Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 45: 45|Mysterious Man


When Xiangtian suddenly arrived and left in a hurry, the people in the big bear tribe couldn't react.

What Shi Li said shocked them even more - Zhou Ji's father was such a powerful person

As soon as Xiangtian left, Xiong He looked at Zhou Ji with complicated eyes.

Zhou Ji's mother was very popular in the tribe at the beginning. She suddenly had a child. Many people in the tribe were curious about who the father of the child was, but no one knew... It turned out that she was not from their tribe!

However, if Zhou Ji's father is so strong, it's normal for Zhou Ji's mother to be willing to have children with others, even Zhou Ji... This is too weak!

Thinking of this, Xiong He began to sympathize with Zhou Ji.

At this time, the other people in the tribe were talking a lot: "That person was too powerful just now, I was terrified!"

"I thought I was going to die."

"There is such a strong person in this world, does he never have to worry about being hungry?"

"If only I could be so good!"

"Fortunately he didn't do anything to us."

The people in the big bear tribe have a kind of happiness for the rest of their lives, but Shi Li's mother almost went crazy: "He took Shi Li away! Patriarch, get Shi Li back!"

Even though she has been arguing with Shi Li recently, Yang Ying just wanted Shi Li to treat her better, and hoped that she could eat two more bites. She didn't want Shi Li to have an accident, and she was even afraid of Shi Li's accident.

They are not from this tribe at all. It is because of Shili that this tribe will keep them. Now that Shili is gone, will they be driven out? Does it just starve to death

"He was taken away by someone talking nonsense, how can I get him back?" Xiong He looked at Yang Ying coldly.

Xiong He's temper is very good. He has been the patriarch for many years, and he has seen all kinds of people. He usually doesn't get angry. Even if Shi Li cheated on his daughter before, he didn't do anything to Shi Li.

But at this moment, Xiong He hated and disgusted Shi Li.

The person who came from Xiangtian was not good, and even specifically asked about the centipede. He knew at the time that if a bad answer was given, the people in their tribe were afraid that they would suffer.

But even so, he didn't say that the centipede was attracted by Shi Li - he felt that it was better to have less than one thing, and there was no need for that person to pay attention to Shi Li.

As a result, Shi Li went up and down to cause trouble!

At this moment, Xiong He is really disgusted with Shi Li, as for Zhou Ji...

Looking at Zhou Ji's dazed appearance, he knew that he didn't know anything, thinking that he obviously had such a powerful father, but he didn't receive any care, and he stayed in the cave alone all the time stupid, and he was obviously disgusted today...

Xiong He felt more sympathy for Zhou Ji.

When Yang Ying was yelled at by Xiong He, she didn't dare to talk more, and at this time, the priest said: "In the next few days, everyone should be careful and don't cause trouble."

The last priest came from outside, and the priest knew some outside things from his mouth, but not much.

That elephant looks too powerful. At this moment, the priests only hope that their tribe can spend these days in peace.

Thinking like this, the priest said again: "How did you live in the past, and how will you live in the future? If a stranger comes, don't talk to them, and don't talk about today's affairs."

"Yes, priest." The people in the tribe responded in succession.

"What about Shi Li?" Yang Ying couldn't help but ask.

"We don't have the ability to bring him back. If you have the ability, you can bring him back yourself." The priest said.

When Shi Li was taken away, he was completely self-inflicted!

At this moment, the priests felt that something was wrong with Shi Li.

Shi Li has really changed a lot recently, and about Zhou Ji's father... Even he doesn't know about this, how did Shi Li know

Shi Li said that Zhou Ji's mother said it, and the priest didn't believe it.

Zhou Ji's mother trusted him as a priest very much, and he had asked Zhou Ji's mother who was Zhou Ji's father.

Zhou Ji's mother doesn't know the identity of Zhou Ji's father at all! I only know that it is a powerful wandering orc!

Speaking of which, Shi Li has changed so much. Could it be that he met someone outside? Is it still against Xiangtian

Thinking of this, the priest only hoped that Shi Li would not involve the tribe.

The people in the tribe are noisy, but Xiong Ye feels distressed for Zhou Ji at this moment: "Zhou Ji, don't be sad."

Zhou Ji's father didn't care about Zhou Ji, and he obviously disliked Zhou Ji very much. Zhou Ji must be very sad.

"I'm not sad." Zhou Ji said, he really didn't feel sad, just a little surprised.

I didn't expect the original owner to have such a father...

However, he is not the original owner, and he doesn't care about his parents' affection. He has no feelings for the father, but just feels a little embarrassed - he ate the fruit that others found in advance.

Zhou Ji pondered, and will go out later to find the father of the original owner.

