Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 177: 178 | Parallel Worlds (9)


"What are you doing?" Kumano fought fiercely, frowning even tighter.

"Kiss you." Zhou Ji said. He is not a frivolous person, but recently, in a dream, every day he sees Zhou Ji in his dream teasing Kumano in his dream,  accidentally did this.

This  saw Kumano's reaction,  felt that she could kiss more in the future...

"Don't do this  thing again in the future!" Kumano said: " has... You are going back to the tribe to live..."

"I'm not going back." Zhou Ji laughed: "And even if I go back, as long as I tell Hu Yue that I like you and want to pursue you, Hu Yue should also support me."

Kumano: "..." Zhou Ji is so 龜skin

"Xiono, you are the Beastmaster, I can't beat you, and I can't do anything to you at all... What does it matter if I stay?" Zhou Ji said: "Also, you are single now, and I am single, you It is necessary to reject my pursuit."

Kumano looked at Zhou Ji. Zhou Ji is 14 points older than himì, but well maintained, even if he is less than thirty years old, I am afraid some people believe that not onlythis, Zhou Ji is very good-looking.

Zhou Ji looked at him intently, which made him feel that Zhou Ji must like him very much.

If he has a partner, Zhou Ji definitely can't let Zhou Ji continue to follow him, but now hej has a partner... Kumano said: "You can stay, but don't do this kind of thing in the future already."

Kumano said, and left soon. Zhou Ji looked at his back, but wanted to laugh a little. Kumano was obviously a little uncomfortable... He could actually play with Kumano more in the future.

Kumano didn't know what Zhou Ji was thinking, he hurriedly returned to the room and subconsciously touched his face.

He had a rough life, bumping into people was a common thing, but this  being kissed was something that happened from .

Zhou Ji, why do you do such a thing

Kumano was very puzzled, but  thought about it for too long - he took out  crystal cores and started to practice.

The Beast Temple gave him a lot of crystal cores, and he must practice hard!

When Kumano was practicing, he noticed that Zhou Ji, who couldn't send out the dough time, went to the high priest.

The high priest is counting the nuclei and preparing to send these nuclei to Kumano.

This is the request of the beast god.

These crystal cores were originally collected by the people of the Beast Temple after  was divided into parts to those Beastmasters.

Ordinary orcs can't directly absorb the energy in these crystal cores, but when they are strong, they can absorb the  part of their energy, but they are very slow and, so these crystal cores also appear very precious.

But this year... This year, all the crystal cores received by the Beast Temple were sent to Kumano.

Just as the count was being counted, Zhou Ji silently appeared in front of the high priest.

"Your Majesty!" The high priest was a little excited when he saw Zhou Ji, and immediately knelt down.

But Zhou Ji stopped him: "Don't kneel... I'm here this time to find you something."

"What is your majesty looking for from me?" the high priest asked.

Zhou Ji said: "I'm here to tell you... I'm going to leave with the people of the Big Bear tribe."

High Priest: "..."

Zhou Ji really only said , and he left soon.

The high priest watched him leave, wanting to cry without tears, and then immediately began to find someone to discuss, and decided to teach more people from various tribessome knowledge about planting.

They must keep the people from the Big Bear tribe, preferably until next year's Beast God Festival.

Do the people of the Big Bear tribe know how to take good care of the Beast God? Can the people of the Big Bear tribe prepare him good food? Under the crown of the beast god, you must not go to the big bear tribe to suffer!

The high priest acted immediately.

At the same time of , Zhou Ji made a lot of steamed buns for Kumano, and  prepared soy milk.

He put a lot of sugar in the soy milk, sweets, things like Kumano in his dream, and Kumano now.

Zhou Ji made the buns, and Kumano came, and his face  didn't see any difference.

Zhou Ji smiled and brought soy milk to Kumano: "Kumano, this is soy milk, I put a lot of sugar, you can try it."

"Did you put sugar?" Kumano was a little surprised. He knew that sugar was very precious. When the Temple of Beasts  entertained them, they soaked them in sugar water, but then  had it for them.

"There is sugar in the ingredients delivered today." Zhou Ji said.

Kumano did smell the sweet smell of , and he felt a little strange that the people from the Temple of Strange Monsters gave him candy, but  drank soy milk.

That sweet taste immediately made him like.

Then, Zhou Ji suddenly took his hand and asked gently, "Do you like it?"

If it was on Earth, Zhou Ji suddenly did this to people, and everyone knew that they were being molested.

But Kumano didn't know.

In this place, everyone is very carefree, holding a small hand and kissing a small mouth. Few people do this  thing. After watching, they go straight.

Especially Kumano.

