Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 180: 181|Parallel Worlds (End)


The person who came out of the plant, wasn't Zhou Ji

Kumano's mind was blank, and he couldn't think of anything for a while.

That giant elephant before, that powerful beast god, turned out to be... Really Zhou Ji

Like Kumano, Huyue stood motionless, looking at Zhou Ji with an incredible face.

She was very satisfied with Zhou Ji before, but she also felt that Zhou Ji should be weak... If he was not weak, why would he go around Kumano all day and cook for Kumano? At least she was impatient to do it.

Later, she didn't find out about Zhou Ji, and she was even more suspicious of Zhou Ji, thinking that Zhou Ji might have other plans for Kumano.

The result is now...

Zhou Ji turned out to be a beast god

"You must have done it on purpose..." Shi Li.

Zhou Ji's robe was intact because he took it off early, but the clothes inside him have been scrapped.

Now walking slowly, he always felt empty inside and a little uncomfortable.

No Seeing that many people around don't even wear neat clothes, he calmed down.

At this moment, he looked at Shi Li: "I can kill you if I just move my hand, where do I need to use conspiracy to kill you? It's you... This is the second time that you have attacked me for no reason. , The last time he just used coercion to press me, but this time he came up and killed me."

Zhou Ji didn't want to be wronged at all, just .

Everyone present believed it.

They all felt Zhou Ji's strength. It was really, really strong. If he wanted to kill Shi Li, it couldn't be easier.

Kumano changed his face even more.

Let's not talk about Zhou Ji's identity... Shi Li actually wanted to kill Zhou Ji

Zhou Ji is very strong, so there is nothing at all, but what if Zhou Ji is an ordinary person? Is it dead now

"Shi Li, you are really daring, and you actually attacked the beast gods several times!" The high priest was furious .

The high priest made it clear that he was on Zhou Ji's side, and Shi Li suddenly thought of what happened before.

The high priest hinted to him that the partnership would be dissolved and that they would be irrelevant in the future.

Zhou Ji was very close to Kumano when he was hesitant to terminate the partnership with Kumano.

As soon as he broke up with him, Zhou Ji and Kumano went in and out. On the contrary, the Beast Temple was more and more cold to him...

He always felt that he was a.

"You hurt me! You must have done it on purpose, you..." Shi Li glared at Zhou Ji.

A powerful energy pressed towards  him, and he couldn't say anything.

And the people who were friends with Shi Li were already stunned at this moment.

After Shi Li said those words, they guessed what Shi Li was thinking, the existence of Zhou Ji, they also heard Shi Li mention before... So Shi Li thinks that the beast god is interested in Xiong Ye, so he is targeting him

Shi Li can think too much, right

How can this be!

Obviously this Zhou Ji, no, when His Majesty the Beast God did not appear, Shi Li was already in the middle of the night, hanging around all day long!

Kumano knew Shi Li very well and guessed what Shi Li was thinking, and also thought that Shi Li was ridiculous.

After all, before Zhou Ji appeared, there was already a big conflict between them, but at that time, he thought that the two people who formed a partner could not be separated, so he never thought of marrying Lion Li broke up.

As for Zhou Ji's feelings for him...

At this moment, Kumano didn't want to think about it at all.

"Take the Lion King down." Zhou Ji. Shi Li likes to push his mistakes onto others, but at this stage, he doesn't want to get entangled with this person and keep talking.

Compared with arguing with Shi Li, it must be more important to talk to Kumano first and tell Kumano about his own situation.

Thinking like this, Zhou Ji walked to Kumano: "Kumano, can I talk to you?"

Kumano looked at  Zhou Ji and nodded.

He has a lot of questions now, and he wants to have a good chat with Zhou Ji.

"Let's go." Zhou Ji smiled and walked forward first.

Kumano followed.

"Your Majesty..." The high priest wanted to follow, but was pushed by a force and could no longer move forward. At the same time, he heard Zhou Ji's voice: "You stay here."

His Majesty the Beast God asked them to stay here, so they could only stay here.

