Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 26: 26|Eating eggs


Zhou Ji calmly retracted the hand on Kumano's stomach, and handed Kumano's animal skin skirt to Kumano thoughtfully.

Kumano was a little embarrassed at first, but quickly calmed down.

His figure is still very good, Zhou Ji should be satisfied

"I'm just an adult, so I'm not strong enough, but don't worry, I'll get stronger and stronger in the future!" Kumano put on the animal skin skirt and patted his lean abdomen.

"You're so good now." Zhou Ji smiled, Kumano's figure was really good.

Unlike modern bodybuilders who specialize in building large muscles, Kumano's muscles are not large, but they look better, and they are absolutely thin and fleshy.

When Kumano heard Zhou Ji complimenting himself, he couldn't help laughing.

He thought that Zhou Ji was good before, but that was all. Now that he thinks that Zhou Ji is going to be his partner, he thinks that Zhou Ji is good everywhere.

Look how white Zhou Ji is! Whiter than the wolf's voice! The face without pores must be very tender and easy to touch!

His eyes are black, his eyebrows are black, his hair is black, all of them are beautiful!

Even if it looks a little weak, he still has to work hard to raise it and make Zhou Ji stronger!

The fire in the cave hadn't ignited yet, the light was insufficient, and the line of sight was obstructed, but Kumano still felt that Zhou Ji was like a fairy.

At this time, Zhou Ji saw the injury on Kumano's body.

The previous fight still left a wound on Kumano, but his fur was thick, so the wound was not deep.

There are many old wounds on Kumano, and now he has new wounds... Zhou Ji poured a glass of water for Kumano, let Kumano rinse his mouth, took some water to wash the wounds of Kumano, and finally took out herbs, smashed them, and applied them On Kumano's wound.

Zhou Ji's movements are very gentle. He hasn't put salt in the herbs in the water. Kumano enjoys it very much, and he feels more and more that Zhou Ji is very good.

"You haven't eaten dinner yet. Eat something." Zhou Ji finished putting medicine on Kumano and started to set fire again.

He kept the fire in the cave with a particularly fire-resistant wood.

This kind of wood is placed on the earth, and it may sell for a sky-high price. After all, the wood is too good, but now... it is used to save fire.

Adding some firewood to the fire, Zhou Ji said: "The firewood is going to be gone."

The gathering team would pick up firewood and come back every day, but if they burned it in the cave, they would use the firewood they picked up.

"I'll go get some firewood tomorrow and come back." Kumano said without thinking.

"Let's go together tomorrow." Zhou Ji said.

Kumano happily said, "Okay!" Zhou Ji definitely wanted to be with him, not to leave him...

When Shi Li talked to Xiong Ye before, Xiong Ye inevitably remembered the things between the two of them before, but now, he has no time to think about them.

He lives with Zhou Ji, it's really like a family! Let's discuss something together and live a good life...

Thinking about this, Kumano even felt that when Niu Er was still there, they were like a family of three... Niu Er was like the child who needed to be taken care of, ahem!

Isn't this the kind of life he has always thought about

Kumano didn't know what he was thinking. He wasn't in a hurry to eat the barbecue. Zhou Ji cut up the barbecue that had already been grilled when they were below, and then smeared some fruit and salt on it that could barely be called. The jam was handed to Kumano's mouth.

Kumano opened his mouth and ate the barbecued meat, feeling very sweet.

But Xiong Bai felt that his eyes were going blind!

Xiong Bai is here to deliver dinosaur eggs. Before, Kumano asked the priest for a dinosaur egg, and when he proposed, he gave it to Zhou Ji, but after the fight, they forgot the egg!

Xiong Bai was sad in the mountain for a while, but when he came back to his senses, he found an egg beside him, so he brought it up.

Then, she saw that Zhou Ji was feeding Kumano.

This Zhou Ji must have gained Kumano's love by relying on this considerate appearance!

Xiong Bai glanced at Zhou Ji angrily, and couldn't help swallowing: "Zhou Ji, what did you put on the barbecue? Why is it so fragrant? Can you give me a taste?"

