Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 48: 49|Recover together


Zhou Ji couldn't answer, he fainted.

After pulling up half a mountain of trees and killing an unknown number of dinosaurs, he was already exhausted.

Seeing that Zhou Ji fainted, Kumano quickly turned into a human figure to see Zhou Ji's situation.

Zhou Ji's body has no other wounds except for some scratches. He is sweating profusely, and his breathing is very fast. He should just faint from exhaustion...

Zhou Ji is here to find him? Did it come running

Kumano kissed Zhou Ji's face, and his heart was warm for a while.

It's just at night, the weather is very cold... Kumano thought about it, turned into a beast again, and put Zhou Ji in his arms.

Although the fur on his back is a little hard and a little thorny, the fur on the front is still soft, which can keep Zhou Ji warm.

Kumano's injuries were very serious, so he was a little confused, but he didn't stay confused for a long time, and it didn't take long before he heard Xionghe's voice: "Kumano! Kumano!"

Xionghe smelled the smell of Kumano, and also smelled the strong smell of blood, and his heart trembled, lest something would happen to Kumano.

Although he has several children, the animal shape most similar to him is Kumano. He has always taught Kumano carefully. To him, Kumano may be a little more important than his son - Kumano is his chosen heir.

Kumano turned into a humanoid: "Patriarch!"

"Xiong Ye is still alive!" Xiong Bai exclaimed in surprise. The people in the Xiong He belt were all old, so she was not allowed to follow him, but she was worried about Xiong Ye, so he and Niu Er followed.

After shouting for a while, she ran towards Kumano quickly.


Xiong Bai looked at Kumano and Zhou Ji who were hugging each other and rolled his eyes, knowing that she would not come!

I didn't expect to come to find someone, and I would see such a scene!

Xiong He didn't think about it that much, and looked a little surprised at the person in Kumano's arms: "This is Zhou Ji? The priest said he must have come to you, but I didn't expect it to come!"

Hearing this, Kumano couldn't help but say, "Why don't you look at him a little?"

"If we didn't pay attention, he disappeared." Xiong He said: "What happened to him?"

"Probably tired." Kumano said.

"You're tired and faint after walking for a while?" Xiong He was a little speechless, and the people who followed Xiong He were also speechless - this person is too weak!

However, his heart for Kumano is still very good.

Xiong Hedao: "Xiong Qi said you were injured, how are you?"

"It's okay, just a broken leg." Kumano said.

"How can you say it's okay with a broken leg!" Xiong Bai said without thinking.

Xiong He glanced at Xiong Bai: "It's not bad... Here are the footprints of that huge dinosaur. If Kumano was accidentally stepped on..."

Xiong Bai thought of the giant beast before, his face changed, but Kumano said: "Patriarch, that's not a dinosaur."

"Not a dinosaur?" Xiong He didn't believe it: "What is not a dinosaur?"

"It's a man. He saved me, then turned into a beast and ran up the mountain... I think he might not feel well." Kumano said, the giant beast seemed to be venting.

Xiong Ye said it simply, but Xiong He and the people who followed were stunned: "Is that a person? How can someone's animal shape be this big?"

"What is he like?"

"Why did he pull up the tree?"

Everyone asked, but Kumano didn't know either, so he could only say: "He wears very nice clothes, he is very tall, and he is different from us..."

"Such a person must be different from us!" Everyone nodded together.

The night is very dangerous. Although everyone wanted to know more news, they did not dare to delay outside. Xiong He let people carry Kumano and Zhou Ji on their backs and went to the tribe.

Hearing that the giant beast was a human being, he finally felt relieved.

Kumano's injury was actually very serious. He didn't faint before he was forced to hold on. After being carried by Niu Er, he fell asleep in a daze, and didn't wake up until he and Zhou Ji were placed in the priest's room.

"Your leg is broken, and you can't walk for half a month. I'll rub some herbs for your injury," the priest said.

"Where's Zhou Ji? How is Zhou Ji?" Kumano asked.

The priest looked helpless: "He should have fallen asleep..."

He checked, except for some wounds that should have been rubbed by flowers and plants on Zhou Ji's body, there were no other wounds, and his breathing was stable.

Obviously fell asleep.

Kumano: "…"

The priest said: "You have to urge him to exercise more in the future..."

"I will." Kumano said seriously, he not only wanted to urge Zhou Ji to exercise, but also to exercise himself.

He wants to become stronger, if he can become as strong as the one who saved him, that's great!