The high priest watched Zhou Ji and Xiong Ye go away, and when Zhou Ji and Xiong Ye were no longer together, he turned his head and looked at the people beside him: "You guys quickly grab Shi Li."

When the senior beast warriors in the Beast Temple heard that they wanted to capture a beastmaster, was a little uneasy at first, but after looking at it again... Shi Li was already dazed.

They quickly tied up Shi Li and took him away.

-like, a few beastmasters who were friends with Shili walked towards the high priest, their expressions were very tangled, and their mood was even more tangled...

"The High Priest..."

"Is something wrong?" The high priest squinted at these people.

In the past, when these beast kings faced the high priest, although they had a good attitude, they would not be too respectful, but now... they no longer have the slightest arrogance: "The high priest, His Majesty the Beast God... He has been in the Beast God Temple. ?"

"Of course!" the high priest said.

"Shi Li said that he was from the Big Bear tribe, the son of the elephant beast king..." These people were even more tangled. The elephant beast king knew a little bit about the elephant beast king. How did you become a beast god

"Your Majesty the Beast God is just borrowing the body of the son of the Beast Lord to come to the world! Over the years, the seeds we gave you and the cultivation methods we taught you are all gifts from the Beast God! Your Majesty Improvements He learned how to make pottery, taught us how to make clothes with cotton, and taught us how to raise dinosaurs..." The high priest said excitedly  the feats of the beast god.

Those Beastmasters also heard more and more admiration.

Over the years, the change in the Temple of the Beast has indeed been huge. It turns out that... is it because of the Beast God? !

Those who came to see the fun in the Big Bear tribe didn't know what to say at this moment.

Zhou Ji... Is it really a beast god

As for Huyue... She has been listening to the high priest's words, and she is even more excited.

Since Zhou Ji is a beast god, it is impossible to approach Kumano because of Kumano's strength or status, so he is sincere towards Kumano!

This is really good!

Hu Yue was very happy for a while, but after she was happy, she suddenly thought of something - since Zhou Ji is a highly respected beast god, will he already have a lot of men and women? In that case...

Hu Yue gritted her teeth and finally asked: "High priest, is there a lot of people around you, the Beast God?"

The high priest took a deep look at Huyue, : "Your Majesty the Beast God is not accessible to ordinary people. He never lets us approach, and there is no one around to serve." He always felt that the gods are not allowed Blasphemy, the Beast God even despised mortals, and as a result... he was wrong.

The god of beasts actually took a fancy to Kumano.

The high priest secretly sighed, but Hu Yue was honored.

After Kumano and Shi Li separated, she actually wanted Kumano to find someone better than Shi Li.

But that is obviously impossible - Shi Li is already the beast king, and there should be no one better than Shi Li.

Because of this, she felt that Zhou Ji was fine too.

But what she didn't expect was that Zhou Ji was better than she imagined!

After Kumano and Beastmaster separated, they found a Beast God!

Those left by Zhou Ji and Kumano have different thoughts.

Kumano and Zhou Ji had already reached the mountain not far away at this time.

Zhou Ji: "I wanted to come here to pick mushrooms for you, but I was stopped by Shi Li on the way... Now the mushrooms have not been picked."

Kumano was a little dazed at first, but when he heard Zhou Ji's words, he returned : "Your Majesty..."

"You can call me Zhou Ji." Zhou Ji.

"How is this..." Kumano said subconsciously, all kinds of thoughts popped up in his mind.

On the one hand, he was excited after knowing that the person in front of him was the beast god he believed in since childhood. On the other hand, the bits and pieces of getting along with Zhou Ji these days made him want to ask questions.

In addition, he had some other emotions that were difficult to relieve for a while.

Zhou Ji is the beast god, and the big bear tribe was destroyed after he left. Is this the punishment of the beast god to them? Because they treated Zhou Ji badly

"I'm not actually a beast god." Zhou Ji.

Kumano looked at  Zhou Ji in shock - the high priest and the others just knelt down at  Zhou Ji.

