Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 39: 39|Rolling bears


After the priest classified Xiong Mao as a bear, he picked up the little panda who was still a baby and rubbed it: "This little bear looks really good!"

Bear fur was shy from being rubbed, and rolled into a black and white ball.

Zhou Ji felt that the priest of the big bear tribe was unreliable, but he quite liked this open-minded priest. As for the little panda in the priest's arms, it looked good.

But it's fine for him to take a look, he's not interested in getting started, he still prefers Kumano's animal shape.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ji glanced at Kumano, and then found that Kumano was looking eagerly at the panda in the priest's arms.

Unexpectedly, Kumano likes furry animals...

Kumano really likes small furry animals, of course, the most important thing is that the animal shape of fur is too cute.

However, people in the tribe generally do not let people touch their animal shape.

After taking a few glances, Xiong Ye decided to leave: "Zhou Ji, I'm going to find some fruit for you to eat? The people from the collection team picked the fruit and came back." Why didn't Zhou Ji wake up? If only Zhou Ji awakened into such a little bear! Even if he couldn't awaken into such a cute bear, he wouldn't despise him if he awakened into a mouse!

Some mice are so cute!

Kumano thought so, and glanced at the priest.

Zhou Ji didn't notice Kumano's expression and said, "Wait."

Another child awakened, and the priest put the newly awakened bear fur on the ground and went to see the child.

After the children wake up, they can't change back to human form immediately. The red panda just wandered around on the ground and looked at Kumano with a pair of small black eyes.

Zhou Ji pinched the skin on the back of his neck, picked him up and put him in Kumano's arms: "Here you are."

Xiong Mao was a little stunned when he was picked up - although it didn't hurt to be picked up like this, Zhou Ji was a little unfriendly to him...

Does Zhou Ji dislike him? Will his brother dislike him

Although Xiong Mao and Kumano have little contact, he has always admired Kumano, his half-brother, but he is just embarrassed to approach him.

If Kumano hated him, he thought he would be very sad.

Just as he was tangled, Xiong Mao was put into Kumano's arms by Zhou Ji.

The red panda curled up again shyly, buried his face in his paws, and showed his little black eyes from behind the paws to look at Kumano.

Kumano couldn't help but touched a few hands and asked Zhou Ji, "You... what are you doing for me?" He had never held such a small thing before...

"Let you take him to eat." Zhou Ji said, the little black bear who woke up first was already eating, and the little panda should also want to eat something.

"Then let's go eat together." Kumano hugged the red panda, went to grab a piece of centipede meat, and put it in his hand to feed the red panda.

The soft red panda was eating slowly. Kumano felt that his palms were itchy, and he had to touch the red panda a few more times.

Kumano was very happy, Zhou Ji looked at Kumano like this, but he wanted to feed Kumano's animal shape like this.

When Zhou Ji and Xiong Ye were feeding Xiong Mao, Shi Li had come to his senses.

He knew why the bear-fur awakened animal shape was different from his previous life, it must be because he ate the flesh of a centipede.

Cheap him!

Shi Li thought about it this way, and wanted to eat the meat of the breast centipede, but it had already been robbed.

He can only grab other to eat.

At the same time, Yang Su looked at Xiong Mao, who was being held in Kumano's arms, and was also furious.

Although Kumano used to come to his house a lot, he had never treated him like this.

His brother, why not Kumano, but Shi Li

Yang Su gave Shi Li an indignant look. These days Shi Li completely ignored him and his mother, and he hated Shi Li more and more.

Although Kumano liked the animal shape of Xiongmao very much, he let go after holding him for a while, and said to Xiongmao: "I have seen your claws and teeth, your fighting power should not be too bad in the future, you must exercise well, so that To be a mighty warrior!"

The little panda nodded earnestly, looking very well-behaved.

This time, even Zhou Ji couldn't help but touch his head.

But after touching it, Zhou Ji withdrew her hand and went to touch Kumano's hair again.

Kumano looked at Zhou Ji with dissatisfaction.

Zhou Ji smiled and said, "I still prefer your animal shape."

Kumano suddenly felt elated: "When I return to the cave next time, I will transform into a beast for you to touch."

He used to see people in the tribe playing with each other in animal shapes and touching each other's hair after they had objects. He was very envious. Although Zhou Ji couldn't touch him without animal shapes, he could touch Zhou Ji.

Kumano was full of anticipation, but Zhou Ji felt that - Kumano was implying

They just got married, and the night is the night of the bridal chamber. Maybe the step of the bridal chamber in this tribe is to touch the hair first, and then...