Zhou Ji picked up a piece of barbecue and spread some jam on it...

Kumano came over and took a bite, then looked at Xiong Bai: "This is what Zhou Ji gave me to eat!"

Xiong Bai: "..." Actually, Kumano isn't too good, right

Xiong Bai walked away indignantly.

Kumano turned his head and wanted Zhou Ji to feed himself a few more mouthfuls, but Zhou Ji handed him the barbecue and jam and turned around to boil the water.

I also put greens in the water...

This is also what Zhou Ji gave him to eat, eat it... Kumano drank a large bowl of vegetable soup with resentment, and put a piece of barbecue in his mouth to taste.

After eating, it's time to sleep.

Thinking of sleeping, Kumano was a little overwhelmed.

When he asked Zhou Ji to come to live in his cave before, he didn't think about anything, so he was very calm, but now... Should they do something

The priest said that it is best not to have children when they are underage. It is not good for the child and the mother of the child. Therefore, men and women in the tribe only start looking for partners when they are adults.

Kumano became an adult in the second half of last year, and he established a relationship with Shi Li when he became an adult, but because winter was coming, no one could think of anything, and he planned to hibernate to save food, so they decided to wait for spring to come. After the marriage ceremony was held, they lived together again.

Spring is the season of giving birth, which is recognized by all!

Therefore, Kumano has no experience at all.

However, he grew up in a collective living cave since he was a child, and he had seen it before, and he knew what was going on.

Men and women can have sex. If a man and a man are talking, they use their hands

Just as Kumano was thinking, Zhou Ji touched his head: "Go to sleep."

Kumano's expression was afraid that he was thinking of something inappropriate for children, so that his body reacted... But Zhou Ji felt that it was too fast.

He likes Kumano very much, and he is very satisfied with Kumano's response after he promised Kumano today, but some things are better to take it slowly.

Kumano dazedly returned to his cave and lay down, and then suddenly realized... Nothing happened to him and Zhou Ji!

Kumano was inexplicably lost, and then fell asleep again quickly.

Zhou Ji chuckled lightly.

The soothing herbs he used for Kumano were completely harmless to the human body, and the effect was mediocre, but Kumano fell asleep quickly every time...

I can only say that Kumano's sleep was really good.

Zhou Ji also quickly fell asleep.

When Niu Er was in the cave a few days ago, Zhou Ji was actually cultivating at night and didn't sleep—he couldn't fall asleep with strangers beside him. In fact, when he first moved to Kumano, he never really fell asleep.

But now, he was able to fall asleep.

The next day Kumano woke up to a scent he had never smelled.

This smell is so delicious! When Kumano got up from his bed, he saw the entrance of the cave, Zhou Ji was making breakfast.

Zhou Ji's breakfast is scrambled eggs... no, scrambled dinosaur eggs.

After studying this dinosaur egg, he finally decided to eat it, and then he made a hole in one end of the egg shell, poured out the egg liquid inside, and prepared to eat it.

Dinosaur eggs have a faint fishy smell, which is not unacceptable, but it is probably not too delicious to cook directly. He poured the oil he collected into the pot, and when the oil was hot, he added salt. Pour in the egg mixture of the mixed dinosaur eggs...

The smell of scrambled eggs suddenly filled the air, and even Zhou Ji, who had no interest in dinosaur eggs, wanted to try it.

"It's so fragrant." Kumano quickly came to Zhou Ji's side and looked at Zhou Ji with shining eyes: "What is this?"

"Scrambled dinosaur eggs." Zhou Ji said, scrambled eggs with chopsticks for Kumano to eat.

In the past, Zhou Ji's cooking was mainly boiled, and there were not many seasonings. Although the taste was better than Kumano's own cooking, it was not shocking.

As for honey barbecue and the like, some people in the tribe have done this before.

But this time... no one in their tribe has ever fried dinosaur eggs!

There are two ways to eat dinosaur eggs, one is to boil them in water, and the other is to wrap them in large leaves and bake them in the fire.

