Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 4: 4. To hunt


Zhou Ji stopped talking after that.

Kumano thinks that there should be no such animal as "Ji". Zhou Ji mostly sees other people's names with two characters, and thinks like this, so he will give himself the name "Zhou Ji".

After moving the logs to the entrance of his cave one by one, Kumano was very tired even though he was in good health. He lay down and fell asleep.

It rained the next day, and it was drizzling.

Kumano opened the door, only to be shivered by the rain and fog blowing towards him.

He began to wonder if he should wear animal skins like Zhou Ji did, but he quickly rejected the idea.

That was too inconvenient, not to mention that he basically hunted in the shape of a beast, and it was inconvenient to wear a beast on a leash.

The cave where Kumano lives is facing south, and the orientation is good, but the location is a bit high, and it is very inconvenient to get in and out. Before he came in, there was only a narrow platform at the entrance, and there were no stairs to go down.

However, in the past few years, he has excavated the platform a little wider, and cut out some grooves to facilitate climbing down, and it is much more convenient to go up and down.

But now that some wood is piled up at the entrance of the cave, the road is not easy to walk, but Kumano moves dexterously, but he doesn't care at all. In the blink of an eye, he came to the bottom of the mountain.

Then, he went straight to Shi Li.

The tribe's hunting team only went out every other day, and on the day when he didn't go out, he basically went hunting with Shi Li.

His animal form is much heavier than Shi Li, and his strength is stronger than Shi Li, but his movements are not as flexible as Shi Li's beast form, and his combat power is not much stronger than that of Shi Li.

They can't keep chasing the prey, so they usually lie in ambush, and when the prey comes, the two will attack together. Generally, Shi Li will attack the neck of the prey, and he will attack the side of the prey. As long as the prey can be thrown down, the prey is in their pockets.

The two of them have been hunting together for several years, and they work very well together. But since Shi Li joined the tribe, he doesn't have to worry about starvation like before, he's been a little lazy...

This is a common problem for people who have awakened to lions. If no one bothers Shi Li and he is full again, he can even sleep all day and night.

But even so, Kumano felt that hunting was still necessary.

Without food, he would feel uneasy, and there is... Shi Li has a mother and a younger brother to support.

In their tribe, in a situation like Shi Li, it would be good for a mother who is willing to raise his own mother, but generally he would not raise his younger brother. Anyway, the younger brother would not starve to death, and an orc at this age could already do some things.

But Shi Li is different. He is very kind to his mother and younger brother. Usually, he would rather starve himself than feed his mother and younger brother.

As a result, they need more food - Shi Li's younger brother is growing, and now he can eat more and more every day.

Kumano came to the door of Shili's cave, shouted, and the door was opened, this time it was Yangsu who opened the door.

Yang Su had a good attitude towards Kumano when he was a child, but when he woke up at the age of ten and became a sheep, his attitude towards Kumano plummeted. Xiong Ye was very puzzled and asked Shi Li specifically. Shi Li said that he had awakened into a useless sheep and felt unhappy, so he complained to them.

Xiong Ye felt that Yangsu couldn’t do it like this, Mao Jin awakened into a little cat, can’t he also watch the door

What Yangsu awakened was a goat. According to the sacrificial grandfather, this animal can walk on steep rock walls, the horns on its head can fight, and it can run fast, which is not too bad... But Yangsu never Having practiced these skills, he is not even willing to transform into a beast to adapt to his body.

"Yangsu, what about Shili?" Kumano asked.

Yang Su looked at Kumano and rolled his eyes, but still said, "I'll call him."

Kumano nodded and did not go in, just waiting at the door.

Shi Li's cave is divided into two halves, one of which is exclusive to Shi Li - Shi Li doesn't like to be disturbed when he sleeps.

At this moment, Xiongye saw Yangsu walking towards Shili and said, "Brother, brother, Xiongye is here to find you!"

"It's noisy!" Shi Li's voice was very impatient.

Yangsu was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Kumano and said, "It was Kumano who came to find you."

