Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 19: 19. Save people


The location of the Big Bear tribe is very good.

Back then, the last priest took the wandering bear tribe for a long time before they found such a mountain and settled down. This col can block the attack of large dinosaurs, there are lush plants and rivers nearby, and food is plentiful, making it a very suitable place to live.

However, there is no salt here, but it was nothing to the big bear tribe at that time, who didn't eat much salt before.

What's more, the sacrificial priest quickly sent someone to go in his previous direction to change the salt.

Later, they found a tribe and bought the salt. After that, they would change the salt every spring. Sometimes the salt was not enough, and they would change it again in the fall.

"I don't know how much salt I got this time!"

"I also want to join the salt changing team, go outside and have a look!"

"I don't want to go, I heard there are a lot of scary dinosaurs out there."

The people in the hunting team talked a lot, and at the same time quickened their pace to join the people in the salt changing team.

No matter what the people in the hunting team thought, they were very happy to learn that the Salt Changer team was back, but after seeing the Salt Changer team, their faces were not very good-looking.

The Salt-Swapping team looks wobbly.

There are fifty people in the salt-changing team. These fifty people are men and women. There are very powerful warriors in the tribe, and there are people in the tribe with very small animal shapes. Although people with very small animal shapes have no fighting power, they are in a certain area. Sometimes, he is very able to hide himself and survive.

For example, a certain animal in the Salt Changing Team is a mole member. Not only is he small in shape, but his human shape is also very weak. When hunting, he has no other role than using an ambush in advance to scare the prey, but he There are also advantages - after he becomes a beast, many dangerous carnivorous dinosaurs will ignore him, as for the beast-shaped snake or lizard that can swallow him in one bite, they will not provoke the human-shaped him.

In the wild, sometimes he can live longer like this.

But now, the carefully selected salt-changing team of fifty people, there are only twenty people left, and each of them has injuries on their bodies.

Seeing Xiong He and others, the salt change team members were very excited, and some of them had red eyes: "Patriarch..."

"Are you in danger?" Xiong He asked.

The salt change team nodded again and again, and one of them even fell to the ground.

Kumano had long noticed that the state of these people was not right, he caught the person without thinking, and then found that his body was hot and hot.

"Patriarch, he has a fever!" Kumano was a little anxious.

"Let's go back immediately!" Xiong He said.

The people in the salt-changing team all carried things. Xionghe asked the people from the hunting team to help them carry the things, and then asked the people from the hunting team to carry a few more seriously injured people from the salt-changing team on their backs and run into the tribe. go with.

Kumano was the first to run.

He didn't catch any prey today, so he didn't consume much. In addition, he was very full last night and ate ten pounds of meat in the morning. He was very strong!

Xiong Ye walked so fast, Xiong He naturally wouldn't be delayed, he didn't ask any questions, and took the people back to the tribe first.

Shi Li followed behind, frowning slightly.

Kumano ran with someone else, which made him a little uncomfortable.

At the same time, everything in front of him was a little different from what he had imagined.

In his impression, he and Kumano went hunting in a group that day. They couldn't catch the prey, so they went a little farther. When they returned to the tribe, the salt change team was already there.

And the person that Kumano was holding was already dead at that time.

Of course, because of his rebirth, many things have changed now, and it is normal to be slightly different.

Shi Li followed Xiong Ye and ran into the tribe.

When they returned to the tribe, the people from the gathering team had just returned and were arranging plants in the mountains, and of course there were sacrifices.

"Sacrificing grandpa, he has a fever, you can help him see!" Kumano said.

"Put him down." The priest said immediately.

Kumano immediately put the man on the ground, and the priest came to the man to examine him.

There were several long wounds on the man's body, and the wounds had begun to rot. His body was hot, his lips were very white, and he looked extremely weak.

"Go get a glass of salt water and come back." The priest looked at Kumano: "I have it in my cave."

Kumano quickly returned with a glass of salt water, and the sacrificial priest took the salt water and poured it on the patient, washing the wound with the salt water.

It was probably excruciatingly painful, and the comatose patient twitched.

Even if Zhou Ji saw more deaths, he still felt a little pain when he saw this scene, and after the priest washed the wound with half a cup of salt water, he added water to the remaining salt water and fed it to the man.