Zhou Ji didn't know how long he slept.

Usually, once crazy, he will sleep for a day.

In the end times, this is very dangerous, but every time he kills all the zombies around him, he often survives.

Of course, this was also because he was very strong at that time, and ordinary zombie viruses were useless to him.

And in the end, he should have died like this... He just remembered that he went crazy again before he died, and then he had no memory...

When Zhou Ji woke up, it was dawn, obviously it was the second day, and Kumano lay beside him with many wounds on his body.

After confirming that Kumano was fine, Zhou Ji breathed a sigh of relief, but soon frowned again.

Kumano almost died.

Zhou Ji has been traveling for two months. Although he has been thinking about improving the strength of Kumano, he has no sense of urgency. After all, the people in the tribe are quite weak, and Kumano is already the strongest among them. Under such circumstances , he is not in a hurry, just sending energy to Kumano every night.

But what happened today changed his view.

Early in the morning, the astonishingly powerful Xiangtian suddenly appeared in the tribe, followed by another accident in Kumano...

He originally thought that he who possessed supernatural powers and ate such a fruit by accident should be called very strong, but seeing Xiangtian... Just looking at the energy in his body, Xiangtian can be said to be no weaker than him at all. .

In the outside world, there should be people stronger than Xiangtian!

Going to see Kumano under such circumstances is really too weak.

And to improve Kumano's strength, it's not enough for him to send energy to Kumano at night...

As for relying on him to protect... He is not necessarily the strongest, not to mention that his condition is very unstable, and he cannot protect others at all.

This time Kumano can be said to be lucky.

If it wasn't for the fact that he ran up the mountain before he lost consciousness, and there were countless giant trees to consume his strength, maybe Kumano would have been trampled into flesh by him.

Under such circumstances, he would never be able to take action when something happened in the tribe, and he couldn't even hunt—if he fell into madness, the tribe might be destroyed by his hands first.

He also said before that the original owner's father was a sexist, but in fact he was, even more dangerous.

Rubbing his forehead, Zhou Ji felt helpless.

At this time, there were cheers from the valley below.

The door of their cave was not closed tightly, and even without mental power, they could hear the voice clearly: "A lot of meat! A lot of meat!"

"That monster killed a lot of dinosaurs!"

"We'll have to go a few more trips to finish the meat!"

"It's really a lot of meat, I've never seen so much meat in my life!"

Zhou Ji: "..." These should be fortunate, he was not around the tribe when he was crazy, otherwise...

"That person yesterday was really cruel!"

"He's really terrible. Is that person Zhou Ji's father?"

"He killed so many dinosaurs at will, and destroyed a mountain..."

"I felt like throwing up when I saw that scene..."

"Don't talk about it! If he hears it, he might kill you!"

Zhou Ji: "… "

"Zhou Ji, are you awake?" Kumano opened his eyes.

"Well." Zhou Ji looked at Kumano: "Yesterday..." Did Kumano not discover his identity yesterday

"Are you scared? Don't be scared." Kumano comforted.

Zhou Ji immediately determined that Kumano did not discover his identity.

He wasn't actually frightened, but at this moment, he was worried that Kumano was frightened by himself.

His crazy look is not likable.

Zhou Ji was about to ask something when Xiong Bai appeared at the entrance of their cave. She opened the door and came in with a piece of meat: "Xiong Ye, this is meat for you!"

"Why so many?" Kumano was a little surprised.

"Not much, there's more! We picked up a lot of meat and came back!" Xiong Bai said, turning over again.

Some of the meat that Xiong Bai sent was trampled, but it was also meat. Kumano still liked it very much. He had a wound on his leg, so he wanted Zhou Ji to clean it up, but when he turned his head, he saw Zhou Ji. His face was pale, and he turned his head away from the piece of meat.

Zhou Ji was absolutely frightened! Kumano felt distressed for a while.

Zhou Ji rubbed his forehead, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Before Kumano brought the prey back, because he didn't kill it, he regarded it as pork sold at the pork stall, so he didn't feel anything, but now... Thinking of that piece of meat and smelling the strong blood, he felt a pain in his head. .

He needed to calm himself down before he went crazy again.

Also... He was so noisy yesterday that he killed a lot of dinosaurs and drove away the dinosaurs around the tribe...

The people below are cheering, but Zhou Ji has a feeling that this tribe is about to end.

All the prey in the "territory" ran away, what will everyone eat in the future? How are they going to keep so much meat