Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 3: 3. Zhou Si


Kumano's father was the previous patriarch and was once the most powerful man in the tribe. Unfortunately, this man who awakened into a brown bear like Kumano died when he was five or six years old.

After him, Kumano's mother gave birth to five children with different people one after another, and four survived. Although she is very strong, it is impossible to keep Kumano forever. Therefore, after Kumano woke up at the age of ten, she took the initiative to take care of her from her mother. They moved out of the cave they lived in and moved to a large cave in the tribe where children who left their parents lived together with the elderly and disabled who couldn't go hunting.

These children and the elderly can get the most basic food distributed by the tribe, and at the same time need to do some simple collection work, or other chores.

For example, in this season, there are very few plants that can be collected, and they are picking up firewood nearby.

They don't have much work to do. When they are free, the elderly and disabled people usually lie down in the mountains or caves to save their energy. Some children also do this, but Kumano is different.

Although his father died relatively early, he vaguely remembered that his father once took him out hunting. At that time, he thought that he would grow up to be as powerful as his father, to be the patriarch, to let the tribesmen No one needs to be hungry.

Since he wants to be the patriarch, he must not lie down all the time, but his father made him eat more and exercise more!

The people in the tribe are very friendly to children, and the old people are not stingy to teach these children their experience. He will ask them about things outside, learn how to fish, how to make traps, and even what kind of bugs can eat such knowledge.

He even had the cheek to go to work for the sacrifice grandpa and exchange food from the sacrifice grandpa.

The food distributed by the tribe can make them not starve to death and make them grow up, but it is impossible for them to eat well, but he is very good at tossing and can always feed himself full. The two hit it off even more, looking for food everywhere.

Because of this, he was able to become one of the most powerful warriors in the tribe just as he was an adult. Just having a powerful animal shape may not necessarily make him a powerful warrior!

After Kumano ate half a Lesotho dragon, he returned to his cave where there was a lot of wood at the door.

His cave was very empty, and there was nothing in it except the stone bowl and axe he made with his own hands.

Before the winter last year, he stored a lot of food and hay in the cave, but after a winter, the food was gone and the hay was dirty.

He just threw away the hay the other day, and now the hole looks very empty.

He is about to become a partner with Shili. Shili's cave will be for his mother and younger brother to live in. He will definitely live with him at that time, so this cave looks a bit shabby.

Kumano looked at the wood that was drying at the door, took some back into the hole, then transformed into a beast and began to scratch the bark on it with his claws.

He piled the bark off in the corner, which could be used for fire in the future, and he spread the rest of the trunk in the innermost part of the cave.

The cave is too cold and uncomfortable to sleep on. They usually put something on the ground before sleeping.

In the past, he slept alone and just spread some hay, but in the future, there will be two people... Kumano thought he could be more careful, so he followed the instructions of Grandpa Monkey and laid a layer of wood in the cave, and in the future, put dinosaurs on it. The skin, and finally covered with hay, it is very comfortable to sleep.

Also, wood can be used for tables and stools... He can go get some more wood and come back tonight.

After Kumano laid seven or eight pieces of wood, he heard his uncle's voice from outside: "The meat is divided!"

Hearing this voice, he picked up the stone bowl in the corner and rushed out, and the rest of the tribe were like him, moving quickly.

This is a habit they have cultivated since childhood - no matter how busy they are, they can't miss a meal!

When we eat every day, everyone is happiest.

Today the hunting team has harvested a lot, and everyone can get a large piece of meat, and the work of dividing the meat is in charge of the tribe's patriarch, Kumano's uncle Xionghe.

He first cut off a piece of liver, the tenderest piece of meat, and sent it to the sacrifice, and then distributed the meat to the people in the tribe.

The old and weak children in the tribe consciously stepped aside, and let the people of the hunting party go to get the meat first.

The members of the hunting team, whether male or female, will receive more meat, and those who contribute more will receive additional rewards. When it was Kumano's turn, Xiong He gave him a piece of raw meat and a heart like an ostrich dragon. .

Kumano picked it up and went to the lit fire to cook for himself.

One after another, other people came to him and grilled meat around the fire with him, but... Shi Li didn't come.

Kumano stood up and found himself in the crowd.

Although Shi Li likes to sleep, he never misses the matter of dividing the meat. Sometimes he eats his share when the meat is not cooked... Why is he not here today

But he didn't see Shi Li, only Yang Ying and Yang Su.

"Where's Shi Li?" Kumano walked over and saw Yang Ying and Yang Su were roasting meat, and the roasted meat was still very large.

The two of them can't get that much, and there must be a lion's share in it.

Yang Ying glanced at Kumano, but with outsiders around, she was very polite to Kumano: "He is sleeping, let us come out and get food for him."

Kumano originally wanted to ask Shi Li to chop down trees together at night, but Shi Li was going to sleep and didn't even come out to eat... He should go by himself.

At that time, I can give Shi Li a surprise.

Kumano went back to his place, ate a quarter of his barbecue, and planned to take the rest back to the cave.