"The beast god is above... What happened to you?" After doing all this, the priest asked, and took out a few herbs that he had picked today, added a little salt, put it in a stone bowl, and beat it with a stone stick. The mud is then applied to the patient's wound.

Zhou Ji watched from the side, feeling more and more sympathetic to the patient.

Salt can kill bacteria, but it's not a pleasant thing to sprinkle salt on wounds... Just thinking about it, Zhou Ji noticed that Kumano was very sad.

Kumano was really sad, he was able to find out what was wrong with this person and catch this person accurately because this person was his half-brother.

His father was very strong, and he was very popular with women in the tribe when he was young, and he also gave birth to children with many women. Besides Kumano, he also had eight children.

Of those, two didn't grow up, one died a few years ago, and now Kumano's half-siblings, and five more.

Among these five, Kumano has a good relationship with the man in front of him, and Huyue, but not so good with the remaining three. When his father was still alive, they had a certain competitive relationship. Those people didn't like him.

When his father died, those people were even more indifferent to him. In fact, he and Huyue had no intersection at all, but the person in front of him lived with him in a collective living place because his mother died young. Good relationship with him.

At this moment, Kumano wanted to ask the priest what happened to this person, but he didn't dare to ask... He had studied with the priest for a while, and he naturally knew how serious the injury of the person in front of him was.

He could only pour water and feed him slowly.

Seeing this, Zhou Ji used his mental power to observe the dying orc.

This orc has a high fever and is really going to die... He also has a white crystal nucleus in his body, and now that crystal nucleus is about to collapse, and energy leaks out of it.

Zhou Ji came to Kumano and sat down, using his mental power to control the energy and let it return to the body of the dying orc.

The collapse of energy did not continue, but it was very mentally draining...

Zhou Ji took the time to stuff him a fruit.

He felt that the person lying down should need food...

Kumano glanced at Zhou Ji gratefully. Although he didn't know why Zhou Ji did this, it was always good intentions.

While Zhou Ji was using mental power to prevent death, on the other side, the people from the salt change team shared their experiences while receiving the treatment of the sacrificial priest.

The tribe that changed the salt team was called the Qingshan tribe.

The Qingshan tribe does not produce salt, their salt is exchanged from another tribe, and then exchanged for others at a higher price.

They are very kind, so many tribes like the Big Bear tribe will exchange salt with them.

But this time, when the salt-changing team went to the Qingshan tribe, they found that the Qingshan tribe was occupied by other tribes!

If it wasn't for the vigilance of the salt change team, they might even be killed by those who occupied the Qingshan tribe and snatched their belongings!

However, even if they were more vigilant, they also paid the price, several people were killed and some things were stolen by the people of the Qingshan tribe.

No salt was exchanged, and people and things were damaged. The captain of the salt-changing team, Xiong Qi, was helpless.

It was also their luck that they finally found another tribe near the Qingshan tribe, and that tribe promised to exchange some salt for them.

It's just very little replacement.

"On the way back, we were unlucky. We encountered a very large dinosaur and were eaten by several people." Xiong Qidao, as the captain of the salt-changing team, he also suffered serious injuries, but fortunately it was not life-threatening .

"Just come back, the Beast God will bless you." The priest said.

"Sacrificing grandpa, how is Niu Er?" Kumano asked at this time. His half-brother's animal shape was a cow, and because he was the second child born to his mother, he was called Niu. two.

"Kumano... the beast god will bless him!" said the priest.

Said by the sacrifice, in fact, it is difficult for Niu Er to save his life.

Everyone in the tribe knew this and the point, and everyone fell silent for a while.

Xiong Ye was also in a bad mood. He looked around subconsciously and saw Shi Li first, then turned to look at Zhou Ji next to him: "Zhou Ji, shall we take him to our cave?"

"Huh?" Zhou Ji came back to his senses, his mental power was almost exhausted, and fortunately, it was not all for nothing. The crystal core in the dying human body finally stopped collapsing, and he opened his eyes.

"He's awake!" Kumano was surprised and delighted, and grabbed Zhou Ji's hand: "He's awake!"

"Well." Zhou Ji responded.

Shi Li, who was standing not far away, frowned when he saw this scene.

At the beginning, when Kumano invited Zhou Ji to live with him, he was very angry, but later he thought that Zhou Ji was stupid, and Kumano couldn't see Zhou Ji and was relieved.

As a result, it took only a few days for Kumano to become so close to Zhou Ji!