"I'm really just an ordinary person, if there is any difference between me and others... that is when I was first, I lived in a daze, until my mother died, and I suddenly woke up, at that time I I almost starved to death, climbed out of the cave with difficulty, I met you, you gave me a piece of meat to eat, so that I did not starve to death." Zhou Ji, he intends to process his experience, Make it up and tell Kumano, in short, don't let Kumano misunderstand him.

Kumano can't remember what happened at that time.

Zhou Ji: "I was still weak at the time, but I discovered a way to absorb the energy in the air."

Kumano looked at  Zhou Ji in surprise.

Zhou Ji smiled: "You can do that too, I'll teach you."

"It's you..." Kumano was a little dazed.

"It's me." Zhou Ji: "I learned to practice cultivation at that time, but my strength was very poor, that is, at this time, I accidentally met the elephant beast king, which is my father, he now For my special, he who never paid attention to me before  took me away from the big bear tribe."

Kumano did not interrupt Zhou Ji's story and listened quietly.

Zhou Ji: "You should also find out, the death of Xiangtian is not talked about, because he died disgracefully - he can become the Beastmaster because he took out the crystal cores from other orcs alive. Devour. After he brought me back to the Hieroglyphic tribe, he wanted to devour my core, but I escaped. Later, I became stronger by chance, he found me, and we fought. Relying on teaching The energy-absorbing technique I gave you, I absorbed Xiangtian's crystal core. He actually died by my hands."

Kumano was shocked.

Zhou Ji: "Later, I  killed a Beastmaster-level dinosaur, absorbed the crystal nucleus of that dinosaur, I became stronger, and my strength even surpassed the Beastmaster, and then I don't know what happened, but the people in the Beast Temple suddenly regarded me as a Beast God."

"You accepted it? You're not afraid of beast gods blaming me?" Kumano asked.

"No." Zhou Ji laughed: "There is no beast god in this world. According to the legend of the beast god temple, the person who was first regarded as the beast god by them should be a strong person like me."

Kumano was a little confused.

Zhou Ji said truthfully  about her own affairs.

When he said it, he concealed some things that Kumano didn't want to know, and processed the rest.

He felt that Kumano should believe it.

Kumano did believe it, after all, Zhou Ji didn't have to lie to him.

"After I became a beast god, I went to the Big Bear Tribe, but there was no one there. Later, when I met you, I taught you that exercise." Zhou Ji.

"Thank you." Kumano said. That cultivation technique was very, very important to him. If it hadn't made him stronger, the Big Bear tribe would probably no longer exist now.

"No need to thank you, you have saved my life." Zhou Ji: "You also know that the people in the Beast Temple regard me as a Beast God. I'm afraid they will find out, so I can only pretend to be myself all these years. It's the beast god, staying in the beast god temple and not going out... I'm really happy to see you and the people of the Big Bear tribe."

"The people in the Temple of the Beast are keeping you?" Kumano felt a little distressed.

Zhou Jixiao: "No, it's just not so free... Kumano, Shi Li seems to think I'm deliberately sabotaging your relationship..."

"I know you don't." Kumano said, before Zhou Ji appeared, there was already a big problem between him and Shi Li.

"Thank you for believing in me... No I'm really glad you guys are separated, I've been alone all these years, I've been alone in the temple of the beast, there's no one to talk to, I heard you say you want to find someone to live with I'm instantly moved." Zhou Ji kissed Kumano.

Kumano: "..." He was sure that the person in front of him was not a beast god!

All orcs are the children of the beast god, the beast god... Surely would not do such a thing!

"Kumano, I really like you, not for your strength and status, but just like you... I hope you don't reject me because of my status or other things." Zhou Ji xe7e5.

Kumano really couldn't refuse.

He was actually suspicious before, suspecting that Zhou Ji was with him because he was the beast king.

After all, Zhou Ji suddenly found him and approached him after he became the Beastmaster.

But now... he had no such doubts.

Zhou Ji's strength is much stronger than him, and it is impossible for him to deliberately approach him because he is the beast king.

