Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 41: 41|Explore


Zhou Ji without hesitation withdrew the hand held by the priest: "I don't want to."

Priest: "..."

The priest was a little unwilling: "Why?"

And why, of course, I don't want to dance and sing.

What's more... Being a priest in such a small tribe is actually not easy.

Priests don't have to hunt or gather. Every time the best part of the food that the hunting team hunts, they will be given to the priests. It looks pretty good, but in fact, the priests are very busy.

When the people in the tribe encounter something that they can’t solve by themselves, they all turn to the priest. The priest is also responsible for many affairs in the tribe, and even the farming. The people of the Big Bear tribe have not yet learned to cultivate systematically, but I already know some simple planting methods, such as sowing some seeds around the tribe, planting some edible grass around the tribe, and then telling the people in the tribe not to pick all of them.

In short, when someone is sick, they go to a priest; when a child wakes up, they go to a priest; when someone dies, they go to a priest; even if someone is about to give birth, they will go to a priest to watch and even help deliver the birth.

The priests were so busy that they couldn't even leave the tribe.

Zhou Ji didn't want to find so many things for himself at all.

Haven't had enough days when you can't even get a good night's sleep in the last days? Why take it up

"I'm lazy." Zhou Ji said.

Priest: "..." He thought about a lot of possibilities, but he didn't think of this possibility!

Zhou Ji didn't want to be a priest because he was lazy!

The corner of the priest's mouth twitched, and he felt a little sad: "You have been favored by the beast god, and you have finally become wise, but because you are lazy and unwilling to do things, how will you live in the future?"

"Kumano raise me." Zhou Ji smiled.

The priest wanted to drive Zhou Ji out.

Zhou Ji said sternly: "Grandpa Priest, I just want to be with Kumano, live quietly, and don't want to worry about too many things."

The priest looked at Zhou Ji, and Zhou Ji said again: "I did receive a gift from the beast god. After my mother died, I understood a lot of things at once. I am willing to contribute to the tribe, but I don't want to be a priest."

"What do you understand?" The priest was excited.

Zhou Ji said: "For example, the role of senna, such as the role of soothing herbs, when I saw these plants, I inexplicably knew their role."

The priest looked at Zhou Ji inquiringly, and it was a bit abnormal that Zhou Ji suddenly improved, and even became so smart.

The people in the tribe have no contact with the previous Zhou Ji, and they are not familiar with the current Zhou Ji, and they do not understand Zhou Ji. There are a lot of strange things about Sakura.

But he also saw that Zhou Ji had no ill will towards the people in the tribe, and was also good to Kumano.

Yesterday, Zhou Ji even became a partner with Kumano under the witness of the beast god and Huohuahua, and his condition suddenly improved at the beast god sacrifice.

He is willing to believe Zhou Ji, so he wants Zhou Ji to be a priest, but Zhou Ji is not willing...

The priest's brows furrowed, and after a while, they relaxed again: "As you like..." He didn't believe that he couldn't find someone who could take over!

"Thank you." Zhou Ji said.

The priest then said: "Since you have received a gift from the beast god, tell me quickly!"

Zhou Ji just met the eyes of the priest full of curiosity.

He had the feeling that he was causing trouble for himself.

Kumano went to the river again. After all, fish is easy to catch, and Zhou Ji likes to eat fish.

Not only that, but sometimes other prey will be encountered by the river.

Walking along the river to a place farther from the tribe, Kumano harvested seven or eight fish and caught another snake.

He also saw frogs or something, but none of them were big, so he didn't catch them.

Kumano plans to go back. This kind of harvest is not enough for him to eat, but Zhou Ji eats less, but it is enough. The most important thing is that he is in a hurry to go back to accompany Zhou Ji.

Today is their first day as a partner! Let's make out at night!

Kumano killed all the prey and washed them, and returned to the tribe happily, and then found that Zhou Ji was still with the priest. Not only that, but when he wanted to take Zhou Ji away, the priest would not let him go.

Kumano: "Grandpa Priest! Zhou Ji is hungry!"

"Yes, I'm hungry." Zhou Ji said.

The priest looked at Kumano with a face full of condemnation. How good was Kumano in the past, he was very respectful to him, but now he is all about Zhou Ji!

The priest could only say: "Zhou Ji, come over after you have eaten."

"It gets dark after dinner." Kumano said.

"Then come back tomorrow." The priest could only say.

Zhou Ji thought about it, and finally agreed.

In the last days, because of his plant powers, he read a lot of books on plants, and he still knew a lot about all kinds of plants on earth, but many plants in this place were not found on earth.

For example, the flame flower, for example, the unknown fruit he accidentally ate.

Today, he explained the use of some plants to the priest, but in the same way, the priest also explained the use of some plants to him.

This world is really amazing, and Zhou Ji has become curious.

Obviously he had no curiosity before.

The fish that Kumano caught this day was relatively large, not the size of a palm like before. Zhou Ji cut it into several pieces, frying it in oil first, then boiled it in water, and after adding water, put it in front of him. A few days of pickles with a pinch of salt were put in.

After he thought about making pickles, he couldn't make more because the salt was not enough, but he made a little bit. The pickles had only been marinated for a few days, but they already had a bit of a pickle taste. After cooking them in fish soup for a while, the fish The soup looked extraordinarily delicious.