Now... It turns out that dinosaur eggs can still be fried and eaten

"Kumano, what are you eating?" The smell of scrambled dinosaur eggs even attracted people who lived in the cave below Kumano. This warrior from a tribe that had a good relationship with Kumano climbed onto the platform of Kumano and watched eagerly. Kumano.

"Dinosaur eggs." Kumano said, he was actually very happy to share, but at this moment he didn't want to give scrambled eggs to others at all.

This egg is really delicious, and Zhou Ji should be asked to eat more: "Zhou Ji, eat more."

Dinosaur eggs are quite big, weighing five or six pounds. After frying, there is a big pot, but if Kumano really wants to eat it, it will be stuffed between his teeth... He was reluctant to eat it, and let Zhou Ji eat it first.

Zhou Ji smiled, divided the dinosaur egg into two parts, and gave one to Kumano: "Eat it."

"You eat more, I don't need so much." Kumano said.

"I'm enough." Zhou Ji insisted.

Kumano thought about it for a while, and gave Kumano a piece of egg in his bowl with chopsticks, and then finished his scrambled dinosaur egg under the greedy eyes of the neighbors at the entrance of the cave.

After eating dinosaur eggs, Zhou Ji cut the leftover roast meat from yesterday into small pieces and fry them in a pan with some oil for Kumano to eat. The stone pan is not smooth. In order to fry the eggs well, he put some oil A bit much.

While eating the fried meat, Kumano asked, "When are we leaving? Where are we going?"

Zhou Ji said: "I found a honeycomb, let's go get honey." Kumano likes to eat honey, but with his ability, it is reasonable to say that he can't get honey. In this case, let Kumano do it.

"Okay." Kumano agreed immediately: "When the time comes, stay away, don't get stung by bees." His animal-shaped fur is thick and not afraid of bees, but Zhou Ji must be careful.

"Okay." Zhou Ji agreed.

The two were ready to set off after they had eaten and drank, but as soon as they reached the mountain, they met the priest, who walked towards them with a smile: "Kumano, I heard that you discovered a new way of making dinosaur eggs? I I haven't made the dinosaur eggs yesterday, hehe."

Even a priest would store food. Of course, he wouldn't eat something like a dinosaur egg that could last for a few days.

And this is undoubtedly a correct choice. Early this morning, he heard that Zhou Ji used a new method to make dinosaur eggs, and the dinosaur eggs made are said to be very fragrant.

Could it be that after the dinosaur eggs are boiled, they are coated with honey

The priest smacked his mouth, recalling the sweet taste of the honey that Kumano gave him yesterday.

When Kumano heard the priest's words, he immediately looked at Zhou Ji.

Zhou Ji said: "Grandpa priest, you put the fat meat of the dinosaur in the pot, and cook it without adding anything. The oil will be boiled. Finally, pour the egg liquid of the dinosaur egg into it."

He used the vegetable oil he extracted to fry his eggs, which is not easy to take out. In this case, let the priest eat animal oil.

I think the priests are used to the taste of dinosaur meat.

The priest nodded, eager to try, and asked, "How much fat do you want?"

"A little more is more delicious, but it doesn't need too much." Zhou Ji probably made a gesture.

"It's already a lot, so much fat, I'm afraid no one can take it out except me." The priest said, slowly swaying back, planning to study the new way of eating dinosaur eggs.

Zhou Ji and Kumano walked out of the mountain together.

When walking out, Zhou Ji felt his head turn back, and met Yangsu's vicious gaze, whose face was swollen, and spit in his direction.

This child especially likes to spit at others, which is really unpleasant!

Zhou Ji ignored him and left the tribe with Kumano.

The place with the beehives is actually quite far from the tribe - if it was close, the beehives would have been taken back and eaten by the people of the tribe.

For those who have awakened into bears, it is not difficult to get honey!

So, Zhou Ji and Kumano walked together for more than half an hour, but they haven't reached their destination yet.