After all, they are also related by blood, and the other party is about to die. If you can, it is better to help.

Seeing that Zhou Ji was very calm, Kumano immediately felt relieved.

Shi Li said before that Zhou Ji was that person's child, and when he noticed that Zhou Ji and that person really looked alike, he was actually taken aback, because he was afraid that person would take Zhou Ji away. .

Fortunately the man didn't do that.

"Zhou Ji, I'm going hunting, and I'll bring you something delicious later." Kumano said, although he encountered such a thing, he still has to go hunting, this is a major matter of the stomach!

"Okay." Zhou Ji nodded.

Seeing this, Xiong Ye was relieved and left the tribe, and the rest of the tribe also went to work.

Primitives are probably used to seeing life and death, and they are quite adaptable... Zhou Ji was thinking so, when the priest came: "Zhou Ji!"

Zhou Ji: "..." was arrested again.

Although the people in the tribe were frightened, the days passed, and Shi Li was not so comfortable.

Shi Li knows something about Xiangtian, and knows that this beastmaster is not that kind of tyrannical, and the events of his previous life have confirmed this even more - in his previous life, Xiangtian made a fuss because the big bear tribe neglected Zhou Ji. , but did not treat the big bear tribe how.

In addition, he knew that Xiangtian would die soon, and he was even more disdainful of Xiangtian.

All these things together will make him reveal Zhou Ji's identity.

As a result, the reaction of things was completely different from what he thought.

As the heavens have paid so much attention to Zhou Ji, this life is like... Can't see Zhou Ji

How is this going

Although it is true that a reaction like Tian's is normal, he has changed a lot compared to his previous life, which makes Shi Li uneasy.

Xiangtian didn't know what Shi Li was thinking. He took Shi Li to a place some distance away from the Big Bear tribe, and then threw Shi Li directly to the ground: "Tell me, how did you know my identity?"

Shi Li said, "Zhou Ji's mother said it."

As soon as Shi Li finished speaking, he was kicked by Xiangtian: "Nonsense, she doesn't even know my identity!"

Shi Li's eyes widened in shock, Xiangtian never said that in his previous life! In his last life, Xiangtian said that he liked Zhou Ji's mother very much, because he left for a few years because of something in the tribe, and when he came back, he came to find their mother and son...

What went wrong

This kind of thing out of his control made Shi Li very uncomfortable, and at this time, Xiangtian gave Shi Li another kick and kicked Shi Li out: "Speak!"

Shi Li immediately said: "It was Zhou Ji who said that Zhou Ji robbed my partner. He said at the time that his father was very powerful..."

"Don't lie!" Xiangtian kicked again.

Shi Li realized that Xiangtian wouldn't believe it, but he couldn't say that he was reborn.

"If you don't say anything, I will break your limbs." Xiang Tiandao.

"I said! It was told to me by a mysterious person, I don't know who he is." Shi Li wanted to pull out a separate beastmaster and make Xiangtian fight with people, but looking at Xiangtian, he was afraid If he talks too much, Xiangtian will kill him, so he can only say something vague, saying that a mysterious person told him about Xiangtian's identity and taught him something.

Xiangtian kicked a few more kicks, but Shi Li didn't say anything, but acted as if he knew something...

Xiangtian is not a patient person, and immediately wanted to kill Shi Li, but at this moment, he suddenly realized that something was wrong with Shi Li.

Shi Li... Is absorbing the surrounding energy spontaneously

The energy in his body is on the verge of collapse, and it has been spilling out, and this energy has been absorbed by Shi Li.

Xiangtian looked at Shi Li in shock, and then slapped Shi Li unconscious.

After knocking Shi Li stunned, Xiang Tian thought for a while and walked towards the Big Bear tribe.

But this time, he didn't go in a big way, but secretly.

He wanted to know something about the Big Bear tribe.

Xiangtian came to the Big Bear Tribe and followed some people who came out to hunt. From the chat content of these people, he quickly learned something.

For example, the lion has changed a lot recently.

For example, his stupid son was lucky enough to become Kumano's partner and was raised.

There is nothing suspicious about the people in the Big Bear tribe except the lion. As for his son... He was stupid when he was a child, but it is not surprising that he was not so stupid when he grew up. For such a weak person, finding a man to raise him is even more important. normal now.

Xiangtian looks down on such a son and is ashamed, but this is his son after all, and he will not do anything.

So now... the strangest thing is that Lion Li!

Xiang Tian was planning to go back and torture Shi Shi again to extract a confession, to find out why he could absorb the energy around him, when suddenly there was another person in front of him.

A man wearing a quirky, leaf-clad dress with a mask on his face.

He is the king of beasts, and someone approached him without him noticing at all... Who is this person? !