Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 178: 179 | Parallel Worlds (10)


After he broke up with Kumano, Shi Li lived a life of hugging from left to right.

But he knows that Kumano doesn't like this.

Kumano is a bit stubborn, except for him, he neverlooks at others.

He has been with Kumano for so many years, and he has never seen Kumano interested in others.

Therefore, he always thought that Kumano should be very sad and haggard these days.

Just because he didn't dare to face this kind of Kumano, and because of his guilt, he has been hiding from the Big Bear tribe's people these days.,  Shi Yangsu told him a lot of bad things about the Big Bear tribe, and he never Do not answer.

He felt that he was sorry for Kumano, and since that was the case, he naturally had to give in.

But what does he see now? He actually saw that Kumano was so close to people!

Shi Li felt a sense of being deceived for a while.

"Brother, the person beside Xiongye is Zhou Ji!" At the beginning of Xiongye, Xiongye took him back to the Big Bear tribe. I said a few words, and Huyue kicked me out of the Big Bear tribe!" Yang Su said: "I went to find out, I heard that Tiger Moon  is matching him and Kumano!"

She gritted her teeth when she spoke.

Different from Shi Li, although Yang Su was a little lazy when he stayed in the Big Bear tribe, his love for the Big Bear tribe was actually very deep.

After all, that's where he's been since he was a kid.

But now he's been kicked out...

Yang Su said again: "Brother, why did you break up the partnership with Kumano? In the end, it was  that was appropriate, that Zhou Ji...  There is a big bear tribe, obviously you are the patriarch, you should go back... "He was looking forward to Shi Li's return to continue  the patriarch of the Great Bear tribe.

These words, Yang Su has been saying a lot these days,  The former Shi Li didn't listen to it, but this  child inevitably came to the heart.

He met Zhou Ji before, even because Zhou Ji and Kumano quarreled, Kumano agreed to terminate the partnership with him at that time, Kumano and this Shi Li, have they been together a long time ago?

Shi Li strode towards Kumano.

Kumano was pulled out by Zhou Ji to hang out.

Walking around, Zhou Ji went to pick some loquats and came back to give him something to eat.

"I don't, you can eat it yourself." Kumano refused, this loquat has a large core but not much meat, he is not interested.

Zhou Ji saw that Kumano refused, so he peeled a  by himself, and then put  to Kumano's mouth: "Try it, this loquat is delicious." He has eaten a very large loquat on earth, But the loquats here are not big, only the size of a quail egg, this  is fine, the core inside is very big, and eating is a bit sour... But the loquat he picked was his The xebca plant  ability has dealt with it, there is absolutely no problem with this , it must be delicious!

Kumano felt a little uncomfortable being fed like this, but  opened his mouth and ate the  loquat.

He had eaten this kind of fruit before,  was not delicious, but after eating it in his mouth... Kumano suddenly found that this loquat is very sweet, and the core is very small.

Zhou Ji can always bring him all kinds of delicious things.

Xiong Ye thought so, Zhou Ji fed him another one.

Kumano said: "Zhou Ji, eat it yourself, don't give it to me."

"I eat  every year, and I have eaten a lot for a long time." Zhou Ji smiled: "In a few days,  has plums, peaches, watermelons and so on, those  are delicious ."

"The food in the Beast Temple is really much better than the food elsewhere." Kumano couldn't help but said.

"After all, this is the Temple of the Beast." Zhou Ji said, looking at Shi Li as he spoke - he had already discovered Shi Li,  "heard" what Yangsu said to Shi Li.

He felt that Shi Li and Yang Su were a little shameless.

"Kumano!" Shi Li strode  to Kumano.

"Shi Li." Kumano looked up at Shi Li. He thought that when he saw Shi Li again, he should be  uncomfortable, but he didn't expect that  is not as good as , and now he is calm.

"Kumano, you look good." Shi Li said, looking at Zhou Ji with critical eyes.

Zhou Ji smiled at him.

Kumano said: "Really? Many people say that."

"Kumano, it's really good that you didn't feel sad because we broke up. I didn't dare to come to you because I was afraid that you would be unhappy." Shi Li said.

Hearing what Shi Li said, Kumano was a little displeased and frowned slightly.

Shi Li asked again: "Kumano, it's good that you can think about it, but you should be careful not to be deceived..."

"I know." Kumano interrupted Shi Li.

Shi Li was a little unhappy, and now he was interrupted by Kumano, even more unhappy, but said: "Although we have been separated, it has been so many years... We are always friends, right? Kumano, don't be so sharp when you face me."

Kumano: "..." He is not sharp.

Xiong Ye didn't understand what Shi Li wanted to do, so he simply said, "I have something to do and I have to leave first." He has no love for Shi Li now, but to be honest, he doesn't want to face it. Lion Li.