He is accustomed to storing food, and he ran out of food in the past winter, which actually made him a little unaccustomed... We must find a way to bring a big guy back tomorrow!

There are many people who think like Kumano, and some people even eat only one-fifth of the meat or even less. The hunting team will not go hunting tomorrow, and then there will be no meat points.

What's more, there is still bone broth to drink today.

The soup boiled with ostrich-like bones has some wild vegetables in it. Although it doesn't taste good, it can make you feel full after drinking it!

But Kumano didn't go for the soup - he didn't like to eat grass!

Night had come, and the fire in the square was extinguished. Kumano took the rest of the meat back to the cave and put it away, then left the cave with his stone axe and walked towards the exit of the col.

There was a door tied with wood and vines at the exit, and a cat crouched beside it.

This is a member of the tribe, Kumano's cousin Mao Jin, she is only fourteen years old, and her animal form is weak, but because she is very alert after taking the form of a beast, she has taken the initiative to guard the gate since a year ago.

Kumano felt that she did a good job, and everyone should make their efforts useful.

Seeing Kumano, Mao Jin let out a "meow", licked his paws, and fell down again.

Kumano smiled, opened the door and walked out.

They generally do not destroy the forest near the tribe. Kumano walked out, nimbly shuttled through the forest, and soon came to a forest far away from the tribe, and then began to chop down trees.

After cutting down the big tree and removing the branches and leaves on it, he got a thick piece of wood not long after, and started tossing the next one.

He slashed four at a stretch, realizing that he would not be able to hold it any more, and Kumano stopped.

"Do you want to help?" A voice suddenly sounded, Kumano raised his head, and saw a person standing under a tree in the distance, it was Zhou.

Zhou's appearance is a bit strange - not only did he have dinosaur skins around his waist, but he also had two pieces around his body... In their tribe, usually only girls are afraid of the meat on their chests affecting hunting, or it is too cold in winter. Do.

Well, it's still quite cold now, Zhou guessed that it was too cold to hang these burdens on himself.

"Why are you here?" Kumano was a little surprised.

Zhou Dao: "Pick fruit."

Only then did Kumano notice that Zhou was holding several fruits in his hands.

It's a small, sour, but common, grassy fruit that grows from spring to fall.

He was hungry when he was a child, and he often looked for this kind of fruit to eat, even though it could make his teeth sour.

However, after he was twelve years old, he didn't eat much. Occasionally, when he picked it, it was also for Shili. At that time, the Shili family had not joined the tribe, and his mother and younger brother always had nothing to eat.

This kind of fruit should be made a little hotter. Most of the flowers are still blooming at the moment, and I don't know where Zhou found it.

Kumano said: "I don't need your help." Can Zhou's small body be able to carry wood

Kumano pulled a vine, tied up four pieces of wood, and took off the animal skin around him, turning into a brown bear.

His animal shape is very large, and changing into a beast shape consumes a lot of energy. He usually does not do this, but today he is very full and there is food at home, so he is not worried.

"Roar!" Kumano shouted towards Zhou - the animal form couldn't speak, so he had to do it.

It's just that Zhou didn't know what he was looking at, but he turned his head and turned his head after hearing his voice.

Kumano motioned for the other party to follow, and then walked forward, deliberately slowing down.

He was afraid that Zhou would not be able to keep up.

The two moons in the sky, one in the west and the other in the east, shed some light, but it was enough for Kumano to see the road ahead. .

It should be a small ornithopod dinosaur, but unfortunately there is too much movement on his side, and often those little dinosaurs have run away before he can get close...

Kumano felt a little pity, but soon calmed down again.

At night, it is not suitable for hunting.

As Kumano walked, he unconsciously walked faster, but Zhou actually followed behind him and didn't fall behind.

Kumano turned his head and glanced at Zhou.

Although this person is not awakened, his physical strength is good. Also, when Zhou's mother was still alive, she never felt wronged when it came to eating!

Eat well and drink well every day, and Zhou's body will definitely not be too bad.

Although an ordinary person like Zhou can do very few things, it is not impossible for him to join the hunting team. Kumano felt that after returning home, he should urge Zhou to exercise well.

He wants to be the patriarch, and the patriarch should be responsible to everyone in the clan!

The two were one after the other, and soon returned to the tribe.

Kumano put down the wood, turned into a human figure and put on clothes, and said to Zhou: "You have followed me for so long without falling behind. You are still very good. You will be able to exercise well in the future, and you will definitely be able to join the hunting team! Then you will be able to eat meat every day. It's gone!"

In Kumano's view, eating grass is definitely a painful thing. Some people like to eat a few bites of grass when they are in the form of beasts.

But now Zhou... It is estimated that there is no meat.

Zhou turned around, looked at Kumano, and said, "My name is Zhou Ji."

Kumano looked at Zhou Ji in surprise: "Are you awakened? What animal is Ji? Why isn't it called Ji Zhou?"

Zhou Ji: "… "