Everything before Zhou Ji came from the heart.

Kumano was suddenly at a loss.

When he and Shi Li are together, they are relatively equal, and he even pays more, while other people who are courting to him actually want something from him.

Now there is someone who simply likes him, which makes him a little overwhelmed.

At the same time, the things that he had experienced these days that puzzled him were also explained.

The people in the Temple of the Beast suddenly treated him so well because of Zhou Ji, right

Zhou Ji can always get him delicious food because his status is different, right

As for Hu Yue's inability to find out about Zhou Ji... It would be strange if she could find out! Zhou Ji was regarded as a beast god by the priests of the beast temple, and put it in the temple for !

"Kumano, let's go pick mushrooms together?" After Zhou Ji explained, he started talking about "business."

"Yeah." Kumano responded subconsciously, and suddenly thought of another thing - how is Shi Li now

He and Shi Li have known each other for many years, even if the trouble is very unpleasant, after all has feelings, Kumano doesn't want to see him in trouble.

But he couldn't do things like intercede with Zhou Ji.

Shi Li wanted to kill Zhou Ji. If it wasn't for Zhou Ji's strength, he might have died by now. Under such circumstances, how could he beg Zhou Ji

In the end Kumano said nothing.

Zhou Ji could guess what he was thinking, but he didn't take the initiative to bring up Shi Li... He grabbed Kumano's hand and pointed in one direction: "There are mushrooms over there."

Zhou Jing pulled  Kumano to go there, never letting go.

Kumano only felt that his palms were getting hotter and hotter, and after a long time, it was full of sweat...

The two picked a lot of mushrooms,  collected some other plants.

Zhou Ji even brought some strawberries for him to eat.

Kumano was made uncomfortable by Zhou Ji's , but he was happy... Finally, he couldn't help but ask: "Zhou Ji, why do you like me?"

"Why don't I like you?" Zhou Ji laughed: "When I see you, I want to live with you for the rest of my life."

Kumano's heart beat faster involuntarily, but  was a little hesitant.

Zhou Ji can understand his hesitation, the time they spend together,  is too short...

"Kumano, our time together is still very short, I don't ask you to respond to me right now. In fact, according to the original plan, I want to go back to the big bear tribe with  you,  a ordinary The life of an orc, cultivate feelings and then confess, today Shi Li suddenly shot at me, and I will reveal my identity." Zhou Ji: "I can wait for you."

Kumano watched  Zhou Ji gratefully.

Zhou Ji felt a sigh of relief in his heart.

Kumano is so foolish.

He concealed his identity and approached Kumano. If such a thing is left in modern times, he will definitely be severely punished by the other half, but Kumano easily forgave him.

very nice!

Zhou Ji took Kumano back to the residence and started to make a mushroom feast.

Some mushrooms are good for soups, others can be fried,  can be eaten with mushroom fried rice - fried rice is such an amazing food that you can add a lot of things to it!

People on the Orc Continent don't eat mushrooms.

Even if many mushrooms are poisonous, if you eat these mushrooms, can't stand hunger!

Kumano never ate  mushrooms. When Zhou Ji first said that he would pick it up for him to eat, he even persuaded  Zhou Ji not to do that to avoid poisoning.

Some people in their tribe ate the same mushrooms that Zhou Ji picked , and finally had diarrhea and almost died!

No, even if he thinks these mushrooms may be poisonous, when Zhou Ji is ready, he eats them.

Zhou Ji is full of heart, he always wants to taste it.

And he is the king of beasts. Ordinary poison can't kill him anymore.

Mushrooms are delicious, and he is not in the slightest.

No, this mushroom is not only delicious!

That bowl of mushroom soup tasted unprecedentedly delicious, and the fried mushrooms had a tempting fragrance.

This kind of thing, it is reasonable to say that it is delicious without meat, but at this moment, Kumano still thinks that these mushrooms are better than meat!

Zhou Ji was not surprised at all.

He didn't know if there were such mushrooms with their own fragrance on the earth, but he knew that if there were such mushrooms on the earth, they would definitely sell for sky-high prices.