Shi Li just came out of the room. He tugged at his brown hair and said, "I'm hungry, what about food?"

"It's there!" Yang Su pointed at the stone bowl on the wooden table next to him.

Shi Li looked at the stone bowl and saw the heart and flesh with teeth marks on it, and was immediately annoyed.

This is... let him eat the rest of the others

"Brother, my mother and I left most of our hearts for you." Sheep Speedometer Gong.

"This heart was originally given to me, right? You only left half of it for me?" Shi Li said dissatisfiedly, how many years has he not eaten anything that others have bitten? !

Yangsu went to call Shi Li before, and was a little unhappy when Shi Li roared "to death", but now seeing Shi Li like this, he was even more stunned.

Shi Li's character is a bit domineering and likes others to follow him in everything, but he is still very generous to them. Will only find a way to hunt again, and will not talk about them.

It is because of this that they do not want Shi Li and Kumano to become partners.

After Shi Li and Kumano became partners and moved out, could they still be so nice to them

Can they still eat with Shi Li

As a result, Shi Li has not yet formed a partner with Kumano, so he will not give them meat!

Sheep speed is like a big enemy for a time.

After Shi Li got angry, he focused on Xiong Ye.

The current Kumano is not the same as the Kumano in his impression.

The Kumano in his impression is very powerful and intimidating, but the Kumano in front of him is different. He looks young and immature, especially youthful.

Seeing him, Kumano also smiled and smiled very nicely.

Shi Li's heart moved. When he was young, he really liked Kumano. There was no one better than Kumano in their tribe, but after a long time, he became annoyed.

It is impossible for him to become a partner with Kumano again, but if he does not become a partner with Kumano, he can also be with Kumano. The two can live together like most of the people in the tribe, and they will separate if they feel inappropriate in the future. , good gathering and good scattered.

No, there is no need to separate. When he becomes stronger, there can naturally be many people around him.

As for Kumano... Although Kumano is determined to find a single-minded partner, but if he is strong enough, Kumano will definitely not leave him.

Shi Li thought about it a lot, but Xiong Ye didn't think much about it. He just felt that Shi Li's eyes were weird when he looked at him, and... Shi Li, like Zhou Ji, wrapped a beast skin on his body.

Wasn't he annoyed with being wrapped in animal skins before

Kumano said: "Shi Li, let's go hunting."

Shi Li didn't want to eat what others had eaten, and he vaguely remembered that Kumano's craftsmanship was better... He nodded.

Kumano said: "When I went to the woods to chop down trees last night, I saw Hyphotodon, if only we could catch one today! If not, we'll go catch fish."

When the tribe hunts in groups, everyone divides the labor and cooperates, and they always get something. However, when he and Kumano go hunting, they may not be able to catch the prey every time. Sometimes they wait carefully for a long time, but they can't catch anything. .

Usually, at such times, Kumano would choose to catch fish, and it would be better to find some edible plants.

After he woke up at the age of ten, he ran out of the tribe to exercise animal form. When he practiced too much and was starving, he even gnawed on the turf.

Because of this, he especially hated eating grass.

Shi Li's expression froze.

He recalled how they all hunted at this time.

At that time, he even bit the prey directly with his mouth, and also went to the muddy small pool for a long time to catch a few fish - he wanted to go to a bigger river to catch, but Kumano was worried that there were dangerous creatures there, so he was not allowed to go.

Thinking back to the past, Shi Li couldn't help but dislike it, and at this time he saw it was raining outside...

"It's raining outside?" Shi Li frowned.

"Yeah." Kumano was very happy: "This rainy day is very suitable for hunting." The light rain will interfere with the sight and smell of the prey, making it easier for them to catch the prey.

Shi Li said: "I'm not feeling well today, so I won't go." Compared with hunting, he should continue to practice! Sharpening knives does not cut firewood by mistake. Only when you are strong can you gain the respect of others!

In his last life, he didn't finally become the Beast King until he was fifty years old. In this life, he practiced a few years earlier, and maybe he could become the Beast King in his thirties!

