old.

"Thank you." Kumano laughed.

Kumano and Zhou Ji returned to the residence given to them by the high priest.

This place is very quiet, and the surrounding area is still the site of the Beast Temple, which can avoid a lot of harassment.

When he arrived at the residence, Zhou Ji cooked a lot of delicious food as usual.

He made this  to eat, not only for Kumano, but for himself .

He used to cook food only by himself . He always felt the taste of . Now that there is more Kumano, the food of  tastes much better.

Of course, he would be keen  cooking, and there is another  reason, that is, when he was dreaming, he saw Zhou Ji in his dream cooking a lot of delicious food.

He was very greedy when he dreamed of it, and now that he is free, of course I have to  to eat!

Kumano was happy again times when he ate delicious food.

Kumano rejected all the  that  gave him, but Shi Li was not.

The day he broke up with Kumano was the day of the beast god sacrifice, he did everything , but the next day, he accepted male�male& from  #xef16 Young Beast .

This  beast has just come of age, looks very good-looking, well maintained, and definitely surpasses Kumano... Shi Li has been so excited for a long time!

He made out with this  night and was refreshed the next day.

Then, he made a lot of  attempts, men and women were fat and thin, and he fell asleep.

In the Beast continent, this aspect is very open, and the strong are respected... When Shi Li revealed his own preferences, countless former servants rushed to him. .

The Beast God Festival is over, the  small tribe left soon, but the  and  of the  big tribe left immediately because they had to exchange food with the Beast God Temple Seeds, and learn the planting method of this  plant from the Temple of the Beast.

Now, the love affair of the lion and beast king immediately spread in this.

The Big Bear Tribe is a small tribe of , although they now have a large area of , and more  to depend on, but the  planting knowledge and the like, the Big Bear tribe It's  who doesn't know it, but Kumano learned from Zhou Ji how important this  is... The  of the Big Bear Tribe naturally stayed to learn.

 was so delayed by , they heard all kinds of rumors about the  lion and beast king of course.

 Yes, when Kumano went back, he stopped by  Tiger Moon again: "Kumano, do you know about Shi Li?"

"What's the matter?" Kumano asked. After the breakup, he had paid attention to Shi Li. Recently, the Temple of the Beast suddenly sent him a crystal nucleus, and he began to indulge in cultivation.

He likes to practice.

"Although telling you may make you sad, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain..." Huyue looked at Kumano: "Shi Li has been spoiled a lot recently."

"Oh..." Kumano was stunned, he really thought that Shi Li was so quick, so he looked for, but thinking carefully, and was nothing.

Shi Li has had such an idea for a long time, hasn't he

"Kumano, Shi Li is doing  like this"#xe0b0, the outside  will think you are  Shi Li abandoned you... Even if you don't find a partner for a while,  can try & #xe415." Hu Yue said: "Several  tribes sent  over!"

Many tribes sent  to Shili at the same time as they also sent to Kumano. The most  of the Big Bear tribe is actually, which has increased by dozens.

"I don't need it." Kumano said.

Huyue said: "But the lion is fierce..."

"My life, with him, I just want to live a good life by myself." Kumano said.

Tiger Moon sees Kumano very insistent, in the end  has to persuade again.

But at dinner that night, Zhou Ji asked, "Patriarch, why don't you want that?" In his dream, Kumano and Shi Li broke up, and soon they were with Zhou Ji. It started at , but the reality is obviously different .

Kumano is easy-going and has a good relationship with Zhou Ji recently. Naturally  would like to talk to Zhou Ji: "I don't want to just find , I really want to do this, I'm talking to that dinosaur , what's the area?"

Zhou Ji was stunned and asked again: "The patriarch, what kind of  are you looking for?"

Kumano thought for a while, and  said: "I want to find  who  will live with me ."

Zhou Ji thought that Kumano would say that he didn't want to look for it and so on. After all, not long ago, Kumano rejected a lot of, but Kumano did.

Kumano is not too young,  seems to have experienced a lot of ups and downs, but at this moment, there is hope in his eyes, and he looks so innocent.

Zhou Ji's heart  moved.

When he came to this  world, he never thought of looking for a partner, because he found that the  in this  place are very pragmatic—if the problem of food and clothing cannot be solved, who can Will you talk about feelings

But he just wanted to have a relationship with .