As for the mushroom soup, he used another common mushroom, but when he made the soup, he added a little powder of sun-dried seaweed to it.

This kind of seaweed was discovered by him by accident. It tastes very delicious. It is estimated that it contains sodium glutamate, which can be used as monosodium glutamate.

He used to put a little of it when he was roasting meat. When he was cooking, because the seaweed powder was black, he wouldn't put it in for the sake of appearance, but this mushroom soup... Because this soup is cooked with pickled slightly sour black pickles, add It didn't matter at all to go in, he just put it inside.

The pickled mushroom soup is already delicious, but adding seaweed powder to enhance the taste makes it even more delicious...

Kumano originally didn't like things like soup, soup, and water, but this time... he drank a belly of soup.

Zhou Ji -like, smiled and grilled some grilled meat, and put it on a large plate for Kumano: "You will definitely be hungry in the evening, you will keep these grilled meat for dinner at night."

"Okay." Kumano said suddenly, "You eat less than me, will you be hungry?"

"I'll eat something else later." Zhou Ji, if he's hungry, he can just spawn some plants to eat.

Kumano gave Zhou Ji a deep look.

Zhou Ji has been cooking for him for more than a month.

For more than a month, Zhou Ji has eaten less than him every time, always giving him the delicious food.

He didn't care before, and felt that Zhou Ji did this because he couldn't eat it - ordinary people don't eat much.

But now, he already knew that Zhou Ji's strength was actually very strong.

In this case, Zhou Ji's appetite should be as big as his, maybe even bigger than him.

So before, Zhou Ji was actually not full,  always gave him good food...

When he and Shi Li decided to be together, Shi Li once said that he would give him the best meat to eat in the future, so that he would not go hungry, but Shi Li didn't do it.

But Zhou Ji, in fact, has been silently doing .

Kumano, who originally wanted to inquire about Shi Li's situation, didn't say anything in the end.

This time, Shi Li did something wrong in the first place. In fact, it was normal for Zhou Ji to kill him. Now... Kumano sighed and planned to ask the high priest tomorrow.

Zhou Ji left, and Kumano tossed and turned, and never slept well.

And Zhou Ji didn't sleep either, so he went to find Shi Li.

Shi Li was locked in a cell in the Temple of the Beast, feeling uneasy.

When he felt that he was framed by Zhou Ji before, he made a rude remark to Zhou Ji in anger, but after being locked up, he immediately regretted it and became afraid.

He was afraid that he would die silently here.

Zhou Ji is a beast god, even if he kills him, no one else can say anything... He must not let such a thing live!!

He doesn't want to die!

All kinds of thoughts flashed in Shi Li's heart. When Zhou Ji appeared in front of him, he begged for mercy almost immediately: "Zhou Ji... No, Beast God, please let me go... "

"I will let you go." Zhou Ji.

There was ecstasy on Shi Li's face.

"But the power I give you, I will take back." Zhou Ji.

Shi Li was taken aback: "The strength you gave me?"

"I gave Kumano your cultivation method. When Kumano asked me to cultivate for you, I engraved it in the cave for you to practice together." Zhou Ji.

Shi Li stared at  Zhou Ji, Zhou Ji was already hooked up with Kumano so long ago? He didn't even know...

"My strength was cultivated by myself, how can I say that it was given by you..." Shi Li said, just as he said , he felt the energy in his crystal core drain rapidly.

Zhou Ji was almost swallowed up by Xiangtian at the beginning, but after researching it, he learned how to absorb the energy in other people's crystal cores.

Of course, he's never done this before, after all, it's hurting people.

But for Shi Li, he didn't think there was any problem.

If you keep the strength of Shi Li Beastmaster and let him go, who knows what Shi Li will do in the future

It is possible to slaughter the weak in anger with a lion-like temperament.

In this case,  is better to make the lion stronger and weaker.

Zhou Ji finally retained the strength of a junior beast warrior for Shi Li. Such strength is enough for him to survive, but it is impossible for him to find a place to be a blessing.