"Do you have enough food?" Kumano frowned.

"Enough." Shi Li said, in their tribe, many people only participated in collective hunting, and didn't they starve to death? The food they received was even less than his.

"You'd better go with me." Kumano said again, Shi Li can't stand starvation, winter has just passed and there are few prey in early spring, and they don't have food... If they don't go hunting at this time, does Shi Li have enough to eat

"I don't want to go." Shi Li said, what he didn't like the most was that Kumano forced him to do something he didn't like to do, so couldn't he let him sleep well

Of course, he didn't want to sleep now, but wanted to practice.

Yesterday, he had already started to practice. Although he practiced very slowly because he had just started, he had already achieved something.

"Did you get hurt yesterday?" Kumano asked. Yesterday morning, he was with Shi Li during the group hunting. At that time, it seemed that Shi Li was not injured, but he was not sure... Shi Li has always loved face.

"No. I'm just not feeling well." Shi Li was a little annoyed when asked by Kumano, and turned back to his nest.

Xiong Ye didn't know what happened to Shi Li, he looked at the sky and had no choice but to go to Hu Yue.

Huyue, his half-sister, awakened to become a tiger.

They have a good relationship, and the tribe often cooperates when hunting in groups. If Shili is unwilling to go hunting, it is also good to go to Huyue.

It was still early, and when Kumano passed by, Huyue hadn't set out yet, and was eating. Hearing of Kumano's intention, Huyue said: "I made an appointment with Xiong Bai to go together, if you want to go, we can Together."

"I'll go with you." Kumano said.

Xiong Bai was a woman about his age. The bear he awakened was a brown bear, the largest of the bear species, while the bear that Bear White awakened was a black bear, only one-third the size of him.

Of course, even so, Xiong Bai's combat effectiveness is also very strong - she is good at climbing trees, not only can help observe when the prey comes, but also unexpectedly fall from the tree to attack the prey.

After a while, Xiong Bai came.

Although Xiong Bai is called "White", her animal shape is black, not to mention her human shape is quite black. She is the bodybuilder Kumano saw yesterday.

"Xiong Ye, you want to go with us? Where's Shi Li?" Xiong Bai's eyes lit up when he saw Xiong Ye.

Xiong Ye is the most eye-catching among the younger generation of the tribe, and he is a bear like Xiong Bai. Xiong Bai has liked him since he was a child and runs behind him all day long.

Kumano said: "He's not feeling well, he won't go today, let's go quickly."

Xiong Bai nodded, and the three quickly left the tribe.

When tribes hunt in groups, they will go to places where there is a lot of prey, but when a few people go out hunting, they don't do that.

The three went to the southeast of the Col, a place with many bushes.

In some places, the trees grow very tall, so there are only fallen leaves and a few shade-loving plants underneath, but here the trees are all low, and there are many flowers and plants under the trees.

The three of Kumano turned into prototypes and walked slowly for a while. Kumano suddenly straightened up and looked in one direction: "It smells like a Dierodon."

The three discussed it, smeared soil on their bodies to cover up the smell, and then chose a bush to hide.

They hoped that the Dimetrodon would come to them, but the Dimetrodon didn't come as they thought... It went further and further.

They can only change places to continue.

As a result, this time, they actually saw a Prissosaurus with a body length of about three meters eating a clump of ferns.

The back of the Prissosaurus was covered with a thick layer of scales and sharp bone spurs. Many carnivorous dinosaurs did not like to prey on them, but Kumano was very good at dealing with this dinosaur.

"Wait for Xiong Bai to attract its attention, I will turn him over, Tiger Moon will attack!" Kumano said, Ridgeback Dragon's back leaves them nowhere to go, but its belly is a weak point. Although his claws are ten centimeters long Long, but not sharp enough, Huyue is different, Huyue can easily tear open the abdomen of the Prismatic Dragon with one claws.

Of course, Huyue couldn't turn the three-meter-long Ridgeback Dragon over...

The three of them lurked, looking at the edged-backed dragon, as if they were looking at a small mountain of meat.