When Zhou Ji thought of this, he thought he would be a little repelled, but he didn't expect the opposite, and he was looking forward to it.

When he first agreed to become a partner with Kumano, he still thought that the two of them were just a show, and it would be good to be a nominal partner in the future, but now that a few days have passed, his thoughts have changed a lot.

He dared not say that he had fallen in love with Kumano, but he did not reject what happened with Kumano.

It's this up and down question...

Zhou Ji lives in the modern age of information explosion, of course he knows what to do between men and men.

Before Kumano, he had never liked a man, and now he thinks Kumano is very good, but he is a little unacceptable to ask him to do the following.

But looking at Kumano's appearance, it doesn't look like the one below.

It's really not good, he'll pretend to be sick first, he needs to get used to it first.

Kumano and Zhou Ji were talking, and the priest who had been watching over the awakening of all the children came over.

After the priest came over, he first looked at Zhou Ji in amazement, and then asked, "Zhou Ji, are you really okay?"

"I'm fine." Zhou Ji said.

"What happened to you yesterday?" the priest asked again. He was committed to understanding each disease, so that the next time he encountered the same situation, he would have a reference.

"I ate the wrong thing yesterday." Zhou Ji said. He is actually not a reckless person. If the messy situation did not occur yesterday, the fruit would not be so deceptive. After he got the fruit back, he would definitely eat it slowly according to the situation of himself and Kumano.

But this fruit is so pitted!

Now all the energy is in his body, not to mention the wedding gift for Kumano, which made Kumano worry for a long time, Zhou Ji felt very guilty.

"Did you eat the wrong thing? Didn't I say that you can't eat indiscriminately?" Before the priest could speak, Kumano was already angry and looked at Zhou Ji dissatisfiedly.

Kumano said something like this... Zhou Ji touched his nose a little embarrassedly.

The priest also said: "Many plants are inedible, you must pay attention in the future!"

"I will." Zhou Ji said.

The priest suddenly thought of something: "Do you like all kinds of plants?" He often saw Zhou Ji eating "grass", not only that, according to Kumano, the magical herbs that can make people sleep and improve their health , also found by Zhou Ji.

"Yes." Zhou Ji nodded.

The priest asked: "Would you like to learn to identify herbs with me?" Zhou Ji has not awakened, and there is no hope of going hunting. As for gathering... He is not a gregarious person, and he has been rejected by the gathering team, and he is afraid that he will not be able to do well.

The priest was very worried about Zhou Ji's future life.

But if Zhou Ji learned to identify plants with him, and then learned to grow around the tribe, he would have a skill that would allow him to live.

A priest is actually a person who is very willing to teach others, but unfortunately some people can't teach no matter how, and some people don't want to be priests after teaching. He is very worried.

Zhou Ji was moved when he heard the priest's words.

Before, he didn't want to integrate into this tribe, so naturally he didn't want to expose his plant abilities, and even tried to hide it.

Because of this, he didn't eat the plants that shouldn't appear in this season. Most of the plants that he usually brought back to Kumano to eat were also eaten by the people in the tribe.

This is actually quite troublesome, and now that he is married to Kumano, he will integrate into the tribe sooner or later.

He didn't want to hunt and was afraid of trouble, but he didn't mind being a doctor in the tribe, it would be good for Kumano, it would help Kumano to have a good impression, and it would also make his life comfortable.

And if he wants to be a doctor, of course he can't be a doctor, it is better to learn from the priest first.

Thinking so, Zhou Ji looked at the priest: "Okay."

"Then come and learn from me tomorrow!" The priest said, Zhou Ji's exploratory spirit, who dares to taste everything, is really suitable for learning to identify plants!

"Okay." Zhou Ji nodded again, and suddenly remembered one of her doubts: "Priest... Grandpa priest, why does the flame flower bloom on the same day?"

The large flames bloomed very beautifully, but he didn't know how to do it - when the flames bloomed before, he was still absorbing the excess energy in his body, and he didn't use his mental power to investigate.

"The flame flower is formed by the blood of the beast god. The beast god sprinkles water in the sky, and the flame flower can open." The priest said seriously: "As for why it opens today... We devoutly water the flame flower, pray to the beast god, and the flame will bloom. The flowers are open."

Zhou Ji helped the priest to sum up, probably... Just pour some water, and the flame flower will bloom.

That's what happened!

"What if it rained before the Beast God Festival and the flame flowers bloomed earlier?" Zhou Ji asked again.

"The flame flower will not bloom under light rain. If it blooms under heavy rain... that means the beast god came to our tribe in advance, and we should hold the beast god sacrifice earlier." The priest looked up at the sky: "This is the beast god's favor for a tribe. ."