"No, you can't do this!" Shi Li screamed.

Zhou Ji didn't say much,  looked at Shi Li: "Look at me."

Shi Li subconsciously looked at Zhou Ji.

The spiritual power of the orcs is very weak and very easy to control.

Zhou Ji doesn't like to do this, and has never done anything like  before, but he knows how to control others.

Of course, he didn't control Shi Li now, he just gave Shi Li a hint to make Shi Li feel that he had forgotten that set of exercises.

This implied that the  he played was very forceful. Under normal circumstances, Shi Li would never be able to remember that exercise in his entire life.

Shi Li was really about to encounter a rare abnormal situation. Shi Li remembered... At his age, it was too late to go to practice.

And he has always been selfish, and it is estimated that he will not be willing to teach others.

After Zhou Ji finished all this, he left the cell.

The high priest was waiting outside, and when he saw Zhou Ji, he immediately asked, "Your Majesty, this lion..."

"Tomorrow Kumano should come, if you ask Kumano to take him away, you say you have punished him." Zhou Ji.

"Yes, Your Majesty," the high priest said.

This night, Zhou Ji did not go back to Kumano, but went back to the place where he had lived for decades.

Before, in order to hide his identity in front of Kumano, he dressed badly, but now that his identity has been exposed, there is no need to do that.

Zhou Ji decided to put on her best clothes and go to Kumano.

After taking care of herself carefully, Zhou Ji went to see Kumano at dawn the next day.

Then discovered that after his identity was revealed, it was indeed a bit inconvenient - when he went out today, the whole beast temple was watching him!

Not only that, but the high priest volunteered to help him wash and cut vegetables.

Zhou Ji: "..." As far as he knows, the high priest has never cooked  dishes, such a person helps him wash and cut vegetables... This is not helping him at all, but causing him trouble.

Zhou Ji refused without hesitation.

Over a month, when he was cooking, Kumano had already learned how to help him. He preferred Kumano to help him rather than letting the high priest help him.

This day's breakfast, Zhou Ji and Kumano made it together.

There is no need to hide any more, he made a lot of food this time, but in the end, he and Kumano ate it all together.

His appetite is actually quite good.

After eating  rice, he said, "Shi Li can't be the beast king anymore, but he can leave... you can send him away."

Kumano was stunned for a moment, then said, "Thank you."

Kumano took  Shi Li and left the Beast Temple and moved forward quickly.

Along the way, Shi Li was angrily insulting: "Xiong Ye, are you worthy of me? You have been with Zhou Ji for a long time, right? But you keep lying to me!"

"I didn't expect you to be such a person, it's disgusting!"

"You're hurting me! You and Zhou Ji are hurting me! Deliberately didn't tell me his identity!"

Kumano listened to it for a long time, and didn't say anything at first. At this time, he finally said: "Zhou Ji's strength is very strong, so you have an accident... But if Zhou Ji's strength is not strong, you have killed him now, right?"

Shi Li was stunned.

"Shi Li, do it yourself." Kumano put Shi Li down and left without looking back.

He didn't feel sorry for Shi Li, but Shi Li felt sorry for him.

Without him, Shi Li would have no chance to grow up at all, but in the end? Shi Li promised to be with him for the rest of his life, .

He doesn't care, after all, all the things in the past are what he is willing to do and pay for, and he can't blame others.

But he can't be asked by Shi Li forever.

And... Zhou Ji is willing to let Shi Li go, which is already magnanimous.

Shi Li really didn't expect that Kumano would leave as soon as he said it.

He shouted loudly, but the person who used to turn around as long as he shouted has never returned this time.

Shi Li's expression froze.

Surrounded by towering trees, here is safe and there is no danger, but he knows very well that in such a place, his future is dangerous and unknowable.

He hasn't hunted for a long time, and he hasn't roasted meat by himself for more than ten years. Now, he has to do everything by himself

Forget it, his strength has deteriorated, and now he may not even be able to beat ordinary carnivorous dinosaurs!