Of course he would think so, probably because he hadn't eaten well for a long time...

Zhou Ji divided the pot of fish soup into two, half for himself and half for Kumano.

He was used to eating fish and picked out all the bones, but Kumano was the opposite. Except for the larger bones, he directly chewed and swallowed the small bones.

After dividing the fish, Zhou Ji slowly ate it.

Xiong Ye was afraid that Zhou Ji would not have enough to eat. After Zhou Ji distributed the fish to him, he did not rush to eat it, but looked at Zhou Ji. Now that Zhou Ji had to pick out such a small fish bone, he felt distressed for a while.

Zhou Ji is too weak!

Kumano picked out all the meat without small bones on the belly of the fish in his bowl, gave it to Zhou Ji, and gave the snake meat without bones to Zhou Ji: "You eat more."

Zhou Ji looked up at Kumano, smiled, and ate all the meat that Kumano gave him.

Kumano was definitely not enough to eat such a thing. After he had eaten the delicious fish soup, he ate another piece of grilled meat.

For a long time, Kumano thought that meat was the best food in the world, and he never got tired of eating it, but now that he eats fish soup and then eats meat, he feels that the taste of meat is not so good...

Kumano felt that it was inappropriate for him to do this. It was really time-consuming and labor-intensive to make fish soup or something every day.

But seeing Zhou Ji, he felt that it was right for Zhou Ji to live a better life.

Zhou Ji is his partner, he should take good care of him!

Zhou Ji didn't know what image he was in Kumano's eyes. After eating, he said to Kumano, "Let's sleep."

In the cave where Kumano lived before, he slept after being sick a few days ago, and it was all dirty, but the cave where he slept was clean.

Originally, they should have slept in this cave on the night of the bridal chamber, but at that time Kumano turned into a beast and fell asleep outside, and he did not sleep for another night...

Zhou Ji opened the animal skin curtain he made and lay down on the animal skin cushion inside, and then waved to Kumano: "Come here quickly."

Kumano went over immediately, then hugged Zhou Ji: "Zhou Ji, I want it." After saying that, he took Zhou Ji's hand and put it under his stomach.

Zhou Ji: "..." I just came here in the morning and want to do it in the evening? The body is so good! And it is worthy of being a primitive, especially direct!

Kumano's energy is so good! Zhou Ji helped him again, and was hugged and kissed many times by him. After the end, Kumano asked, "Do you want to help?"

Zhou Ji wanted to say no, but in the end she said "yes".

And Kumano is not a vague, direct help.

Kumano's technique is really poor, the strength in his hands is neither light nor heavy!

Zhou Ji felt that she should give him more opportunities to learn.

It's good for the two of you to be together like this.

After Kumano fell asleep, Zhou Ji gave him some energy as usual, and the next day, he got up first and made breakfast as usual.

He found that after eating the fruit, he didn't even need to sleep... The fruit was really amazing.

When Kumano went hunting, he went to the priest.

The priest can be regarded as dedicated to teaching Zhou Ji, and even more dedicated to excavating a little more knowledge from Zhou Ji.

He takes Zhou Ji around the tribe every day to identify all kinds of herbs and edible plants, and he doesn't want to be free for a moment.

Zhou Ji was haunted by priests every day, and he didn't even have time to go out alone.

After he ate the fruit, he wanted to go back to see the water pool, but the priest was so wrapped up in him that he didn't have time to go.

No, he wasn't completely out of time either. After Kumano fell asleep at night, he could go out.

But he was too lazy to go out at night.

Finally, after a few days, Zhou Ji rejected the priest: "I'm going to bed today."

"With such good weather, isn't it a waste of time to sleep?" the priest said, "You should follow me and learn more."

Zhou Ji: "I have finished learning your knowledge."

Priest: "..." But your knowledge, I haven't finished it yet!

well! Why on earth did the beast god give such a precious gift to a person who only thinks about eating and sleeping all day

"You let me have a good rest, maybe I can think of some more knowledge." Zhou Ji said.

"Sleep slowly and think slowly," the priest said immediately, and went back to his cave to sleep.

These days, I take Zhou Ji everywhere. In fact, he is very tired. His old arms and legs can't stand it anymore... He also goes back to sleep, and when he is in good spirits tomorrow, he will go to Zhou Ji again.

After the priest left, Zhou Ji left the tribe, and immediately ran towards the forest where many centipedes lived.

The forest is still the same, but it's a little different - he's stronger now, and he can easily spot the centipede hidden under the ground. At the same time, it would take him several hours to travel. almost there.

The reason he walked so slowly was because he was learning to use his energy when he was on the road.

The water pool that Zhou Ji visited last time looked the same. It was the last battle that trampled a lot of flowers and plants, and they have not grown back yet.

At the same time, the originally rich energy here has completely disappeared, and the energy is even less than in other places...

As for the thoracic centipede... The huge thoracic centipede still lives in the stone crevice, and Zhou Ji has not seen other thoracic centipedes.

Zhou Ji came here this time to study why that kind of plant grows here, but before he could study it, he saw the giant centipede crawling out of the stone crevice and running towards him aggressively.

Zhou Ji turned into a beast without even thinking about it, and planned to kick the centipede out.

Wait... why did his animal form suddenly get so big? !