He met Shi Li when he was young,  started to get along with ordinary brothers , and later became partners and became more intimate, but at that time, the big bear tribe was very poor, and they were running around every day for food, so naturally it was impossible to have leisure time. Play what romance.

For Kumano, the most romantic thing was that Shi Li gave him delicious meat to eat.

Later, the big bear tribe was attacked by the giant tiger tribe, and they were displaced, and they talked about love even more. Later, Shi Li had other thoughts.

All in all, Kumano with , has never been "moped" this  experience.

But that didn't stop him from feeling weird... Kumano withdrew his hand without thinking, and frowned again times.

Seeing this, Zhou Ji naturally took a bun and stuffed it into his hand: "Try the buns I made."

Kumano subconsciously took the bun and took a bite.

In the next few days, Kumano always felt that something was wrong - Zhou Ji was very sticky to him...

Earlier than , , Zhou Ji picked  bunch of flowers and gave it to him.

"This is delicious?" Kumano asked, should this flower be edible? Otherwise, why did Zhou Ji send him flowers

Zhou Ji laughed: "This flower is not delicious, I gave it to you because it is beautiful."

Kumano: "..." What's the use of looking good

But there's no denying that he was happy.

 At noon, Zhou Ji cooked dishes for him.

This is a normal thing, but Zhou Ji sat next to him and wrapped various dishes in dough and handed him to eat...

Late, Zhou Ji came to his room with some ointments.

"What is this?" Kumano couldn't help asking.

"This is a medicine that is good for the body, I will rub it for you." Zhou Ji said.

"I do not need… "

"Try it, the effect of this medicine is really good." Zhou Ji said.

"I'm in good health, and what's wrong..."

"This ointment can make your body better." Zhou Ji insisted: "I'll wipe it for you."

"I'll do it myself."

"There are places you can't wipe."

Kumano doesn't know what's going on, only that he and Zhou Ji are getting closer and closer... Than  said, Zhou Ji  to his face every day, to him Back  rub the ointment.

He felt a little troublesome, but he couldn't deny that these ointments were very comfortable on the body.

These days, the people of the Big Bear Tribe have been learning all kinds of knowledge from the people of the Beast Temple, and Kumano is very concerned about these things, so naturally he/#xebf0 to take a look.

Then, everyone in the Big Bear tribe saw Zhou Ji's hospitality to Kumano.

Huyue stared at Zhou Ji days,  blocked, and even  talked to Zhou Ji, but after  days she silently sent those who wanted to give Kumano a hug stopped.

She even persuaded Kumano a few words: "Since Zhou Ji likes you, if you don't , you will be with Zhou Ji... He treats you much better than Shili treats you!"

Kumano  speak.

Hu Yue said again: "He is not too young, but he is good-looking. He is very weak, but he cooks deliciously. In fact, he is really good. I think you should find this ."

Huyue spoke to Kumano in private, but these words, Zhou Ji relied on mental power, and all arrived.

Although Kumano is not young, he is very simple in terms of love, and there are people like Huyue who help him, Zhou Ji feels that if he wants to catch up with Kumano, he is sure of everything.

Kumano's kindness to Zhou Ji is indeed increasing.

He is so big,  has been taken care of by this  from , naturally he likes Zhou Ji, not to mention Zhou Ji looks good,  heart likes it Own…

Zhou Jiwei's shortcoming is that she always likes to do strange things to him, so she always pulls his hand, and always kisses him.

Kumano always felt a little uncomfortable, but he didn't hate it.

Zhou Ji: "..." His Kumano was too simple, he didn't even know he was molested.

The  love between Kumano and Zhou Ji, the progress is very gratifying.

They can be said to be in love for a long time. As time goes by, the relationship between them is getting closer and closer, and at the same time, Kumano's complexion is getting better and better.

The ointment that Zhou Ji used for Kumano, which is good for the body, is really good for the body. It can not only remove scars, but also make the skin better.

Of course, no matter how good the ointment is, it can't make Kumano's skin look better than Zhou Ji, but it can still make him look younger.

So, when Kumano and Shi Li met unexpectedly at the Beast Temple, Shi Li was taken aback.

The people of the Big Bear tribe kept  straight to go to learn all kinds of knowledge about the Beast Temple, Shi Li  went straight, but it was because the  on the side of the Beast Temple was alive, too Makes people comfortable.

He  has his own clansman, and went to his own territory, maybe he can't live a this clothes to stretch out his hands, and food to open his mouth.

It's just... He thought that after Kumano separated from him,  was very sad, and even very haggard, but as a result... Kumano looked fat and looked okay

what is this

Shi Li was a little unhappy in his heart, and what made him even more unhappy was that he saw 14 young men approached Kumano and leaned against Kumano very intimately.

Shi Li was stunned for time.

Kumano... found someone else