How will he live in the future

Shi Li regretted it, and regretted that he had terminated the partnership with Kumano.

He actually knew that when he and Kumano were still partners, Kumano had absolutely nothing to do with Zhou Ji, and if he didn't terminate the partnership with Kumano, Kumano would definitely always treat him well.

Kumano has always been that kind of person.

And if he is tied to Kumano, even if Zhou Ji likes Kumano, he can't do anything, and may even give him benefits.

But he broke up with Kumano.

There are plants all around, and there is not even a road... His future, and he doesn't know where to go.

After Shi Li was driven away, the men and women who followed  Shi Li either went to someone else or went back to their own tribe.

As for Shi Li's younger brother... Zhou Ji didn't do anything to him, but he was so frightened that he threw away his woman and child and ran away alone.

That woman had nowhere to go with the child. In the end, Hu Yue looked at her pitifully. In the end,  made her stay in the Big Bear tribe. Then, without saying a word, this woman chose another man from the Big Bear tribe to be with her. .

 is quite crisp.

After the matter of Shi Li was settled, the Big Bear tribe left the Beast Temple.

The high priest didn't want Zhou Ji to leave, but Zhou Ji... He was tired of staying in the Beast Temple.

Compared to staying in the Beast Temple, he is more willing to go to various places.

No, he doesn't mind bringing some people from the Temple of Beasts. On the one hand, these people can take care of him, on the other hand... In the dream, he has soy sauce, tofu to eat,  has many other things to enjoy... He wants the people in the temple of the beast to help him get it out.

 has words, and he  has been working hard for decades, of course, he can also promote it.

The beast god who used to lie lazily in the temple all day long and didn't want to do anything, now he is full of energy, and it is rare to be diligent.

Of course, his diligence is mainly used in Kumano.

Zhou Ji in his dream had Kumano without much chasing, and he would not have such a good life.

After his identity was known by Kumano, Kumano hesitated, he could only continue to work hard and pursue Kumano.

He likes to do it.

He is a man, and he should have pursued his partner well!

One year, almost in the blink of an eye..

Spring returns to the earth,  is the time to hold the Beast God Festival.

At this time, Kumano's territory has changed a lot.

At this time last year, there were only a few dozen people in the Big Bear Tribe. Now there are thousands of people. The lives of these people are extremely prosperous.

Huyue is not too young, but  is looking for her other half days, Xiong An also has a woman, his woman is even pregnant, and Zhou Ji and Xiong Ye finally come together.

Kumano promised to be with Zhou Ji half a year ago.

He is not a hypocritical person, Zhou Ji is really good to him, he also likes Zhou Ji very much, naturally he won't push three or four.

After they talked, they lived together, and now they are no different from old husbands and wives.

When he left the Beast Temple, Zhou Ji no longer dreamed. Now that a year has passed, he sometimes even wonders if he really dreamed of himself in another world.

In any case, that dream helped him and gave him a partner. In this world, he would finally not be alone.

"Your Majesty the Beast God, your sedan chair is ready!" The two senior Beast Warriors from the Beast God Temple came to Zhou Ji and said respectfully .

"Take me to see." Zhou Ji.

The two of them soon brought Zhou Ji to a large sedan chair, : "Your Majesty, this sedan chair is made of a whole piece of wood hollowed out, very large, and also rainproof. , it will definitely allow you to sit comfortably with the Bear and Beast King!"

"Not bad." Zhou Ji was very satisfied.

"Your Majesty, let us carry the sedan chair for you at that time!" The two followed .

However, as soon as they finished speaking, someone else said: "Your Majesty, I am stronger than them!  I will carry the sedan chair!"

"Your Majesty, I am willing to serve you!"

"Your Majesty..."

Zhou Ji: "..." The people in the Temple of Beasts are so powerful that there are people fighting over the work of carrying the sedan chair!

Those senior beast warriors don't know Zhou Ji's thoughts,  is fighting.

Doing things for the Beast God has many benefits!

You must know that many of them were only intermediate-level beast warriors when they were crowned with the beast god  in the territory of the bear and beast king.