This  night, Zhou Ji slept on Kumano's side as usual.

He was dreaming again.

In the dream, Kumano practiced with a black crystal nucleus, and the animal shape can become larger and smaller, and Zhou Ji in the dream made him smaller and molested him.

Allଊ lot of age, still so tired, really shameless!

 is the envy of .

When Zhou Ji woke up, it was still very early and it was still dark.

He was a little jealous when he thought of the self in his dreams, at his age of 16, he had been to many places, eaten a lot of delicious food, and was accompanied by love.

Fortunately, he has his Kumano.

His Kumano? Zhou Ji chuckled .

When he started, he just had a good impression of Kumano, but nowhave been with Kumano for a while, but he appreciates Kumano more and more.

Kumano wants  to live , he  wants.

In this case... He should take the initiative handsYes!

Thinking of this, Zhou Ji secretly sighed .

The Zhou Ji in his dream was actively pursued by  Kumano, but now he is afraid that  has such a good thing.

Now Kumano is a lot more stable, and he just broke up again. Ken won't think about pursuing him, saying no won't like him... It's better for him to take the initiative.

In fact, he has already taken  a very good step , the next pursuit should not be difficult

Zhou Ji secretly went back to the temple and brought back a lot of food.

Today's Kumano and the Kumano in his dreams are different in many places, but there are many places in  that are the same. For example, they like to eat sweets.

Zhou Ji went back this time to get the candy he had saved.

He has already found wheat, and even after countless experiments, he has cultivated  yeast and learned to make steamed buns.

He plans to make  steamed buns for Kumano to eat, such as bean paste buns, red bean paste with a lot of sugar and stuffing made of animal oil.It is absolutely delicious when you bite into it.

Of course, in addition to bean paste buns, meat buns & #xefad are to be made, Kumano likes to eat meat.

As soon as Zhou Ji started doing it, Xiong Ye came and looked a little dumbfounded: "Zhou Ji, what is this?"

"This is a steamed bun." Zhou Ji said: "This is the unique food of the Beast God Temple. You  have eaten it." Apart from the steamed bun, he also  has eaten it ,  of the Temple of the Beast learned to make bread from him only.

"I have eaten it... Will this thing be too troublesome to make? I can just eat it." Kumano was surprised when he saw Zhou Ji happily making buns.

Zhou Ji is really not afraid of trouble, and even willing  to make such complicated food.

"No trouble, the buns actually have to be done in the afternoon." Zhou Ji said: "In the morning, I'll make you some."

Zhou Ji said and started making dumplings.

He wanted to make steamed buns, but ,  realized that it would take a long time to make buns, so they made some dumplings first.

There is a lot of meat wrapped in the thin dough,the mouth is full of fragrance... Kumano, killed more than a hundred dumplings.

The dumplings made by Zhou Ji,  are still very big!

"Is it delicious?" Zhou Ji asked.

"It's delicious, everything you make is delicious," Kumano said seriously.

"Then do you want to live with me?" Zhou Ji asked: "If you promise, I can cook for you for the rest of your life."

Kumano looked at Zhou Ji in surprise.

Zhou Ji did not hide it and said, "Kumano, I like you very much, and I want to be your partner."

Zhou Ji's expression is very serious, and her eyes are particularly focused... Kumano sighed: "I don't want to look for it yet."

" relationship, I can wait." Zhou Ji said: "Kumano, this  I have been single, and I have found  from . I can farm and know a lot about planting. I also cook, and the food I cook is delicious. I still like you very much... You should think about it ."

Now that everything has been confessed, Zhou Ji naturally said all of his advantages.

Kumano was embarrassed to see him like this.

In this  year, , who had thrown herself into her arms, he had met a lot, but if he confessed to him in such a serious way, he had really met.#xe011.

Such as  is what  gave him , Kumano will not be in , but this is what Zhou Ji said.

Kumano suddenly thought that Zhou Ji had been very enthusiastic about him recently...

So, Zhou Ji really likes him

But it was too sudden.

Kumano's brows furrowed, worrying about how to respond,  At this moment, Zhou Ji suddenly came over and kissed on his face.

Kumano only felt something soft on his face,  numbness spread from his face to his whole body, and stood up thinking didn't want to.

This  Zhou Ji, how dare you be so bold