"Kumano, what are you doing in such a hurry? Are you guilty? When you and my brother were not separated, were you with this Zhou Ji? You betrayed my brother... " Sheep jumped out quickly.

Before Yang Su's voice could be heard, Kumano's energy pressed towards Yang Su.

Yangsu is always looking for trouble with him. In the past, he didn't care about Shi Li's face, but now he is not happy to be talked about by others.

"What are you doing!" Sheep shuddered and fell directly to the ground.

Kumano is very cold and shows no mercy to Yangsu... This kind of change made Shi Li a little unacceptable. He almost subconsciously released his energy and confronted Kumano: "Kumano, what are you doing crazy!"

Xiong Ye didn't flinch and looked at Shi Li with a frown: "Lion Beast King, you should take care of your brother and let him know what to say and what not to say."

Yang Su was at a loss for words at this time, Shi Li met Xiong Ye's eyes, but suddenly became angry.

Just now  was able to endure the lion's sternness, this  couldn't help it: "Kumano, you just protect this Zhou Ji like this, don't let others say a word to him?"

Kumano: "..." Yang Su was clearly framing him just now, what does it have to do with Zhou Ji

"Or, you were stabbed in your mind and became angry?" Shi Li said again.

"Lion Beast King, you came to trouble me because you want to fight with me?" Kumano asked.

"You want to fight with me?" Shi Li was even more angry: "Kumano, I really misunderstood you! We are not separated, so you just hook up with this  Zhou Ji, Turn your face and don't recognize anyone!"

Kumano: "…"

"Do you think he really likes you? It's just for your status and your strength!" Shi Li said again.

Kumano looked at Shi Li helplessly: "What are you trying to say? The people around you,  are all here for your status and strength."

Shi Li was stunned.

Zhou Ji couldn't help but laugh.

Zhou Ji roughly knew what Shi Li was thinking now.

As for Shi Li, who regards him as an upstart old man on earth, his behavior makes all sense.

This kind of man can cheat himself, but never  would like their wives cheating.

He came to see Kumano today and spoke yin and yang in a strange way. There was no doubt that he could not see Kumano having a good time.

Hearing Zhou Ji's laugh, Shi Li's expression turned cold, and he subconsciously increased his energy pressure,  was heading towards Zhou Ji.

Zhou Ji hid behind Xiong Ye, and Xiong Ye protected Zhou Ji: "Shi Li, what are you trying to do?"

"Lion Beast King! Stop it!" The high priest's "#xefe2 voice" sounded immediately, and after learning that the beast god and Kumano went out together, the high priest who came to meet by chance noticed that Shi Li wanted to be the beast god. When they started, they were all pissed off.

Hearing the high priest's  sound, Shi Li and Kumano stopped together.

The high priest said again: "Lion Beast King, how can you follow  to attack people!"

"It was Kumano who did it first!" Shi Li said.

"Then you shouldn't be right... against one ordinary person!" The high priest said again.

"It was Kumano who did it to my brother first." Shi said sharply.

The high priest was a little embarrassed. At this time, Zhou Ji said: "High priest, they stopped us. Shi Li's younger brother  made a rude remark to Kumano, so Kumano did it!"

Hearing the words, the high priest immediately looked at Shi Li: "Lion Beast King, what do you have to say?"

Shi Li's expression was extremely ugly.

The high priest was obviously on Kumano's side today, and was very rude to Shi Li, and this was a big blow to Shi Li, who felt that he was loved by the Beast Temple.

Fortunately, the high priest  didn't say much - he chatted with Kumano about things in the territory of the Big Bear Tribe, and then ignoredShi Li.

Seeing that Kumano and the high priest were so far away, Shi Li couldn't help clenching his teeth.

Xiong Ye didn't have as many ideas as Shi Li. The high priest asked him to talk, and he talked to the high priest about his thoughts on the future of the big bear tribe.

"You want your tribe to develop better, knowledge is very important, you should let the people in your tribe learn more knowledge..." The high priest fooled Kumano to stay.

Kumano was thoughtful.

In the next few days, Kumano's life will live as usual, and Shi Li's life will not be so good.

The high priest  sympathized with Shi Li before,  gave Shi Li some favors, but now, he doesn't give anything.

In addition... Many tribes have returned, and no one is holding Shi Li, which makes Shi Li very unaccustomed to.

It's Kumano... Beast Temple faces Kumano's attention, and everyone sees it.

All this made Shi Li extremely dissatisfied.

Yes,He accidentally saw Zhou Ji who was single, and immediately moved.

Zhou Ji, he should have died in the Hieroglyph Tribe... It's better to kill him!

Over the years, Shi Li has killed a lot of people, and now he wants to kill ordinary people... He has nothing to do with.