As a result, His Majesty the Beast God got some plants from nowhere, and after eating them, they became high-level Beast Warriors.

Not only that, His Majesty the Beast God  taught them a lot of knowledge... As expected of the Beast God!

Now, it is a supreme honor to walk under the crown of the beast god!

"The two of you have a day, take turns." Zhou Ji finally said.

Those high-level beast warriors finally subsided.

 After a few days, Zhou Ji and Xiong Ye sat in the sedan chair, and then took the people from the  Big Bear tribe to the place where the Beast Temple was.

They are going to participate in the Beast God Festival.

Zhou Ji didn't want to go originally, but the high priest sent a lot of people to invite him, and even said that if he didn't want to go, he would put the beast god sacrifice in Kumano's territory... It's too troublesome, Zhou Ji in the end Yes go.

The sedan chair swayed and swayed to the place where the Beast Temple was, and when they arrived, they attracted many people to watch.

The fact that the Bear Beast King and the Beast God came together was not known to all tribes. After all, when this happened last year, many tribes had already left the Beast God Temple.

But at this moment, everyone gathered in the temple of the beast, and it was a matter of course that everyone knew about it.

Now the people from the Big Bear Tribe are here... Can you all be curious

"I don't know what it looks like under the crown of the beast god."

"The Bear and Beast King must be very good-looking."

"They're getting down from the sedan chair!"

"The one in the white robe must be the bear and beast king, so beautiful..."

At the Beast God Festival last year, Shi Li was very public, but Kumano was very low-key, so many people didn't know Kumano, and now, they are even more mistaken.

Zhou Ji, who was wearing a white robe, looked at  Kumano with a smile: "Someone praised me for being good-looking."

Although Kumano has a good ear, there are too many people around, and he can't hear the whispers of others at all.

"That's... Would you like to become a partner with the good-looking me?" Zhou Ji asked.

"Yes." Kumano said.

"Since you are willing,We will hold a companion ceremony when the beast god sacrifice is a few days." Zhou Ji.

"Material ceremony?" Kumano was a little confused.

Zhou Ji said too much, he already believed that the beast god did not exist, but in the eyes of the people in the beast temple, Zhou Ji was the beast god.

The companionship ceremony is to be held under the license of the beast god, how is it to be held

He  thought that he  would be with Zhou Ji directly, and there would be no companionship ceremony at all...

"Yes, a partner ceremony, we will have a grand partner ceremony." Zhou Ji, everyone else has a "wedding" when they get married, and of course he has it too!

Soon, it was the day of the Beast God Festival.

This year's Beast God Festival, the process is different from previous years.

On this day, the people from the Beast God Temple watered the flame flowers far away from the Beast God Temple, so that they were all open, but they did not water the flame flowers around the Beast God Temple.

The flame flowers that grow lushly around the sacrificial site are still just buds.

Zhou Ji asked people to use flame flowers as dyes, and made two robes that may not be so uniform in color and not so red, but they felt bright and unique, and one of them and Kumano stood in the middle of the field.

The high priest stood in front. He didn't say anything like "Beast God is above", but just asked: "Would you like to be partners, whether you are born, old, sick or dead, and will be together forever?"

"I do." Kumano and Zhou Ji said in unison.

The surrounding flames suddenly all bloomed at this moment, and some other flowers and plants began to grow wildly, making the entire beast temple extraordinarily beautiful, and even, even on the stone slab without the slightest soil, plants suddenly grew. Flowers of various colors.

This scene is so  miraculous, the person in front of  knelt on the ground.

When Xiong Ye saw it, he was also a little surprised - Zhou Ji kept saying that he was not a beast god, but this one... Is he really not a beast god

The high priest's legs are even weaker now, and he really wants to kneel, but as the person presiding over the companion ceremony, he can't kneel.

Standing there forcibly , the high priest felt that his life was complete!

He actually presided over the beast god companion ceremony!

He must learn to read and write a book to record today! Don't give up until you write 100,000 words!

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