Kumano said: "Would you like me to carry you?" Walking in the wild is very tiring, and some grass blades will scratch their skin. Although Zhou Ji is very particular, wrapping his feet in animal skins to walk, the grass on the side of the road is very tiring. It's still possible that Ye could scratch his calf.

Thinking like this, Kumano glanced at Zhou Ji's legs worriedly, and then found that there was no wound on Zhou Ji's legs at all.

Zhou Ji is very lucky, oh, he is also very lucky, he didn't encounter any annoying thorny grass today.

Zhou Ji glanced at Xiong Ye and smiled: "Okay."

Kumano was willing to carry him on his back, and it would be nice if they could run faster.

He also saved a lot of effort.

After working hard for many years in the last days, Zhou Ji is very willing to be lazy.

Kumano was very happy to carry Zhou Ji on his back. Although he didn't know why he was happy.

Kumano was accustomed to running barefoot in the forest, and he ran very fast. He carried Zhou Ji on his back and ran for an hour under Zhou Ji's guidance, before he came to a beehive.

Now is the season of blooming flowers, and countless bees are busy among the flowers, collecting nectar back into their huge nests.

There must be a lot of honey in it! Kumano looked at the hive and swallowed. After exploring the surrounding environment, he put Zhou Ji under a tree: "You wait for me here!"

After he put down Zhou Ji, he left, then turned into a beast, picked the honeycomb, and ran in the opposite direction of Zhou Ji.

There is a creek over there, and he can hide in the creek!

Kumano ran fast, followed by a group of bees chasing fast.

However, these poor bees really can't deal with the huge brown bear.

The fur on the brown bear is ten centimeters long!

Zhou Ji watched Kumano run away, followed behind to help disperse most of the bees, then returned to the place where Kumano let him stay, sat down and waited, while Kumano was not eating.

His body now has a very large appetite, and it is not a problem for him to eat dozens of kilograms of plants a day, similar to sweet potatoes.

I don't know why he can eat so much.

Zhou Ji ate for two hours and ate dozens of catties of various plants before Kumano came back.

When Kumano came back, he was soaking wet, he was holding a honeycomb in one hand and a crocodile as long as an adult thigh in the other hand: "Zhou Ji, I caught a crocodile, we will roast crocodile meat to eat later! "

Zhou Ji: "..." He didn't really want to eat crocodiles.

However, Kumano is obviously very satisfied with his harvest today: "This beehive is so big, there must be a lot of honey in it, as well as delicious bee pupae... Zhou Ji, let's give some to the priest grandpa. In two days, it will be the beast god sacrifice. It's time for us to hold a companionship ceremony and ask him to help."

When Kumano talked about the companionship ceremony, he gave Zhou Ji a careful look.

After returning to the cave last night, they didn't mention this matter, and he was suddenly a little worried that Zhou Ji would regret it.

Zhou Ji said: "It's time to give some to the sacrifice." He is not short of honey, and if Kumano likes it, he can even try to raise some.

"Okay." Kumano was very happy.

Zhou Ji said again: "There are still too few things at home. Let's get some wood and go back. I think that tree can be cut back to make buckets and tableware."

Zhou Ji pointed to a very thick tree.

A bucket or something made of wood with bad wood will get moldy, but this tree definitely won't.

By the way, it can also be used to make tableware and the like.

Although Zhou Ji stayed in the Big Bear Tribe before, he didn't have any sense of belonging, and he didn't care about the living environment. Now it's a bit demanding.

The wood that Zhou Ji selected was really good, and Kumano immediately went to chop down the tree.

Using a stone axe to chop down a tree is actually very difficult, but this time he chopped it down very fast... It's just that the tree is a bit heavy and hard to handle.

Kumano hung the honeycomb and crocodile on the tree, and said to Zhou Ji: "Wait when you go back, you have to go by yourself."

"No problem." Zhou Ji said, and then saw that Xiong Ye turned into a beast and carried the tree.

He smiled, aroused the energy around him, let them enter Kumano's body, and let Kumano relax.