It turns out that it can still be like this... Zhou Ji asked again: "Is the time of the beast god sacrifice fixed?"

The priest said: "After one animal god sacrifice, count three hundred and eighty-seven days, and that's the day of the next beast god sacrifice."

"Are other tribes like this?"

The priest said: "I don't know about this, but my teacher said that the time when the beast gods go to each tribe is different, so if some tribes are far apart, the time when they hold the beast god sacrifice is also different. "

Zhou Ji: "..." The time for the so-called beast gods to go to each tribe is different... It should be that in different climates, the time for the flames to bloom is different, right

These people are amazing, no matter what, they can justify themselves.

Zhou Ji felt that he could learn a little bit, so that when he had to use powers in the future, he could learn to fool people.

For example, telling others that you are the messenger of the beast god.

As an atheist, Zhou Ji doesn't believe in the existence of beast gods, but he likes to chat with priests.

Priests are rare learned people in the tribe.

Although the learned man was illiterate, he counted with the help of branches.

On the night of the Beast God Festival, the people in the tribe almost reveled all night.

Zhou Ji wanted to go back to rest early, but Kumano obviously liked the lively scene outside and was not in a hurry to go back at all.

When Zhou Ji saw this, he could only wait.

In the second half of the night, the Beast God Festival finally ended.

Kumano and Zhou Ji returned to the cave together, and looked at Zhou Ji through the moonlight that penetrated outside the cave: "I'm so happy today."

Although he was very worried and scared in the morning, Zhou Ji recovered later!

He and Zhou Ji became partners, and he will be a partner in the future!

Kumano was really happy the more he thought about it.

"I'm very happy today too." Zhou Ji said.

Hearing the words, Kumano leaned over and kissed Zhou Ji, and said, "We are partners now, so we can make out."

Zhou Ji looked at Xiong Ye, and was thinking about whether to pretend to be uncomfortable, when Xiong Ye said, "I'll touch you."

As he spoke, he turned into a big bear.

Zhou Ji smiled, sitting on the ground and brushing his hair slowly, and then helplessly found that Kumano had lost his hair.

Brown bears change a batch of fur when summer comes, and not only that, but the color of the fur also changes.

Zhou Ji just took off a lot of Kumano's hair.

Kumano was obviously very comfortable and kept humming, and after a while, he fell asleep.

Zhou Ji: "… "

Kumano, who jumped up and down at the Beast God Festival before, fell asleep like this when he was in the bridal chamber

Doesn't he want to do something

Or because you are too tired

Thinking that Kumano didn't sleep all night to take care of him last night, Zhou Ji couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

The energy in his body hasn't been absorbed yet, and at this time, it is slowly sent to Kumano's body...

The energy he sent in was obviously beneficial to Kumano's body. Kumano slept more soundly and shed his hair faster.

Such a big bear, so hairy...

Zhou Ji rubbed it all night, but he didn't finish masturbating, and there was a basket of bear feathers in the basket next to him. He felt that he could make a small blanket.

Of course, he was busy all night, and he did more than just brushing hair.

After he lived with Kumano, he began to send energy to Kumano. Although Kumano could not fully absorb it, he absorbed a lot. He absorbed more last night. Therefore, the crystal core in Kumano has turned slightly yellow. .

As for himself...

After a night passed, Zhou Ji finally completely absorbed the energy in his body. The purple crystal nucleus in his body became perfect and complete, and it contained powerful energy.

He was so full of strength that he could easily pick up Kumano's animal shape... In fact, last night he used energy to make Kumano sleep well, turned Kumano over, and the fur on both sides of him was turned over. All sorted out.

It was already dawn, and a new day had begun, but both Kumano and the rest of the tribe were still sound asleep.

On the second day of the Beast God Festival, everyone didn't do anything, and they could sleep as much as they wanted.

Zhou Ji first spawned some plants to eat, and then boiled the meat while cutting a piece of wood from the wood he brought back by Kumano a few days ago, and started to make a comb.

With a comb, it will be more convenient to give Kumano book hair.

In addition, he didn't have time to do things like tableware and chopsticks before, but now he can.

There are all kinds of seasonings, but also get out as soon as possible.

There are so many delicacies in this world, and Kumano cannot be allowed to eat boiled and grilled meat every day. He also wants to change his taste.

Zhou Ji even began to think about whether to develop aquaculture.

Although pigs, sheep and cows cannot be raised, can chickens, ducks and elephants be raised

When Zhou Ji began to plan the future, the beast king Xiangtian finished the beast god sacrifice in the beast temple, and then rushed to the wild forest without stopping.